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 Friendly Tension.

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Monokuma Pikachu

Monokuma Pikachu

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Friendly Tension. Empty
PostSubject: Friendly Tension.   Friendly Tension. EmptyWed Aug 05, 2015 1:31 am

A Sylveon wandered aimlessly in the dungeon, with no clear goal on what she should be doing. She was gonna get supplies. However, when she arrived, Alona has completely forgotten about bring something to carry the stuff she finds. However, Alona couldn't help forgetting stuff like that, she's a little worried about Aaron. After that Altercation back at Small pond, Aaron Looked like he was in Emotional despair. He claims he was alright, even smiling whenever she asked him a question. She knew better However. Aaron was terrified. He didn't want to be attacked when he turns, nor did he want to hurt his friend. He was at a lost on what he's supposed to do. It's rather heartbreaking to be honest.

"It's that damn Ralts fault." Alona grumbled. Joey and even Aaron claimed that she was good at comforting. However, that was all crap as far as Alona was aware. What did this Ralts do when Aaron was under this darkness influence? Instead of being a friend, She stood by her Guild morale and told the Deino that she was going to arrest him, if he were to attack. And to go as far as agreeing to beat him to death if he were to change again? No, forget her. "What he needs right now is comfort, being with his close friends. He doesn't need to be threatened like that." Noel is out in that haunted place, so she's out. Beside herself, the only Pokemon that Aaron trusted deeply was Joey. But, how will she tell the Pikachu about Aaron's situation?

Alona stopped in her tracked and rubbed her head with her feelers. She was getting a headache from thinking about all of this. She sat down on her rear, trying to ease her headache.

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Friendly Tension. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Friendly Tension.   Friendly Tension. EmptyWed Aug 05, 2015 1:41 am

Az sat in the mist her hood up silently sobbing to herself, for some reason she couldn't forget that one thing that happened, the person who almost killed her, the entire group of Pokemon she had traveled with, most of them succumbed to whatever this is. Az silenltly wiped her tears before getting back up, bag on her side and everything. She had to get stronger, she didn't have much of a option now. "I can't remain this evolution forever, I'm not strong enough to do anything as I am now. I have to do this even if I end up getting hurt." Joey wouldn't agree but he didn't know, Az hadn't told him what she'd been doing, she couldn't he'd worry about her.

Az started walking in the area unsure of where to go, she was glad she still had her coat on at the moment, though it was torn from past events. "Maybe I should get another one, I feel to weird without one." Az said looking at her coat, it wasn't torn too badly but it was still cut up a lot, since It was something she wore all the time It was like this because of the things she had done.

Az didn't know but she was standing near another Pokemon, the same Syveon as before but Az was facing the other way, she wouldn't be able to see Alona from her position.

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Monokuma Pikachu

Monokuma Pikachu

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Friendly Tension. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Friendly Tension.   Friendly Tension. EmptyWed Aug 05, 2015 2:16 am

Alona suddenly heard footsteps coming from her left. When the Sylveon turn her head to check if it was a threat or not, she rolled her eyes at what she saw. It was Azeral. The Ralts wasn't facing Alona, but if she could listen to Azeral closely, the Sylveon could hear her cry. Why she was crying was unknown to her, but she didn't care. She has something to say to her. "Tch, Wonderful. You're here." Alona sighed. "So what? As a Guild member, are you going to tell me that I need to go back to my home? Is simply touching you make me a criminal?" Alona asks sarcastically. She stood up and got up on the Ralts face. The Sylveon had a look of annoyance. "You think you have to do everything in the guild huh?! I won't be surprised that you'll throw Joey in jail just for the sake of keeping your precious Guild member title." Alona was surprisingly wasn't angry. She didn't raise her voice, she didn't show any sign of aggressiveness. She was simply calling Azeral out.

Last edited by Gamerscape on Wed Aug 05, 2015 5:39 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Friendly Tension. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Friendly Tension.   Friendly Tension. EmptyWed Aug 05, 2015 2:37 am

Az was confused when she turned around, she saw the Sylveon and gave a small sigh once she heard what Alona had to say. "No I'm not going to tell you to leave, Unless that touch is something like a touch of death no." Az said in a calm tone. "I'd never do something like that to Joey, he's like my brother I'd never do that to him him like that. I'd throw away my guild title and become an outlaw if it would me he's safe." Az said placing her hands in her coats pockets. "If this is about what happened at the pond I'm sorry. I had no choice, I thought if i reminded him what would happen if he went through with what he was going to do he'd back off. Unlike It was a bad call and I know that now. If i could go back I would of tried to take a calmer tone, I had no idea of knowing if he had lost his mind or not yet, even you had to hit him to snap him out of it." Az reminded keeping her calm tone.

"Plus if I was so worried about my title why haven't I said a word to anyone about what happened there, haven't even told Joey. As far as I know only you me and that Dratini know about what happened there." Az told Alona before taking out her explorer badge. "This badge right here marks me as a guild member that much is true, however this badge does not define who I am and what I believe in." Az said before placing the badge back in her bag, deep down Az really didn't care, she just did this to help other Pokemon out. Az's tone of voice and eyes never changed as she talked, she talked calmly and her eyes reflected this calmness.
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Monokuma Pikachu

Monokuma Pikachu

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Friendly Tension. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Friendly Tension.   Friendly Tension. EmptyWed Aug 05, 2015 6:24 pm

Alona sighed again, backing away to give the Ralts more breathing space. "He claims that he's OK. He understands that he would lose everything if he turn into one of those infected." Alona sat back down, closing her eyes to remember what Aaron was going though. "I wasn't born yesterday, though. He's terrified. I know for a fact that he doesn't want to change. The mere thought of attacking his friends, getting attacked, or heck, going to jail over this has placed him in despair." Alona soon opens her eyes, looking at Azeral with a serious look. "He doesn't need threats, that's only making him worse than it is. What he really needs is comfort. Yes, I had to hit him to snap him out of it, but that wasn't the real reason why he snapped out of it." Alona quickly gestured her feelers toward herself, showing the Ralts that she was the reason why Aaron snapped out of it.

"Aaron cares for me deeply, that part we both know too well. So when I call him out on it, he stopped immediately. Aaron also cares for Joey, and Noel. I have no doubt in my mind that if they call Aaron out on it, it'll have the same effects." Alona didn't stop staring at Azeral. The Sylveon just wanted to make sure that she understood what Alona was telling her. "Do you understand what I'm getting at? He can overcome this darkness, but he needs our help."
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Friendly Tension. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Friendly Tension.   Friendly Tension. EmptyWed Aug 05, 2015 6:44 pm

Az looked down, she didn't know what to say about all that. "I know it was the heat of the moment, I responded badly I know, there was a few reasons why I wasn't up to being my normal self, reason I don't want to say though. Doesn't excuse the way I was acting though, you're right on all accounts." Az said rubbing her shoulder and looking away as she sometimes did while admitting she was wrong, wasn't very often she did. "Noel is gone for now though, knowing her until she solves whatever this darkness is she won't be back, she's stubborn like that. And I don't think telling Joey would be the wisest of ideas, Joey has a lot to deal with, I don't think we should just add to that." Az said seeing as Raverous was still around.

"And at any rate I don't know how to fix something like this, that fact is painfully obvious to me. And I don't know Aaron enough to help, he's friends with Joey but I don't know much about the Deino, I'm of little help."
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Monokuma Pikachu

Monokuma Pikachu

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Friendly Tension. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Friendly Tension.   Friendly Tension. EmptyWed Aug 05, 2015 7:28 pm

Alona understood what Azeral was getting at, and she was right. Alona didn't really thought about it much, but Joey is way to Innocent for his own good. Seeing Aaron in such a state could break him more then he already have. And since Noel was gone, she was out of the picture too. Unless Joey plays with Aaron without realizing what going on with him, the Sylveon was the only Pokemon that can help the Deino. "What's done is done, We shouldn't dwell on the past." Alona smiled at the Ralts, offering Azeral one of her feelers to shake her hands. Whenever she shook them or not, Alona's Ribbons soon retreated back to her own body. "You're right though. I don't think the small guy could handle seeing Aaron in that state. Though we could get Joey to play with Aaron without telling him. And since Noel is gone, we can't have her to help Aaron. I'm the only one Aaron have."

Alona shook her head. How will this work out? "Only one Pokemon to support the Dragon type... That's barely enough to stop him from turning. There has to be something..." Suddenly, an idea popped in the Sylveon's head. "Azeral, I know you don't know Aaron well enough, and I know you have other important things to do, but if you have the time, can you bond with Aaron for a bit?" Alona asked.
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Friendly Tension. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Friendly Tension.   Friendly Tension. EmptyWed Aug 05, 2015 7:39 pm

Az looked back with slight confusion, she shook the ribbon, ah feeler or whatever it was and put her hands back in her coat pockets. "Ya Joey is a lot stronger then he looks but he still has so much to deal with, plus this happening it wouldn't be the best idea to tell him. I don't think Aaron would be around Joey a bit considering what happened." Az said before looking down, she slightly missed Noel but she was doing what she had to do, Az couldn't stand up to that place, she'd try but she was worried about coming out of the epicenter of the darkness, well broken.

"Bond with Aaron?" Az repeated before looking at back up at Alona. "I guess I could try, Whenever I'm not doing something important I'll see Aaron." Az said in agreement thinking this would be for the best, Alona needed help and Az was one of the only ones that knew Aaron was going through hard times.
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Monokuma Pikachu

Monokuma Pikachu

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Friendly Tension. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Friendly Tension.   Friendly Tension. EmptyWed Aug 05, 2015 8:47 pm

"Good, I'm sure he'll like that." Alona was relieved. Right now, the more Pokemon Aaron trust, than more support Aaron will get to keep this darkness from consuming the Deino. "The best you can do right now eases his worries. If Aaron starts to feel safer around you, He might listen to you if Arceus forbids he have another one of those episodes." Alona explained. "Now... How else are we going to make Aaron feel more comfortable..." As great as having friends are, there are better ways of helping Aaron calm down. But what could that be? Alona thoughts then went to Joey. She remembered that she helped the Pikachu relax when he felt down. Somehow, the Sylveon has managed to made him fall asleep. Her aura was that strong huh? "Aura... That's it!" Alona smiled, getting up and touched the Ralt's shoulders with her Feelers.

"I have a theory I want to test, just stand still and let me try it out." Alona's feelers suddenly send a soothing aura to the Ralts. "How does that feel? Is it enough to make you a bit more happier? Do you think that this could ease up the Darkness a bit?"
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Friendly Tension. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Friendly Tension.   Friendly Tension. EmptyWed Aug 05, 2015 11:16 pm

"I know of a bell that makes a soothing sound each time you ring it. The item was called a Soothe bell if I recall correctly. I got one for Joey a while ago and that's why he evolved into a Pikachu, maybe if he rings it the item will calm him down." Az said not knowing if that'd work, It'd be worth a shot. Az waited for whatever Alona was doing to be done, she felt a bit better but not by much however, Az's own worries slightly canceled out what Alona was doing. "I feel a bit better but the Darkness is more of a psychological problem I think, just calming him down might work though." Az said not knowing if that would work or not, it'd be worth a shot.

Rezikun carried out 4 launched of one Pricklemist Hill :
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Monokuma Pikachu

Monokuma Pikachu

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Friendly Tension. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Friendly Tension.   Friendly Tension. EmptyThu Aug 06, 2015 12:11 am

"True. However, it can't hurt to try right?" She wasn't expecting anything spectacular, she just wanted to help Aaron get over whatever this darkness is. "Every little things help. That's what they say anyway." While the Sylveon and the Ralts talked to one another. A Zigzagoon was spying on them, the Sylveon in particular. "Wow, they're right about one thing, her species are cute." the Zigzagoon thought. After that embarrassing display a few weeks back by that Eevee and Deino, he needed a little comfort. "Alright, do what they told you when you meet a cute Pokemon." The Zigzagoon took a couple of deep breath, smiling when he felt ready. "Show time."

"Thanks Azeral, me and Aaron appreciate the-" "Hello, cutie! Whatcha doing?" Alona was confused and annoyed at the same time. Who was this voice? When she turned to find whoever called her out, all she could see was that irritating smirk on a Zigzagoon's face. "You know, out of all of the Eeveelution out there, I think you're the cutest!" If the Ralts could sense Alona's emotions, she could sense aggravation from her. "This was the idiot who pissed me off last time, isn't he?" She thought to herself. She wanted to face palm, she really did. However, she resisted. It seems like this rodent doesn't recognize who she was. Suddenly, she mentally grinned evilly as she thought of a new plan. This was a perfect time to place a little prank on this Pokemon, make him feel special, then break his heart in the last second. Azeral might get a few good laughs as well. "Well, that's sweet of you." Alona flirted back, giving Azeral a small wink.

Monokuma Pikachu carried out 4 launched of one Pricklemist Hill :
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Friendly Tension. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Friendly Tension.   Friendly Tension. EmptyThu Aug 06, 2015 12:55 am

Azeral watched this Pokemon, use the moves of love as her teach once said on Alona. Az turned around slightly disgusted by this show, they were in a dungeon for crying out loud now was not the time to play that type of card. Az knew what Alona was doing before she even winked at her, when the emotions and actions of a Pokemon don't mix up that always makes Az suspicious about what's going on. Az didn't say anything however, she didn't want to spoil Alona's fun, plus Az could just say she was scouting ahead and not paying attention to the Zigzagoon.

When Az turned around she accidentally kicked a small orb, Az looked at the ground for a moment before picking the item up, looking at it closely she then smashed it to the ground after realizing what orb it was, what Az was doing wouldn't interupt the two of them just something to do while Alona broke someones heart, after breaking their butt multiple times.

Rezikun carried out 10 launched of one Pricklemist Hill :
Friendly Tension. EaYCu7Z , Friendly Tension. QnHXvfj , Friendly Tension. MMgUbQF , Friendly Tension. Gcwmy2h , Friendly Tension. QnHXvfj , Friendly Tension. 61DKusc , Friendly Tension. Rdiml1Q , Friendly Tension. VxM8RGZ , Friendly Tension. VzLrAo6 , Friendly Tension. SZ2M0hY
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Monokuma Pikachu

Monokuma Pikachu

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Friendly Tension. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Friendly Tension.   Friendly Tension. EmptyThu Aug 06, 2015 1:37 am

The Ziggagoon felt a bit flustered, but nonetheless continued. "Y-yeah... It was wasn't it?" The Pokemon was starting to sweat, this was a bit too intense for his liking. "Alright, cool down. Just try to break the ice, alright?" With a gulp, the Ziggagoon continued talking. "So... Yeah. What are you doing in a dangerous dungeon such as this?" Alona smiled. He was a nervous one, huh? This makes it all the more enjoyable for her. "Well, I'm just getting some stuff to take home. Maybe a little training. How about you?" Alona winked at the Rodent, causing him to be even more Flustered than he was before. "Um, I was just here for.... umm..." He was speechless at this point, he didn't really think he would get this far. "I... I just... I can't" Alona notices his struggling and placed her feelers on his cheeks, causing him to blush harder.

"You like me, right?"
The Zigzagoon heart sank. "Wait! I... I Um... Y-yes..." Alona was getting a kick out of this. Time to finish his heart off. "Well then, I'd would be interested." Alona leans in towards the Zigagoon. The Rodent suddenly froze up. "She's going kiss me! I can't believe it! This is too good to be true!" He closed his eyes, anticipating that one little kiss. He could feel that angel like Pokemon's breath blowing in his face. When he couldn't wait any longer, he heard one of the most soul crushing things that anyone ever told him. "However, I'm with a Deino. We Promised each other that we would be mates. Can't go and cheat on him, can I?" Alona grinned. The Zigzagoon slumped to the ground, outright speechless at what happened. "D-deino?!?! If that Deino was the one I think I'm thinking... That means..." Alona couldn't hold the laughter anymore. She started to laugh her butt off, tears coming out of her eyes. "That's right, you moron! I'm that Eevee!"
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Friendly Tension. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Friendly Tension.   Friendly Tension. EmptyThu Aug 06, 2015 1:47 am

Az let out a sigh once she heard what Alona had said, Az was never one for messing with others like that, well mostly because anything regarding flirting made her feel awkward but that aside. "You done crushing his heart? We have company." Az said rather blandly looking at the purple Gengar in the distance, it was making faces at Az and Alona for a while now, Az didn't want to give him any attention but she felt like she should just tell Alona there was a Pokemon there.

As she was doing this the Pokemon decided to come closer to the Ralts. It rushed at Az thinking she was not paying attention to him, its arm was cloaked in Ice as it came closer to the Ralts. Once it was close it let the attack sail, but Az had moved deftly to her left and pointed her arm right at the Gengar, waiting for a second she shot a confusion at close range knocking the Gengar back with a super effective attack.
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Monokuma Pikachu

Monokuma Pikachu

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Friendly Tension. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Friendly Tension.   Friendly Tension. EmptyThu Aug 06, 2015 2:47 am

Alona heard the Ralts but she was too busy laughing at the Zigzagoon misery. "Let me... let me calm... Hahaha... Let me calm down first." Alona started to take some deep breaths, slowly but ceasing her laughter. "Ok, Ok, I'm coming." Alona was about to come over where Azeral was, until she realizes who was attacking. It was a Gengar, not only a ghost type, but a poison type as well. As far as Alona was concerned, she couldn't be much help to the Ralts other than supporting her. "Um, Azeral? I can't exactly do anything to him. All I have are normal type attacks. I can however do this!" Alona came over to Azeral, leaving the sobbing Zigzagoon. Alona quickly placed her feelers on the Ralts, sending aura in her. However, this aura was different. Instead of soothing Azeral, it instead gave her extra power she could use for her next attack. "Right, get ready for your next attack. As long as I hold you, you'll have that extra boost in your next attacks." Alona explained.

(9-1 = 1.)
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