The sun was just beginning to appear behind the jagged, sharp rock of blackness, that penetrated the clouds of noxious fog further up above.
With a shudder William found himself reminded of the one exploration on which he had taken an Eevee up that high. Never again would he make such a mistake. While not many Pokémon seemed to know of it, most likely because they never climbed up that high, these fumes or whatever they were tended to make most Pokémon hallucinate vividly. At least they had had this effect on the Normal type and the Ghost type didn't want to try something of the sort again.
As for why he was here in the first place, William had decided that it was time to go on an exploration again and due to the disastrously long time he had to spend in the Fallen Leaf Copse he had now picked a dungeon completely free of any trees or bright, annoying colours.
This was a place he could easily leave whenever he wanted to and he was pretty sure that the amount of Pokémon one could encounter in a place like this wasn't too high either. Furthermore the tree-free landscape would allow easy spotting of most any possible foe and with his ability to move through matter avoiding them should be easy as well.
This expedition would be much, much better than the previous one.
Not that it could have gotten much worse that is.