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 A Book Nerd And A Regular Nerd

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A Book Nerd And A Regular Nerd - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: A Book Nerd And A Regular Nerd   A Book Nerd And A Regular Nerd - Page 2 EmptyWed Dec 30, 2020 3:03 am

First topic message reminder :

Fallen Leaf Copse, an area Viktoria had heard about from a certain Porygon by the name of Tec. He also had mentioned a group there called the “Windrose Scouts”, but she wasn’t interested ultimately in finding that place. For all she knew, that had a bunch of misshapen Pecha Berries or broken coral rather than anything truly notable.

Simply put, she had come to the west to test a theory. A single, innocent theory. If a plant from another region of the world came to Grima and was properly taken care of, would it still be able to grow? Could anything possibly grow in that poisoned wasteland ultimately?

If nothing else, she could put a small plant in some sort of pot and bring it to Rui and his friends- they didn’t seem to have much really in terms of ever seeing flora in general, and it’d possibly make their day just a little bit better when she inevitably headed back to that lawless land.

"Well, let the hunt begin." Viktoria muttered in a borderline sarcastic manner, knowing she didn't have much to ultimately do here. Just find a small plant- even a seed could do ultimately if she could get back home to let it grow slightly, and head back to Grima to show the grass type a plant.

Something that should be normal to him, and yet wasn't- something she took for granted, yet was a miracle to another.

Energy: 6
(17 - 11 = 6)
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PostSubject: Re: A Book Nerd And A Regular Nerd   A Book Nerd And A Regular Nerd - Page 2 EmptyTue Feb 23, 2021 6:11 pm

"Oh? You're trying to get into one of the guilds?" Deimos questioned in response. The first time he heard of the guild was during his negative phase back in the day, still grieving over the past and foolishly trying to keep people away. Perhaps if healing had been undergone before then and before discovering the founder's attempt at establishing the scouts he'd have attempted to join. It's been a while since i've been over to Grassveil, so if you're heading to the guild to get registered after you're done here, i could come along. Don't forget that this is still a dungeon. Safer to travel in numbers after all." Deimos offered. Who knows, perhaps there'd be new rumours in town? Maybe even a mission requiring a scouts touch.
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PostSubject: Re: A Book Nerd And A Regular Nerd   A Book Nerd And A Regular Nerd - Page 2 EmptySun Feb 28, 2021 6:06 pm

“Correct. Specifically Grassveil’s- I don’t think I want to be stuck going to and from Aileron constantly. You can come along if you want regarding it… I’ll admit I didn’t have anyone planning on joining it yet, but that’ll change in time, I’m sure.” Viktoria sheepishly spoke, knowing the Grassveil Guild was for literally anyone that wanted to join.

Even someone as pathetic as her could enter it and make it just fine. If she somehow failed that, well, she must be the lowest of the low in terms of potential, right?

Energy: 1 from natural regen.
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PostSubject: Re: A Book Nerd And A Regular Nerd   A Book Nerd And A Regular Nerd - Page 2 EmptySun Feb 28, 2021 6:21 pm

"Figured as much. I've encountered a Lucario before and they most certainly don't have wings. Having to get someone to give you a lift up to Aileron every time sounds like it would be rather annoying" Deimos remarked, pleased that his offer had been accepted. Though he had grown more used to loud areas like towns over his time as an explorer, he still undeniably preferred quieter areas. Having someone along to focus on instead of getting one's attention pulled every which way once reaching town was most certainly appreciated.

"By the way, Windrose does permit members of other organisations to join, within reason of course. Forgot to mention that earlier" Deimos commented, having seen an opportunity to potentially get an extra scout recruited. The Guild and the Library were complementary organisations as far as the he was concerned. One handles direct requests and more common cases, the other investigates oddities that would be ignored by the guild itself. The resources of both groups could work well together if combined.

[Energy: 36+1 = 37]
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PostSubject: Re: A Book Nerd And A Regular Nerd   A Book Nerd And A Regular Nerd - Page 2 EmptyFri Apr 09, 2021 2:57 am

I think I’ll pass currently on Windrose to be honest, and see if it interests me later. Main thing I’d be interested in right now is already available to the public. I appreciate the offer though.” She sighed, hoping she didn’t sound like a hopeless nerd currently. Hopefully their books would be interesting.

And if nothing else, she could bring Rui here someday so he can read them. ...Provided he doesn’t fall asleep halfway from some boring fairy tale. Or start making distressed noises when he finds out about something that’s Twilight level bad.

No one deserves to go through that.

StarDay carried out 1 launched of one Fallen Leaf Copse :
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PostSubject: Re: A Book Nerd And A Regular Nerd   A Book Nerd And A Regular Nerd - Page 2 EmptyFri Apr 09, 2021 8:54 pm

"Fair enough. It was just something i forgot to mention prior and felt was pertinent. Some independent organizations don't permit if i recall correctly. As for the books... Just keep in mind not all books and resources are public use. Just the first floor." Deimos replied with a casual nod. Snagging an additional scout with access to the guilds resources would have been a pleasant surprise, but he couldn't blame the lass for her response. The guilds were far better known than a tree in the middle of a copse. Ease of access was clearly in Grass-veil's favor.

"Now... Shall we go find your plant for that experiment of yours? They aren't my area of expertise. That's more of the Snow Fox's area."
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PostSubject: Re: A Book Nerd And A Regular Nerd   A Book Nerd And A Regular Nerd - Page 2 EmptyFri Apr 09, 2021 11:35 pm

Fair. And I’ll keep that in mind in regards to when I go there inevitably to read.” Viktoria’s response to Deimos was clear enough, seeing a Wurmple crawl up a tree in the background.

Though when Deimos asked about getting a plant, she had realized she had forgotten to grab one so far. Guess the conversation took long enough that she had missed doing that so far. “Yeah, let’s grab that real fast. Any small plant will do honestly, so it shouldn’t take too long. I’m guessing this “snow fox” is an Alolan Vulpix or something?

Energy: nope.
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PostSubject: Re: A Book Nerd And A Regular Nerd   A Book Nerd And A Regular Nerd - Page 2 EmptySat Apr 10, 2021 7:29 pm

"Yeah, Robin's a Vulpix of the frigid variety. She manages a small garden over at the library. She's much more knowledgeable in terms of plants than i am. Exploration and Combat is more my forte." He explained in response to her accurate guess. Though it was unfortunate that the fox wasn't around to help pick out a suitable plant for the Riolu, he'd have to manage.

"So, where exactly do you need this plant for? Different fauna's better in different area's right? I can always take a look for a book regarding plant types if you can't pick out a suitable one."
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A Book Nerd And A Regular Nerd - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Book Nerd And A Regular Nerd   A Book Nerd And A Regular Nerd - Page 2 EmptySat Apr 10, 2021 9:26 pm

Well...it was to see if it’s possible to grow anything in Grima if you bring a plant from elsewhere. A friend of mine lives there, and I just wanted to see if it was even possible really. I probably sound ridiculous though with that possible idea.” Viktoria sighed, knowing how odd it all sounded.

Well, any plant will do at least- it just needs the possibility to grow at all. ...And hopefully Rui can take care of it properly so that this test has the best possible odds to succeed. At least her and Rui tried in the end, right?
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PostSubject: Re: A Book Nerd And A Regular Nerd   A Book Nerd And A Regular Nerd - Page 2 EmptySun Apr 11, 2021 5:54 pm

"Oh Grima, that region. I haven't gotten around to taking a look at that area yet admittedly, though i'll get around to it eventually." Deimos replied with a casual nod. So what if the enviroment winds up being quite unpleasant? So what if the locals typically are quite unsavory? Running away the moment things get rough would be naught more than an insult to explorers, especially after deciding to see the world first hand instead of listening and fantasizing. Obstacles and challenges of the terrain exist to be conquered, not to be fled from!

"Since it's for a friend i'll leave selection to you then. I'll just be on standby to make sure you don't get lured off by the local ghost kids and the like."
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PostSubject: Re: A Book Nerd And A Regular Nerd   A Book Nerd And A Regular Nerd - Page 2 EmptyTue Apr 13, 2021 6:10 am

It’s not exactly pleasant to say the least, but there’s some interesting areas there. Mainly the Chateau really…and gotcha regarding making sure I don’t get taken away by stuff.” Viktoria spoke, taking a glance around. Whatever she grabbed, she’d have to make sure it was small yet not easy to kill.

The Riolu soon had begun to walk off, trying to spot a plant that could in fact work for this experiment. Most of them look…fragile, like a breeze could snap them in half, and the few that aren’t are already full grown trees so far. Guess this won’t be as easy as she thought.
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PostSubject: Re: A Book Nerd And A Regular Nerd   A Book Nerd And A Regular Nerd - Page 2 EmptyThu Apr 15, 2021 11:44 am

"Noted. I'll have to go there eventually regardless. Hard to map out the entire world if you cower and back out the moment an environment winds up being unpleasant. That and seeing things in person feels much more satisfying than just relying on hearsay." Deimos replied, letting off a soft chuckle when it came to seeing things in person. Though mons were entitled to their own opinion on the matter, seeing things in person being better was a position the Absol would never budge on. You could spin a yarn about the worlds most beautiful view, but it'll never compare to the emotions invoked by attending it in person!

Seeing as the Riolu began her hunt, the Absol casually followed after her. Safety in numbers after all and she was a new guest. No harm in lending a hand... Er... Claw.
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PostSubject: Re: A Book Nerd And A Regular Nerd   A Book Nerd And A Regular Nerd - Page 2 EmptyMon Apr 19, 2021 4:21 pm

Soon enough a test subject would be found. A small sprout of what Viktoria was 99% sure to be a tree. She was starting to regret not reading those plant books she was certain Rui liked to look at, but hey, she had too much of a backlog to read yet another book really.

Not like anyone in this forest is gonna notice a single sprout being taken, right? …Well, beyond herself and Deimos, but they were both there to witness her taking it. Now to hope nothing else decides to show up and ruin her day for the heck of it.
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PostSubject: Re: A Book Nerd And A Regular Nerd   A Book Nerd And A Regular Nerd - Page 2 EmptyTue Apr 20, 2021 1:48 pm

Quietly following and observing the Riolu's hunt for a suitable piece of plant life for her experiment, Deimos remained close by in order to ensure that potential troublemakers wouldn't cause the hunt much trouble. Besides quietly nodding off an Ursaring and a young Stufful, playing around in a water source off to the right, it was a rather quiet trek. Troublemakers would always exist of course, but as a fellow resident his presence was strong enough to scare off anything major.

Remaining on alert and constantly scanning the environment for trouble did have other benefits, mainly stumbling across items. Snatching up a Gummi and two berries in silence while the Riolu picked out her plant, he carefully stowed them away into the old reliable Reaper Cloth.
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