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 Boosting Morale/Aaron's confession.

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Monokuma Pikachu

Monokuma Pikachu

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Boosting Morale/Aaron's confession. Empty
PostSubject: Boosting Morale/Aaron's confession.   Boosting Morale/Aaron's confession. EmptyMon Jul 20, 2015 1:04 am

Aaron should of be laying on his bed, not motivated to do anything. His family gone crazy after all and he couldn't do anything. He should be miserable right? Well, that mostly right. But there are times where he wanted to boost the guild morale, keeping them inspired. However, it most often then not failed, due to Aaron's lack of charisma. Aaron didn't give up though. Instead, he cooked up a plan to get the whole guild at least remove some of their stress "She should be here any minute now..." Aaron was at his team's room, laying on his bed as usual. He doesn't know where his Partner was. That was probably a good thing though. The last thing he needed was Alona stirring up a storm around Silverdawn. He especially didn't want Joey to met her. That's the last thing he did.

Aaron sighed. He seriously hoped that Alona didn't chicken out. Yeah, she was afraid of going outside since the whole event occurred. But, he hoped that persuading her with the gummis he haves will change her mind. "Come on... Don't do this to me..."

Alona stood in front of the door, paranoia took over her mind like a plague. Her whole Eevee body was shaking and she silently whimpered to herself. She didn't like being outside. She didn't want to be turned by zombies. She just want to get inside, do what Aaron asked of her, take the Gummis, evolve, and get it over with. With a gulped, she knocked on the door with her paws. "H-hello? I-'m here for someone by t-the name of A-Aaron."
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Boosting Morale/Aaron's confession. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Boosting Morale/Aaron's confession.   Boosting Morale/Aaron's confession. EmptyMon Jul 20, 2015 1:37 am


Joey was near the window of the entrance of the guild as he watched the skies ominous darkness... At some point as he was waiting for Azeral, a pokemon was hurrying across the pathways towards the guild.

A small little brown fox seemed to hurry towards the door of the guild. Joey watched until he was sure that it was heading to the guild for sure. He then got up from the window and walked towards the door. Just as he heard the knocking and asking for a pokemon named Aaron.

He then opened the door and looked at the eevee for a moment. "Aaron? Yea, he is in his team room. Is he expecting you?" the electric mouse pokemon asked as he was unsure if aaron was waiting for someone. He had been down in the dumps ever since that day at the pond...
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Boosting Morale/Aaron's confession. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Boosting Morale/Aaron's confession.   Boosting Morale/Aaron's confession. EmptyMon Jul 20, 2015 1:42 am

Silverdawn paced back and forth in front of the Guild's bulletin boards impatiently. She was waiting impatiently for one of the other guild members to get out of the way so that she could find a suitable mission for Team Silverlight to take on. Ever since their first successful mission at Pecha Forest where she had evolved, she'd been itching to take on a greater challenge. She felt so powerful and in control now that she was an Arbok, it seemed like nothing was great enough to defeat her! She was going to find a mission with an outlaw for the two of them to take, and she was sure they could do it easily, especially with her evolution!
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Monokuma Pikachu

Monokuma Pikachu

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Boosting Morale/Aaron's confession. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Boosting Morale/Aaron's confession.   Boosting Morale/Aaron's confession. EmptyMon Jul 20, 2015 2:00 am

When the door open, She blinked as she saw the Pikachu. Suddenly her face turned into a Scowl, Annoyed at the Electric mouse question. "No, I never heard of the him before, I only heard his- What the f*** Do you think? Get out of my way asshole!" Alona shoved the Pikachu out of the way, storming her way into the guild "Alright! Someone take me to Aaron's room now! I want those Gummis!" Almost every guildie in the Area turned and stared at the Eevee. However, their staring only made the Eevee even madder. "What? I have something on my fur? I said Someone take me to Aaron's room!"

Last edited by Gamerscape on Mon Jul 20, 2015 7:54 am; edited 2 times in total
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Boosting Morale/Aaron's confession. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Boosting Morale/Aaron's confession.   Boosting Morale/Aaron's confession. EmptyMon Jul 20, 2015 2:30 am


Joey was stunned the second the pokemon started flipping out. Being pushed to the side by a little eevee only because he was too shocked to even stop it. The little fox had more force to her push then he thought. Despite him being taller.

"He-hey! You can't just barge into here!" the pikachu retaliated. "Stop right there!" he said as he started to emit sparks from his cheeks. "Aaron!! Some crazed fox is after you!" he shouted as he tried to get in front the the eevee.
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Boosting Morale/Aaron's confession. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Boosting Morale/Aaron's confession.   Boosting Morale/Aaron's confession. EmptyMon Jul 20, 2015 2:42 am

Silverdawn had finally gotten through the line waiting for the boards, only to find herself immensely disappointed and embarrassed to realize -she couldn't see the pages to examine them properly! She sighed in frustration as she asked one of the guild members to help her find an appropriate mission, her face burning. It wasn't like Aaron could see either, so they always had to go through this -how could she have forgotten?

She found a suitable mission to go on -a simple apprehension of two Gastly in Pricklemist Hill. She was about to head to Team Silverlight's room to show Aaron, when shouting started up outside the guild, strong language being the most recognizable. Then a pokemon burst into the guild, shouting about needing to see Silverdawn's partner. When another pokemon burst in after the -eevee, she noted after scenting the air, shouting about some "crazed fox" being after Aaron, Silverdawn hissed angrily.

She slithered towards the eevee menacingly. "What business would you possibly have with Aaron, you foul-mouthed little fool?" she asked sinisterly, ready and willing to protect her partner at any cost.
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Monokuma Pikachu

Monokuma Pikachu

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Boosting Morale/Aaron's confession. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Boosting Morale/Aaron's confession.   Boosting Morale/Aaron's confession. EmptyMon Jul 20, 2015 3:01 am

"Crazed foxed?" Alona snarled at the Pikachu's comment. "Congrats, you just earned an ass beating of your life!" Alona was about to use her tackle attack, but she suddenly notice a Arbok slithering past Her tone made Alona explode. "I was about to get something from Aaron, but I'll take greater pleasure making all you my B****"

Their yelling reached all the way over Aaron's room. "And she's here. Making a racket too." Aaron sighed. However, when he heard Joey's and Silverdawn's voice, He heart sank. "Oh no, Why them?" Aaron groaned. He have a lot of explaining to do. Aaron burst though the door, Spriting to where he could smell Alona and the others. When he reached the Lobby, He quickly stood between everyone. "GUYS GUYS! There's no need to fight! Alona here is just gonna go to my Room." If Aaron had eyes, he woud glare at Alona. "Right?" Alona growled, not letting Joey or Silverdawn out of her sight. "Bu-" "If you value your Gummis you go to my room!" Aaron pointed at his room, earning a sigh from Alona. "Fine. Those two are very lucky today." Aaron sighed as well, rubbing his forhead with his paws. "Just... don't cause any trouble anymore. I'm already gonna take the blame." As soon Alona Left, Aaron Apologize to all of his guilies for Alona's behavior. He then turned to Joey and Silverdawn. "Sorry about that. She isn't crazy, she just hot tempered. It gonna get herself hurt one of these days."
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Boosting Morale/Aaron's confession. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Boosting Morale/Aaron's confession.   Boosting Morale/Aaron's confession. EmptyMon Jul 20, 2015 3:14 am


Joey was still shocked at the level of violence coming from such pokemon. Now that it had stopped, it now was threatening to kick his ass. How it could make such threats? He had no clue, as he was much stronger than it for sure. There was no doubt about that.

Just as an Arbok came into the area. Joey knew Aaron had a partner for his team, He guessed she was his partner. Seeming to be there to defend her partner from this supposed Crazed fox.

However, before anything really big started to happen. Aaron had appeared from no where to stop the fight. Turned out, he had been expecting this pokemon... Wouldn't it have been easier to just say yes... Aaron was expecting her?

"Lucky? Heh... Would of been easier to just say yes next time!" he said as the eevee left. He then looked towards Aaron with a frown. "Hot tempered? I ask a small question if you had been expecting her and she blew up!" he said in response, his tone being a little more serious sounding then he normally is. "Well... Nothing to really be said now..." he said with a heavy sigh.

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Boosting Morale/Aaron's confession. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Boosting Morale/Aaron's confession.   Boosting Morale/Aaron's confession. EmptyMon Jul 20, 2015 3:21 am

Silverdawn felt her eyes flare and her venom begin to pool at the threats of violence coming from the upstart eevee, but just as she opened her mouth to start spitting venom -quite literally- at the jerk, Aaron broke into the argument. Apparently, Silverdawn's partner had been expecting the eevee -though how he knew this foul-mouthed runt was beyond her.

"Hmph!" She hissed in annoyance, turning her attention away from the rude little fox pokemon to capture Aaron's attention. "A big part of me doubts that I even want to know how you came across this little... vixen... but the other part demands to know what she is even doing here, and why she thinks it's ok to barge into the local guild and start a ruckus like this!" she said sternly, clearly expecting an answer from her partner.
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Monokuma Pikachu

Monokuma Pikachu

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Boosting Morale/Aaron's confession. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Boosting Morale/Aaron's confession.   Boosting Morale/Aaron's confession. EmptyMon Jul 20, 2015 3:38 am

Aaron laughed awkwardly. Somehow he knew something like this would happen. Unlike most of the Pokemon at the guild, he thought her little outburst was pretty cute. It was still serious, but he liked her like that. Aaron was thankful his blush was hidden within his fur. Now he would have to explain himself. "That's Alona for you, heheh." Aaron sighed, this isn't time to make jokes. "Look, I was hoping that with her singing, she could boost the morale of this place. Hell, the reason I ask for your Gummi Joey, was because this was the only way she could come here. She wanted to evolve to a Sylveon, you see." He wished he could see her Sylveon for himself, he heard that Sylveons were amazingly cute. "Believe it or not, if you can look past that sea Pokemon lips of her? She's an amazing singer. but with the chaos she caused, our guilie might have a bad impression of her."
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Boosting Morale/Aaron's confession. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Boosting Morale/Aaron's confession.   Boosting Morale/Aaron's confession. EmptyMon Jul 20, 2015 3:51 am


Joey looked at aaron for a moment thinking... How the heck could she be that nice with that kind of mouth? "Uhh.. I think I would have to agree with that last comment... I don't know how many have heard her... But that was pretty loud." he said as his ears lowered slightly. He felt a bit bad about that bit of information.

"So... Can I come with you? I was hoping to apologize about uhh... calling her crazy... hehe..." Joey said as he thought back on the moment. Despite the fact that he was right in every way that she was crazy for barging in and not giving a good reason for being there... This whole thing could of been avoided... However, he still felt the need to apologize... Especially if this is a friend of aaron's.
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Boosting Morale/Aaron's confession. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Boosting Morale/Aaron's confession.   Boosting Morale/Aaron's confession. EmptyMon Jul 20, 2015 4:01 am

Silverdawn rolled her sightless eyes at Aaron's explanation. "Well, give her the gummis and have her evolve -maybe her disposition will change with the evolution," she grumped, still miffed by the eevee's comments.

"I'm going to go sign us up for our next mission, Aaron," Silverdawn announced. "It's an easy one, down at the Pricklemist Hill dungeon," she threw the last words over her hood as she slithered away, determined to put the incident out of her mind for now.
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Monokuma Pikachu

Monokuma Pikachu

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Boosting Morale/Aaron's confession. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Boosting Morale/Aaron's confession.   Boosting Morale/Aaron's confession. EmptyMon Jul 20, 2015 4:54 am

"Yeah it was huh?" And cute too. He really need to confess to her one of these days, otherwise he'll lose his chance. That or he won't stop thinking about it. Either way. When Joey mentioned that he'll apologize to Alona, he shook his head. "No, its the other way around. Alona need to apologize to you guys. She the one who barge in like no one's business. You guys didn't do anything. I'll try to give her the Gummis, but I doubt her personality will change for the better."

Silverdawn told Aaron about their mission, and how she's gonna sign them up. "Alright, you go do that. And hurry back up? She needs to say sorry to you too." With His partner gone, he look back at Joey. "Alright, lets go Joey." Aaron led the Pikachu towards his room, stopping for a moment in front of the door. "Eh... I think it would be best If I talk to her for a moment while you stay outside. I don't think the whole saying saying sorry thing will work out if she's still angry." No matter how Joey would answer it, Aaron went inside the room, closing the door behind him. The electric type would hear muffled bickering and arguing from both side, though Alona seems to be more argumentative then Aaron. Luckly for Aaron, Alona didn't yell this whole time, probably because she didn't want to cause anymore trouble. If Joey were to listen in, this will be the what they're saying.

"But it bullshit! Why the hell do I need to say sorry?" "Because Joey told me you burst though here crazier then those 'zombies' out there!" "Don't mock me! I'm not doing it!" "Oh yes you will! If you want those gummis you will!" Joey would hear a gasp and a growl. However, it quickly ceased. "Your more of an asshole then them, you know that?" "Uh-huh? Say sorry to them then you'll get your Gummis. And who knows, maybe you can prove them wrong by singing to them." "Just shut up and let the little bastard in." Suddenly, Joey would hear footsteps, and Aaron's door opens with his head peaking out. "She's ready."
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Boosting Morale/Aaron's confession. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Boosting Morale/Aaron's confession.   Boosting Morale/Aaron's confession. EmptyTue Jul 21, 2015 8:31 pm


Joey heard a bunch of bickering in the background behind the door. Is... is she really that hostile all the time? he thought to himself as he waited at the door. As the whole thing started to calm down... even the smallest bit. The last thing he actually heard clearly was the word little bastard. LITTLE?! he thought angrily in his head. However, he let it slide since technically... he was bigger then her. Some mouth -.-" he thought.

Eventually the door opened and Aaron peaked out stating that she was ready. "Uh... ok." he said rather blankly as he started to follow Aaron into the room.
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Boosting Morale/Aaron's confession. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Boosting Morale/Aaron's confession.   Boosting Morale/Aaron's confession. EmptyTue Jul 21, 2015 9:21 pm

In the meantime, Silverdawn had taken the mission statement over to the Bulletin Board pokemon and was in the process of signing up Team Silverlight to take up the mission. The pokemon in charge today, a Raichu, looked over the mission and then back up at Silverdawn doubtfully. Silverdawn was unable to see the look that he gave her, but she could practically taste the doubt coming off of the pokemon.

"What?" she hissed impatiently. "Don't think we can do it, huh?"

The raichu waved his paws around. "It's not that, well, maybe a little. You guys are still a new team -it's pretty bold of you to take on an outlaw mission so soon, is all. One of the more senior teams took this mission a while back, and they returned empty-handed, so I'm just a little worried that you're biting off more than you can chew here."

Silverdawn let out a scoff, feeling insulted. "Look, mister," she snapped irritably, "I don't need your worry or pity! We can do this mission, and it's really none of your business whether it is or isn't too much for us!"

With those parting words, she snapped up the mission statement and slithered off to Team Silverlight's rooms, her irritation only flaring further when she remembered that the ignorant little eevee would still be there.
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