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 Anticipation! [Closed]

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Anticipation! [Closed] - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Anticipation! [Closed]   Anticipation! [Closed] - Page 2 EmptyTue Sep 25, 2012 8:03 pm

First topic message reminder :

Bo had finally made his way to Grassveil Town. He was finally able to get away from his home and go somewhere new! New Pokemon to meet, new things to see and talk about...he couldn't wait to get started!

...except he was lost...

"Darn it, I really should've asked for directions to the guild here back in my home town. I swear I passed this shop back there 3 time already." He looked back at building that looked strangely familiar. "Maybe if I keep searching around I can find another Pokemon that knows the way? A lot of these shops don't seem to be open yet, too. Maybe I'm here too early in the day?" He sighed. The streets where he was going through seemed a bit more lackluster than he expected them to be. He really shouldn't have had such high hopes.

He continued flying down the road, hoping to run into another Pokemon that could help him figure out where to go. He wanted to find someone to talk to, at the very least.

Last edited by Tragar on Tue Oct 02, 2012 1:12 am; edited 1 time in total
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Anticipation! [Closed] - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Anticipation! [Closed]   Anticipation! [Closed] - Page 2 EmptyFri Sep 28, 2012 12:15 pm

Tom grinned as well, albeit less enthusiastically. Bo was nice, but he was too... energetic, for lack of a better word (that he could think). Still, he did like hanging out with the Gilgar; he was probably right. "Er, just Tom. So, Eva, you're from Rainfront? What's it like there? Apparently my parents lived there before, but they're... er, haven't been around." Tom didn't actually have any trouble saying that he didn't know his parents (Hey, can't miss what you've never had), but he had a feeling that doing so would dampen the mood horribly.
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Anticipation! [Closed] - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Anticipation! [Closed]   Anticipation! [Closed] - Page 2 EmptySat Sep 29, 2012 1:03 am

"It's...um..." She stopped for a second trying to explain the answer, "A rather nice place, and there is a beach that we used to play on...." She explained, "And if you go further then you can find a forest..." She stopped. She couldnt lay a finger on it but her mind told her that the forest was bad. "But mainly there are small houses and such." She explained. "So where are you two from?" she asked quizically, then figured Tom was from Grassveil and Bo was from Aileron Village. 'After all,' she told herself, 'I doubt Tom can fly.'
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Anticipation! [Closed] - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Anticipation! [Closed]   Anticipation! [Closed] - Page 2 EmptySat Sep 29, 2012 1:23 am

"Haha, a flying Totodile! That'd be some sight!" Bo said, giving off a short chuckle. "I am from Aileron, yes indeed. I flew here over all those darned forests." He said, jumping up into the air and flying around for a moment, to show an example of what he was saying. Landing back down, he showed off his usual big grin he had. "I would'a figured you were from here too, had you not said you were from Rainfront. Must be a small world, to find people from each village so quickly." He put his claws behind his head.

"I'm sorta interested in joining the guild, and I came out to this town to join theirs since I already knew everyone in Aileron. It would'a been sorta boring doing missions with all my friends instead of new Pokemon, y'know?" He put a sorta sullen look on his face. "And I kinda wanted to get away from it all, if you get what I mean, I don't like...err...what was that word again Tommy? Tomatony?" He said, peering over to Tom, still having the same partially sullen look.
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PostSubject: Re: Anticipation! [Closed]   Anticipation! [Closed] - Page 2 EmptySat Sep 29, 2012 1:51 am

"Er, it's Monotony." The reptile considered saying it out in slow motion, but he didn't want to insult the creature by accident. "So... Beaches, a few huts and a forest. Huh; I've never heard of a forest being there; I've only been in the nearby cave. Is the forest there like Pecha Forest here, or Shadowhue forest? Oh, is there a library in Rainfront?" Tom grinned; he loved reading. Perhaps not quite as much as Eva, but going on adventures into fiction was often just as exciting as a real adventure.
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Anticipation! [Closed] - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Anticipation! [Closed]   Anticipation! [Closed] - Page 2 EmptySat Sep 29, 2012 4:15 am

"A very small one...I read all the books several times." Her eyes shone, "This library has so many books..." she then looked confused, "I'm not sure, what Pecha Forest, and Shadowhue? It's not that big..." She smiled "I agree with you Bo, but not that we really have a choice; there is no guild in Rainfront."
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Anticipation! [Closed] - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Anticipation! [Closed]   Anticipation! [Closed] - Page 2 EmptySat Sep 29, 2012 5:53 am

"Ohh, you really like to read, don'tcha Eva? The most I read were newsletters and stuff like that, so I knew what had happened recently. I'm not really one for old history. I like what's happening now! And I mean that in both senses, since it's fun talking to you two!" He said laughing, hiding his feelings. He didn't really want to feel like he was left out, since they both were hitting it off as friends better than he was to each of them.

"So um...would you be willing to walk with us down to the Guild, Eva? I was gonna see about finding a way to join the guild. Tommy here doesn't really want to join it, but if you are interested in those kinds of things, would you try to join it with me? It'd be fun!" He said, flailing his arms a bit after his last statement. "And if you need to, I'll carry some of the books for you!"
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Anticipation! [Closed] - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Anticipation! [Closed]   Anticipation! [Closed] - Page 2 EmptySat Sep 29, 2012 6:11 am

"I do!" she admitted, "True but sometimes you might find some intresting reoccurances in old history that happens now." she told Bo. She wanted to become a guild member but she was worried...then again she worried about everything. She always researched before she acted (exept in battle of course) and was quite worrysome, prefering to think before she acts.

"Sure Bo!" she said cheerfully the question breaking her few thoughts. "I think that would be neat Bo, and you don't need to carry them. The moment (if) we join the guild then I'll return them. But for now, I'll carry them." she said somehow carrying the four books.
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Anticipation! [Closed] - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Anticipation! [Closed]   Anticipation! [Closed] - Page 2 EmptySat Sep 29, 2012 6:28 am

"Oh, just a small one?" Tom frowned. "Huh. So, you prefer reading non-fiction over fiction, eh? Have you read any of the human books here? Sometimes they don't make sense, but the stories are really interesting. Like 1984; it's about a world in which all humans are kind of being controlled, and one guy wants to break free. It's really interesting, although the ending was kind of... Well, it dampened my mood, to say the least."
The trio began going to the guild, which was already visible from where they were. "Hm..." Tom looked down on the ground. Perhaps he could join the guild? Joining could certainly make him stronger, and he'd be much more prepared for when they came for him a few weeks from then. But... Was four weeks really enough? If he did join the guild, he'd undoubtedly drag others into his problem...
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Anticipation! [Closed] - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Anticipation! [Closed]   Anticipation! [Closed] - Page 2 EmptySat Sep 29, 2012 6:59 am

"That books sounds...interesting? Humans just sound weird in general. It'd be creepy to meet one for real. I hope that never happens." Bo said, shivering a bit. "Oh yea! So if you sorta plan on joining the Guild with me, what kind of moves do you know, Eva? I don't really fight that often so I don't know much, but I could still kick a butt or two!" He said, punching the air with his claws. During his rowdy "fighting" he didn't notice how Tom looked a bit lost in thought. He then continued on walking with a big old grin on his face.

Bo's mind then started racing full of his own thoughts now that they were getting closer to the Guild. What kind of leader is the guild going to have? Are they nice? Are they mean? What type are they? Will they let him join? He was almost getting dizzy from how much he was thinking about. He wasn't really the type to think this way...
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Anticipation! [Closed] - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Anticipation! [Closed]   Anticipation! [Closed] - Page 2 EmptySat Sep 29, 2012 12:32 pm

Tom laughed. "I doubt you'd see one in real life; they come from a different dimension or something. The same place where TMs originally came from." Tom looked at Bo curiously; the gilgar seemed to be becoming anxious now that they were getting close to the guild. "Don't worry; I heard the guldmaster is pretty nice."
Tom looked from the Gilgar to the Oshawott. He hadn't spoken to Eva long enough to figure out what she was like, but based on first impressions, Bo seemed to be a nice guy. He was smart, although his vocabulary wasn't exactly up-to par, and he was... well, fun! If he was going to join the guild, he wanted to join with someone like this.
"Y'know, maybe I could join the guild with you, Bo. I'll sort out my personal life later; I think I deserve some time to just explore.

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Anticipation! [Closed] - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Anticipation! [Closed]   Anticipation! [Closed] - Page 2 EmptySat Sep 29, 2012 3:18 pm

Lol sorry, It was really late and I'm sort of a grammer nazi too...when I am somewhat awake xD]

"Um...nothing really special." She admitted, "Just tackle and tail whip...but I can do something neat with tail whip!" she added, remembering the book that had taught her the tactic. It was a pretty cool tactic, using the rather useless move into a projectile deflector. She didn't notice the fact that Tom wanted to team up with Bo. "You said the guildmaster is nice? That's sounds pretty good." She relaxed. "I guess humans are interesting funny creatures....wait does that mean they created the TMs?" she asked realizing he said the humans came from the same dimension as the intresting TMs.
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Anticipation! [Closed] - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Anticipation! [Closed]   Anticipation! [Closed] - Page 2 EmptySat Sep 29, 2012 3:49 pm

Bo looks at Tom with one of the happiest expressions he's had in a while. He actually got someone to change their mind on something! It's been quite some time since that has happened, since everyone always took his remarks as jokes and not seriously. "So you do plan on joining? Yay! Oh, I'm so happy right now, it's not even funny!" He flew up into the air in glee for a short moment, before coming back down and keeping a large grin on his face.

Still having the grin on his face, Bo listened in on the discussion about the TMs and humans. "Honestly, I don't know much if anything about TMs, either. The only move that I know other than Poison Sting and Sand Attack is Night Slash, which I'm guessing I got from my parents...even though I have no idea who they are. I was raised by the locals in Aileron, so pretty much they are all I know. Other than you guys of course." He grabbed onto the side of Tom again, still showing off his grin. He didn't really mean to mention that. It just sorta...came out. Hopefully it won't bother them.
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Anticipation! [Closed] - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Anticipation! [Closed]   Anticipation! [Closed] - Page 2 EmptySat Sep 29, 2012 3:58 pm

Tom nodded. "Yeah. At least, that's what I heard. The first TM apparently came from the human universe. They're pretty awesome things, aren't they? I mean, those things give you knowledge without you having to learn from scratch. It's genius! Y'know, my friend-Cynthia- used to develop TMs. She failed horribly, of course - not enough resources or money. But whenever she tested it out, it was always exciting. Ah; I wish she still made them." Tom smiled as he went on a nostalgia trip, no longer aware of the Oshawott or Gilgar. It was interesting; Only two weeks ago, he would have frowned at the memory of his former friend. Now, though, the only memories that remained were the good ones.

"Pretty much they are all I know. Other than you guys of course."

"Huh?" Snapped back to reality, Tom looked at the Gilgar curiously. The guy must have had a pretty isolated life...
Except that he couldn't honestly say that his life was any less isolated; Tom had spent his entire life before Cynthia went crazy solely in Grassveil, or occasionally the Pecha forest. It was only after that happened that Tom began to expand his own world.

Last edited by antonm1107 on Mon Oct 01, 2012 9:48 am; edited 1 time in total
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Anticipation! [Closed] - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Anticipation! [Closed]   Anticipation! [Closed] - Page 2 EmptySat Sep 29, 2012 4:23 pm

"Ehh? Your friend made TMs?" She gasped and her eyes were shining, "But is Cynthia your friend?" she asked but tried to not sound intrusive. She wished that Cynthia was still working on the TMs for that was an extraordinary feat. She closed her eyes trying to compute this new knowledge.

"Pretty much they are all I know. Other than you guys of course."

Her eyes snapped open and then realized what he said. "I think I'm the same way..." she admitted. "I don’t know anyone here...except for you two..." she told them.
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Anticipation! [Closed] - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Anticipation! [Closed]   Anticipation! [Closed] - Page 2 EmptySat Sep 29, 2012 4:41 pm

Tom nodded. "Yeah, I only know people who come from here. You guys are the first foreigners I've met. And nah, I haven't spoken to Cynthia in a while. Stuff happened, she went insane and started stealing while I spend my time here." Tom sighed; he wished that he knew what had happened to Cynthia; what made her like... like that.

(If you want to know about my Cynthia subplot, look at my character profile and "searching for Cynthia. Also the last post of "Nightmare". The second is not really kid-friendly, though, so be warned.)
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