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 Searching in the Forest

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Searching in the Forest Empty
PostSubject: Searching in the Forest   Searching in the Forest EmptyMon Mar 10, 2014 10:26 pm

After a few minutes of running, Brian the Chimchar and his partner Osiris the Dratini had made it to the Pecha Forest to look for the guildmaster to make their team official. But at the moment, Brian was focusing on the forest itself. Brian had always loved seeing new places and whenever he went to a new area, he would usual spent a few minutes just starring at the environment as he was doing now. He starred at the huge trees and all of the pecha berries hung along them in awe, similar to how he was looking when he first saw Grassveil Town.

"So this is Pecha Forest. Wow, it looks so cool. Look at all of those pecha berries. I've never seen so many pecha berries in my life before. It's like an endless sea of berries in the air. Oh, this place is cool!" Brian said, somewhat overexcited about seeing the new area and all that it had to offer, forgetting what he came there to do momentarily. To find the guildmaster and make his rescue team.
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Searching in the Forest Empty
PostSubject: Re: Searching in the Forest   Searching in the Forest EmptyMon Mar 10, 2014 10:36 pm

Osiris slithers over to brian before pushing his long body straight up to get a good look around, Osiris's nose was wiggling, smelling all the new scents while his eyes were taking in the new scenery, once he was done admiring the forest, he began look around, seeing nothing but trees as far as the eye can see, searching.

"Guild maaaaaaaster" Osiris said with a raised volume in his voice, his eyes scanning over once more. "Guild maaaas-" Osiris suddenly stopped in mid sentence. "Wait.. What IS the guild masters name?.. or is it a male or female? Or... what.. Pokémon.. is.. it." Osiris asked as his head wings kind of drooping down, Osiris was too exciting, he came unprepared, how will they find the guild master?
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Searching in the Forest Empty
PostSubject: Re: Searching in the Forest   Searching in the Forest EmptyMon Mar 10, 2014 10:50 pm

Brian snapped out of his trance when he heard Osiris call out for the guildmaster. He re-focused himself on their current objective of finding the guild master and tried his best to block out all of his thoughts about the environment so that he could focus.

"Hmmm well, the town is called Grassveil so maybe the guildmaster is a grass type. Not sure if that's true, but it gives us something to go off of. Guess we have to just keep going until we find someone." Brian said as he began walking further into the forest, looking for any signs of pokemon in the area.
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Searching in the Forest Empty
PostSubject: Re: Searching in the Forest   Searching in the Forest EmptyMon Mar 10, 2014 10:58 pm

Osiris follows after Brian, only half of Osiris's body is pushing Osiris forward, his head wings fully stretched out to allow his small ear holes to listen for any response, Osiris was being carefull too, avoiding the broken branches and as to not trip over them. The forest was indeed beautiful, peaceful, and serene, Osiris began to thinking perhaps the guild master came here to meditate and clear their mind as being a guild master is a tough job since a lot of pokemons join up to become a team, same goes for sorting out missions and jobs, but that is far much and as much Osiris knows.

"Does.. anything live in the forest, Brian?" Osiris asked as he was looking up into the trees, he saw no houses or homes, maybe they're undergrounds, or maybe very well hidden.
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Searching in the Forest Empty
PostSubject: Re: Searching in the Forest   Searching in the Forest EmptyMon Mar 10, 2014 11:10 pm

"Not sure if anyone lives here, but there's probably some wild pokemon around here. They'll probably attack us if they see us, so make sure you stay near me. If you get scared, then I'll take care of the pokemon." Brian said, having a serious look in his eyes as he kept walking, but also made a small smirk, somewhat looking forward to a wild encounter. Brian hadn't had a battle with anyone other than his brother and a few other people in his village, so the ideas of facing new pokemon in battle excited him.
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Searching in the Forest Empty
PostSubject: Re: Searching in the Forest   Searching in the Forest EmptyMon Mar 10, 2014 11:36 pm

"I'm not scared, I know some attacks!" Osiris said in a serious tune of voice, he begins looking around faster, being more on guard, its a good things its quiet around here, he can hear everything more clearly. "How come wild pokemon attack?" Osiris asked, he doesn't fully understand how the wild works, or why anyone acts differently around here.
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Searching in the Forest Empty
PostSubject: Re: Searching in the Forest   Searching in the Forest EmptyMon Mar 10, 2014 11:54 pm

Brian smiled as Osiris's response, confident that he'll be able to back up his words with action. He felt even more confident that their partnership would work out really well.

"I can't really answer that too well. My parents said to just accept that there are some pokemon who aren't in their right mind and depend entirely on their instincts to function. But don't worry about it too. If any wild pokemon come and attack us, I'm sure that we'll be able to take them down no matter what they are!" Brian said in a confident tone as he continued walking forward, making sure to watch out for any wild pokemon that might be around.
This dice is not existing.
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Searching in the Forest Empty
PostSubject: Re: Searching in the Forest   Searching in the Forest EmptyTue Mar 11, 2014 12:18 am

A Wild Pidgey appeared!

Osiris's attention was drawn as he heard some kind of bird call, a pidgey went dive bomb straight a Osiris, causing him to let out a yelp, he quickly ducked, pushing his body flat into the ground to avoid such an attack. "Brian, we've got company, and its not the good kind!" Osiris alerted Brian, causing the pidgey to come back to attack again, the pidgey's feathers were ruffled up and wild, including the look in the pidgey's eyes, the eyes of a mad pokemon.
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Searching in the Forest Empty
PostSubject: Re: Searching in the Forest   Searching in the Forest EmptyTue Mar 11, 2014 12:33 am

Brian see the pidgey and the mad look in it's eyes, knowing exactly what needed to be done."I knew we'd come across a wild pokemon eventually. Alright then, time to battle!" Brian said as he then jumped foreward towards the pidgey, attempting to use Scratch on it, but it flies upward dodging my attack.
Dangit, missed. Osiris, try attacking it!" Brian said hoping Osiris could land a hit.
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Searching in the Forest Empty
PostSubject: Re: Searching in the Forest   Searching in the Forest EmptyTue Mar 11, 2014 1:09 am

Osiris began thinking hard, it was flying around in the air and a bit evasive too, Osiris was a bit nervous, this was his first battle, he had no experience, all he had was knowledge, Osiris took a nervous deep breath, inhale and exhaling, trying his best concentrate, recalling the books his mom read to him, but eventually he manages to get some electricity going inside of his maw.

Osiris used Thunder wave

A thin amount of electric shot out in forms of waves out of Osiris's mouth, it flew straight at the pidgey. Since the Pidgey was distracted with Brian, the Thunder wave had a chance of hitting, Pidgey hears the noise, managing to swoop out of the wave, Osiris began inhaling and exhaling again, trying to build up another Thunder Wave, Osiris was trying to bring the pidgey down to earth.
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Searching in the Forest Empty
PostSubject: Re: Searching in the Forest   Searching in the Forest EmptyTue Mar 11, 2014 1:43 am

After watching Osiris try to attack the Pidgey, Brian tried to come up with a strategy of how to defeat it. Due to being a flying type with the ability to well, fly, Brian knew that a straight forward attack wouldn't be able to work on it. Then, an idea struck him.

"Yeah, that could work. Well, you don't know until you try." Brian said as he then ran in the Pidgey's direction and jump up, high enough so that he was at eye level with the Pidgey. Brian then used Leer on the Pidgey, looking at it with an intimidating face, causing the Pidgey to become startled and lower it's defenses." Now Osiris, shock it while its guard is down" Brian said, alerting Osiris to attack the startled Pidgey.
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Searching in the Forest Empty
PostSubject: Re: Searching in the Forest   Searching in the Forest EmptyTue Mar 11, 2014 2:01 am

With a lot of breathing, electric began to once again build in Osiris' mouth.

Osiris used Thunder wave

A slightly thicker jolt of electricity fired out of Osiris's mouth, the attack was a direction hit. Pidgey is paralyzed, it'll now have trouble attacking and moving, the pidgey's flight was being interrupted, falling to the ground, it was twitching from the electric that temporally went through its body, but it eventually got up onto its feet, it began running toward Osiris.

Pidgey uses Tackle

Osiris about to attack, but Pidgey attack was faster, colliding with Osiris and making successful contact with its tackle attack, Osiris was thrown backwards, hitting the ground and onto his back.
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Searching in the Forest Empty
PostSubject: Re: Searching in the Forest   Searching in the Forest EmptyTue Mar 11, 2014 2:19 am

"No Osiris! That's it, your gonna get Pidgey!" Brian said as he ran towards the Pidgey as fast as he could. When he got close to the Pidgey, Brian's fist began to become enveloped in flames as he used Fire Punch. The Pidgey tried to escape, but the paralysis had gotten to it, preventing it from moving. Brian used this opportunity to lunge is Fire Punch foreward, hitting the Pidgey with all his might, sending a few feet back and making it faint.

"Osiris, are you okay?" Brian said as he ran towards Osiris, worried about his condition after the tackle.
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Searching in the Forest Empty
PostSubject: Re: Searching in the Forest   Searching in the Forest EmptyTue Mar 11, 2014 2:46 am

"I'm.. fine" Osiris said, slowly turning himself back onto his belly and recoiling his body upright. the tackle only roughed him up a bit, but upon inspecting on his body, he only had a slight bruise on his back from when his back hit the ground. "i'll be ok, this isn't anything to worry about." Osiris said, looking over his back again to see if there was anything else wrong. "Now I understand why my mom was worried about me, I'm also understanding why my mom said that being on a rescue team was difficult too..." Osiris said, taking a slowly deep breath and softly exhaling. "Lets keep going, one pokemon isn't going to stop us from reaching our goal!" Osiris said.
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Searching in the Forest Empty
PostSubject: Re: Searching in the Forest   Searching in the Forest EmptyTue Mar 11, 2014 3:00 am

"Well I'm glad your okay Osiris. Kinda scared me there for a second." Brian said, grinning widely as he was relieved that his friend wasn't damaged too badly. "And yeah, I guess it is tough to be on a rescue team, but you were still awesome. I've never seen an electric type move before  and it looked so cool. Plus if you hadn't paralyzed the Pidgey, I wouldn't have been able to get my Fire Punch off so thanks." Brian said, grinning wider and wider by the second.

"Alright then, lets keep moving buddy. Onward to the guildmaster!" Brian said as he started walking deeper into the forest.
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Searching in the Forest Empty
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