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 Amnesiac Adventure

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Amnesiac Adventure  Empty
PostSubject: Amnesiac Adventure    Amnesiac Adventure  EmptyThu Jul 17, 2014 7:29 am

Leif had taken his exploits to the forest, on this particular day. A much safer place than where they met in the previous fateful encounter, an encounter that would greatly change Leif's future. Berries waited to be picked. Sun glinted through the canopy of trees. The soil seemed fresh and clean. It was a great time to be living in the present-- a great time to be a carefree amnesiac Abra. So that's just what Leif did.

"Hey Sova, I couldn't help but notice that everything feels pretty upbeat today. I haven't felt like this since... Well, this is the first time I remember feeling like this. But it feels familiar. I can't remember anything before the day I met you. I don't know where I learned my moves, or who my family is... but being here is pleasantly familiar. Sure beats doing nothing with a concussion."
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Lord E V
Lord of the Eevees
Lord E V

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Amnesiac Adventure  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Amnesiac Adventure    Amnesiac Adventure  EmptyThu Jul 17, 2014 8:15 am

Sova was enjoying the peaceful time about as much as his friend, there was really something pleasant about the atomsphere. He was hoping to go on a berry hunt, but he was fine with just having a chat instead. "Well, you DID live in Grassveil before, but I don't know for how long. Maybe if you have any family they live somewhere in Grassveil too." He hadn't stop blaming himself for what happened to his friend, but the happy tone of his voice showed that he was no longer so upset about it. Instead, he focused on helping the Amnesiac in any way he could.

"Well, at least if you didn't have the best past, now you don't have to worry about that, right?"
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Amnesiac Adventure  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Amnesiac Adventure    Amnesiac Adventure  EmptyThu Jul 17, 2014 8:43 am

"I guess that makes enough sense. But I haven't seen anyone who looks like they might be in my family. And I suppose that is true. Say my family isn't even around anymore... Well, at this point, I guess it wouldn't really make a difference." he pondered a bit, "And I do find it interesting that nobody seemed to recognize me. I must not have been too social. Maybe I was new to Grassveil-- or, I hadn't thought of this, what if I was just telling you I lived there, but it was just a cover up...?" He laughed to himself, "neither of us would ever be any the wiser to it."

He thought about the scenery, and the place he had made for his new self in Grassveil, "Well, whoever I was before, wherever I was, I know that I can say regardless of that I've found my place here. And it's all thanks to you, If you hadn't carried me back on that day I'd probably still be lying there, frozen."
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Lord E V
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Lord E V

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Amnesiac Adventure  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Amnesiac Adventure    Amnesiac Adventure  EmptyThu Jul 17, 2014 7:01 pm

Sova sighed in sadness, being reminded that it was indeed his fault his friend had amnesia. "It is all thanks to me....but not in a good way. If I hadn't come across you, you wouldn't have fallen. You would have kept meditating." He didn't want to think about that situation any more and tried to think of something to do to pass the time. Perhaps a walk through the deep part of the forest? "Well, what do you want to do?"
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Amnesiac Adventure  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Amnesiac Adventure    Amnesiac Adventure  EmptyThu Jul 17, 2014 7:18 pm

Leif pondered, thinking aloud "That's not what I meant... It wasn't your fault. It wasn't really anyone's fault. Who knows, maybe if I hadn't overreacted when I saw you, I would have had more energy and not tripped. Or maybe I would have walked a different way and not hit that rock. You did the most you could." he went silent for a moment, then responded to Sova's question. "Well, I could always say the obvious and say look for berries and items. But other than that, how about telling me more about yourself? Where's the necklace from? What were you doing way back out at that frozen stream?

(Current energy 16)
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Lord E V
Lord of the Eevees
Lord E V

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Amnesiac Adventure  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Amnesiac Adventure    Amnesiac Adventure  EmptyThu Jul 17, 2014 7:32 pm

Sova felt much better about the new topic and answered as he began to walk in a direction. "I'll explain it while we look around." He did just that, looking over the area, hoping to find something useful.

"The necklace was my mother's, she gave it to me." He paused for a moment before answering the next question, considering trying to change the subject again. "My parents are a rescue team duo....they went missing a while back on a mission. I was looking for them." He tried not to give a sad look, failing to do so.

Lord E V carried out 1 launched of one Pecha Forest :
Amnesiac Adventure  HUdHrl3
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Amnesiac Adventure  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Amnesiac Adventure    Amnesiac Adventure  EmptyThu Jul 17, 2014 7:47 pm

"Alright. Well the necklace looks nice. And I hope you can find your parents eventually." He could feel the sadness coming from Sova, even on the new topic. He then remembered knowing about Eevee's having multiple different forms they can evolve into, even though he had no idea where he learned it. "So I hear Eevee's can evolve into tons of different pokemon, different types even. How are you planning on evolving?"

Vulpes carried out 1 launched of one Pecha Forest :
Amnesiac Adventure  WYrEDCu
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Lord E V
Lord of the Eevees
Lord E V

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Amnesiac Adventure  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Amnesiac Adventure    Amnesiac Adventure  EmptyThu Jul 17, 2014 8:04 pm

Sova had actually thought a lot about what evolutionary path to take, but never decided on one.  He considered his options for a few moments before answering.  "Well, I could be a Leafeon like my mother.  I could be an Espeon, then I'd be a Psychic Type like you....I could explore the oceans if I evolved into a Vaporeon....I could handle harsh environments as a Glaceon or Flareon.  I dunno, I guess I'll figure it out eventually."

He thought about what questions he could ask to get to know the Abra, but asking an Amnesiac questions about their self isn't an easy task.  "So, what do you plan to do?  There's the Guild and plenty of room for shops in Grassveil...."

(energy : 14, by the way.)

Lord E V carried out 1 launched of one Pecha Forest :
Amnesiac Adventure  5FHh31b
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Amnesiac Adventure  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Amnesiac Adventure    Amnesiac Adventure  EmptyThu Jul 17, 2014 8:22 pm

Leif thought about Sova's answer, "well, it sounds like at the very least you know your options, so that's good. Lots of those definitely sound like good ideas. But in a way, I like only having one evolution chain. I don't have to decide. The only way is up." He thought about it, and figured that he must be getting closer to becoming a Kadabra, for sure. After that he could become an Alakazam... How cool would that be.

"Hmm, what do I plan to do..." he thought about it for a moment, "A guild?" He began a short period of introspection. A guild? That's be nice. Maybe forming a team. But would it be rude to ask Sova to join a team? He'd only recently recovered from the concussion and began adventuring with this Eevee again. He nervously mumbled, "Well. I uhm, I thought... about forming a team. I don't... mean to be rude but I just figured, you're the only pokemon I really know now... But if you don't want to form a team with me that's okay... I understand, I haven't known you that long..."

Before he could get a response, he took note of the Ledyba. It began charging at him, and hastily jumping into action, Leif shouted to Sova, "GET READY!" He leaped into the air and threw an ice punch, sending the bug reeling towards this Eevee and his stick. "Hit it now!"
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Lord E V
Lord of the Eevees
Lord E V

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Amnesiac Adventure  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Amnesiac Adventure    Amnesiac Adventure  EmptyThu Jul 17, 2014 8:41 pm

Home run incoming. Sova's expression quickly changed to a serious and focused look as he ran towards the Ledyba with a tackle, but before coming into contact with it, used that momentum to slam his earlier found stick grasped in his mouth into the Ledyba, knocking it back a few feet onto the ground. It seemed to be getting back up, so he spun and threw the stick at it, hitting it in the face.

After a moment to catch his breath he remembered the question previously asked. "I've been wanting to make a rescue team but....I didn't want to burden others with my priorities. If you're okay with that, I'd be more than happy to make a team with you."

Lord E V carried out 1 launched of one Pecha Forest :
Amnesiac Adventure  4LTlrqA
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Amnesiac Adventure  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Amnesiac Adventure    Amnesiac Adventure  EmptyThu Jul 17, 2014 9:03 pm

Leif sighed with relief, glad that the Eevee had reacted so quickly, and seeing the aggressive Pokemon was now taken care of. "I uh... If I'm okay with that? I-I'd love to!" Leif almost jumped with excitement, his face beaming brightly in the rays of sun that flickered through the trees. "It's no burden at all. I mean... I didn't want to push you into something you didn't want to do, but if you want to form a rescue team... That's great!"

His hyperactivity seemed to calm down, and one could almost see gears turning in his head as he began to ask, "So, do we want to start heading back to the guild now? How do we apply? Does this mean we can go on missions!?"

(15 energy)
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Lord E V
Lord of the Eevees
Lord E V

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Amnesiac Adventure  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Amnesiac Adventure    Amnesiac Adventure  EmptyThu Jul 17, 2014 9:36 pm

Sova waited for his friend's hype to die down some before attempting to join in on the one-sided conversation. "Woah, calm down. We should try to get a few more items while we're here. We should decide on a team name before we sign up to the guild too." He said with a smile as he continued walking through the forest. "And yes, we can go on missions. Once we sign up that is. Applying's pretty easy."

Lord E V carried out 1 launched of one Pecha Forest :
Amnesiac Adventure  2FrD83b
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Amnesiac Adventure  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Amnesiac Adventure    Amnesiac Adventure  EmptyThu Jul 17, 2014 9:43 pm

He laughed sheepishly "Hehehe, sorry, got a little worked up. Yeah, that definitely sounds like a good idea. Now then... I wonder what sort of name we could come up with..." He thought. "Flare? Plasma? Rocket? Aqua? Magma? I wonder what a good team name would be...?" The missions seemed to slip his mind as he began to focus on coming up with a name and hunting for items. His eyes scanned the forest floor, the trees, looking for items and berries, ever cautious of Pokemon. All the while he rambled on, "Galactic? Why do I feel like I've heard these somewhere before...?"

Vulpes carried out 1 launched of one Pecha Forest :
Amnesiac Adventure  PopjRW4

Vulpes carried out 1 launched of one Pecha Forest :
Amnesiac Adventure  UJPjHpA

Vulpes carried out 1 launched of one Pecha Forest :
Amnesiac Adventure  5FHh31b
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Lord E V
Lord of the Eevees
Lord E V

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Amnesiac Adventure  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Amnesiac Adventure    Amnesiac Adventure  EmptyThu Jul 17, 2014 10:21 pm

(Energy : 8)

Sova considered just turning back since they already had a few useful items and wouldn't be able to carry many more, but decided to stick around just a little bit longer.  "Team name....How about-" He was interrupted by a buzzing sound.  He turned around to see the same Ledyba from before flying towards them, this time with backup in the form of a Phantump.  "Heads up!" He shouted as he prepared for battle.

Again, his relaxed and happy mood turned completely serious and focused as he sidestepped to dodge a yolo tackle from the Ledyba, who then hit the ground.  The Phantump meanwhile was focusing on Leif.  The two enemies were positioned between Sova and Leif to separate them.

Lord E V carried out 1 launched of one Pecha Forest :
Amnesiac Adventure  PopjRW4
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Amnesiac Adventure  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Amnesiac Adventure    Amnesiac Adventure  EmptyThu Jul 17, 2014 10:30 pm

Leif closed his eyes, now intensely focusing with his psychic energy. He launched a shadow ball at the phantump, sending it reeling backwards, then used a control teleport to get behind it, sending a shadow ball hitting the pokemon with even more force. He teleported below, again launching a shadow ball sending it up in the air. He then teleported above the phantump, launched another shadow ball, sending it crashing into the ground. He now began spinning, the speed increasing the strength of iron tail. He finally came crashing down on the Phantump, instantly knocking it out. He opened his eyes, giving a deep breath, and standing up straight.

He now looked towards Sova to see how his teammate was handling the situation.

Vulpes carried out 1 launched of one Pecha Forest :
Amnesiac Adventure  D79y4LB
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