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 Hybrid RP signup

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4 posters

Hybrid RP signup Empty
PostSubject: Hybrid RP signup   Hybrid RP signup EmptySun Nov 11, 2012 10:30 pm

An RP where everyone is a half-and-half: Half human, half-Pokemon. Experiments of Team Rocket's Cealdon lab, they were made as a symbol of Giovanni's power, meant to be raised to serve him. However, the scientists, including Blaine who re-joined the ranks, have forgotten the meaning if the words free will. Therefore, they are still free, and with the help of the oldest, will break out of thier special fluid-filed tanks-the type Mewtwo broke out of ten years ago.



Last edited by bangbronze on Mon Nov 12, 2012 4:20 pm; edited 2 times in total
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Hybrid RP signup Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hybrid RP signup   Hybrid RP signup EmptySun Nov 11, 2012 11:53 pm

Name: Aria Mistral
Age: 15
Gender; Female
Ancestry: (Pokemon and Human parent, ie Mew and Blaine) Jirachi, and Yellow
Appearence:(Should contain at least one genetic oddity Ie Lavender eyes or Green hair)
Hybrid RP signup 2njeis7
The yellow thing around her waist is a ribbon btw
History: (Can contain series of tests, if you escaped and got caught again, etc.)Aria was created in hopes that she could grant many wishes all the time, unlike her "parent", a Jirachi. Unfortunatly, the experiment failed to bring the wishes they desired, instead creating a Human-Pokemon hybrid....without the wishes. They tested and tested, but wasn't able to make even a single poke to appear. They started to give up on her. But on one single day, she was able to grant one wish, and they started to test on her again. She dreams upon leaving her glass cage, but it is an unanswered call...until now.
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Hybrid RP signup Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hybrid RP signup   Hybrid RP signup EmptySun Nov 11, 2012 11:59 pm

Awesome. Sakura, you're in.
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Hybrid RP signup Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hybrid RP signup   Hybrid RP signup EmptyMon Nov 12, 2012 1:02 am

Name: Jeff Lavenz
Age: 14
Gender: Male
Ancestry: Charizard and BW2 male trainer

Human form: Hybrid RP signup Half_a10

Pokemon Form: Hybrid RP signup Half_a11

History: Jeff originally was injected with Charmander DNA at age 5, but as he got older, the scientists injected an evolution code which evolved his pkmn dna to its next evolution. So at age 10, his Charmander data evolved into Charmeleon data, and then just this year the data evolved into Charizard data. Now he sits in cryogenic sleep, waiting to be released from his glass container.
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Hybrid RP signup Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hybrid RP signup   Hybrid RP signup EmptyMon Nov 12, 2012 1:10 am

Ok then.

Name: Kienna
Age: 22 but looks 11.
Gender: Female
Ancestry; Mew and Blaine
Appearence; Has lavender eyes and long straight blonde hair. She wears a hospital gown as you aren't allowed to have the 'specimens' naked in the lab but she is not allowed to wear regular clothes. She is the most powerful of the 'specimen' because she is technically Mewtwo's sister. However she occaisionally is allowed to wear a traditional kimono that matches her eyes.
History; She has been in the laboratory for 11 years total out out of her entire life. She broke out when Red, Blue, and Green set out on thier journies and has recently been recaptured. She has been subjected to so mant tests that her arms and legs are covered in scars that are far from healing.
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Hybrid RP signup Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hybrid RP signup   Hybrid RP signup EmptyMon Nov 12, 2012 8:14 pm

Name: Daniel Harper.
Age: 19
Gender; Male.
Ancestry: (Pokemon and Human parent, ie Mew and Blaine) Pikachu and Lieutenant Surge.
Not my drawing.:
History: Dan had been stuck in the labs his whole life, not having successfully escaped yet. He was created by Team Rocket as a prototype to see if combining an electric-type pokemon's DNA with a humans could produce a form of control over electricity and give them the power to give and take it away at will. The tests Dan was usually put through consisted of being able to power devices and stopping electrical signals, though this didn't mean he wasn't put through any physical tests at all. Although he's 19, he looks closer to 15 due to the fact that he can't evolve until he has a certain object, and this slows his aging process.
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Hybrid RP signup Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hybrid RP signup   Hybrid RP signup EmptyMon Nov 12, 2012 8:30 pm

Name: Raine
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Ancestry: Herself and Honchkrow
Former Appearance:
Due to having her DNA combined with her Honchkrow's, Raine's hair has become jet black and she has regained sight in her left eye. Her eyes are now two different colours, with the right one being red and the left, formerly blind eye remaining purple in colour. Raine still has pale skin and her shadow always portrays her as having large invisible wings.

History: Raine was one of the first to be experimented on. Her first pokemon partner, a Honchkrow was captured by team rocket and whilst trying to get her back, she was captured by them. She was then involved in many experiments, experiments that served as the beginning to this whole project. They took DNA from Nightshade, her Honchkrow and combined it with her already existing DNA. The result was a change in appearance and powers as well as gaining the ability to transform into a Honchkrow.
Despite formerly being a happy go lucky person, Raine has since become rather reserved as she blames herself for what happened. Nightshade has since fell ill and died due to undernourishment and the news of her death only served to make her self-loathing worse.

Last edited by SereneLittleRose on Mon Nov 12, 2012 9:08 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Hybrid RP signup Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hybrid RP signup   Hybrid RP signup EmptyMon Nov 12, 2012 8:49 pm

You are both approved. Signup has ended.
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Hybrid RP signup Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hybrid RP signup   Hybrid RP signup EmptySat Dec 29, 2012 11:06 pm

Correction to the above post. Signups are to continue. Submit characters as you so wish. Rose and Jeff have since quit the RP, and there is a waiting list. I will allow six people to actively participate In the RP at one time. If one person becomes inactive, then the next person in the list will join the RP. I await your bios and hope that you will join.
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Hybrid RP signup Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hybrid RP signup   Hybrid RP signup EmptySun Dec 30, 2012 1:28 am

Name: Photios Zwilling
Age: 15
Gender: Male
Ancestry: Zweilous and Tate
Appearence: Hybrid RP signup Tumblr_lom8e0V3ep1qerfvxo1_1280 The one to our right.
History: Photios and his "brother" were created in the first known attempt at cloning twins. The experiment was technically a success, but its results were unexpected. For one, the twins were both lacking an arm, sporting a shadowy tentacle in its place. They were also unable to go more than fifty feet away from each other, being stopped by some shadowy force whenever they tried.
Despite being the younger twin, Photios is the most mature one. He has the demeanor of a gentleman, and cares a lot for others.

Name: Erebos Zwilling
Age: 15
Gender: Transgender, prefers to be referred to as a male.
Ancestry: The very same Zweilous and Liza.
Appearence:The one to our left.
History: In addition to growing a shadowy tentacle, Erebos had another strange development. While he was mentally a male, his fusion with Liza had given him a (flat chested) female body while his brother is fully male.
Erebos is the older, yet more immature twin. While technically being a good guy, he is rude and mischievous, leaving his brother to clean up his mess. He also has a tendency to hit on any female he meets.

Can they count as one character? They're old characters of mine, and I've been dying to use them again.
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Hybrid RP signup Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hybrid RP signup   Hybrid RP signup EmptySun Dec 30, 2012 3:34 am

(i hope it's okay that i sign up?)

Name: Seraphina "Sera"

Age: 17

Gender; Female

Ancestry: Victini and Flannery [of Lavaridge Town]

(sorry for the mistakes. it was a quick sketch~)

History: Seraphina was a mistake. A corrupted version, so to say. She was supposed to obey the orders off all the staff members without question and let them be victorious in whatever they did, but because it was late, one of the workers in the project of creating her messed up her details. Instead, Sera walked out, different, glitched, and unwilling to whatever they said, and the others were furious. Seraphina was punished and kept inside a (fire proof)cage barely giving her enough room to stand in. She became independent and a bit sassy, refusing to do anything anyone asked of her.

Team Rocket didn't seem to give up there. They attached the cage to wires, thus able to electrify her. Sera was asleep when this happened. They turned it on, and it completely shocked(pun intended eve) her, making her collapse, hurt. They asked her one more time to help her, and in order to make sure she'd live, she obeyed. Much of the later experiments succeeded because Seraphina was the test subject. From time to time Sera does disagree and not help(even though she knows the consequences), thus electrocuting her. The same thing happens whenever she tries to escape. She does that to this day, unable to escape.

Other: Seraphina, because she's uncompleted and didn't turn out right, often glitches. Team Rocket has tried to fix this but failed. She still has her normal powers - they aren't affected by her glitching.

(long history because i was on a roll ;u;)
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Hybrid RP signup Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hybrid RP signup   Hybrid RP signup EmptyWed Jan 02, 2013 3:45 pm

Both of you guys are in. Meet the three on the way in Pallet Town, please. In other words, wait until Sakura and Pikaty post and we're good to go!! XD
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