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 Raze's first steps to a grand adventure

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Raze's first steps to a grand adventure Empty
PostSubject: Raze's first steps to a grand adventure   Raze's first steps to a grand adventure EmptySun Nov 02, 2014 10:03 pm

Raze walked in from the south entrance from Pecha Forest, awe inspired at the sight that he was seeing, the town was buzzing with other pokémon, he became slightly frightened, seeing a large variety of pokémon, from the smallest to the most bulkiest, "Never seen so many Pokémon gathered in one place" He muttered to himself, he gathered his courage, and started to slowly walk down the streets, he saw many things, from shops to a training dojo, but he still had no idea on what he should do to attemp to join an exploration team, but he had no idea how to identify a team aswell, so that didn't help either, instead he went back to the south entrance, trying to figure out what he was going to do now.
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PostSubject: Re: Raze's first steps to a grand adventure   Raze's first steps to a grand adventure EmptySun Nov 02, 2014 10:11 pm

Noel let out a loud auditable sigh as she made her way through the town's on their roofs like she normally did she didn't like to be on the ground during the rush hours of the town so going along the roofs was what the riolu wanted to do with her bag at her side and her long red scarf and blue vest on her body as she made her way through the roofs of the town.

She was tired because she had just gotten back from the town after having to go through the caves again she didn't like it the first time and didn't like it the second time especially because her friend wasn't there so the cave was lonely to the riolu but she bucked up and looked around the town.

She didn't know why she always felt pulled to this town she didn't like the noise or did she like the Pokemon but she had met some friends around here so the girl kept going around the roofs after some time she found herself near the south entrance as she stands arms crossed with her scarf and vest blowing in the wind with her bag at her side
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PostSubject: Re: Raze's first steps to a grand adventure   Raze's first steps to a grand adventure EmptySun Nov 02, 2014 10:21 pm

Raze thought for a moment, planning to talk to someone who looked like they belonged to an exploration team, so he walked a short while, finding a Riolu wearing a scarf and with a bag, he assumed that the Riolu was part of an exploration team, knowing that Riolu don't tend to be mean, or at least the Riolus that he had seen, he walked up to her slowly and with he nervous voice, he said "Um... Hi, if I may ask, are you part of an exploration team? I've been looking to join one..." He looked down, he was too nervous to look directly at the Riolu.
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PostSubject: Re: Raze's first steps to a grand adventure   Raze's first steps to a grand adventure EmptySun Nov 02, 2014 10:26 pm

Noel looks at the pichu that had walked up to her he was looking at the ground as if he was scaled of Noel she placed one of her paws on her side as she smirks her normal smirk as she bends down slightly low so she was looking him in the eye "hey come on now I'm not that scary am i?" Noel says with a small laugh as she went back to her normal standing position.

Noel then went back to crossing her arms with her smile still there "no sorry I'm not part of a exploration team I am a wanderer" Noel says with a small nod she knew about the guild yes but was not part of it herself she didn't feel like it was something she needed
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Raze's first steps to a grand adventure Empty
PostSubject: Re: Raze's first steps to a grand adventure   Raze's first steps to a grand adventure EmptySun Nov 02, 2014 10:39 pm

Raze looked up to the Riolu, " A wanderer? Then i guess you are just like me." He smiled brightly at the Riolu, although he was slightly dissapointed at the answer, he still had high hopes for joining an exploration team, "It's too bad that you aren't in one, I'm looking to joining one, mostly because I'm looking for my parents, so joining an exploration team seemed lke something good, because I like exploring", He said in a calm voice, seeing that the Riolu was friendly like the other Riolus he had seen. He looked at her, "Have you ever thought of joining an exploration team?" He asked her
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Raze's first steps to a grand adventure Empty
PostSubject: Re: Raze's first steps to a grand adventure   Raze's first steps to a grand adventure EmptySun Nov 02, 2014 10:46 pm

Noel smirks like normal "well then I guess we both have our own paths that lead us to be like this" Noel says with her normal smirk as she returns her arms to their neutral position with one on her side and the other just above the bag at her side.

"Well you don't really need to find one to join you could just make one yourself" she says with her normal smile being her normal nice self she didn't like to get others mad though she was good at it she sensed a calming aura from this pichu which made her slightly happier "ya exploring is really fun to do" as she thinks about joining a team "not really no I want to follow my mother's footsteps so I've never really given it much thought" Noel says with one paw on her hip
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Raze's first steps to a grand adventure Empty
PostSubject: Re: Raze's first steps to a grand adventure   Raze's first steps to a grand adventure EmptySun Nov 02, 2014 10:58 pm

"That is indeed true." He replied to the Riolu, and he began wondering what made the Riolu choose the path of the wanderer, but he decided not to question it.

Upon hearing that he could create his own exploration team, his ears perked up, and a wide smile was on his face, as small sparks of electricity sparked from his cheeks unexpectedly, he held his paws on his cheeks, causing the sparking to stop, "Sorry, i'm that good at controlling my electricity" He smiled awkwardly.

"Oh... I see, do you know where I could go to make an exploration team?" He was eager to find out, but there was one problem, where could he get partners?, he looked down for a sec, but shook head slightly, returning his gaze to the Riolu.
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PostSubject: Re: Raze's first steps to a grand adventure   Raze's first steps to a grand adventure EmptySun Nov 02, 2014 11:04 pm

Noel wasn't really surprised at the small amount of electricity that had come from the pichu she had been burnt bashed and beaten along her journey so this wasn't really anything new to her as she raised her paw "it's alright" she says with her normal smirk as she went back to crossing her arms.

"Well I'd assume it would be the guild it is on the opposite side of where we are" Noel says with a small nod she bad seen the guild as she passed by the area a lot it was easy to see from wherever they were she bet if she climbed on the roofs once more she would be able to see it but she decided that the pichu probably couldn't jump as high as Noel does
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Raze's first steps to a grand adventure Empty
PostSubject: Re: Raze's first steps to a grand adventure   Raze's first steps to a grand adventure EmptySun Nov 02, 2014 11:16 pm

"On the north side of town?" He looked towards the north, but didn't see anything that looked like a place where exploration teams would gather, "I see... Thanks for helping" He smiled cheerfully, he thought for a moment again, wondering he could ask her to join him to become an exploration team, he became nervous again, looking away slightly, "Umm... I know it seems much to ask... but if you could... could you come with me to create a rescue team?, I understand if you say no, you said that wanted to follow your mother's footsteps" He looked back at the Riolu again shyly.
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Raze's first steps to a grand adventure Empty
PostSubject: Re: Raze's first steps to a grand adventure   Raze's first steps to a grand adventure EmptySun Nov 02, 2014 11:21 pm

Noel just shrugs she did have anything to do at the moment she she decided that joining him for his adventure to the other Side of town would be the best waste of her time as she could think of as she gives a slight nod "sure why not" she says as she turns on her heel and motions him to follow.

She just felt like escorting him to the front entrance she would stop walking with him there she felt like if he was going to make a team he should have to brave the danger of the guild alone she laughed on the inside of her own joke she knew that the guild wasn't dangerous
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Raze's first steps to a grand adventure Empty
PostSubject: Re: Raze's first steps to a grand adventure   Raze's first steps to a grand adventure EmptySun Nov 02, 2014 11:31 pm

He felt great joy because of the Riolu's answer, "Yay!" He jumped up and down various times, eager for creating his own exploration team, 'One step closer to finding my parents' he thought, thinking that if his parents could see him, they would be proud of him, he exitedly ran up the streets to the north, stopping for the Riolu to catch up with him, "Come on, let's go!" He kept jumping up and down on the spot eagerly
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Raze's first steps to a grand adventure Empty
PostSubject: Re: Raze's first steps to a grand adventure   Raze's first steps to a grand adventure EmptySun Nov 02, 2014 11:35 pm

Noel smirked as in almost a few seconds with her normal speed enhanced by her quick attack was right next to the pichu with her normal smirk on her face few could beat this girl in speed and though it was not a race Noel felt like showing off though her mother told her not to do that she did because no matter what Noel says she was still just a kid herself.

"Huh full of energy" Noel says with a smile as she walks at a slow pace might as well savor the walk then run all the way there "might as well walk if we run we might run into someone" Noel said as she kept walking
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Raze's first steps to a grand adventure Empty
PostSubject: Re: Raze's first steps to a grand adventure   Raze's first steps to a grand adventure EmptySun Nov 02, 2014 11:45 pm

"That's true... I haven't seen rest of town yet, so it will be fun!" He smiled cheerfully, he was energetic for a small child, he calmed down, walking slowly alongside the Riolu, "By the way, what's your name? Mine's Raze" He smiled looking at the Riolu, 'Geez this is exiting, never thought I would actually create my own exploration team' He thought to himself, he was almost hoping forward as they went down the street towards the guild. "Wow, this town sure is big, it looks like there is everything you might want here" He looked around him as they continued.
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PostSubject: Re: Raze's first steps to a grand adventure   Raze's first steps to a grand adventure EmptySun Nov 02, 2014 11:52 pm

"Ya this town is really big easy to get lost if you are not careful about it " Noel said as she walked along the path there was few around the area so it was a clear shot they would need to move around to avoid some buildings but other then that the path would be quite straightforward then Noel was used to.

Noel looks at the Pokemon after asking about her name she wanted to pull a prank but decided that was to childish of her so after little debate with the voice in her head she plainly said "Noel" was the only word she uttered.

Noel looks around the town she hadn't felt like this town was to big she had seen a lot bigger ones while traveling with her mother but deciding that was not a case to be getting into while walking she just nodded once "ya except the mysterious nature of the dungeons that all explorer's crave" Noel says with a small smirk
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Raze's first steps to a grand adventure Empty
PostSubject: Re: Raze's first steps to a grand adventure   Raze's first steps to a grand adventure EmptyMon Nov 03, 2014 12:00 am

"I've gone into some of the dungeons... it was inside one of them that I got separated from my parents..." He mutered, looking down but kept on walking by Noel's side, "Luckily I managed to find the exit, and I waited for my parents to come out until the next day, but they never did." His mood sadened, he missed his parents, he missed being at their side, "The scarf I wear was presented to me by my mother, it's like a keepsake to me now..." He looked back up, memories of his time with his parents came back to him, as a tear ran down his face, his pace slowed down, "I miss them..."
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