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PostSubject: Meeting new people(open)   Meeting new people(open) EmptyMon Aug 24, 2015 8:14 pm

A small golett wandered around the forest. Bullwinkle looked around at the scenery a glint in his eye. It was late noon, sunlight streaming through the trees. The grass was swaying in the light wind, leaves shaking slightly in the trees and on the bushes. The cries of bird pokemon could be heard in the distance, rustling from small land pokemon coming from the bushes. Bullwinkle stumbled through the forest, the grass impeding movement on his flat, stone feet. He looked at the trees seeing the nearly ripe berries hanging from the trees, their leaves beginning to lose their bright green color and turn a faint orange. Autumn was here, and despite most places in the world barely changing with the seasons, pecha forest had enough changes to be noticeable. Something in a tree caught Bullwinkle's eye, high in the branches. He wanted to get it, but knew he was too heavy to climb. He thought for a moment, then grabbed the base of the tree, he began to shake it gently rattling some leaves off their branches.
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Kitsune Empress

Kitsune Empress

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PostSubject: Re: Meeting new people(open)   Meeting new people(open) EmptyTue Aug 25, 2015 5:16 pm

Today had been a good day so far, the Vulpix has actually acquired a few items early into her trip into this dungeon. It was definitely a high point in the day, the sunlight coated her body in its warm, loving embrace that filled her with lovely heat. She sighed happily as she trotted through the bushes, surely there was nothing better than the sun in terms of making her fill like a million poke. She tried not to linger in spots where the sun was strongest, even now she didn't really have time to mess around.

As she moved through the tall grass, the lady looked up in thought. The male Absol she just met played in her mind for a second, he was certainly a mysterious fellow, but for somebody who constantly acted distant he sure talked quite a bit. She was glad he did, the silence surely would have driven her insane if he had not. She shook the male from her mind for now, she must focus on finding items and avoiding hostile pokemon, for that she needs to actually pay attention where she was going.

She soon found herself in a area decorated with fallen leaves, she looked up to the trees as she pauses, taking in the changing colors that she had not noticed before. The changing seasons seem to have effected some of this area, the pokemon here must be ecstatic to enjoy the Autumn, well, most of them. She made a mental note to focus on gathering berries and long lasting edibles, the cold breeze of the winter season will be blowing through the trees in but a few months. And with it, the color and fruits, leaving nothing but the cold resistant edibles to survive.

She hummed to herself, now walking deeper into the clearing. As she did, the sound of foot falls sounded in her ears, to her left. The Vulpix tensed up and lowered herself to the ground, cloaking her small body in the height of the grass. She stalked closer to the noise, her bag dragging against the ground soundlessly. As she peaked up over the grassline, she spied the golem like pokemon shaking at a tree. This caused the Fox to tilt her head, now why would he be doing that? She studied him, Golett's aren't a feral pokemon native to this area, he could only be a non-feral. But was he dangerous to her? She stood up full, walking towards the construct pokemon.

"Excuse me Dear, but may I ask what it is your doing?

(Energy: 16 - 5 to enter = 11 energy left)
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PostSubject: Re: Meeting new people(open)   Meeting new people(open) EmptyTue Aug 25, 2015 6:58 pm

Bullwinkle rotated his head 180 degrees in its socket turning to look at the approaching vulpix. He walked forward changing the positioning of his joints to change the side of his front on his symmetrical body. Approached silently, looking down at the shorter pokemon.

However, as he approached the pokemon, a root caught his foot, causing him to stumble and fall, panicking and folding into his spherical body. He rolled, passing the other pokemon, rolling into a nearby tree, plants smooshed into the ground in his wake.

He got up, picking himself up and brushing the dirt and leaves from his scarf. He stood in front of the other pokemon, holding out his hand.

"Greetings!" Bullwinkle said cheerfully, "to answer your question, I thought I saw something in the tree, but it doesn't seem to be anything," he said dejectedly, "Do you need help with anything!" He said, his eyes lighting up at the prospect of not only helping someone, but helping someone in a dungeon.
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Kitsune Empress

Kitsune Empress

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PostSubject: Re: Meeting new people(open)   Meeting new people(open) EmptyTue Aug 25, 2015 11:10 pm

The Vulpix  felt her eyes widen with surprise, she pulled her head back and stared at the pokemon that she is pretty sure just completely changed which side was it's front... She's only seen Polygons do that. The Lady watched as the large pokemon approached her without a word, it's scarf (which she hadn't noticed) visible to her brown eyes. She backed slightly, then stepped to the side as the other pokemon tripped and rolled.

She sweatdropped as the pokemon bounced back up with no visible injures and greeted her in a cheery voice. At least he isn't hostile. She thought with a sigh, before giving the Golett a slightly worried smile. "Are you okay Dear? You took quite a tumble there." Honestly, now that they were actually starting a conversation, he didn't seem that bad at all. 

The vixen perked up when he asked if she needed any help, she happens to need a willing guard to protect her until she gathers what she needs. She voiced this, "Well dear, I so happen to need somebody to protect me as I gather items for both the incoming cold and for a party I must set up. If you are willing, will you protect me?"
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PostSubject: Re: Meeting new people(open)   Meeting new people(open) EmptyWed Aug 26, 2015 6:30 pm

Bullwinkle eyes glowed brighter (the equivalent of his eyes sparkling) looking at the vulpix in sheer joy at the prospect of actually going on a mission, well as close as he could get without joining the guild. "Of course I will protect you! What kind of jr. adventurer would I be if I turned down someone in need!" he said trying to mask his excitement with his sense of justice. "So any kind of berry in particular?" He said curiously, tilting his head slightly. Bullwinkle himself didn't need food to survive, he just needed to keep his core fueled. As such anything would work, with varying degrees of efficiency, things like charcoal and coal would work well, food worked the best, and things like dirt worked the worst. "So," he said putting is hands on his "hips", "where to?"
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Kitsune Empress

Kitsune Empress

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PostSubject: Re: Meeting new people(open)   Meeting new people(open) EmptyFri Aug 28, 2015 12:24 pm

The Vulpix smiled wider, her eyes glinting with a small bit of surprise mixed with appreciation. She was a little surprised he accepted her job, most pokemon wouldn't help her if they weren't getting a reward. Hopefully the construct doesn't change his mind anyway through out their soon to come mission inside Pecha. Honestly, he did look strong, like he could protect her from anything without her actually getting in the way. That's a good feeling to project of her is going into become a...adventurer was it? She'll probably learn about that later anyways.

And since he is doing this, she is going to have to give specifics, "Ah, first off. I am Lady Jasper, a civilian. I possesses no will or want to participate in the arts of battle, I am a pacifist if it explains it better. However, due to my lack of 'funds' I cannot invest in submitting mission requests, so I come out here to do it myself.

I appreciate that you are willing to help me. Whether you follow through or not is up to you. As for what I am gathering in this area, I'm searching for at least 10 Pecha berries, 5 is my minimum, that is my top priority. It shouldn't be too hard in a forest named after the former. We can start our search to the west, do you understand Dear?"

The lady stared up at the golett after she finished, before turning her head to where she believed west to be. We should surely find the berries at least, the other things i need seems to be out of my reach for now.
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PostSubject: Re: Meeting new people(open)   Meeting new people(open) EmptyMon Aug 31, 2015 7:21 pm

The small Golett walked beside the other pokemon, silently watching their surroundings with his glowing yellow eyes, rotating his head towards any sounds in the near vicinity. Any pokemon that were watching them were quickly ran, scared by this strange pokemon's unnatural display. Every once in a while, he glanced upward at the berries in the trees, looking for any trees that had fruit ripe enough for harvest.

Bullwinkle looked over at the vulpix, Lady Jasper as she called herself. She seems nice enough, He thought to himself, Shes a pacifist and a civilian so i have to be on high alert to keep her safe. He though determination burning in his core.

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Kitsune Empress

Kitsune Empress

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PostSubject: Re: Meeting new people(open)   Meeting new people(open) EmptyMon Aug 31, 2015 11:41 pm

The smaller pokemon took graceful strides along side the larger, her red fur blowing gently in the wind. She kept her brown eyes facing forward, with the occasional glace to her sides to spontaneous any points of interest. This is the fox's manyth time in this forest, she knows her way around the basic landmarks. However the every shifting nature of mystery dungeons has left her puzzled and lost many times in her life.

She finally looked up at her large companion, observing his ability  to completely rotate his head with interest unhidden. "If you mind me asking, can you tell me how it is that you can move your body in such odd ways? I know construct pokemon are slightly different from types such as myself, I've never had the chance to ask anyone else since you are the first one I've ever directly spoken to. " she inquired, though still keeping one eye out for anything of interest.

Kitsune Empress carried out 2 launched of one Pecha Forest :
Meeting new people(open) RvuSukW , Meeting new people(open) La94TiN
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PostSubject: Re: Meeting new people(open)   Meeting new people(open) EmptyTue Sep 01, 2015 8:10 pm

"Hmm.. I never really thought about it too much... I mean, Its probably that my joints are different from norma- hold on," Bullwinkle said, a bush rustling in front of them, moving next to the pacifistic pokemon "Up you go!" He said, tossing the red fox pokemon into the branches of a nearby tree.

The Golett turned to face the other pokemon, which had emerged from the brush, revealing it as a Zigzagoon. The wild pokemon and Bullwinkle circled each other, sizing each other up. A quick examination of the pokemon revealed it to be nigh feral, its fur matted and dirty, a thirst for battle in its eyes. "Somethings wrong." The construct pokemon blocking the other pokemon's head first lunge with his arms, its erratic movement pattern changing the weight of the charge, offsetting the stone pokemon's center of balance, however his weight helped him steady himself, his feet dug into the mud, "Pokemon in this area are normally peaceful, eating berries and avoiding conflict, but this ones different, could other pokemon here be like this too?" He said watching his opponent carefully.

Last edited by Demonicmuffin on Wed Sep 09, 2015 6:17 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Kitsune Empress

Kitsune Empress

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PostSubject: Re: Meeting new people(open)   Meeting new people(open) EmptyWed Sep 02, 2015 1:14 pm

"Yes, maybe that is- Oh!" The lady let out a small yelp as she was tossed into the trees by her golett guard, she let her tiny claws dig themselves into the tree bark, her eyes wide with the shock of being thrown so abruptly. She was thankfully unhurt. She looked down at where her guard was staring down a feral Zigzagoon on the ground level. She loosened her grip on the tree slightly, moving into a more comfortable position. I do hope he learns that he mustn't do things so...abruptly, She placed her paw over her heart, That scared the fur off me. Though to be fair he did give a warning of sorts.

Meanwhile, the feral Zigzagoon circled around the larger pokemon with a fierce glare, letting out a loud growl. (Growl) Digging it's paws into the ground, it launched itself at the golem with a glowing tail, aiming to further attack the big guy's stats. Jasper looked on from her perch, she heard the golem, but doesn't need to distract him during battle.
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PostSubject: Re: Meeting new people(open)   Meeting new people(open) EmptyWed Sep 02, 2015 8:37 pm

Bullwinkle was put off guard by the growl, stunned momentarily. The zigzagoon took advantage of this opening leaping at him and smacking him across the face with its tail. He tumbled, rolling into a ball (defense curl) and stopping his tumble, getting up on his feet and returning to a battle position.

Bullwinkle focused, a small wad of mud forming in his palm, throwing it at his opponents face (mud slap). He then rushed towards the enemy as fast as he could on uneven terrain. He slammed his arms down on his opponents head, knocking it unconscious.

"Ok, battles over you can come down now!" he said to the smaller pokemon in the tree. A small yellow seed fell from the unconscious zigzagoons fur, the small golett approaching the fallen item. He slowly picked it up, being careful not to crush it in his large, stone fingers.

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Kitsune Empress

Kitsune Empress

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PostSubject: Re: Meeting new people(open)   Meeting new people(open) EmptyThu Sep 03, 2015 12:57 pm

The Vulpix could almost feel a sweat drip down her head at the short battle. That golem is stronger than she thought, but considering his strength advantage there was not much the Zigzagoon could do to really against the golett. A hopeless battle if you will. She eyed the down raccoon pokemon, she couldn't help but wish it well, the sight of hurt pokemon upsets her. She shook her head and stood up on the branch, then jumped down to meet with her stronger companion.

She walked up to him, before catching sight of something small between his fingers. "To answer your earlier question, there are many pokemon like that Zigzagoon in this forest, ferals are fairly common in these types of areas. Most ferals attack any pokemon that's around, they're not too intelligent, but some are certainly smarter than others." She flicked her paw at hit hands, "What is that in you hand?"
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PostSubject: Re: Meeting new people(open)   Meeting new people(open) EmptyFri Sep 04, 2015 12:12 am

"It's a seed, the Zigzagoon had it, and judging by its looks its a swift seed," He said, gingerly tucking the seed into a one of the many pockets in his scarf. He then proceeded to pull out a small rag from another pocket and gently tie it around the injured pokemon's head, "There we go," he said, standing up from the injured pokemon picking the pokemon up and putting it in the bush it came from, underneath some sticks and leaves to protect it while it was unconscious. "Ok, so whats next"
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Kitsune Empress

Kitsune Empress

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PostSubject: Re: Meeting new people(open)   Meeting new people(open) EmptyFri Sep 04, 2015 12:09 pm

She stood back from Bullwinkle and step away, "The same thing we were doing before the attack sweetie. Heading west will getting every berry I need a long with items of interest. Now come along." She turned down the path she was previously on and started walking again, knowing that the larger pokemon would be following her like a good guard though... I can do without being tossed around like a rag doll. She sweatdropped silently with a odd look on her face.
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PostSubject: Re: Meeting new people(open)   Meeting new people(open) EmptyFri Sep 04, 2015 8:04 pm

Bullwinkle nodded and followed silently, looking at his escortee, I wonder why her face is like that, did i do something wrong? He thought worriedly, Did I already mess up on the first time helping anyone in a mystery dungeon? He worried over all the things he might have done wrong as he followed behind the other pokemon.
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