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 Mega Stones and Fire Stones

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Mega Stones and Fire Stones Empty
PostSubject: Mega Stones and Fire Stones   Mega Stones and Fire Stones EmptySat Apr 25, 2015 6:50 pm

Akuroma groaned as he stared up at the peak of Furnace Peak. He had just left the Fiery Chasm with his temporary companion, Jak. Though he still hadn't realized it was Jak since Charmeleon were native to this region and the Gallade didn't quite expect that Charmeleon in particular to come to such a harsh dungeon, fire type or not. In any case, the Gallade's reasoning for being in this hell hole, or more of a hell mountain, was because Jak had found one of those strange stones here. While it was a complete crap shot, Akuroma suspected that the volcano itself may be producing these strange stones.

Akuroma stared down at his own stone attached to his glove. The glowing magma around them gave the stone an eerie red shine. The Gallade's spine tingled, as if Joltik were crawling across his back. He shook his head, ignoring the sensation as he continued on to begin his climb up Furnace Peak.

(27 energy)
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Mega Stones and Fire Stones Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mega Stones and Fire Stones   Mega Stones and Fire Stones EmptySat Apr 25, 2015 9:09 pm

Energy: 35 - 32 (entrance) + 15 (sitrus berry) = 17

Lumina huffed as she reached the base of Furnace Peak. She had finally made it through the Fiery Chasm with the help of a Fletchinder named Sosio, though they had eventually parted ways. She was exhausted from the long trek, but also excited to finally reach the Furnace Peak dungeon. She had heard that it was the only place to find a fire stone in the entire region. Lumina wasn't sure if the rumours were true, but she had to try. She was ready to evolve into a Ninetales, and had waited a long time for the chance. She even carried around the TM Psyshock in her bag at all times, waiting for the day it could be used.

Lumina panted in exhaustion and scrambled through her bag. She brought out a sitrus berry and gobbled it down, relieved to feel her energy returning as the sitrus juices flooded her system. The vulpix then looked around curiously, wondering if there were any other explorers of the volcano that she could tag along with. While the vulpix was normally a solitary pokemon, from the experience she'd had in the Fiery Chasm, these dungeons were obviously quite dangerous, and despite Lumina's experience as a solitary explorer, she was wary about going it alone.
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Mega Stones and Fire Stones Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mega Stones and Fire Stones   Mega Stones and Fire Stones EmptyMon Apr 27, 2015 3:13 am

Jak 21

Item Changes


(1) Sitrus Berry
Traveling alongside the outlaw named Akuroma, Not knowing that the outlaw did not know it was him. Jak walked along the edge of the flow of lava. Eating one of his sitrus berries slowly, as he enjoyed the flavor of it as he maintained a slight distance between the gallade. Giving him plenty of room if needed. If you were to measure the distance between the two, it was probably a good 4 or 5 feet away from the gallade. As he had travelled, he kept looking at the stone he had found in the lava. Trying ti figure out what exactly it is. He then glanced towards the stone on the gallades gloves every so often, still maintaining his distance. 'What is so damn special about this stone... I just can't put it down...' he thought in frustration. He sighed heavily as he looked up towards the gallade, "Do you even know what these things are?.. Why can't I put it down without having a feeling of it calling to me..." he said towards the gallade's direction.
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Mega Stones and Fire Stones Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mega Stones and Fire Stones   Mega Stones and Fire Stones EmptyThu Apr 30, 2015 11:52 pm

Akuroma glanced back at the Charmeleon, "I don't know, it's why I'm trying to find their source. I know little more than you, since mine came from a shrine." He then turned back forward, continuing his trek up the volcano. Akuroma's mind was extremely focused on finding out what these stones truly were, where they came from, and why have they only just been discovered? Again the Gallade attempted to remember something about the stones, the symbols they bore. Something. However, nothing came to mind. The Gallade had never seen these stones or the symbol anywhere in any book he's read.

It was infuriating, not knowing something. At least, the doubt that crept into the Gallade's mind that he would not find out. The stones' enigmatic appearance and nature made it difficult to figure out where they may have originated from. The Gallade stopped, sighing to himself as he attempted to clear his head. Akuroma fished a couple of sitrus berries from his pack, scarfing the juicy berries down as he stared up at the volcano.

(57 energy)
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Mega Stones and Fire Stones Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mega Stones and Fire Stones   Mega Stones and Fire Stones EmptyWed May 20, 2015 12:24 am

Lumina blinked as she looked around the base of the volcano. She noticed two figures a little bit in the distance, and trotted towards them. As she walked, she shook her fur out, fluffing it up a little. She had found that this method was able to relieve some of the heat from inside her without needing to spit out some fire, which wouldn't be a good idea in this situation. She wouldn't want to alarm the two pokemon into thinking that she was attacking them.

As she neared them, she soon came to realize that the two pokemon were an oddly-colored gallade and a charmeleon. She cocked her head to one side curiously. The two pokemon weren't really a pair one normally saw together, but perhaps they were old friends or on an exploration team together.

"Hello," she called cautiously. "Were you two planning to explore the volcano?" she asked, coming to a stop a few feet from them. She didn't want to seem threatening, and she wanted to give herself space to maneuver if they decided to attack, for whatever reason.
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Mega Stones and Fire Stones Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mega Stones and Fire Stones   Mega Stones and Fire Stones EmptyWed May 20, 2015 1:30 am

Jak 21

"Which shrine? Are you talking about the one that is supposed to be in Fallen Leaf Copse?" Jak responded as he continued along the path. He wondered exactly how he found such a stone in the copse... Or a shrine in that matter. He hadn't seen one there before. He did hear about one though at least. However, he had other matters to worry about at the moment. The first one being his quest to find his missing friend. The stone was second priority now, now that he had to figure out what it was. He couldn't get rid of it... So he was forced to keep it.

"So... Where did you run off to after the race." Jak asked the Gallade. He was unaware that the gallade didn't remember who he was. Considering there was other fire types in the area that could match his description.
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Mega Stones and Fire Stones Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mega Stones and Fire Stones   Mega Stones and Fire Stones EmptyMon Jun 22, 2015 1:47 pm

Akuroma nodded at the Charmeleon's first question. "Yeah, happened upon it twice, figured out its riddle the second time." The Gallade himself had his top priority being the stones. With the feeling he got from the one on his glove, it was quite strange that he had never heard of these stones before. Not even in ghost stories or folk tales he's read. Though, seeing as how those pieces of literature never truly interested him, he hadn't read many.

The Gallade blinked as the Charmeleon asked him about a race. What race? Akuroma attempted to remember any races he had been in, but his mind came up blank for the most part. "Eh, what race?" he asked the Charmeleon, wondering if perhaps the fire type was confusing him for someone else.

Dracorexion carried out 5 launched of one Furnace Peak :
Mega Stones and Fire Stones Cameru10 , Mega Stones and Fire Stones Litleo10 , Mega Stones and Fire Stones Charma10 , Mega Stones and Fire Stones Incine11 , Mega Stones and Fire Stones Charme10
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Mega Stones and Fire Stones Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mega Stones and Fire Stones   Mega Stones and Fire Stones EmptyThu Jun 25, 2015 12:55 am

Jak 21

Hostile, Neutral , Unknown, Friendly
(1) Camerupt
(1) litleo
(1) Charmander
(1) Charmeleon
Jak looked off in the distance for a moment. A shrine... Might have to check it out sometime. Maybe that will have a better clue than here... he thought tom himself. Despite finding his stone here, the shrine having a stone also might be better choice to figure out exactly what this thing is.

Aku then responded to Jak's question about what he was up to since the race. However, the gallade didn't seemed to remember a race. "You can't be serious... You don't remember the race on the mammoswine? In that frozen forested area?" he said with a slight shock in his tone. "Oh forget it... No use bringing that up now." he said shaking his head. He then continued to look dead forward along the path he was traveling.
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Mega Stones and Fire Stones Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mega Stones and Fire Stones   Mega Stones and Fire Stones EmptyTue Aug 11, 2015 8:21 am

Akuroma blinked as the Charmeleon mentioned the Mamoswine and Icy Woods. "Oh right! Sorry, I thought you were simply a native here, not the Charmeleon from then. Like him." The Gallade pointed at a Charmeleon and Charmander stalking a Camerupt from a distance. The pair did not appear to have the best of intentions for following the larger fire type, though Akuroma was a bit more inclined to avoid the Pokemon.

The Camerupt was immune to one of Akuroma's stronger attacks, and despite having just eaten a couple of sitrus berries, he was already feeling the heat around him once more. The Psychic type wiped his brow, sighing out, "Arceus, wish I knew ice punch instead of thunder punch right now."

(33 energy)
Dracorexion carried out 5 launched of one Furnace Peak :
Mega Stones and Fire Stones Big_ap10 , Mega Stones and Fire Stones Big_ap10 , Mega Stones and Fire Stones Charme10 , Mega Stones and Fire Stones Oran_b10 , Mega Stones and Fire Stones Escape10
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Mega Stones and Fire Stones Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mega Stones and Fire Stones   Mega Stones and Fire Stones EmptyTue Aug 18, 2015 1:09 pm

Jak 21

(1) Camerupt
(1) Litleo
(1) Charmander
(1) Charmeleon
Jak glanced over towards the Gallade as it remembered who he was. Stating that it thought he was a native. Jak simply remained silent at the comment about being a native here. It did make sense after all. There were plenty of fire types in the area.

As Jak had continued to travel along the pathway this fiery place provided. Aku seemed to be more on the complaining side about the heat here. "Enjoying the heat." he said with a slight smile. Not being the kind of person to normally poke at such things. However, since aku was an outlaw. He figured it be a bit of fun for now as he traveled. "I think it is rather nice here." he added. Not planning on going any further with the comments.
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Mega Stones and Fire Stones Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mega Stones and Fire Stones   Mega Stones and Fire Stones EmptySat Aug 22, 2015 1:38 am

Akuroma huffed, "Easy for you to say when your tail is permanently being cooked." It was then that another Charmeleon pounced onto the Gallade's back, repeatedly clawing into his shoulders as he was thrown onto his hands and knees. Akuroma cried out, attempting to reach back and pull the fire type off, but it simply dodged his grasps.

As he struggled, Akuroma didn't notice the other Charmeleon and the Charmander from before breaking away from the Camerupt, charging straight towards him.

(23 energy)
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