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 A starlit meeting

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A starlit meeting Empty
PostSubject: A starlit meeting   A starlit meeting EmptyTue Dec 06, 2016 7:20 am

It was late at night in Rainfront Town.  Most Pokémon had turned in for the day, leaving the warm air quiet and serene, but there were two that still lingered outside...  Near a row of houses built on a small ridge overlooking the road, at the top of a flight of stone stairs, A Skitty and a Delcatty were lying together on a grassy lawn.  The Delcatty was lost in thought as she gazed at the night sky...  It seemed full of even more glittering stars than normal since the moon was only a dim crescent.  The sight only made things more relaxing.  The Skitty had even nodded off a while ago, curled up as she was against the Delcatty's side...

The larger Pokémon sighed quietly as she glanced at her sleeping younger sister.  She wished they could have spent more time talking, but it couldn't be helped.  Darcy had just finished the long trip to Rainfront Town today, so of course she was tired.  It was too bad that she'd have to leave in the morning, though...  As a guildmember, the Skitty had taken a job to escort someone from Rainfront to Grassveil, and her client didn't want to spend their last night in Rainfront Town at their own home, for one reason or another.  That was why they'd arranged to spend the night here.  It was a shame, but the Delcatty wouldn't be surprised if they wanted to leave as soon as they could...

...Unless they could be convinced to stick around for just a while longer.  Who were they, again?  A Kecleon, Darcy had said..?  Well, whoever they were, the Delcatty wondered when they would arrive.  Gathering their belongings didn't seem like it should have taken this long...
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A starlit meeting Empty
PostSubject: Re: A starlit meeting   A starlit meeting EmptyThu Dec 08, 2016 3:02 am

The Delcatty stifled a yawn as she continued watching the night sky.  It was getting late...  Maybe she should wake Darcy up and bring her inside.  She'd surely be more comfortable in a real bed, and it didn't seem like her client would be arriving anytime soon...

Just as the thought crossed her mind she caught sight of an ink-black shadow stretching towards her and her sister.  It passed harmlessly through the pair but she leaped to her feet anyway, her fur prickling as her eyes darted towards the shadow's source.  Was that a Ghost-type move?  Were they being attacked?

"Hey, I don't know what your problem is, but if you come any closer..."  she hissed, hackles raised as she stepped in front of Darcy.   But as she looked more closely at the shadowy figure on the street below them, her voice caught in her throat.  That was a Kecleon, and she was on the ground, unmoving.

With her fear replaced with concern, the Delcatty bounded down the steps and towards the Kecleon's side.  There didn't seem to be any injuries, and she was still breathing...  But wasn't her color slightly different than it should be..?  On a hunch, the Delcatty leaned in close and examined her with Foresight...  Yes, this Kecleon was a Ghost-type.  She didn't look hurt, but she must have been in a fight recently if her type had changed, right..?

The commotion caused the Skitty at the top of the stairs to stir.  "Hazel..?" she muttered as she blinked her eyes open and glanced around for her sister...

"Darcy, down here!" the Delcatty called with a glance in her sister's direction.  The Skitty stifled a yawn and stood to her feet, but spotting Yooka's unconscious form in the middle of the street sent a jolt of panic running through her body.

"H-Hazel, what happened?  Why is she on the ground?" she called while bounding down the steps and towards the two of them.

"I don't know, Darce...  I found her like this just now.  But she doesn't look hurt..."

Darcy calmed down a little upon hearing that Yooka was unharmed, but she still frowned as she made her way forward to see for herself.  It was true...  Yooka seemed to be okay, albeit asleep.  After circling her once, Darcy came to a stop in front of Yooka's face and gently prodded at the Kecleon's forehead with a paw, her mind racing as she wondered what on earth had happened.  "Yooka...  Yooka, are you alright..?" she asked, both herself and the Delcatty hoping for a response...
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A starlit meeting Empty
PostSubject: Re: A starlit meeting   A starlit meeting EmptyFri Dec 09, 2016 11:36 pm

Hearing Yooka speak sent a wave of relief washing over Darcy.  ...Even if the words themselves didn't make any sense, the Skitty sprouted a tiny smile just at the knowledge that Yooka would be okay.  "U-uhh...  If you say so, ma'am..." she said with a small laugh as she turned around and brushed the tip of her tail beneath Yooka's chin.  "This is Darcy.  Tickle tickle tickle..."

The Delcatty stepped forward, seeming a little less relieved.  Darcy hadn't quite heard the last few words that the exhausted Kecleon muttered under her breath, but Hazel had, and it left her just as worried as before...  For the Kecleon, of course, but also for Darcy.  If there had been a fight...  Would it be safe to let Darcy escort this person to Grassveil by herself..?  "Um...  You're Yooka, right..?" she asked, tilting her head.  "We should get you inside.  But do you mind telling us what happened to you first?  This...  Doesn't just look like it was just normal family drama."
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A starlit meeting Empty
PostSubject: Re: A starlit meeting   A starlit meeting EmptySun Dec 11, 2016 10:16 pm

It was good to see Yooka return to her usual self, though it ws too bad that she wasn't able to get all of her belongings...  While that tiny backpack was cute, it didn't look like it could hold very much.  But Darcy perked up and wore a cheery smile as Yooka asked to go around any dungeons on the way back.  "Yeah!  Of course, Yooka," she said, her tail swishing back and forth.  That sounded so, so much nicer than cutting through them...  And it meant that they would get to spend more time together!  The Skitty had been looking forward to befriending another guildmember ever since she'd left Grassveil Town.  She had even brought a couple of board games along for them to play whenever they stopped to rest...

Hazel on the other hand kept a wary look on her face as Yooka spoke, and she looked even more worried after the Kecleon whispered to her.  "Hey, I'm sorry, but I don't know who you are.  I don't want to let a shady stranger spend a week alone with my sister unless you tell both of us--"

"H-Hazelll...  Please don't be mean..." Darcy said as she hastily stepped between the two, her ears flattened.  Hazel could be a little...  Untrusting, sometimes.  Whatever had happened between Yooka and her family was probably just something embarrassing, right?  Darcy was okay with not knowing everything about it!  She and Yooka would be seeing a lot of each other in the days to come, so of course the Kecleon would value her privacy...

Hazel sighed and glanced away with a flustered look on her face, then turned around and began walking up the steps that lead to her house.  "...Okay.  You're probably tired anyway, Darce.  I'll get you settled in my bedroom, and then I'll make sure Yooka has everything she needs, alright?"

Darcy smiled again as she let out a tiny yawn.  She certainly was tired, and the prospect of curling up in a bed sure sounded nice...  "Yeah...  Okay," she said while following behind her sister, though she paused and glanced at Yooka after just a moment.  "Um...  Can you get up these stairs by yourself, Yooka?  You seemed really exhausted.  You can lean on me if you need to."
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A starlit meeting Empty
PostSubject: Re: A starlit meeting   A starlit meeting EmptyTue Dec 13, 2016 8:54 am

Darcy smiled and continued up the stairs...  But Yooka's efforts to reassure Hazel made the Skitty stumble.  She turned to face the Kecleon while blushing a little.  "T-That's not true!  I'm not just a kid, Yooka!  I'm a member of the Grassveil Guild, and I can take care of myself!" she said while stamping a paw against the ground.  ...Although truthfully, she really wasn't that confident that she could defend herself if she needed to.  But Yooka didn't have to be mean about it!  Especially not in front of her big sister like this!  Darcy was supposed to be the one escorting her, not the other way around...

Hazel did her best not to smile as she reached the top of the stairs.  "...I guess it is better than being all alone, huh.  And Darce...  I know you're tough, but I've got a present for you that might make things even easier.  I think you'll like it."

Darcy's ears perked up and she stopped sulking as she heard that last part.  She still avoided eye contact with Yooka, but most of her usual cheerfulness was back as she trotted inside after her sister.

It was a very small house, only two rooms large.  The main room was round, housing a low-lying table with a few cushions scattered around it.  On one side was an empty fireplace and on the other was a door leading to the bedroom.  The curtains were open, but not much light poured through, leaving everything dark and shadowy save for a faint blue glow.

On the table was a flat, circular object...  Hazel slid it towards Darcy and nodded.  "It's a TM for 'Solar Beam'.  I won it in a raffle but thought you'd get more use out of it, now that you're a guildmember and all."

"O-oh, wow!  Thank you, Hazel!" Darcy said as she carefully pulled it closer with her paws and examined it.  This really was a fantastic gift.  Maybe it would help her guildwork go a little more smoothly...

"Now you should get to bed.  You can sleep in mine tonight.  I'll make sure Yooka gets anything she needs, so don't worry," Hazel said while Darcy tucked her present away.

"...Yeah.  That sounds nice," The Skitty said in response, then turned to look at Yooka.  "Is that okay?  Or is there anything you need me for first?"

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A starlit meeting Empty
PostSubject: Re: A starlit meeting   A starlit meeting EmptyWed Dec 21, 2016 12:36 am

"Well...  I have some dried berries lying around that you can bring with you, but not much else," Hazel said, pacing over to a chest against one of the walls and nosing it open.  "It should be enough to last you two until you get home, though.  You seem pretty exhausted, Darce, so I don't think I'll make you stay up and help with anything."

"O-okay," Darcy said, rubbing her face with a paw and yawning again...  "Just...  Um, come get me if you need anything.  Thank you for letting us stay here, Hazel."  With that, the tired little Skitty made her way to the other room and gently pushed the door closed behind her.

"And, Yooka..." Hazel continued as she rummaged around in the chest.  "Would you really be alright with letting Darcy stay for a few more days?  It's been a while since we've gotten to spend some time together.  I'd be obliged if you could put off leaving, but...  You seemed like you were in a hurry, collapsing on the street and all."

She turned around and took a seat on one of the cushions surrounding the table, her tail swishing back and forth as she eyed Yooka.  "...You were a Ghost-type when I found you.  That's why I was worried about letting Darcy be your guide.  Were you in a fight with someone..?"
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A starlit meeting Empty
PostSubject: Re: A starlit meeting   A starlit meeting EmptyWed Dec 21, 2016 7:32 am

Hazel listened patiently, but she tilted her head and frowned as Yooka spoke, and her tail ceased wagging...  She gazed at the Kecleon for a long moment, her reflective eyes glinting with moonlight.  But eventually she shut them and shook her head.  "...No.  Darcy and I were waiting outside for at least an hour, and I'm certain we didn't see anyone like that."

She sighed and looked away.  "I understand all of this even less than you do.  ...But...  I believe you.  If you're confident that those two won't follow you, and that you weren't seen by the police...  Well...  Then I'd feel bad if I kept your guide from helping you."

She paused again, glancing in the direction of the bedroom.  "...I worry about Darcy sometimes, but...  She's a guildmember now, and this kind of thing is her job.  I understand that.  Just...  Please watch out for her, okay?  She's only a beginner.  Can you promise me?"  The Delcatty returned her gaze to Yooka, her normally relaxed eyes looking troubled, perhaps even pleading...
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A starlit meeting Empty
PostSubject: Re: A starlit meeting   A starlit meeting EmptyThu Dec 22, 2016 10:42 pm

As Yooka spoke, Hazel's expression eased up, and she smiled again and nodded her head.  "Thank you, Yooka.  It means a lot."

And after that, it didn't take Yooka long to lean against the wall and collapse from exhaustion...  It wasn't too much of a surprise.  She seemed to have been through even more than Darcy had.  With an amused smile, Hazel pushed one of the cushions over to Yooka's side, and gently helped the sleeping Kecleon lay down on her side, so that she was using the cushion like a pillow...  Then she stealthily retrieved a blanket from the bedroom and spread it over Yooka's sleeping body.  Once she was satisfied that her guest looked comfortable, Hazel pulled the curtains shut and returned to the bedroom.  She was beginning to feel quite tired herself.  Thankfully, her bed seemed big enough for both herself and Darcy...

And so the three of them slept soundly through the rest of the night.  Morning came, and beams of sunlight leaked through the curtains of all of the windows in the house.  While Darcy and Hazel awoke first, the two of them lazily remained in bed and chatted with each other, making up for lost time...  They each had so much to share, both having left home within the past few months.  They tried to keep their voices low enough to let Yooka sleep, but sometimes they couldn't help but laugh or say something loudly in surprise...

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