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 (Open) Wessel's first visit

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(Open) Wessel's first visit Empty
PostSubject: (Open) Wessel's first visit   (Open) Wessel's first visit EmptySat Dec 12, 2015 8:17 pm

Wessel looked up from his map and grinned. He had finally found a place with population. Feral Pokémon were so hard to communicate to. He walked through the bustling town. It was nice to finally see something that resembled home. The markets reminded him of the Festival of Lugia back on Swirl Islands. He had left his home village to find people to help. He checked the shops, and looked at their products for a little while and moved on to the next. None of them seemed to need real help. He thought back to when he was home and sighed. He hated being alone, and was in desperate need of a friend, or even someone who would need help with anything.
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(Open) Wessel's first visit Empty
PostSubject: Re: (Open) Wessel's first visit   (Open) Wessel's first visit EmptyMon Dec 14, 2015 9:31 pm

Today was a particularly lazy day for Raze. For the first time, he didn't really feel like exploring, shopping, or anything really. I guess I could apply for the guild now... Nah. I still have that mission with Hidon's team, and who knows? I just might ask to join him for a while. the Electric type thought. Thinking about that team that the Charmander was spouting off about intrigued him, made him want to know a lot more than the small bits and pieces he already knew. Won't be too bad, right? Heck, it could even work out. Maybe if- the Minun began to think, only to be interrupted by a smack to the head.

"Ouch... What in the...?" he began, picking his bag up off of the floor and looking up. He had walked right into a post! Raze wiped his forehead with his arm, which had been dyed black recently. He wasn't quite sure why he'd wanted it black, but he took it more as him attempting to mask himself, in a way. I swear, one more reminder of home and I'm going to snap. As he got up, his eye caught sight of a small piece of parchment floating away in the wind. Upon a squint, he saw the faint marking of a river; the same one that his map had. "Really?!" the Cheering Pokémon shouted, crossing his arms and kicking at the dust softly. Wasn't useful at all, but it was something... Curses.
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(Open) Wessel's first visit Empty
PostSubject: Re: (Open) Wessel's first visit   (Open) Wessel's first visit EmptyMon Dec 14, 2015 9:49 pm

As if he was a Watchog searching for predators, Wessel's head darted up from the current stand he was at. He had thought he heard a really pissed off Pokémon's shout. Man I'm really sad, the young sea weasel said to himself. Am I really hoping that was someone is in trouble? He sighed and started to walk towards the next stand, when something odd had caught his eye. It was a Minun, but instead of the normal blue ears and cheek, it was black. It looked pissed off, with it's arms crossed. He didn't know why, but this somehow drew him towards the Minun. Without thinking, Wessel introduced himself to the strange, and pissed off Minun.

"Hello, I-I-I'm Wessel."

Last edited by GrimBolt on Wed Dec 16, 2015 1:13 am; edited 1 time in total
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Join date : 2015-10-09
Location : Probably getting lost at Walmart

(Open) Wessel's first visit Empty
PostSubject: Re: (Open) Wessel's first visit   (Open) Wessel's first visit EmptyMon Dec 14, 2015 10:27 pm

The mouse's attention snapped up to the source of a foreign voice. A Buizel stood there, an intrigued look on its face. "...Oh, hey Wessel. Name's Raze." he said, a much happier expression on his face. The fact that he had just lost his map flew over his head as if it was nothing; it was unusable outside of long-distance travel anyways. "Hehe, sorry about my little outburst, I- er... I tripped over something." the Minun said with a nervous laugh. He was too embarrassed to just blatantly say, "I ran into a sign". Not the first time I've run into things like that before... he noted, blushing a little. Raze had a history of running into things when he was busy in thought, usually when exploring in Shadowhue. "So, what brings you here? I mean, it's not like you just came out to town today to see me run into a- Um... Trip over something! Yeah, hehe!"
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(Open) Wessel's first visit Empty
PostSubject: Re: (Open) Wessel's first visit   (Open) Wessel's first visit EmptyMon Dec 14, 2015 10:39 pm

Wessel was surprised at how shy this Minun was. Wow, I was expecting him to be really stubborn, but he's really just a shy little Minun. Realizing that he was just staring at this stranger, he answered Raze's question sheepishly. "Oh... I-I-I'm visiting from some far off islands..." The thought of home made him trail off a little bit. I really miss the Swirl Islands. Realizing that once again he had trailed off, he shook his head goofily, and answered the question. "I've just been wandering around, looking for people in distress." He then realized this sounded evil, so he then added, "You know, to help them. You just looked a little angry, so I wanted to see if I could help." HE then realized that this little guy might be local. "I-i-if it isn't too much trouble, could you show me around? I don't like being alone, and I could use a friend."
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(Open) Wessel's first visit Empty
PostSubject: Re: (Open) Wessel's first visit   (Open) Wessel's first visit EmptyTue Dec 15, 2015 5:35 am

It was amazing how this Buizel managed to make it all the way to Grassveil from a foreign place that he hadn't even heard of. "Foreign islands... Is it literally called that? Weird home you have there, but it's really cool though. What's it like?" Raze asked innocently. There were some types that didn't like to talk much about their home, but it wouldn't stop him from asking anyways. Paying attention once more, he caught word of a request to show him around. "A little tour? I'm still a bit new around here... But sure, why not? Though you might want someone else to show you around if something's not clear. I've been told I'm not very good at explaining things." the Minun said with a shrug.

It was then that he began showing Wessel the small areas he knew about, starting with the center of town. "Alright, so here's the town center. There's a lot of booths and actual stores around here, so this is your place to go when you have no idea where to find specifics. People help you out here; everyone gets lost eventually." Raze then gestured towards the police station and guild. "See those two places right there? The one on the left is Grassveil Guild, a prestigious exploration guild where you can form a team and take missions for money and experience. If you don't plan on joining, you'd really only need it if you need a team's help. As for the building on my right, that's the police station. Sure, the guild takes outlaw missions, but these guys are like specialists. It's stricter than the guild standards-wise, but the officers I've met say that it's worth it."
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(Open) Wessel's first visit Empty
PostSubject: Re: (Open) Wessel's first visit   (Open) Wessel's first visit EmptyWed Dec 16, 2015 1:02 am

Following the strange little Minun, Wessel was shown the town square and various places. This guy sure is nice, I thought that he would be all tough and honor-bound. While they were walking he answered his question, "Actually they're called the Swirl Islands," Wessel rubbed the back of his head, "There's nothing really special about them, just some normal islands." Looking up, he noticed that they were at the police stations and the guild. "See those two places right there? The one on the left..." Wessel was amazed at the guild in all it's glory. He's always dreamed of joining, really helping the world out. He then looked back at his new friend Raze. He wondered how such a small creature like him made it out on his own. "Are you apart of the guild?" Wessel asked sheepishly.
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Join date : 2015-10-09
Location : Probably getting lost at Walmart

(Open) Wessel's first visit Empty
PostSubject: Re: (Open) Wessel's first visit   (Open) Wessel's first visit EmptyWed Dec 16, 2015 2:21 am

Almost instantly, Raze had a million questions about the Swirl Islands. What was the weather like? Are there towns like Rainfront and Grassveil? Do guilds exist there? How far is it from here? Not wanting to overload his companion with small questions, he pretended to be fairly uninterested. "Yeah, sounds pretty cool, I guess." It was when Wessel popped the question of his affiliation with the guild that the Minun got excited. "The guild? Not yet, but I'm going to join really soon! I need to train up a bit more before I even think about walking in there, you know?" he explained. Had be felt a bit more comfortable with his skills, the Electric type would be running right in to talk to Faye as soon as possible. "Right now, it's just me and the places around here, training from dawn to dusk."

The Cheering Pokémon smirked at his own enthusiasm and continued on. "Heh, funny story, actually. The guild itself doesn't have that stable of a visitor identifying system. There used to be a Flying type perched outside, but I haven't seen any for the past few days. Guess that outlaws are smart enough not to walk right in." Gesturing to the Dojo next, Raze proceeded with the guiding. "Just over there's the Springfall Dojo. Know what they're really good at? Move tutoring! That's right, you can learn a new move there and be able to teach others as well! It's still odd, though; they charge you some weird ticket. I'd only hope for learning moves there if you get your hands on one."
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