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 Swimming Under the Stars (Open)

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Swimming Under the Stars (Open) - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Swimming Under the Stars (Open)   Swimming Under the Stars (Open) - Page 2 EmptySat Nov 22, 2014 8:42 am

First topic message reminder :

Leviathan almost always preferred the way things looked at night.

‘Almost’ was an important word there. He had a few exceptions, like how the sunlight hit the coral in Coral Forest, making the colours blossom under the water. It really was a radiant spot, at least in his eyes, but it wasn’t quite the same at night. Some places like the Coral Forest made him pity the Pokemon who couldn’t come underwater and see it for themselves. At best, they'd be able to catch a glimpse of it from the sky. ... but now, he was getting off topic.

In general, he tended to prefer the stars to the white, puffy clouds, the moon to the sun and the like. Levi liked staying up late, to the point that he was practically nocturnal. The small fish Pokemon felt most at home under the veil of the night, when other Pokemon rarely strayed from their homes. Sure, some Pokemon also liked to stay up, and that wasn’t a bad thing - even a loner like himself needed to speak with others sometimes, too much solitude wasn’t good for you. But nighttime was when the crowds thinned, when things were more peaceful, more quiet. That played a large part in why the wanderer preferred it.

Right now, the aforementioned Feebas was swimming by the beach close to the town of Rainfront, practicing his swimming skills under the starry night sky. He wasn’t a Milotic, at least not yet, so he wasn’t the most deft of Pokemon. In fact, he was actually sort of clumsy, a fact which he was very much aware of. He had figured that he best way to improve would be to practice. So here he was, on the edge of town, practicing a series of dives and loops under the water, occasionally leaping out from under the waves and crashing back under the cover of the ocean with a soft but audible ‘splash’.

Why had he chosen the beach by Rainfront to practice? ... Well, he had no reason, really. It had just been nearby on his travels and he felt like training his swimming skills. Besides, it was a beautiful night, and Leviathan wasn’t going to waste it. So the Feebas continued to duck and dive under the waves, not with very much grace, but hey, that was why he was trying to improve. Unknowingly, he was straying closer and closer to the sandy beach, but this seemed to be the least of his concerns as he continued his training without a care in the world.
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PostSubject: Re: Swimming Under the Stars (Open)   Swimming Under the Stars (Open) - Page 2 EmptySat Nov 29, 2014 12:58 am

Noel listens and her eyes go slightly wide. "Huh sounds great, to bad I'd most likely drown if I tried it" Noel says slightly sad, she didn't like the fact there was a dungeon that she couldn't go to, but as her mother told her once know your limits, and one of Noel's was the fact she couldn't breath underwater nor would she try
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PostSubject: Re: Swimming Under the Stars (Open)   Swimming Under the Stars (Open) - Page 2 EmptySat Nov 29, 2014 4:19 am

The Feebas didn't pick up on the way her eyes widened or the faint hint of sadness in her tone, but he did hear her words loud and clear. He frowned slightly, not meeting the stranger's gaze. "At least you can actually go on land, you know? At least until I evolve, I won't be able to see what anything inland is like. And even as a Miltotic, I'd need to be careful to stay hydrated - I'll probably never be able to go somewhere hot and dry like a desert." He pointed out with a hollow chuckle. He had been intending to make the other Pokémon feel better by showing her that she was the lucky one, but it came out more like self-deprecation. Aw well, nothing to do but see how she would react.
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PostSubject: Re: Swimming Under the Stars (Open)   Swimming Under the Stars (Open) - Page 2 EmptySat Nov 29, 2014 4:22 am

Noel let's out a small laugh "trust me you are not missing anything desert sucks" Noel says still slightly laughing as she looked at the sky. "Two different worlds the sea and land" Noel just says not really thinking about it, she always wondered why Pokemon on the land needed air and the one's in the sea needed water, she asked her mother this once but she avoided the question.
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PostSubject: Re: Swimming Under the Stars (Open)   Swimming Under the Stars (Open) - Page 2 EmptySat Nov 29, 2014 4:54 am

The Fish Pokémon shrugged. "Even if it sucks, as you put it, I'd like to go there at least once. If only to experience what it's like." He said thoughtfully as he started to swim in circles, it was something of a habit of his. He liked being able to move as he spoke - staying in one place too long made him feel restless. That probably had a lot to do with why Leviathan just couldn't quit his nomadic lifestyle, he felt antsy trying to settle down somewhere. His thoughts began to wander as he glanced back up at the larger Pokémon, seeming a little bit puzzled. "Oh - and what kind of Pokémon are you, by the way? I don't know many Pokémon that live on land." He explained, wondering aloud.
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PostSubject: Re: Swimming Under the Stars (Open)   Swimming Under the Stars (Open) - Page 2 EmptySat Nov 29, 2014 5:00 am

"Ya and I'd like to see the ocean even if I might drown" Noel said with a smirk and she held her hands behind her back, she was moving some red aura around her hand, she normally did this for practice and she hoped to be able to use aura sphere. "I'm a Lucario a aura Pokemon" Noel said, this was the third time she had to say this
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PostSubject: Re: Swimming Under the Stars (Open)   Swimming Under the Stars (Open) - Page 2 EmptySat Nov 29, 2014 5:36 am

"Lucario, huh... I've heard of them before." The Fish Pokémon replied, looking at the stranger - a Lucario, he quickly corrected himself, though he didn't know much about them besides the fact that they could see aura. That was why they were the Aura Pokémon, if he had to take a guess. "Well, I'm a Feebas, as you can probably see. My name's Leviathan. Nice to meet you, miss...?" He trailed off, unsure of what the Lucario's name was. Hopefully she would take that as a cue to tell him.
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PostSubject: Re: Swimming Under the Stars (Open)   Swimming Under the Stars (Open) - Page 2 EmptySat Nov 29, 2014 5:52 am

Noel gave a nod as the Pokemon said her species and how he heard of them, she hadn't met many of her kind here but she knew there was one she was mistaken for him once. "My name is Noel" she simply said to the Pokemon, she felt it was just normal to give your name when someone gives theirs. She didn't see any harm in it either
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Swimming Under the Stars (Open) - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Swimming Under the Stars (Open)   Swimming Under the Stars (Open) - Page 2 EmptyMon Dec 01, 2014 7:17 am

"Noel. That's a nice name." The Feebas remarked. He wondered what else they could talk about, he still didn't really know all that much about Noel besides the fact she was a Lucario and that she had been sparring a friend here. But that had to be enough to make a conversation out of, right? "Can you tell me about what a Lucario's abilities are? You can sense aura, right? From how far away? Oh, what colour is my aura?" The Fish Pokemon questioned curiously.
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Swimming Under the Stars (Open) - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Swimming Under the Stars (Open)   Swimming Under the Stars (Open) - Page 2 EmptyWed Dec 03, 2014 12:29 am

Noel thought for a second, mostly about all the abilities a Lucario has that her mother told her. "I can see large distances, as for how far it depends on how advanced the Lucario is. I can see up to the town as of now" she said as she pointed to the town. "Most of them are asleep" she then turned her attention back to the Pokemon. "It is a dark green aura you have" noel says with a smile
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PostSubject: Re: Swimming Under the Stars (Open)   Swimming Under the Stars (Open) - Page 2 EmptyWed Dec 03, 2014 12:43 am

The Feebas watched closely, his eyes shining as she spoke. She didn't seem bothered by all his questions, which was good, he obviously didn't want to annoy the Pokemon he'd just met. What stuck out to him was that his aura was a dark green, knowing that might come in handy. Somehow. It was interesting to know, at any rate. Then he had another question, which he quickly spoke aloud. "Hey, another question... can someone's aura change colours?" He pondered, hoping Noel would know the answer.
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PostSubject: Re: Swimming Under the Stars (Open)   Swimming Under the Stars (Open) - Page 2 EmptyWed Dec 03, 2014 12:51 am

That question caught Noel off guard slightly, she scratched the back of her head thinking of what to say. "That case is very rare, it happens one of two ways either you entire thought process on something that happens shifts like if you get amnesia it can change colors, though even with that the chances are slim at best. The second way it having something happen to you weather is be good or tragic it might have a effect on the energy you radiate, aura" she says saying it the best she can
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PostSubject: Re: Swimming Under the Stars (Open)   Swimming Under the Stars (Open) - Page 2 EmptyWed Dec 03, 2014 12:58 am

"Hmm... that's interesting!" Leviathan added, seeming content with the answer. His gaze traveled to the night sky briefly; it really was pretty. He didn't know the names of any stars, and he couldn't pick out constellations to save his life, but he didn't need to know any of that stuff to think the sky looked nice. Then he turned his attention back to the larger Pokemon - Noel - and paused, thinking about what she had said. "Have you ever seen someone's aura change before?" With how rare it was, the Fish Pokemon figured it must've been an interesting story if she'd ever seen it before.
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PostSubject: Re: Swimming Under the Stars (Open)   Swimming Under the Stars (Open) - Page 2 EmptyWed Dec 03, 2014 1:04 am

Noel looks down at the ground "ya I have seen it happen before it was a strange sight" she shakes her head though. "What happened was one time I saw my mother fighting this large Pokemon it was strange how big it was and it kept changing colours. Well me a charmander and a ralts were there watching our parents fight this beast.

The ralts was hit by one of the blasts and well her father saw her fall off the edge of where we were. It happened faster then I could blink his grey aura shift to a dark black and he kept fighting the pokemon
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PostSubject: Re: Swimming Under the Stars (Open)   Swimming Under the Stars (Open) - Page 2 EmptyThu Dec 04, 2014 11:10 pm

A big Pokemon that kept changing colours? Leviathan listened closely, his eyes wide as he wondered about this 'beast', as Noel had called it. It didn't sound like any Pokémon he'd ever heard of, then again, he didn't know too many Pokémon in the first place, so that wasn't too surprising. He watched with bated breath as the Lucario continued the story. "Was the Ralts okay?" He inquired, his already large eyes wide.
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PostSubject: Re: Swimming Under the Stars (Open)   Swimming Under the Stars (Open) - Page 2 EmptyThu Dec 04, 2014 11:15 pm

Noel just shakes her head. "I have no idea my mother went to look but she couldn't even find the Pokemon with her aura sense" and that was saying something, though the Pokemon wouldn't know her mother was the best fighter and tracker in her homeland. Noel had thought that she did find her but lied to them but Noel wasn't certain.

"That is the only time I have ever seen someone change aura colours" she hoped never to go through something like that in her travels
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