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 A Morning Perch?

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A Morning Perch? - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: A Morning Perch?   A Morning Perch? - Page 2 EmptyMon Jan 20, 2014 10:33 pm

First topic message reminder :

A chiefly lavender coloured bat flew in rather ungracefully from the skies. After scanning the area for a decent place to take her rest she had opted to instead just pick one at random, promptly heading for the first tree in sight. Said tree was one of the many Pecha trees that made up Pecha Forest, a forested dungeon area just off of Grassveil Town; though Nereza had no knowledge of that.
The Noibat landed roughly on a branch high up in the tree, nearly slipping off in the process. Using the black claws that were attached to her lavender wings to grab hold of the branch, she pulled herself safely into the tree and sat, happy and content knowing that she could finally get some rest. It seemed she had been flying all night and the sun was beginning to shine it's golden rays over the dark horizon. With a small sigh, she didn't even bother to hang upside down on the branch like she usually would, instead drifting into a blissful sleep where she was sat.
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A Morning Perch? - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Morning Perch?   A Morning Perch? - Page 2 EmptyTue Jan 21, 2014 1:33 am

Rusty gave the Noibat a confused, but still mean, look. "Why would I want to get in a bush with a Noibat?" he asked. "I would rather be with pokemon that aren't strangers," he began. "Besides, it's not that cold out here. The rain feels good on my fur," he smiled, as the rain started to pour harder.
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A Morning Perch? - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Morning Perch?   A Morning Perch? - Page 2 EmptyTue Jan 21, 2014 1:50 am

"It's not a bush. There are no leaves here that I can see except the dead ones i'm lying on. We're -or at least i'm- under the tree roots. Where it's dry and you won't get hypothermia," she replied, matter-of-factly, though she still didn't move. If this Poochyena wished to freeze out there in the rain then so be it, but she wasn't going to move. She preferred to be dry and warm, despite how calming the rain was from afar.
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A Morning Perch? - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Morning Perch?   A Morning Perch? - Page 2 EmptyTue Jan 21, 2014 8:32 pm

Rusty let out a small sigh as he padded forward slowly and shook his thoroughly soaked fur again, and settled down next to the Noibat, yawning as he listened to the calming sounds of rain making a pattering noise against the leaves. "I'm Rusty," the Poocheyna broke in quietly to end the awkward silence between the two.
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A Morning Perch? - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Morning Perch?   A Morning Perch? - Page 2 EmptyTue Jan 21, 2014 9:44 pm

"Nereza," she replied quietly, still curled up in the corner. Her large purple ears could clearly hear each individual sound the raindrops made upon the leaves of the tree, that sound in turn different from the sound made by rain hitting the ground, or the roots that currently sheltered them. It seemed to get heavier rather quickly, thunder rumbling in the distance but drawing ever closer as time passed on.
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A Morning Perch? - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Morning Perch?   A Morning Perch? - Page 2 EmptyTue Jan 21, 2014 11:37 pm

Rusty tried to get more comfortable on the pile of leaves. "When do you think the rain will let up?" he asked quietly, turning around to groom the matted fur on his tail. "The thunder is pretty bad today," he growled, his ears twitching everytime it boomed.
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A Morning Perch? - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Morning Perch?   A Morning Perch? - Page 2 EmptyTue Jan 21, 2014 11:51 pm

Nereza shifted a little to reposition her wings so that they were curled more comfortably around herself before answering. 
"Judging by how heavy the rain is i'd say the storm could continue for hours," she eventually replied, her voice quiet but still audible over the hard hitting sound of many raindrops outside the sheltered area beneath the roots, "Though I plan on sleeping through it, and I would suggest you do the same. Not much else to do in such a harsh and sudden storm." The Noibat then closed her yellow eyes once more, attempting to drift off into sleep and hoping that the Poochyena -Rusty- would take her advice and do the same.
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A Morning Perch? - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Morning Perch?   A Morning Perch? - Page 2 EmptyTue Jan 21, 2014 11:59 pm

Rusty lay his head down on a little pile of leaves he put together in substitution of some feathers or something to lay down on. "Not much better to do," he sighed, closing his dark amber eyes and drifting off into the dark void of sleep, fidgeting in the real world every now and then as he passed from soothing dreams to haunting nightmares.
~Time Skip~
Rusty sat up slowly with a lazy yawn, his eyes clouded with sleep as he looked around, getting up off the soaked through leaves. "What happened...?" he mumbled, almost tripping on a Noibat - no, Nereza - and remembered the storm. "Oh, yeah..." he gave a grunt as he walked over and silently poked the little bat until she woke up. "It's morning and the storm passed," he said in a low voice, careful not to set Nereza on another argument.
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A Morning Perch? - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Morning Perch?   A Morning Perch? - Page 2 EmptyWed Jan 22, 2014 12:19 am

Nereza awoke to the sounds of distant bird calls, likely from newly awakened Pidgey and other flying types that were native to Pecha Forest. Her senses were immediately overwhelmed with the calm that followed the storm. Said storm had ended at some point the night before, Nereza having slept all the way until the following morning. Her dreams a representation of her real memories, fond memories from before she had been forced to flee her home.
Droplets of water, mere remnants of the rain that had pelted into the trees the night before, made their way down leaves, clinging to the edges like dew before finally losing their grip and dropping to the ground. The Noibat had been awake long before Rusty but had been content to lie there and listen to her surroundings, to take in the beautiful scent of that crisp, fresh morning whilst she waited for the Poochyena to stir.

Rusty poking her was as good a sign as any that he had awoken, and Nereza gently got to her feet with a suppressed yawn, stepping outside of the sheltered area and stretching her wings.
"Morning," she replied with a small smile; her wings no longer ached as they had the previous day, and she felt like a new Noibat just from one peaceful night's sleep. It was amazing what you could sleep through if you were tired enough.
Flapping her lavender wings, Nereza fluttered up to one of the leafy branches of the tree above them. Landing on the branch, she picked a leaf that was angled so it had a small pool of water within it and used her wings to flick water on her face and into her fur. She did this multiple times, each time shaking the moisture free of her body shortly after as she washed. When this process was complete to Nereza's satisfaction, she rejoined Rusty on the ground, gracefully flying down and landing on one of the thick tree roots.
"I must apologise for my behaviour yesterday," she blinked, her tone having taken on a rather formal and apologetic note rather than the irritated one of the day previous, "As you can tell I am not the most hospitable pokemon when I've flown for nearly two days without a wink of sleep."
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A Morning Perch? - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Morning Perch?   A Morning Perch? - Page 2 EmptyWed Jan 22, 2014 12:44 am

Rusty looked up at Nezera fluttering up into the branches and smiled at her apology. "I'm never very hospitable," he commented. "That's why I've never been in a team," he sighed, shaking his fur of the wretched leaves that had gotten soaked during the storm and stuck to his pelt. "Darn leaves," he mumbled, turning and picking out the few stubborn ones that he had been laying on.
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A Morning Perch? - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Morning Perch?   A Morning Perch? - Page 2 EmptyWed Jan 22, 2014 1:29 am

"From what i've heard you don't have to have more than one pokemon to form a team," replied Nereza promptly, "At least, if you're speaking in terms of the exploration and rescue teams organised by the guilds throughout the region. Just form one yourself."
Unlike Rusty, Nereza didn't have any leaves stuck in her fur as she had been wise enough to not get wet and stand outside in the rain whilst it continued to pelt down, unrelenting. Thus, even now she was still as dry as the leaves beneath the sheltered tree roots had been.
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A Morning Perch? - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Morning Perch?   A Morning Perch? - Page 2 EmptyWed Jan 22, 2014 1:32 am

Rusty shrugged as he got the last of the leaves off and still in another small pile of them. "I rather be on a team than be on my lonesome," he grumbled. Stalking off back towards the tree, he looked up at the small Nereza. "Do you have a team?" he asked the Noibat.
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A Morning Perch? - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Morning Perch?   A Morning Perch? - Page 2 EmptyWed Jan 22, 2014 1:44 am

"Being 'by your lonesome' is a probably good way to start out if you don't know anyone to start a team with," she replied, trying to be rational with this Poochyena. After all, if he didn't make the effort to meet anyone new he'd never gain a friend to make a team with, "I'm pretty sure the guilds would allow you to add new team members along the way," she suggested.
At Rusty's question, asking whether or not she had a team, she knew where this conversation was going. Now Nereza, being a Noibat with a rather detailed and, dare I say it, tragic past found that nowadays she had not the capacity to trust anyone she was close to, let alone anyone she had just met... and forming a team would require a great deal of trust.
"No.. I'm not part of a team and nor do I desire to be at this point in time," she replied.
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A Morning Perch? - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Morning Perch?   A Morning Perch? - Page 2 EmptyWed Jan 22, 2014 1:55 am

Rusty gave a small, good-natured laugh as he looked up at Nereza with a toothy grin. "Like I'd let the guild pick who my teammate would be," he grunted. "I don't even want to be part of that guild, I'm better off living in Pecha Forest and scrounging for whatever I can." He gave a content sigh as a small breeze whistled by soothingly. This was a big change from the rainstorm they had gone through last night, but he didn't really prefer any type of weather, he learned to deal with it all.
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A Morning Perch? - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Morning Perch?   A Morning Perch? - Page 2 EmptyWed Jan 22, 2014 4:09 pm

Nereza decided not to try arguing her point with the Poochyena, as he seemed set in his ways. The guild wouldn't force anyone to join Rusty's team, Rusty would be the one to choose who joined and who didn't; and it made no sense wanting to be in a team but not wanting to join the guild since the two came hand in hand.
"If you say so," she merely commented, putting the conversation to rest as the breeze tugging lightly at the black fur and striped scarf around her neck.
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A Morning Perch? - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Morning Perch?   A Morning Perch? - Page 2 EmptyWed Jan 22, 2014 9:51 pm

Rusty looked at the black scarf around Nereza's small bat neck and his eyes dimmed with curiousity. "Did you get that scarf in a dungeon?" he asked quickly. Rusty always had questions when it came to dungeons and wanted to know more about them, since they're just so interesting. Yes, he'd like to go and explore dungeons, but he didn't have anyone to be his teammate, and who would want to go alone in dangerous places like that? It only made sense to have back-up, just in case.
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