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 Our first steps

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PostSubject: Our first steps   Our first steps EmptySun Feb 19, 2017 12:06 pm

19 - 5 = 14 BE

As Shimmer paced towards the entrance of the dungeon she looked back at nightingale and noticed something was missing "W-wait where did your map go?" she asked with slight concern I hope he isn't sad about losing it... she thought to herself before glancing over at the entrance to pecha forest. "So uh, this is pecha forest- it soon hit her, even with his map he couldn't plan anything out in the dungeon really, it was completely randomized. She gave a slight mumble "Maybe if we are lucky we can find things other than pecha berries, a lot of sawsbuck went in here because our favorite gummi is in here, the grass gummi. She licked her maw a bit thinking about its wonderful taste.

"Anyway let's go!" she bounded into the dungeon with her new companion and soon the whole floor shifted and closed off the entrance, they were in a room alone, there were neither enemies nor items in that room but instead two paths leading out. She glanced back at the Mincinno "Alright...Which path do you wanna go down first?" she asked politely.
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PostSubject: Re: Our first steps   Our first steps EmptySun Feb 19, 2017 2:27 pm

16-5 = 11 Energy

Following close behind his new found friend his eyes looked over the forest. It seemed like every other forest he had been to. His ears twitching as the female spoke, his attention shifting focus to her. "My map is..." He looked around, pating his bag down and then looking inside of it. "[i]Gone...well, that's okay I guess. These dungeons are always different, right?" His voice tailing off a bit as he looked around, there was only one entrance but it was quiet in the forest around them. There were no sounds at all, the birds weren't singing, it seemed like they had disturbed the peace just by being there. But maybe it was just his imagination running wild. "Well I guess..." Before he could finish speaking he watched his friend bound off into the dungeon.

Running in after her he caught up to them and saw the two paths. He cocked his head to the side as she asked him what path he wanted to go down. "You're asking me? Alright, um- The Minccino thought about the choices for a brief second; there were only two places the both of them could go so it seemed like an easy choice. "Let's just go right and see where that takes us." Nightingale looked back at his friend and pointed to the right most path; seeming to want to see if there was anything out in that direction.
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PostSubject: Re: Our first steps   Our first steps EmptySun Feb 19, 2017 6:34 pm

ooc: Okay I'm not for sure how we encounter items or enemy pokemon so I'm going to be using dice and a little booklet to keep track, kind of like D&D and hope i'm not doing something wrong xD Here is link to what i'll be following - Dice guide

Shimmer nodded to the pokemon as she turned towards the right pathway. It was very quiet in the dungeon, only the small shacking of the leaves above them made any real noise. As she went first down the right path is got narrow, it was so narrow only one pokemon could be in each space, she flatten her ears a bit as she went into it. Not only was it small but it was dark, she creeped forward slowly full of caution. Suddenly she heard something scurrying towards her, when she caught sight of it, it was a patrat! She gave a small deerling sound as it swiped as her using scratch but luckily she was already on such high alert that she jumped backwards almost jumping into nightingale in the process. It was her turn now and she tackled it causing it to stumble backwards.

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PostSubject: Re: Our first steps   Our first steps EmptySun Feb 19, 2017 6:56 pm

OOC: Sweet~

The Minccino followed his friend down the hallways. As the pathway got more and more narrow Nightingale kept close behind; keeping quiet as he looked around; mostly admiring the scenery around them. Jumping in fear as Shimmer jumped backward and almost knocking himself over. "Shimmer are you okay?" His quiet voice asked as he tried to get around them to see what was going on. It wasn't working obviously but when Shimmer seemed to tackle the Patrat in front of them Nightingale seemed stunned. "We don't have to fight, we can run!" he tried to reason, he didn't believe his fighting skills would be on par with another Pokemon. But if his friend was fighting maybe he should too. It didn't take much but he put on a cute face as he looked at the Patrat and Shimmer. "We shouldn't fight." His eyes huge as he blinked a few times to bring attention to them. He wanted to make the others feel bad and not want to hurt each other as much, if at all.
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PostSubject: Re: Our first steps   Our first steps EmptySun Feb 19, 2017 10:16 pm

Shimmer looked over to nightingale in protest "Have you never been in a dungeon before? You can't reason with these pokemon! Besides he scratched me first!" She whined slightly trying to back up more from the patrat as nightingale made some weird face at the patrat, at least it seemed weird to her. She watched as his look seemed to make the patrat's cheeks flush red, more red than before in embarrassment lowering its guard and attack. She started to back away from the hallway not entirely sure running would solve their problems, she guessed they would just have to take the path on the right.
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PostSubject: Re: Our first steps   Our first steps EmptyMon Feb 20, 2017 1:00 am

He smiled as he looked at her, noticing the Patrat's cheeks flush red. "See! It works. Hey, where are you going?" Nightingale asked as he chased after her. The logical answer was deeper in the dungeon, however, Nightingale assumed he messed up. "Sorry I didn't attack it. I couldn't tell it hurt you. Are you okay?" He asked as he kept looking around; hoping to find something nice to take with him. "Shimmer, I forgot to ask. Do you want to be the leader?" Nightingale cocked his head to the side; asking politely if she wanted to lead the small group she was in. Nightingale did not like to lead and make decisions; he would rather follow someone he trusts and follow them around to help them in any way he could. "I could lead if you would like me to but I feel like you're more of a natural born leader. I prefer to stay in the back unless someone really needs me." Nightingale admitted sheepishly. He wasn't an adventurer, not yet at least. He wanted to be but didn't have the gusto to take the reigns and be a leader.
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PostSubject: Re: Our first steps   Our first steps EmptyMon Feb 20, 2017 3:51 am

Shimmer blinked at the question and pondered it a bit, maybe her previous nomadic life made her come off as more of a leader figure than most pokemon, she didn't dislike the idea but at the same time she didn't like the idea of being known as the leader. She wasn't strong or even as brave as her chief back in her nomadic tribe. He looked down at nightingale and replied "Yes, I am okay...And well uhh..I can be leader but please don't address me as one." she looked slightly embarrassed, the idea of someone calling her leader or even chief was foreign to her, she didn't like the title, "Just think of me as like...hmm..a guide through the dungeon?" she commented not for sure of her own answer.

They soon were back in the room they had arrived in, she began to walk towards to path leading left, it wasn't as narrow as the previous hallway but it still would only allow one pokemon in a spot at once. As they entered the next room there was a pidgey asleep in the corner, Shimmer glanced over to nightingale and made a face that looked like whispering. She soon saw a pecha berry on the other isde of the room and she crept towards it.
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PostSubject: Re: Our first steps   Our first steps EmptyMon Feb 20, 2017 5:18 am

The walking through the forest was fun, the leafs underfoot crunching every step he took. Happy that she had accepted the role as leader. As they got to the first room they have already been in he followed behind; looking ahead as best as he could. And as the path got more narrow he kept behind his friend until she turned to look at him. She seemed to make a face and he didn't understand. He raised an eyebrow. "What?" He asked confused before he watched them creep away into the room. His eyes resting on the Pidgy and then returning to Shimmer. Following a safe distance behind her, he made sure that he wouldn't speak again until he got out of the room. He didn't want another fight on his hands and he sure as heck knew that Shimmer wouldn't want to fight again either. Whatever she was going after must have been important; though it was hard to see from the distance he was away from her.
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PostSubject: Re: Our first steps   Our first steps EmptyMon Feb 20, 2017 1:12 pm

Soon shimmer got to the pecha berry and grabbed it with her mouth, she nudged her bag open and dropped the berry inside it. She soon mumbled to nightingale "Okay there is only one path leading further, do you want to head towards it or go back and face that patrat?" Even though she was considered the 'leader' she still wanted his opinion, it was something that helped keep the herd together, the chief would ask everyone for their own advice then consider before moving in.

Shimmer kept her eyes on the still sleeping pidgey, they hadn't gotten close to it so it remained asleep before them.
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PostSubject: Re: Our first steps   Our first steps EmptyMon Feb 20, 2017 8:42 pm

"Lets head down the path leading forward." The Minccino responded as he kept close, his voice soft and quiet as he didn't want to wake up the Pidgy in the other room. He nodded towards the path as he started to walk towards it, slowly but surely making his way through the forest.  He wasn't a leader by nature so when he got to the path up ahead he waited, looking back at Shimmer and motioning for her to follow without being seen. He wanted to get out of the forest in one piece.
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PostSubject: Re: Our first steps   Our first steps EmptyMon Feb 20, 2017 9:14 pm

Shimmer came over, her hooves quiet as she passed by Nightingale down the next hallway, it was much shorter than the previous ones.

As they entered the next room there was another pidgey, but this time it was awake, it was on the other side of the room near a pecha berry. Shimmer glanced back at nightingale "I guess you better charm it while I go try to get that berry" she soon went towards the side wall hoping the pidgey would go towards nightingale instead of her. She loved collecting berries and she wasn't afraid of tackling a small bird for it.
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PostSubject: Re: Our first steps   Our first steps EmptyMon Feb 20, 2017 11:19 pm

Walking behind Shimmer he stepped in line as he took his time down the hallway. However, when she spoke and told him that he should charm the Pidgy on the other end of the room he looked at Shimmer with a worried look in his eyes.

"I can't charm them. Well, I can look cute and hope they don't hurt me as much...but I'm not good at charming other Pokemon. I can try if you'd really like me too." It seemed as thought Nightingale didn't know how to charm others. He did know how to make them take pity on him; he did have a special ability as he called it. Where sometimes if he was hurt in a fight the other pokemon would fall for him. But it never really seemed to help too often; especially on pokemon that already knew him. It was his Cute Charm ability yet he didn't seem to know HOW to use it. "I'm willing to back you up in a fight if you want." This is an adventure after all, and what kind of adventure wouldn't have a fight with a wild pokemon? This would be a wonderful story to tell to his family if or when he got back home.
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PostSubject: Re: Our first steps   Our first steps EmptyTue Feb 21, 2017 12:35 am

Shimmer gave a smile at him " Okay well keep it distracted first while I get that pecha berry first!" She began to stalk towards the pecha berry, the pidgey twitched a bit hopping closer towards Nightingale. Shimmer's ears twitched as she looked behind herself towards nightingale, she could hear something approaching but she couldn't see it.

The patrat before began coming down the hallway right towards Nightingale at a bit of speed no longer affected by the cute charm from before.
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PostSubject: Re: Our first steps   Our first steps EmptyTue Feb 21, 2017 2:29 am

Too focused on the Pidgy to notice the other Pokemon approach, Nightingale stood his ground. Standing on his hind legs and waving his front two paws in the air; one to try and get the birds attention and two to make himself seem like a bigger threat. "Over here!" He called out to the Pidgy, trying to keep his distance as he distracted it from Shimmer. It was obvious at this point that he wasn't ready for a grand adventure and was somewhat bad at watching his own back.

It wasn't long, however, until his ears soon twitched. It was too late as the Patrat was almost next to him. His confidence slowly shrinking as his ears lay flat on his head like a scared puppy. His eyes staring at the creature again; maybe it was out of habit but Nightingale knew he was about to be hit again and hoped that something looking out for him would help him. Maybe the creature would take pity on the small pokemon that is looking at them will Baby Doll Eyes.
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PostSubject: Re: Our first steps   Our first steps EmptyFri Feb 24, 2017 3:13 pm

ooc: sorry college
Shimmer saw Nightingale shrinking in fear, the pecha berry can wait later she thought as she raced back over, she let out a growl causing the pidgey and patrat to become startled, their attack lower. She wasn't close enough though to attack the two pokemon but she continued to make her way over. "Just attack them Nightingale!" she shouted at him, she didn't know why he would only use his eyes, surely he was able to attack?
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