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 Homestuck RP 2: Sign ups

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Homestuck RP 2: Sign ups Empty
PostSubject: Homestuck RP 2: Sign ups   Homestuck RP 2: Sign ups EmptyWed Jan 02, 2013 6:44 pm

Greetings select few of you who shall probably read this. As you may or may not have seen, we are beginning a new Homestuck RP. The last one isn't getting as many posts as we'd like, and some more people wanted to join since we started. So we are creating this Homestuck RP in the efforts of getting more people into the RP, and keeping it alive.

The RP will follow the basic plot of the main story and it's phases. The build stage, the lands and gates, god tier, all that great stuff. We may or may not have trolls, depending on if that RP gets up and running. I'm hoping we get 6-8 players or possibly more. 4-5 Is our definite minimum. The sign ups won't be open forever. If in two weeks from today, all we have is 5 players, then the RP will begin. But if we reach more than 8 players within those two weeks, we will begin as soon as possible. To keep the RP alive, you have five days to post when it's your turn. After five days, the next person in the posting order may skip you and post. If you post and the five days still aren't up, you must edit your post and delete all of it's contents.

There isn't much more to say on the matter than what has already been said. The character template is below, so fill it out and enjoy!
Character Template:

If you'd like some help finding your God Tier, you can try here. If you want a title that takes longer to find, but more personal, follow the steps here. For some basic ideas, try this. If you do use that one, don't select a non cannon God Tier title. No Queen of Shape or Priest of Law, please.

Last edited by Wistuffly on Thu Jan 03, 2013 1:38 am; edited 1 time in total
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Homestuck RP 2: Sign ups Empty
PostSubject: Re: Homestuck RP 2: Sign ups   Homestuck RP 2: Sign ups EmptyWed Jan 02, 2013 7:22 pm

Name: Lyra Wolffe (Changed the last name to a six letter one)
Age: 14
Screen Name: whimsicalMythologist
Typing Quirk: Standard capitalisation and punctation, except from periods
Loves to use any form of the following smiley: OwO
Home: Oslo, Norway. She lives in a small house on a nearby island with her big brother, who loves writing essays and real life-based fiction, and is a huge politics geek.
Strife Specibus: Staffkind
Fetch Modus: ParaPara Modus. If she tries to fetch something, a 16 beat dance sequence starts playing, with bubbles appearing in tune with the music. She has to hit them all in order to get the item.
God Tier: Maid of Space

Last edited by IAmTheLeaf on Thu Jan 03, 2013 12:46 am; edited 5 times in total
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Homestuck RP 2: Sign ups Empty
PostSubject: Re: Homestuck RP 2: Sign ups   Homestuck RP 2: Sign ups EmptyWed Jan 02, 2013 7:46 pm

Name: Will Cadwell
Age: 13
Screen Name: shamblingGambler
Typing Quirk: Uses proper Grammar Usually doesn't use proper Punctuation or Periods Over capitalizes his Words
Home: Vancouver, Canada. Lives in city apartment with his Uncle. The thirty third floor, apartment 303. Will's uncle enjoys birds and aged weapons, so the apartment is decorated with all sorts of stuffed birds and old weapons.
Strife Specibus: ShieldKind
Fetch Modus: Slot Modus. It works much like a slot machine. 3 items in the sylladex are "loaded". Icons of these "loaded" items are on the three wheels, Ex. Cherries, Bells, Sevens. A lever is pulled, and then three of the same icons from a random item are selected. The item with the matching icons is ejected.
God Tier: Knight of Void

EDIT: ((Okay, it took me way too long to realize this. 4 Letters in 'kids', 6 Letters in 'trolls'. Every kid has 4 letters in their name: John, Rose, Dave, Jade, etc. Every Troll has six letters in their name: Karkat, Terezi, Tavros, Vriska, etc. So, I changed Winston to Will.))

Last edited by Wistuffly on Sat Jan 05, 2013 5:50 pm; edited 5 times in total
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Homestuck RP 2: Sign ups Empty
PostSubject: Re: Homestuck RP 2: Sign ups   Homestuck RP 2: Sign ups EmptyWed Jan 02, 2013 8:24 pm

I would love to give this a try. :D

Name: Joe Kenneth
Age: 15
Screen Name: clumsyAccidental(my actual pesterchum handle! :D I'm not on it much but if you do have the pesterchum client, it would be super fun to use.)
Typing Quirk: Occasionally omits a comma and occasionally is rather obtuse with how he words things--will type IN ALL CAPS IF EXCITED.
Home: A suburban home in Massachusetts, USA. Afraid he is too old to play GAMES he enjoys. Lives alone after his GRAMMA passed on, leaving him with MANY COOL AND WEIRD OLD ANTIQUES. Joe has about A GAZILLION COMPUTING DEVICES and is a SELF-TAUGHT PROGRAMMER, but NOT A VERY GOOD ONE.
Strife Specibus: Needlekind (mostly to use drumsticks as a weapon)
Fetch Modus: Array Modus. Useful for simple item usage, but impossible to weaponize. Somehow, he's still not that good with it.
God Tier: Page of Blood

Edit: Alternately, I will also do Prince/Rogue of Blood if someone else wants to be the Page of the group. Just let me know!

Last edited by Orivexes on Wed Jan 02, 2013 11:03 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Homestuck RP 2: Sign ups Empty
PostSubject: Re: Homestuck RP 2: Sign ups   Homestuck RP 2: Sign ups EmptyWed Jan 02, 2013 10:40 pm

Name: Iria Lyre
Age: 14
Screen Name: hopefulFailiure
Typing Quirk: Likes to say -ish when describing something (I got that from typing the Home xD) and also likes to put three dots after her words...
Home: A village house in Vienna, Austria with redish shingles and a yellowish hue.
Strife Specibus: Clubkind(Aka hitting everything with one of those pie rollers, or even a soup spoon)
Fetch Modus: Tic-Tac-Toe Modus
A random item is chosen (usually nothing that will help Iria xD) to be the opponent, and the one item she chose would be her, and they will play a game of Tic-Tac-Toe. If Iria wins, she gets her item, if the item wins...well let's hope that that item would help her...
God Tier: Sylph of Breath
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Homestuck RP 2: Sign ups Empty
PostSubject: Re: Homestuck RP 2: Sign ups   Homestuck RP 2: Sign ups EmptyWed Jan 02, 2013 10:59 pm

i'd like to try too <3

Name: Skye Taylor
Age: 14
Screen Name: rainbowSunshine
Typing Quirk: Types perfectly except for the fact she tends to overuse punctuation..... but loves to use smiley faces!!!! C:
Home: Manhattan [Island], New York. She lives in an apartment way up at the top, where it gets a nice view of the rest of the city. Skye lives with her pet dog (pets are allowed, fortunately) and her brother, Zack. Her parents are away on an important business trip and her brother was put in charge to take care of her. Neither were allowed to come.
Strife Specibus: bladekind
Fetch Modus: Puzzle - There are little sets of boxes of each item when stored, and when she wants to take one out, she has to complete the puzzle. It's not a huge puzzle, though.
God Tier: [I took the test as her, and got Sylph of Space, but that's Kanaya and seeing as Lyra is a Page of Space, I decided to give her the old one.] Thief of Heart

Last edited by 32Melody on Sat Jan 19, 2013 10:06 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Homestuck RP 2: Sign ups Empty
PostSubject: Re: Homestuck RP 2: Sign ups   Homestuck RP 2: Sign ups EmptyWed Jan 02, 2013 11:07 pm

Considering that both the Page and Sylph classes are taken, I retook the test as Lyra and wound up as a Maid of Space. Or Light if someone else gets a space title that they like XD

I hope it's okay that I retook the test to avoid having more than one of each class/aspect?
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Homestuck RP 2: Sign ups Empty
PostSubject: Re: Homestuck RP 2: Sign ups   Homestuck RP 2: Sign ups EmptyWed Jan 02, 2013 11:13 pm

Name: Serena Hawke (prefers Reena)
Age: 14
Screen Name: leaffallSoprano
Typing Quirk: ♪ Likes to put a music note before what she says. Decent grammar.
Home: Semi-detached house in Hereford, England. Lives with her mother whom she has a decent relationship with. Reena loves the colour orange and plays a lot of instruments, an interest she shares with her mother. Reena also enjoys drawing and has numerous sketches and doodles pinned up on her walls.
Strife Specibus: Bladekind ('cause I'm so original xD)
Fetch Modus: Sketchbook Modus
You have to pencil sketch the outline of what you wish to captchalogue with minimal detail but enough shading to give it perspective. Erasing the image from the card will release the item, dropping it at your feet. Each card gets tucked into your sketchbook upon being flushed into the deck. The drawing has to be correct for the modus to register the item.
God Tier: Witch of Life
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Homestuck RP 2: Sign ups Empty
PostSubject: Re: Homestuck RP 2: Sign ups   Homestuck RP 2: Sign ups EmptyWed Jan 02, 2013 11:22 pm

For your RPing pleasure:


That's a link to the Pesterchum client, which works very much like it does in HS! It's really well done, and you can even program in quirks and start memos with timeline shenanigans.

Edit: If you have it, be sure to add me! I'm clumsyAccidental.

Last edited by Orivexes on Wed Jan 02, 2013 11:32 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Homestuck RP 2: Sign ups Empty
PostSubject: Re: Homestuck RP 2: Sign ups   Homestuck RP 2: Sign ups EmptyWed Jan 02, 2013 11:30 pm

I already have the Pesterchum, and rainbowSunshine is my handle, so if anybody wants to just chat, I'm there. .v. Also Serene, I would hate to bother you, but Skye already has bladekind. :/ If you really want to keep that one, I can change mine and think of something else. Unless we have the same thing?? If that's allowed??

On a side note, I'm really looking forward to this. We have enough members, I think, so we might start soon >u< then again I'm not the creator. :u
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Homestuck RP 2: Sign ups Empty
PostSubject: Re: Homestuck RP 2: Sign ups   Homestuck RP 2: Sign ups EmptyWed Jan 02, 2013 11:36 pm

I don't know but I struggled for a strife specibus and just decided on that. When I posted my bio your post came up as a new post and I haven't read it yet so sorry for any inconvenience. >.<

But anyhow I don't see a problem in us both having bladekind.
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Homestuck RP 2: Sign ups Empty
PostSubject: Re: Homestuck RP 2: Sign ups   Homestuck RP 2: Sign ups EmptyWed Jan 02, 2013 11:49 pm

Sorry for jumping into conclusions, then. >n< There's no need to be sorry, then. :> I guess you're right, unless Wistuffly says otherwise.
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Homestuck RP 2: Sign ups Empty
PostSubject: Re: Homestuck RP 2: Sign ups   Homestuck RP 2: Sign ups EmptyThu Jan 03, 2013 12:29 am

Leaf) Its perfectly fine, if not kind! As long as you put your current God Tier in the appropriate spot, you can change it twenty times for all I care.

Jayers & Melody) You two can both have bladeKind. I'm more worried about God Tiers, and Pesterchum names & quirks. There is nothing wrong with having the same weapon! If you want to change, that is fine as well.

It seems we have already passed the minimum! This is excellent. But, I would like to mention something that I forgot to put into the First Post (Which I'll be adding now). When it's your turn in the posting order, you have 5 days to post. If you do not post in these five days, you can be skipped and the next person in line may post. This is only to keep the RP alive! You can not post until the five days are up. You can check the date of the post to make sure when it's okay to skip. If you do post within the five day limit, that post must be edited so all of it's contents are deleted.
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Homestuck RP 2: Sign ups Empty
PostSubject: Re: Homestuck RP 2: Sign ups   Homestuck RP 2: Sign ups EmptyFri Jan 04, 2013 9:43 pm

Welp, I'm rather bored and have too much free time. These elements have birthed my need to analyze our God Tiers. Maybe it'll shine some light on your character, or give you some ideas of your own. Doublepostdon'tevencare

Maid of Space
Maids "serve" their aspect to themselves or others. Space deals with the size, weight, and velocity of things. So, a Maid of Space would serve Space to herself or her friends! If a Maid of Space was to serve herself Space, she could quite possibly create anything. At a lower level she would only be able to create simple things, but perhaps later down the line more complex things could be created. Serving her team mates Space is tough. Perhaps she gives them size, weight, or velocity? Like change their physical properties? We can't be sure.

Page of Blood
Page's are very weak at the start, but the further they progress, they become incredibly strong. Blood is the bonds, or trust between people. Now, I'd like to think Page's create with their aspect. So a Page of Blood would create powerful bonds or trust between people over time! In the beginning, a Page of Blood would make some pretty crumby bonds. But over time, these bonds become unbreakable. Perhaps a high level page could create bonds or trust with enemies, like Imps and such. Over time, the Page of Blood could accumulate an army of followers in battle. The Page of Blood is powerful indeed.

Sylph of Breath
The Sylph is the healer or guide of her group. Breath is physical wind, or spirit. So a Sylph of Breath heals or guides Breath! Now, in terms of physical wind, the Sylph of Breath could give his/her group air, like if they were drowning or something. Guiding the wind is rather interesting. Say the Sylph of Breath needed to deliver a message to the team, or a specific member. He/She could guide the message through the wind to her teammates! The Sylph of Breath could also heal their team's spirit. Say the Sylph's team's spirit was in shambles. The Sylph of Breath could heal their spirit so they were happier. Kind of like the cheerleader of the group!

Thief of Heart
My goodness. A Thief of Heart could potentially be incredibly powerful. Thieves take their aspect from others, and possibly keep if for themselves. Heart represents soul or emotion. So a Thief of Heart could steal their emotions, or even soul. For taking emotions, the Thief of Heart could take bad emotions from their team! Let's say a team mate was so angry, they were on the verge of hurting their team. A Thief of Heart could take those emotions away to calm that member. But a possible side effect of this is that the Thief of Heart is now burdened with that anger. Another power the Thief of Heart has is to steal souls. The Thief of Heart would steal someones soul for their abilities, leaving an emotionless husk of a person behind. This husk could still think and act, but show not emotion or personality. A side effect of this is that the person's soul is trapped inside the Thief of Heart's body. So the soul could still communicate, but only with the Thief of Heart.

This is were teamwork could fully blossom. Lets say a giant battle is about to take place. The Thief of Heart takes the Page of Blood's soul, gaining his abilities and his soul. The Thief of Heart uses the Page of Blood's powers to win the battle. Afterwards, the Sylph of Breath could heal the Page of Blood's spirit, giving the Page of Blood's body it's soul back.

Witch of Life
Feferi has the title Witch of Life, so we know some of the Witch of Life's capabilities. A Witch can expand or manipulate their aspect. Life is health and life itself. So the Witch of Life could expand or manipulate Life! This means that the Witch of Life could expand their teammates life. This could be their actual life span, or their overall health. This could be either preventing them from going into a battle which would have them killed, or bringing them back from the dead. A rather textbook healer for the group. An example of this is when Feferi increased the life span of her friends by creating dream bubbles, so they could live in the afterlife.

Knight of Void
This is my title, but I guess I'll do it anyways. Knight's use their aspect to protect their team. Void is nothingness, or the essence of lacking. So a Knight of Void would protect their team with Void! One of the ways a Knight of Void could protect their team is sensing when they are in danger over the Void. Nothingness is everywhere, so the Knight of Void could sense the danger their teammates were in through Nothingness! Another way of protection is going to their teammates through Void. If the Knight of Void wasn't with one of their team members, he/she could travel through portals that pass through nothingness to their teammates aide. The last way is weaponizing Void for protection. Perhaps the Knight of Void could banish their enemies into the Void, causing them to cease to exist. All of these powers wouldn't be mastered at the beginning, so it would take some time to learn how to fully use his/her powers.

That's all I've got to say on the matter. Hopefully this gave you guys some ideas if not an explanation on your character's titles.

Last edited by Wistuffly on Sat Jan 05, 2013 4:37 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Homestuck RP 2: Sign ups Empty
PostSubject: Re: Homestuck RP 2: Sign ups   Homestuck RP 2: Sign ups EmptyFri Jan 04, 2013 10:03 pm

Very accurate and helpful post, Wist! I'd like to add a few notes to what you have--namely, unique struggles and attributes they may have.

Maid of Space
Don't forget, Porrim Maryam was a Maid of Space! It was said that she had to learn to accept her role as a protector in time--judging from her acceptance of her social role and Aradia's acceptance of her inevitable many deaths (and subsequent God Tier status), I would presume a Maid's primary journey would be to discover her role and take part in it. Keep in mind that as a hero of space, you will have direct contact with Earth's first guardian, and also be in charge of frog-breeding duties!

Page of Blood
I'm going to talk about this like it's not going to be me. XD Pages are unique in that they aren't skilled--instead, their innocence allows them to fully absorb their element. Horuss became the nothing he was destined to be (bad example), and Tavros never quite lived up to be a free spirit, but Jake seems to have taken Hope to heart (judging by the more recent updates.) Blood is also unique in that it's a very abstract role--a Page of Blood has a lot of growing ahead of him, as he will have to know his group very intimately in order to realize his full potential.

Sylph of Breath
Breath is not always just wind--John's natural cleverness and originality play into his role just as much as his mastery over THE BREEZE/THE WINDY THING. He is confident and independent, and certainly intuitive. A Sylph of Breath could certainly restore vitality and peace of mind to the team, provided she can learn where and when to help (something Kanaya is still learning as a Slyph.)

Thief of Heart
Heart is always a tricky subject--while Heart roughly translates to soul and essence of self, the players themselves have a tendency to become rather attached to other players in their group. Apart from Wist's summary of abilities, a Thief of Heart must be prepared to learn about the consequences of her actions, and may act unintentionally selfish if left unchecked. On the plus side, she's bound to be very powerful!

Witch of Life
I think Wist said everything there is to know about this, and Fef is a great example.

Knight of Void
Void is a weird one... especially for a Knight. Terezi pointed out to Dave that a knight manipulates their element effortlessly in battle to defeat foes. By manipulating... nothing, perhaps attacks that disarm opponents and mastery of fair fighting within the rules is in order--essentially, one who exploits nothing to win! Remember that you will most likely use Fistkind with this element.

I just realized--we don't have a time player! :O How can we cause a scratch, if need be?

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