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 Washing Ashore [Open]

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Washing Ashore [Open] Empty
PostSubject: Washing Ashore [Open]   Washing Ashore [Open] EmptyThu Jun 05, 2014 4:48 pm

It was hard to believe any one could have survived such a tragedy, yet here he was lying in the sand with not a single scratch on him. It was a nice sunny day at the beach with clear skys and calm waves. You could see many wingulls flying overhead enjoying the good weather to them it was just an average day."Urrghh... I'm... Alive?" Zazu had a rather bad headache, but his senses were starting to return to him. A soft breeze brushed against his chest and he felt waves of water splashing against his legs. he steered slightly as he opened his eyes. The glare from the sun was so bright he could barely see a thing, it'd take a little bit for them to adjust. His wings were all soggy from being drenched in the water for so long even having the taste of salt water in his mouth. "Gosh, it sure is bright!"

He sat there rubbing sand out of his eyes as he let his legs dangle in the water. Afterwards, he gave his surroundings a good looking, but this only made him more confused. Up ahead he saw the wide open sea and to his sides he saw a rather beautiful beach which was very weird. "This doesn't look familiar at all. Maybe this is a new island?" There was no possible way this could be his home. The last thing he remembers was it being destroyed by an erupting volcano, but still he wondered what became of his old island. He figured sitting here soaking up water wouldn't solve any thing. He sprung to his feet, wondering what was here. "What if this really is a new island and I'm the first one to discover it! Oh boy! That means I get to name it! Hmmmmm! I'll call it ZazuTopia!"
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Washing Ashore [Open] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Washing Ashore [Open]   Washing Ashore [Open] EmptySat Jun 07, 2014 4:52 pm

In the sky above the archen named Zazu, another creature soared the skies high above the seagulls. A long necked bird with a tan body and blue feathers on the end of its wings, which seemed to be splashed with a scarlet stain from what could be the very substance that runs through most pokemon. The creature was soaring the air, not daring to perform tricks just yet due to not being experienced in flying much, but he rarely had to flap his wings to due the natural wind so high up.

The archeops gave a screech of joy, all his life he had wanted to fly, and here he was. It took years of patience and sorrow, years of doubt on whether or not he would evolve, and years of looking to the sky and watching the other birds mock him with their own wings built perfectly for the skies. Acro was an archeops, he had evolved, he was stronger!

He ceased his full attention on the sky to look to the ground below him, the bright blue ocean swept the sand beneath him, and a strange spec was on the beach below him. He blinked, the odd but familiar colors of the spec a bit intriguing. He tilted his wings and dived lower, closer to the spec as it grew larger and larger, forming the shape of an archen.

Acro blinked, "A...another archen-I mean an archen?" he spoke, still not yet used to remembering that he was an Archeops now, and not an archen. Despite being a bit hesitant, due to the last archen he had met being a bit gluttonous for the same fluid that stained his wings, he dove even closer, flying through the air a bit clumsily as if he were just learning to swim in it. He made a rough landing a short distance away from the archen, the sand being forced up do to the force of his talons and feet striking the ground, and creating a rather deep foot print that soon disappeared as the archeops neared the archen, his tail sweeping the sand behind him and unintentionally covering the footprints.

"I'll call it ZazuTopia!" the archen seemed to be crying with glee.

Acro tilted his head, "Call what ZazuTopia?" he asked.

((Sorry about the late reply X_X))
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Washing Ashore [Open] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Washing Ashore [Open]   Washing Ashore [Open] EmptySun Jun 08, 2014 4:20 am

With droplets of water dripping from his feathers, Zazu paced around the beach of his new island he called home. He was determined to explore every inch of this island, but little did he know that this wasn't a island at all. Despite this, he figured his first course of action would be seeing how far this beach stretched on. The curios bird was so distracted in thought he was completely oblivious to the pokemon lingering just behind him. "Call what ZazuTopia?" a voice said out of no where. Zazu jolted a bit off his feet slightly frighten by the surprise. He looked to his left and right, but no one was there. He scratched his head in confusion and turned to look behind, but was in for a real shocker. There was a large looming pokemon looking down at him. Zazu let out a screech and tripped backwards on his back. "ARRRRchen!"

after stumbling the clumsy archen sprung to its feet. This colorful feathered pokemon looked just like him, only a lot igger than he was. This pokemon was non other than an archeops for sure, but how did it get here? "Yippee! You survived the big kaboomy too huh? This whole island is Zazutopia silly! It's pretty cool right?" he said cheerfully. He just hope this archeops didn't try to pick on him like all the others did all the time because he couldn't fly.
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Washing Ashore [Open] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Washing Ashore [Open]   Washing Ashore [Open] EmptyFri Jun 13, 2014 6:38 pm

Acro tilted his head and took on a look of confusion. Big kaboomy? Zazutopia? When was this a thing?

The archeops looked to the first bird pokemon and spoke of his confusion, "Big Kaboomy? Zazutopia? I've lived on this place my entire life, and there hasn't been any "Big Kaboomy" and I've never heard of someone call it "Zazutopia". Also isn't this place a bit bigger than an island? This is my first time just being at a beach..."

The prehistoric bird's feet shuffled as they seemed to sink in the sand and become coated in the minerals of the beach. The archeops didn't quite like being sucked into the ground, giving him a sense of becoming grounded once more, just like when he was an archen.
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Washing Ashore [Open] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Washing Ashore [Open]   Washing Ashore [Open] EmptyWed Jun 18, 2014 10:33 pm

As the archeops talked, Zazu starting shaking wildly to dry off. Water splashed all over the place soaking the archeops. His feathers then fluffed up afterwards, making him look like a buff ball walking on legs. He figured here on the beach was the best spot to dry off with the sun shining above. He heard most of what the archeops said, but it really confused him sense he wasn't really paying atteintion. "ARrrr? Born here on the beach? I thought our species lived in jungles..."

It appeared that this archeops wasn't from his island at all. It was born here on this island safe and sound from any disasters, but still how could it not know about the big kaboomy? It was pretty hard to miss an erupting volcano Zazu thought. Unless this island is extremely far away from his old one. "Aww... I thought I discovered something new. ARRR! So what is this place called anyway? How big is it? Is there any others that live here? Do you have to worry about any predators?" Zazu asked rapidly, he had so many questions for this archeops.
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Washing Ashore [Open] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Washing Ashore [Open]   Washing Ashore [Open] EmptySat Jun 21, 2014 9:53 am

The archeops made an annoyed caw as he was coated in the water from the archen, giving his own shake and ridding himself droplets. Water weighed him down when he flew, he didn't have the wings and feathers that duckletts had, that made their wings waterproof. Acro decided to quickly forgive the archen, it was not like it knew that he disliked being wet when not bathing.

He was quickly subjected to a torrent of questions that asked about the place he had lived for most of his life. He answered them, since it would have been rude of him to just ignore the questions and ask his own, "Well...I wasn't born on the beach. I was born in a very large tree is all i remember. This area is called Rainfront, if you walk a bit more that way you'll find Rainfront town," the archeops pointed with his wing in the direction where the dragonairs and other such pokemon lived.

"There are many many others that live here. It would probably be impossible to count them all. As for predators, it depends on whether that pokemon is civil or not. The pokemon in the towns and villages like Rainfront and Grassveil will definitely not devour you. In the dungeons, the parts of this place where the uncivil pokemon or refuse to live with or like those in the villages live, that's where you might find something that would eat you."
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Washing Ashore [Open] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Washing Ashore [Open]   Washing Ashore [Open] EmptySun Jun 22, 2014 5:51 pm

"So where are these tall trees? I don't see any around here. AAAR! These trees are super tiny compared to the ones back home...", Zazu said pointing to the palm tree near by. The curious archen skipped over to it while the archeops spoke. Standing in the shade provaded by the large leaves above.
The answers given only made more questions pop up in his mind, not to mention this town and dungeon concept was very foreign to him. Zazu folded his wings in huff, "ARR! I still think zazutopia is a better name than RaAaainFrooont. And what do you even do in a t-tooowwwnnn? Is it like where your flock hangs out or somethin?", he asked pronouncing the new names slowly. Naturally living out in the wild all his life he wouldn't actually know what being civilized was. He was probably more use to the dungeon environment, with danger lurking in every corner.
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Washing Ashore [Open] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Washing Ashore [Open]   Washing Ashore [Open] EmptyMon Jun 23, 2014 11:58 am

The archeops followed Zazu to the shade, still listening as the archen spoke of the trees and the village known as Rainfront. Acro stood in the shade, looking up at the tall tree as the archen spoke of his own being taller. His eyes moved back down to the archen as he spoke, "Well, where I came from is far far away and much more in-land. This land is massive, this is the only coast i've seen of this place I think..."

The archeops glanced out to the large and seemingly never-ending sea, wondering how it was like to live on a teeny island like this archen was from.

"I don't... really have a flock. I don't live in Rainfront either. I live more inland at a guild in Grassveil, another town. Towns are where pokemon come and live together in peace and rules that keep the bad pokemon in line, and if they step out of it the towns have Bounty Hunters and Police pokemon to stop them."
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PostSubject: Re: Washing Ashore [Open]   Washing Ashore [Open] Empty

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