I need a few ideas for some actually smart puzzles for a group of 6 and Currently at 8th level. I'm not talking just moderate puzzles... these guys can 'cheese' 3-stage locks and 'outtwit' a sphinx who had a mind reading talent.
I'm talking wtf puzzles or challenges that need to be complex and/or quick to reacting to. Similar to Physics, Time based events, etc...
This is still my favorite puzzle to start off with:
Who has a better chance to win.
The one with the d4, d6, and d20?
The one with the d8, d10, and d12?
When it comes to creativity of challenges:
a 10ft by 10ft spring trap/pitfall with iron doors that turn into walls after being sprung. In which it does 3 things.
Sends those who step on it into the air.
Those that weigh less than 100lbs are stuck in a giant spider's web over a 20ft drop.Those that weigh more than 100lbs end up short of the web and are forced into the 20ft drop. In which another path is found. The walls are covered in webs. So climbing up involves the Giant spiders.
Those that did not step on it are stuck behind the newly made walls and must find a seperate route.The one(s) in the web must either free themselves or face 3 Giant spiders without movement and a disadvantage wherever applicable.
Effectively splitting the group. :d
I love screwing around with the environment, and I tend to keep monsters to a minimum.