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 Shadowed Falls [Continued]

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Shadowed Falls [Continued] Empty
PostSubject: Shadowed Falls [Continued]   Shadowed Falls [Continued] EmptySat Dec 27, 2014 2:31 pm

Jak followed Noel to the falls that she had mentioned.
"So how far do you think the falls are from here?" Jak asked Noel.

As he had asked this they actually were close enough to start hearing the water in the distance.
"Oh never mind." he said slightly embarrassed by such a silly question when you could hear the falls from there.

Jak looked further up in the direction they were heading.
He could just make out a sort of silver color further ahead.

As the sound got louder he became clear that the silver was actually a very odd kind of reflection of the mist in the air. The light was just right there to make the mist seemed silver-ish in the air. Combined by the shadows of the surrounding trees of the falls.

He stared at it in awe. "Wow..." He said as he river's edge.
He looked upstream to see the large falls that seemed to somehow stay covered by the tree's shadows.

As some light gets through it gave the falls its brilliant silver-ish gleam.

"Is this monochrome falls?" He then asked Noel.
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Shadowed Falls [Continued] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Shadowed Falls [Continued]   Shadowed Falls [Continued] EmptySun Dec 28, 2014 6:12 pm

Noel let's out a small yawn as she walked in, she hadn't slept for a few days she was up training the entire time though others said sleep was good for the wounded body Noel thought differently. She hears Jak then the waterfall and points. "Bout that far" she said as it came up into the distance. She walks over and looks at it with her aura sense.

This was a place that had a quiet grace to it, just being around the falls made some pokemon calm relaxed and most of all very very sleepy she knows this because the two times she came here her and her friend passed out right next to the falls without a second thought. "Well if it's not then it would be weird to have another random falls in a forest" Noel said with a smirk and a small laugh. "Ya it is" she says as she sits down away from the edge
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Shadowed Falls [Continued] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Shadowed Falls [Continued]   Shadowed Falls [Continued] EmptySun Dec 28, 2014 6:36 pm

Jak walked up to the falls just close enough to feel a very light mist of the water. Not enough to feel it's sting. More like walking through very dense fog.

He then sat down. Staring at it. He took a moment and looked back towards Noel who seemed to just stand there. "I am not from around here so I would not know if there were other falls." He laughed.

He then looked back towards where the water was flowing down the river. His flame on his tail burned quite well in the humidity. It seemed to have a slight flicker showing his his excitement.

He could sit there for a long time to watch the falls. Keeping every detail in his mind of how it looked to him. For a moment the silver-ish glow it had from the refraction of the light seemed to change briefly as a cloud in the sky hit just the right spot to have it flash somewhat golden for a moment.

He took quick notice over it. He looked to noel to see if she had seen it also.
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Shadowed Falls [Continued] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Shadowed Falls [Continued]   Shadowed Falls [Continued] EmptySun Dec 28, 2014 6:47 pm

Noel looks at the water's edge and smirks at Jak's comment "I've only been here a few weeks and I know there isn't" Noel said as she yawned again, she wasn't lying but it made her slightly reflect on all the things that had happened her few weeks here. Seemed like a long time ago she came here and almost got crushed under Varda got into a fight with a houndour showed the pokemon who would prove to be one of her closest friends around and almost died multiple times.

As if one cue with her emotions the silvery glow turners into a gold type colour for a flash before disappearing as fast as it came. "Heh glad we came here then" she said with a smirk as she fell of her back and put her arm's behind her head and started relaxing.
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Shadowed Falls [Continued] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Shadowed Falls [Continued]   Shadowed Falls [Continued] EmptySun Dec 28, 2014 6:57 pm

Jak was surprised to her that noel had been here for a few weeks and yet he has not seen her yet in town. He was not in town often anyways to see others so it made sense.

He began to wonder about just random things. Why he could not touch water would be one of the. No matter how obvious the reason is. He would have thought his tail would be the spot that should never touch it. He reached for the water like he has done many times before. Touching the tip with one of his claws. Getting a shiver at how cold it was to him. To others it would be warm. To him, one could describe it as an icy burn. He kept his claw in for only a second or two before pulling it out.

Even his claws were sensitive to it. He looked at his claw. It looked normal. He pondered for a second about attempting it again... He decided not and just continued to look. Smiling about its forbidden beauty. He sat there with his claws fingering around the dirt that was next to him. Just scratching at it slowly.
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Shadowed Falls [Continued] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Shadowed Falls [Continued]   Shadowed Falls [Continued] EmptySun Dec 28, 2014 7:02 pm

Noel couldn't help but smile at this display, she started having small memories as a little riolu watching another charmander do the same thing. "You know it's funny you remind me a lot of a friend I knew on my home island, she was cold to most but once you got to know her ... She was still cold" she said with a laugh but then decided to say why Jak reminded her of her friend. "One things she did like was water, despite being a fire type she always wanted to be near it"

But with the good also came the bad, after Noel's mother had beaten her father the fire type grew mad at Noel and decided that she was going to be the one to kill Noel, this made the lucaruo shutter but she quickly recovered and stayed there
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Shadowed Falls [Continued] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Shadowed Falls [Continued]   Shadowed Falls [Continued] EmptySun Dec 28, 2014 7:12 pm

Jak listened to Noel as she talked about her old friend and how he reminded her of that friend.
As Noel said that the particular charmander was cold. Even after you got to know them. They were still cold.

Jak knew of one charmander. He only knew one charmander. If he had known of others. He could not remember them. The one though, he recently met. Her personality was cold. He could not link the two as the same charmander's so he ignored the thought. He did not want to question it either. He figured it was an impossibility that should not be attempted to be brought together at the moment.

He also did not know if that charmander he knew liked water or not.

'It can't possibly be Fang. The odds are too out there for that to be possible...' he thought.

He looked at Noel just to see the brief shudder. He thought nothing of it at the moment as it was so brief as it was in the corner of his eye at the moment. He thought it might of been the air distorting the light a bit.
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Shadowed Falls [Continued] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Shadowed Falls [Continued]   Shadowed Falls [Continued] EmptySun Dec 28, 2014 7:20 pm

Noel didn't have anything to say so she decided to ask if Jak wondered anything about her. "Got anything to ask or get off you're chest? Now would be the best time we won't get jumped by any feral pokemon here" she says wondering why that was, she had slept till morning without so much as a noise here so they shouldn't get attacked.
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Shadowed Falls [Continued] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Shadowed Falls [Continued]   Shadowed Falls [Continued] EmptySun Dec 28, 2014 7:42 pm

Jak heard Noel ask if there was anything to ask or get off his chest. He thought for a moment.
He decided if there was a slight chance that SHE was the same charmander as Noel was talking about. He might as well find out if at there was a slight possibility she was the same charmander.

Shadowed Falls [Continued] 1CKPooeJak sighs. "By any chance is that particular charmander named Fang..." He asked in a sorrowful tone. "I do not know much about her except that I noticed she seems to have a cold personality." he continued.

He sighed. He began to wonder where she could have gone since they last saw each other. Not like that was any of his business. He just thought she could of been a friend or was in need of a friend.

He looked up to the sky to see the sky becoming a little darker then usual. The silver-ish glow of the falls began to fade to form just a regular mist. Some clouds were coming in. Nothing that worried him at that moment. Until he noticed something in the distance. Large towering dark clouds.

They seemed to be still. So he was not too worried about them coming in. He was sure that might be a storm in the distance. Only to confirm a slight rumble sound that lasted for a brief second.

He figured if the storm was to come that way it would be a while before it would hit there. Especially due to the unpredictable nature of the weather in dungeons. There was a dungeon that surrounded this place so it would take a while to get there through the dungeon.

Random Dice Roll being used to determine if storm will hit.
Any number up to 6 will signify that the storm will hit sometime in the future. Anything else will mean it will not hit the area.

Random number (1,10) :
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Shadowed Falls [Continued] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Shadowed Falls [Continued]   Shadowed Falls [Continued] EmptySun Dec 28, 2014 8:33 pm

Noel looks at Jak. "No I don't know anyone named Fang" she said wondering why he would ask that, there was no way Obera was here but wait she did have the last name Fang but no way that was her it would be really strange if that happened but Noel knew she was strong enough to take anyone in a fair fight now even if she was a bit beat up.

She looks up at the sky as her keen hearing picks up the storm from a distance she looks over as she sees the strike then counts. "1 2 3" she says as she hears the loud boom she turns back to Jak. "The storm is pretty close" she told him.
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Shadowed Falls [Continued] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Shadowed Falls [Continued]   Shadowed Falls [Continued] EmptySun Dec 28, 2014 8:45 pm

Jak looked at the storm again. "It looks far though..." he questioned.
He figured it was wiser to just agree since it would seem Noel has had much more experience then him in the wild. She must of knew how to measure distances in storms.

"How long do you think we have?" he then asked.
He was starting to realize if it started to rain. It was going to be painful. He said with a bit of a worried tone.

After asking the question he looked around himself to see if there was a nearby shelter as he waited for a response.
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Shadowed Falls [Continued] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Shadowed Falls [Continued]   Shadowed Falls [Continued] EmptySun Dec 28, 2014 8:50 pm

"It's a lot closer then it seems" she said as she thought for a moment trying to remember all her mother had said about this subject. "Not long it will hit in a bit" she looks at the falls and then to Jak. "Follow me" she said as she walked over to the side of the falls.

She then looks as a huge gap was in between the wall of the falls and the wall leaving a gab big enough for a large pokemon to go through. "Watch out" she says indicating the water could kill Jak. She walked over and through the crack until she came across a large cave behind the falls.
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Shadowed Falls [Continued] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Shadowed Falls [Continued]   Shadowed Falls [Continued] EmptySun Dec 28, 2014 9:02 pm

Jak heard it was a lot closer then it seemed.
He seemed a bit worried by it. Noel then told him to follow her. he did and she led him to the wall where the falls were. There was a gap between the waterfall and the wall itself. Also a ledge to walk across. He then noticed there was a cave behind the waterfall.

She said to Jak "Watch Out" indicating the waterfall was strong enough to kill him. He acknowledged this fact. He walked alongside the edge as close to the wall as possible. As much as he loved the way the water looked. He knew its deadly power.

He never really noticed the cave when they got there. He wondered if it lead to the ruins that Noel mentioned earlier in the forest.

When they got in the cave Jak sat down looking out towards the waterfall.
He stayed somewhat close to the entrance of the cave to attempt to look through the falls. He could see some details but it was quite blurry.

Another rumble of thunder occurs. Then soon after that a huge flash occurred and electricity could be seen flowing across the entire falls. The amount of energy was strong enough to actually enter the ground and reach Jak. He was a bit shocked by this. It did not exactly hurt him but it gave him a very odd feeling. Somewhat like an electric pokemon shocking him as a joke or to stun him.

The clap of thunder was instant when the lightning struck. The thunder was amazingly loud to Jak.
As he jumped back realizing it was a bit close to the entrance he held his head from the noise.

Shadowed Falls [Continued] NPEBFsz"That was loud..." Jak said as he stumbled towards Noel as he held his head..
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Shadowed Falls [Continued] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Shadowed Falls [Continued]   Shadowed Falls [Continued] EmptySun Dec 28, 2014 9:08 pm

Noel crosses her arm's and looked out to the falls, she didn't even react to the lightning strike as if she had been through something like this before. The cave setting the storm only difference was she was a riolu and alone, but still she was stronger now so she'd be fine on her own and being with someone was good.

"Ya it was" she said as she sat down and looked into the darkness of the cave. "Guess we aren't going anywhere" she said as she pulled on her jacket and covered the bandages on her stomach before looking at her scarf to check for damages. "Good" she said slightly out loud without realizing it.
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Shadowed Falls [Continued] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Shadowed Falls [Continued]   Shadowed Falls [Continued] EmptySun Dec 28, 2014 9:13 pm

Jak looked towards Noel as she said "Ya it was"
He then heard her state that is going to be a while before the storm is done.

"Yea it might be that way..." he said in response.
He noticed that she went to inspect her scarf for any damages. Or at least that what he thought she was going. Then he heard her say "good."

Jak walked towards noel and sat next to her. He looked up towards the falls. Noticing the flashes that went by quite frequently. "Pretty intense storm." he said calmly although still feeling a bit stunned from the shock he felt as it struck the falls.
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