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 You Teach Me, and I'll Teach You

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Record Checker

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You Teach Me, and I'll Teach You - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: You Teach Me, and I'll Teach You   You Teach Me, and I'll Teach You - Page 3 EmptySat May 14, 2016 4:28 am

First topic message reminder :

The two buizel, Xeno and Bui, had come from Pecha Forest and were now arriving in the Small Pond area. Bui had been here many, many times before—if he were to pick a favourite place, this would be a candidate.

"I don't know if you've ever been around here before, but it's a nice, calm place. Pokemon tend to come here to swim or have picnics and whatnot." Bui examined the area, looking for a nice place for the two to set up camp.

If Xeno doesn't want to go near towns, then this place will make a fine alternative. I just hope the night doesn't get too cold—I'm not very confident in my fire-making skills; I'm a water-type, after all.

Bui spotted a decent-sized tree close to the shore of the lake. "That looks like a nice spot," Bui said as he pointed the location out to his companion. He began to make his way over, expecting Xeno to follow.
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Record Checker

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You Teach Me, and I'll Teach You - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: You Teach Me, and I'll Teach You   You Teach Me, and I'll Teach You - Page 3 EmptyFri May 20, 2016 7:49 am

(Digi has been skipped until he returns (sorry Digi we are all impatient). When he returns, he can feel free to snap Jet out of his daze at whatever point. Also welcome and nice of you to drop by Mr. Glasses.)

Bui closed his eyes and pointed upwards, taking a classic professor stance as he began to explain his game. "It's simple. Every buizel for himself. Try to dodge your opponents' attacks while firing off your own. Once you've been hit, your out—inflate your bouy and sit at the surface until the next round—" Bui opened his eyes to find Jet staring at nothing and Xeno glancing at a tree.

"Hey, are either of you even listening? Xeno what are you looking at? And you, Jet? Jet?" Bui waved his hand in front of the latest buizel's eyes. "Great, he's broken."

Bui turned around to face Xeno just in time to see a blur of a Pokemon tumble to the pond shore. "Speaking of broken, I think I just witnessed a rock commit murder."
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You Teach Me, and I'll Teach You - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: You Teach Me, and I'll Teach You   You Teach Me, and I'll Teach You - Page 3 EmptyFri May 20, 2016 1:54 pm

The sound of Isaac tripping and colliding painfully with a rock was enough to rouse Cirrus from her nap. Her head spikes unfurled to make the usual Togepi shape as she looked around before seeing the unconscious Chespin, that sight causing her to almost immediately shake off any remaining drowsiness.

"No idea what Pokémon they are, but it needs help..." she said, jumping to work. She managed to move Isaac's body into the shade of the tree she had previously slept underneath. Thinking with a degree of urgency that surprised even her, she came up with two herbs that could help. Collecting some marigold flowers from near the pond, of which their petals and leaves were needed, alongside some dried oak leaves from an earlier Pecha Forest visit, she got to work with diligently crushing them up.
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You Teach Me, and I'll Teach You - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: You Teach Me, and I'll Teach You   You Teach Me, and I'll Teach You - Page 3 EmptySat May 21, 2016 12:59 am

Isaac groaned as he woke up to the sight of an egg-like Pokémon trampling several plants underfoot. He didn't know what sort of vendetta it had against the plantlife, but - Agh, his head was killing him.

Presently, Isaac asked: "I'm sorry, but who are you, exactly? Wha-what happened?" He sat up, massaging his forehead and feeling the sticky red that currently occupied that space. He felt rather woozy.
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PostSubject: Re: You Teach Me, and I'll Teach You   You Teach Me, and I'll Teach You - Page 3 EmptySat May 21, 2016 5:40 pm

"Shh, just relax. You've had a nasty tumble but I'll tend to that injury." she said to the dazed Chespin while gently pushing him back down. "You're bleeding there, see? Don't touch it." With that, she continued to crush the mixture of herbs.

After some more time, she gathered together what remained of the marigold petals, marigold leaves, and dried oak leaves into a moist mass before dutifully rubbing it on Isaac's head injury and retrieving some bandages in her bag to hold it onto the site. "There. That mixture should help it heal and keep out infections, but you shouldn't strain yourself." She felt rather delighted to have used what little she knew to help him out.

"I'm Cirrus, a Togepi. What's your name?" she then said, finally answering his question.
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You Teach Me, and I'll Teach You - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: You Teach Me, and I'll Teach You   You Teach Me, and I'll Teach You - Page 3 EmptySat May 21, 2016 7:17 pm

Blanking out at the phrase that Bui had just uttered, all Xeno could do was respond with a simple, "what?"

Murder is interesting. Although, that's probably not the most sane thing to say right now... is it?

Realizing that something else had fallen down from the slope, Xeno instinctively backed up and almost dived into the nearest bush. Now is not the time for that, I know "D-Do you w-want to see?" Trying to convince himself that nothing major was going on, Xeno continued to glance nervously around. Suddenly, he thought he saw the oval-shaped object behind the tree move. Exactly what is going on here?
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Record Checker

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PostSubject: Re: You Teach Me, and I'll Teach You   You Teach Me, and I'll Teach You - Page 3 EmptySat May 21, 2016 9:51 pm

(Digi is dropping out. Also, let me just state a post order here so no one gets confused. Glasses, Gengar, Xeno, Badger, rinse repeat.)

Bui watched the scene unfold in front of him. A green Pokemon tumbles down a hill and lands near the pond shore. Then an egg ran up to it and started bandaging it up. Cirrus!

Bui grabbed Xeno by the paw and pulled him with him. "Come on, I know that egg. Hey Cirrus!" Bui waved towards his friend with his other paw. "Find yourself a new friend to fix up there?"

Man what are the odds? Also, there are a lot of Pokemon around here this morning. Hope it doesn't get in the way of our training—which, thinking now, will have to be delayed until further notice. I'd like to introduce Cirrus and Xeno to each other.
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You Teach Me, and I'll Teach You - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: You Teach Me, and I'll Teach You   You Teach Me, and I'll Teach You - Page 3 EmptySat May 21, 2016 11:07 pm

(Togepi... I'll have to remember that.) thought Isaac in parentheses, for lack of the proper code for italics.

"I take it you two know eachother." The patient to the flower-kaiju Togepi said to the Buizel with a quick smile. Isaac asided: "Oh, I'm Isaac, by the way." He grimiced at a fresh wave of pain. He made to press his paw against it again, but, fearing the potential wrath of the Togepi still trampling herbs, transitioned it into the opening for a handshake, extended to... one of the Buizel. The one that wasn't being pulled along. Not Buizel 2: Electric Boogaloo.

Isaac reckoned that he must have gotten a concussion. He wasn't usually this... cynical, was that the word? The Chespin didn't know. If only he hadn't

Isaac lost his train of thought.
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You Teach Me, and I'll Teach You - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: You Teach Me, and I'll Teach You   You Teach Me, and I'll Teach You - Page 3 EmptySun May 22, 2016 12:11 am

Having now finished what appeared to be unrepentant genocide to her Grass typed patient, Cirrus heard that voice calling out to her. Definitely a familiar one, she had to notice. Cirrus turned around and was delighted to see that it was coming from Bui, the teammate and friend in her phyrric victory of a Shadowhue Forest exploration. She was quite pleased to see him again.

"Wow, nice to see you! How are you doing?" she happily replied to him before turning to the Chespin. "Nice to meet you Isaac. Bui, this is Isaac. Isaac, Bui." Having introduced the two of them, she finally turned to the last new face, Xeno. "Don't really recall meeting this Buizel though. Friend of yours?" she asked Bui questioningly.
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You Teach Me, and I'll Teach You - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: You Teach Me, and I'll Teach You   You Teach Me, and I'll Teach You - Page 3 EmptySun May 22, 2016 5:30 am

Oh no, not more pokemon.... I don't think I can handle this one.

Flinching at the Togepi and Chespin's gaze, Xeno quickly backed out and dived into the nearest bush, strictly on impulse.

I don't think I'm going to get over this habit, am I?

"H-Hi," said Xeno from the depths of the bush. At this point, he was so far inside that one could mistake the bush for being sentient. "W-Why are y-you here?" Xeno shivered a bit, he really wasn't used to this amount of pokemon being around. He certainly didn't appreciate it too much. He'd rather be alone, in the confines of whatever tree he came across that was comfortable. Worried that the pokemon might try to press him or something else ridiculous, Xeno tried to squeeze further into the bush, rather unsuccessfully.
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Record Checker

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You Teach Me, and I'll Teach You - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: You Teach Me, and I'll Teach You   You Teach Me, and I'll Teach You - Page 3 EmptySun May 22, 2016 5:39 am

Bui sighed and sat next to the bush Xeno had claimed. "This is Xeno—the buizel, not the bush. Xeno, this is Cirrus, I met her in Shadowhue Forest." Bui looked at the green Pokemon, who appeared to be alive and awake.

Good, no bodies in the pond today. Cirrus does a pretty good job with this doctoring stuff for being just a kid.

"Xeno and I were just about to start doing some training. We've made a deal; he teaches me to read and I teach him to fight," Bui turned and looked at the bush behind him. "It's going well so far, I think." Turning back, Bui studdied the green Pokemon. "So, Cirrus, he going to be alright? Also, Issac? What are you, exactly?"
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You Teach Me, and I'll Teach You - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: You Teach Me, and I'll Teach You   You Teach Me, and I'll Teach You - Page 3 EmptySun May 22, 2016 9:39 pm

"I'm a Chespin," Isaac stated. "I was just on my way to Grassveil Town to find a place to stay." He shifted, and succeeded in shakily standing up. Turning to Cirrus, the Chespin then said that the Togepi looked like she was about done, and asked politely if he could have those herbs "to go."

Isaac glanced at the Xeno in the bush. "I promise that I'll be on my way as soon as I can. Then you can keep going." Isaac assured Xeno. Still feeling a bit dizzy, Isaac decided to sit back down.

(Perhaps I should wait a little longer), Isaac suggested to himself. Himself wholeheartedly agreed.


[OOC: Could someone please give me the code for italics? Thank you!]
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You Teach Me, and I'll Teach You - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: You Teach Me, and I'll Teach You   You Teach Me, and I'll Teach You - Page 3 EmptySun May 22, 2016 11:23 pm

([i]yourtextgoeshere[ /i], take out the space before the /.)

"Um, I guess you could take some" she replied to the Chespin before turning her attention towards Bui. "Yeah, he should be fine. I watched a previous teammate get treated in a similar manner."

The mention of Bui and Xeno doing some training had caught Cirrus's interest. "I think I'd like to stick around to watch you two, if that's ok. I had come over here earlier to practice the new Double Team move I got from a TM before taking a nap. Next thing I know, Isaac here almost splits his head open and here we are." she continued on, summarising how she had ended up sleeping by that tree.
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You Teach Me, and I'll Teach You - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: You Teach Me, and I'll Teach You   You Teach Me, and I'll Teach You - Page 3 EmptySun May 22, 2016 11:53 pm

As Xeno was still in the confines of the bush, all he could really utter was a simple, "N-Nice t-to meet you..." Shutting his eyes, he tried to back up into the bush further, but as his luck would have it, there was another sharp stick pointing out. Backing up into it, he immediately reacted and jumped out of the bush yet again into a face-down position. "Ow... Just not our day is it?" Realizing what he said out loud made him more flustered as he scrambled to get into an upright position. Staring at the Togepi and Chespin straight on, Xeno still had the urge to run off, but something else told him to stay. (Yeah same situation as last time I know) "S-So... W-What now?" Xeno stared at Bui, who happened to be right next to the bush that he launched out of.
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Record Checker

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You Teach Me, and I'll Teach You - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: You Teach Me, and I'll Teach You   You Teach Me, and I'll Teach You - Page 3 EmptyMon May 23, 2016 12:11 am

Bui observed the surounding area, making sure no more surprise Pokemon were showing up. I swear if any more do show up Xeno will become a bush. Upon noticing that Jet had seemingly vanished from the scene, Bui sighed.

"Well it looks like it's just you and I again, Xeno. The game I described earlier would be a lot more fun between three, but I guess two would do just the same. One of us can go to the opposite side of the pond to start. Also, I'll go easy on ya—but don't bother holding back on me, if you happen to do any serious damage, Cirrus can patch me up. Right C?"
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You Teach Me, and I'll Teach You - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: You Teach Me, and I'll Teach You   You Teach Me, and I'll Teach You - Page 3 EmptyMon May 23, 2016 1:28 am

Isaac enjoyed birdsong a lot.

Watching the two near-identical Buizel and the small pond, and listening to the birdsong and the rustle of the leaves, filled Isaac with determination. And nostalgia.

It was hard to appreciate nostalgia, considering that the amnesiac only had about 6 months worth of memories left. More often than not, the nostalgia was baseless, leaving him with a bother in the back of his mind. But the back was called so for a.reason, so the itch only posed a minor annoyance.

Ah, if he only had a good book to match the day. Watershed Down was his favorite.

If Isaac knew that, at a future date, he would be dead; killed mid-sentence, he wouldn't be dwelling on such matters. But since he didn't, he boarded his train of thought at the next station.

Presently, Isaac turned to the Togepi. "I'm sorry, but I never quite caught your name. Oh, and thank you for helping me." He smiled.
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