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 An Exploration with a Big Bang!

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An Exploration with a Big Bang! - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: An Exploration with a Big Bang!   An Exploration with a Big Bang! - Page 2 EmptySat Mar 16, 2013 7:15 pm

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Kira panted as she drew near the volcano; its temperature was risen to a scorching 110 degrees from the lava that poured constantly into a chasm. It didn't help that the sun was bright and shiny today, causing more heat so beat down on the scorching ground. She wiped some sweat off and huffed, heat wasn't going to stop her! She was going to find that golden mask if it was the last thing she was going to do! She wasn't sure what it did, but she knew that anything that had an important sounding name MUST be treasure! She just wished it wasn't so hot, her feet were burning a bit, but not enough to make her hop up and down. She wondered what types of pokemon she would find here, thinking that she would find rock and fire pokemon. She hopped onto a rock that was given shade by an overhang, the rock was surprisingly cold and felt good on her legs.
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Headphone Actor

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An Exploration with a Big Bang! - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: An Exploration with a Big Bang!   An Exploration with a Big Bang! - Page 2 EmptyWed Jul 10, 2013 11:22 pm

"There's no need for 'Oops'" Tally said, readying an Aqua Tail attack from behind. "An angry opponent often makes mistakes more often!" And with that, she jumped and spun, just about to whack it in the back of the head when suddenly the poisonous snake wrapped his tail around Tallulah's body, tightly coiling her. The Seviper even made sure to wrap around the Buizel is such a way that she couldn't move her tails, leaving her practically defenseless.
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An Exploration with a Big Bang! - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: An Exploration with a Big Bang!   An Exploration with a Big Bang! - Page 2 EmptyWed Jul 10, 2013 11:44 pm

Kira growled in anger that the pokemon had dared to stick around even after losing its venomous fangs. She darted towards the Seviper, aiming for its head, and used yet another Blaze Kick. Her foot burned in the heat as her foot looked as if it were about to smash into the pokemon's jaw, but the pokemon had grabbed onto her foot despite the burning sensation in its mouth and tossed her aside like a rag doll.
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Headphone Actor

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An Exploration with a Big Bang! - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: An Exploration with a Big Bang!   An Exploration with a Big Bang! - Page 2 EmptyThu Jul 11, 2013 2:58 pm

Tally, while struggling to escape from the Seviper, had an idea. One of her learned moves, Water Sport, might just have a use now. Using Water Sport, the Buizel was able to soak herself with water, and when the snake was hit by Kira's Blaze Kick, it ended up tightening its grasp on Tally, causing the wet Buizel to pop up from the Seviper's grasp. She landed on its head and then hopped off to the ground, and then used Sonicboom to defeat the (rather surprised) Seviper. The poison-type Pokemon's body collapsed to the ground as it fainted.

Tallulah looked at Kira. Being just thrown aside like that probably hurt pretty bad. She stepped over the snake and held out a paw to help the Riolu up. "You okay?" Tally asked.
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An Exploration with a Big Bang! - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: An Exploration with a Big Bang!   An Exploration with a Big Bang! - Page 2 EmptyThu Jul 11, 2013 3:15 pm

Kira picked herself up quickly, "I'm fine!" she huffed as if it were a stupid question. No way was she going to admit being in pain to someone she barely knew. Her whole body was sore from the impact of being tossed about, and her leg still felt like it was on fire but was slowly fading away. The riolu looked at Tallulah and asked, "What about you?"
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Headphone Actor

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An Exploration with a Big Bang! - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: An Exploration with a Big Bang!   An Exploration with a Big Bang! - Page 2 EmptyThu Jul 11, 2013 3:30 pm

Tally sighed and drew her hand back. Her arm still had a cut on it that stung a good bit and she was still catching her breath from being squeezed like that, but Tally wasn't going to admit it either. "Yeah, I'm fine too," she said, brushing herself off. Her arm worried her. She hoped she wasn't poisoned and that it won't get infected. Tally untied her Defense Scarf from her neck and two berries fell out from it. She had been keeping them in there until she could get her paws on a bag. The Buizel retied the scarf over her cut and stored the berries it it. Before the scarf was kind of awkward around her neck with her inner tube there, and now with the berries under her arm it felt a bit more natural, as long as she didn't use her arms too much.

"Well, if we're both okay, let's get going, separate ways or otherwise."
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An Exploration with a Big Bang! - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: An Exploration with a Big Bang!   An Exploration with a Big Bang! - Page 2 EmptyThu Jul 11, 2013 5:30 pm

"This place IS dangerous..." Kira stated. She had to admit to herself that she probably wouldn't have beaten the stupid snake if it wasn't for the buizel. The riolu sighed and said, "It would probably be safer if we just stick together.." The riolu just hoped that the buizel wouldn't take any treasure she may find...she'll probably beg for any the buizel finds though. She also hoped there were apples here, she'd kill for an apple right then, quite literally. She had nearly killed a fish once over one, lucky for that magikarp there was a river he landed in and he got away with eating the apple.

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Headphone Actor

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An Exploration with a Big Bang! - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: An Exploration with a Big Bang!   An Exploration with a Big Bang! - Page 2 EmptyThu Jul 11, 2013 6:13 pm

Tally nodded. "Yeah, that would be the safest approach." she said, beginning to head off through the volcano. She looked over her shoulder at the Riolu. "By the way, my name's Tally. What's yours?" she asked before continuing obward.

A bit up ahead something sparkled in the rocky ground. The glint caught the Buizel's eye and she went to investigate it. Kneeling down, Tally inspected the shining object. It had a golden surface, though it was covered in dirt and pebbles. She brushed it off, and then carefully unwedged it from the ground, unearthing a Golden Mask. With a bit of cleaning, it probably could be worth a lot of money. Perhaps this the kind of thing this Riolu wanted Tally wondered, inspecting the mask in her paws.
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An Exploration with a Big Bang! - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: An Exploration with a Big Bang!   An Exploration with a Big Bang! - Page 2 EmptyThu Jul 11, 2013 8:32 pm

The jackal had been in the middle of introducing herself when the buizel suddenly darted away to investigate something shiny in the sand not too far off. ADD much? The riolu thought with a huff. She followed the buizel to see just what had caught the weasel's attention.
"Wait...is that-"
She was interrupted by a loud and enraged bellow that sounded from near-very near. Kira turned to see something charging towards them while shouting, "HAND. IT. OVER!!!"
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Headphone Actor

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An Exploration with a Big Bang! - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: An Exploration with a Big Bang!   An Exploration with a Big Bang! - Page 2 EmptyFri Jul 12, 2013 3:59 am

Tally almost dropped the mask when she heard a shriek coming from... the ground The Buizel turned to see a figure come up from the ground next to the wax. It was a Litwick, though its wax was a bit more drippy than normal "GIVE ME MY PRECIOUSSSS" it hissed, lunging at the Buizel, or, more accurately, the Golden Mask between her paws. The candle knocked the Buizel to the ground and shot an Ember at Tally's face, which stunned her for a second along with making her drop the Litwick's 'precious'. The Litwick snatched up the mask and zipped off, trailing bits of wax as it slid away from the two other Pokemon.

When Tallulah regained focus, the strange Litwick was gone with the valuable mask. The Buizel looked at the Riolu. "That guy got the treasure! The nerve of some people!" She exclaimed angrily, clenching her fists. She wasn't gonna run off this time, instead waiting for the Riolu's response beforehand.
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An Exploration with a Big Bang! - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: An Exploration with a Big Bang!   An Exploration with a Big Bang! - Page 2 EmptySat Jul 13, 2013 3:21 am

Kira didn't answer the buizel, for she was too busy running after the litwik while screaming at it to return the mask that instant or else she would do a number of things to the ghost type pokemon. Though she would not stand a chance against the Litwik in a fight though, since her normal attacks wont effect it and the possibility of it having Flash Fire as its ability was highly likely. Flash Fire would make her only move effective against ghost types, Blaze Kick worthless. She didn't stand a chance against the litwik, but still she gave chase. Who knew how many of those masks were in this world? She had traversed a desert just to come here and dealt with this volcano's heat. She felt as if she had every right to that mask even though the buizel had technically found it first.
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Headphone Actor

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An Exploration with a Big Bang! - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: An Exploration with a Big Bang!   An Exploration with a Big Bang! - Page 2 EmptySat Jul 13, 2013 5:32 pm

"H-hey!" Tally said, beginning to chase after the Riolu. She wouldn't care if the Riolu took it. The Buizel didn't know what she was going to do with it anyway. She could sell it, though keeping it for herself would probably be the best choice, as she might never see another treasure like it again.

When Tally caught up to the Riolu, she could see a small cave on the side of the volcano. There was a purple light coming from it, meaning the Litwick was inside. Tally quickly turned into the little cave, and sure enough the Litwick and the mask were there. The Golden Mask was about the same size as the candle, the eye holes just barely matching up to the Litwick's glowing yellow eyes. It was stroking the mask as if it were a pet, facing away from the entrance of the cave. It didn't see Tally as she hit it with an Aqua Tail, but once the super-effective hit made contact it turned around, smirked, and then floated through the floor. It came out behind Tally and began to run out of the cave where Kira was.
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An Exploration with a Big Bang! - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: An Exploration with a Big Bang!   An Exploration with a Big Bang! - Page 2 EmptySat Jul 13, 2013 5:49 pm

Kira had strangely found herself growing a bit weaker as she followed the Litwik's light and wax trail, since the Litwik was able to drain the life force of anybody who followed it. She watched as the buizel leaped ahead and seemed to have chased the candle out of the cavern in the volcano. Kira stood in the pokemon's path with an angry expression, only then did she realize that she didn't stand a chance against this Litwik! So, she decided to bluff.
"Give the mask back, or else I'll use my Crunch Attack and bite you to oblivion!" She hissed at the Litwik.
The candle pokemon stared at her for a moment before simply giving a bone chilling hiss as its strange purple flame grew larger and formed what seemed to be a flaming snake, Kira couldn't move as the flames circled her and prevented her from moving as the candle used Fire Spin.
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Headphone Actor

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An Exploration with a Big Bang! - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: An Exploration with a Big Bang!   An Exploration with a Big Bang! - Page 2 EmptySat Jul 13, 2013 10:15 pm

Tally came out of the cavern a bit more tired than she expected, probably due to the Litwick. When she came back into contact with the scorching sun, the Buizel saw that the ghostly candle had trapped the Riolu in a ring of fire. Tally attempted to use Aqua Tail to put out the Fire Spin, but the Litwick had drained her energy enough to weaken tge attack. The Buizel's attack couldn't get rid of the whole flame, only making an exit for a few seconds with each attack.

Tallulah kept making holes in the ring that were quickly repared, waving the trapped Riolu through. The Litwick shot another Ember at Tally, which the Buizel just barely dodged. The small flame was sucked into the Fire Spin's vortex, stengthening it and making the possible exits disappear faster and be smaller when created.
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An Exploration with a Big Bang! - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: An Exploration with a Big Bang!   An Exploration with a Big Bang! - Page 2 EmptySat Jul 13, 2013 10:23 pm

Kira understood the Buizel's tactic to free her and was enveloped in a white aura as a opening was created. Kira rushed through with a quick attack just in the nick of time. She was a bit too slow though as the hole closed and burned her as she freed herself. The riolu held her arm where she had been burned in pain and glared at the Litwik once more. She darted towards it using quick attack and leaving a trail of white where she had stepped, the litwik laughed at the Riolu's foolishness, but screeched when the Riolu darted right by, snatching the mask from the pokemon's hands. Kira laughed as she stopped and held up the treasure. WOO!!! Yes! she thought, not exactly expecting her idea to have worked.
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Headphone Actor

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An Exploration with a Big Bang! - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: An Exploration with a Big Bang!   An Exploration with a Big Bang! - Page 2 EmptyMon Jul 15, 2013 3:26 am

The Litwick's eyes grew wide as it once again lost its precious mask, and its new focus on Kira caused some of Tally's life energy leak out, causing her to regain power in her Aqua Tail attack, and as the Litwick lunged at Kira, Tally whacked it away with her Super-effective attack. The Litwick shrank down using Minimize and began to jump about, shooting small Embers while jumping all around the Buizel. It wasn't until another Aqua Tail attack hit it that it grew back to normal size. Although the Litwick's Embers weren't very effective, the trouble the candle was creating was really wearing Tally down. She wanted to be rid of this thing!

The Litwick shifted its focus back to its original target, this time shooting an Ember at Kira while closing in on her.
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