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 (Up for Adoption) Gentzer the Sableye

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(Up for Adoption) Gentzer the Sableye Empty
PostSubject: (Up for Adoption) Gentzer the Sableye   (Up for Adoption) Gentzer the Sableye EmptyMon Jan 09, 2017 2:22 pm

» Name: Gentzer
» Sex: Male
» Gender: Male
» Species: Sableye, The Darkness Pokemon
» Affiliation: None, wanders around the place

» Level: 5
» Energy: 19
» Ability: Prankster
» Moves:
- Lv 1 - Recover (Egg Move)
- Lv 1 - Scratch
- Lv 1 - Leer
- Lv 4 - Foresight

» Natural Feats:
- Sharp Claws: Sableye's dig branching holes in caves in their search for gems, as a result, Gentzer's claws can cut through hard materials such as rock.
- Prankster: Status moves Gentzer uses always goes first ahead of other non-priority moves.

» Personality:
Gentzer is usually happy, making jokes and being optimistic about most of his endeavors. Even in the case of some of his gems being lost or stolen, he remains in good spirits. As a result, few things make him unhappy, but when he is, he turns vitriolic and unpleasant. Like most Sableye, he is unhealthily obsessed with gems, and he becomes ecstatic when finding a  gem he takes interest, with added mad laughter. His humor is usually sarcastic, and he lacks the tact to withold certain jokes that may "go too far", this leads to most Pokemon finding him difficult to get to know, even if he means no ill will. His obsession also leads to Gentzer being a tad insane, deluding himself regarding the importance of gems he finds.

» Likes:
- Gems, duh. Gentzer eats the common gems he finds, as all Sableyes do, but Gentzer hoards the more "impressive" gems he finds, even if it over encumbers him to do so. In some cases, he sells gems he finds to get money for better ones.
- Lore. Gentzer loves tales of legendary Pokemon and powerful artifacts. It has got to the point where Gentzer convinces himself a gem he finds has some mysterious significance, like claiming a random crystal is an Adamant Orb or something absurd.
- Comedy. Gentzer takes the mick out of most things he encounters, usually sarcastically. this is more common when Gentzer is with a small group, as he'll attempt to entertain his companions with his humor. He finds himself hilarious.

» Dislikes:
- Large Groups: Gentzer isn't fond of being in a large group for long periods of times. He can become despondent and vitriolic if he has to interact with a large group for a while.
- Injustice: Despite usually being selfishly obsessed to gems, if Gentzer encounters a situation where someone has been seriously screwed over, he can be genuinely sympathetic and want to help, usually by selling a gem he has to give them money, or otherwise.
- Gabites: They fight with him over gems, and he usually loses, to the point where he finds them untrustworthy in all situations. Ironically, he hasn't got a problem with Gible or Garchomp.

» History:
Gentzer was brought up in Serene Cave, where he and his family lived deep in the labyrinth of tunnels they had cut into the cave. Growing up, his family told him tales of legendary Pokemon and incredible explorers and adventurers which excited Gentzer to no end. This included stories of powerful artifacts, usually gem based ones, and since he was a kid Gentzer has wanted to possess such incredible items, not even to use them, just to own. Others of his kind found his sense of grandeur for the gems others would happily eat odd. Once he had grown up, he became bored with the gems he was finding in Serene Cave, nothing was special, and he had seen all the kinds of jewels the cave had to offer. This stagnation, combined with his intense desire for rare gems was not healthy for Gentzer, whose obsession worsened. He convinced himself that literally everything else outside of the cave would be more impressive. He stayed for his family, who died naturally recently. With nothing interesting left for him, and most of his fellow Sableye keeping their distance due to his increasing hoarding of what they saw as food' Gentzer left the cave on a quest to find these gems of legend.
» Other:

Administrator's note: The information below is the progress made by the original RPer that could not be edited into the bio template (Items and threads.) Any prospective adopters may want to look through the threads linked below to see if any are open and the relationships this character had with other before filling out an adoption application.

» Inventory:

» Page Count:
» Threads:
Over Your Head - 0
Help Isn't Cheap - 0
Marshlands Just Rocks - 0
Of Gemstones and Bones - 1
A Prankster's Folly - 0
Insane Decisions - 1

Last edited by Gentzer on Thu Jan 12, 2017 8:57 am; edited 5 times in total
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Lord E V
Lord of the Eevees
Lord E V

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(Up for Adoption) Gentzer the Sableye Empty
PostSubject: Re: (Up for Adoption) Gentzer the Sableye   (Up for Adoption) Gentzer the Sableye EmptyThu Jan 12, 2017 4:07 am

Sorry, your Character Bio cannot be approved due to the following reasons:


List the levels at which your character learned his moves.


Where did you get that sableye's eyes allow them to see in the dark? All the Pokedex entries say is that they can glow, which, considering they're basically gemstones, is presumably due to them reflecting light. In other words, they would only glow when there's already a light source. Considering sableye are dark-type, it's fair to assume they can see better than most in the dark, but this isn't due to their eyes acting as flashlights, nor is it a natural feat. Really, nothing about the gemstone eyes is worth being mentioned as a feat, so just go ahead and remove it entirely.

Also, what your character enjoys doing is not a part of a feat, nor an effect of the Prankster ability. You're free to have him be a literal prankster, but keep that part in the personality and out of the feats.

If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to message any of the Secretaries. May it be through the Chatbox or through Private Messaging, we will tend to your concerns as soon as we can. Please fix your bio accordingly so that we may be able to approve it. Once you have completed your edits, either bump this thread or message us.
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Join date : 2017-01-08
Location : Existential Depression

(Up for Adoption) Gentzer the Sableye Empty
PostSubject: Re: (Up for Adoption) Gentzer the Sableye   (Up for Adoption) Gentzer the Sableye EmptyThu Jan 12, 2017 8:56 am

- Levels learnt added to moveset, ordered accordingly.
- Natural Feat removed, Prankster description amended.

Gotta admit, was looking at some older "first character" posts and they got alot of things to fix, kinda relieved this is all that was wrong with mine!
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Lord E V
Lord of the Eevees
Lord E V

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Location : Nibiru

(Up for Adoption) Gentzer the Sableye Empty
PostSubject: Re: (Up for Adoption) Gentzer the Sableye   (Up for Adoption) Gentzer the Sableye EmptyFri Jan 13, 2017 1:37 am

Character has been approved!

(Up for Adoption) Gentzer the Sableye EucIfYY

Please head over HERE to create your Character Records.  Once you've completed that, go have fun and roleplay!
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(Up for Adoption) Gentzer the Sableye Empty
PostSubject: Re: (Up for Adoption) Gentzer the Sableye   (Up for Adoption) Gentzer the Sableye EmptySun Dec 02, 2018 8:29 am

Character Put Up For Adoption
Pokemon has been put up for adoption due to inactivity
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(Up for Adoption) Gentzer the Sableye Empty
PostSubject: Re: (Up for Adoption) Gentzer the Sableye   (Up for Adoption) Gentzer the Sableye Empty

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