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PostSubject: Super   Super - Page 4 EmptyFri Jan 16, 2015 5:42 am

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PostSubject: Re: Super   Super - Page 4 EmptyThu Feb 05, 2015 2:38 pm


She's complaining about the fire. Unfortunetly, there's not much I can do for her right now.

"No, not at the moment. I don't want to chance someone seeing the smoke if we go outside. The last thing we need are the authorities snooping around here.

"I will see if there's anything I can do for you though. Give me a day or two to come up with something."
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PostSubject: Re: Super   Super - Page 4 EmptyThu Feb 05, 2015 10:56 pm

Nick nodded, letting the gun be taken from his clutches.

He didn't quite understand how the man had warned him of letting him bleed if he had gotten hurt. He had figured that this "Shade" person probably would have done that anyways, considering Nick must have been the useless one of those that had attended the meeting. This was all about fighting crime, the key word being fighting.

He wasn't good at that kind of stuff.

Hell, just earlier an elderly lady had been the one to defend him. Although on his defense she was the one with the crazy attitude and a shotgun.
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Moderator and Dark Ducklett Priestess

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PostSubject: Re: Super   Super - Page 4 EmptyFri Feb 06, 2015 1:50 am

Yuliya stepped into the main room, still soundless. Her eyes wandered around the place. She didn't look particularly impressed, but at the same time she didn't look like she was about to bitch about it, either. She was mostly just happy about not having to wait in line to see if she would or would not get a bed that night. The thought of not having to rely on temporary bedding was a strange thought to Yuliya; she had grown rather used to the cramped quarters and the long lines and even the tiny, borderline tasteless meals they served.

She stepped into a room, still silent, and took a look around. It was nice. Much nicer than anything she had ha in the past year or so. She only really owned two outfits, a lead pipe, and an old shotgun, so storage wasn't really an issue... At least, her personal items weren't an issue. Now, her side business was another story. Looking to be deep in thought, she stepped out into the room just as the three who were already there finished talking about fire or knives or whatever monologue was spewing out of their mouths. Something about training? Were they going up to the mountain? Yuliya felt a slight sense of joy over the prospect of wilderness combat training, although American mountains weren't even near Russian mountain difficulty. She wasn't complaining though, at least she could eat something besides soup while she was there.

"I hawve question." Yuliya said, far too engrossed in her thoughts to bother with grammar or pronounciation. "Hovw many animal pelts fit in wardrobe? It's better tzan what I've been working witz, but I'm not sure howv much profit tzat volume would turn out... I could just go back to keeping the pelts as trophies I suppose, but I'm going to run out of space ewventually. I don't wvant another pile of perfectly good pelts sitting around wvastefully in a corner of my room again. Completely unaccepteble. Tzere was one in my room back in Russia; wvas most depressing thing ewver." The memory made Yuliya sniffle the tiniest bit. "On anotzer note... Did I hear you mention training?" She asked, a hopeful little child-like twinkle in her eye as she spoke. "Wven do wve go? Wvhy don't you all hawve your shotguns? I hawven't bought any fresh rounds for mine yet, but I can fix tzat quickly. Let's see... howv much money do I hawve left from tze last batch of pekts? Hummmm... not tzat much nowv tzat I tzink about it, but since wve're going out anyways I can afford to spend the last of it. I'wve been meaning to go back up recently, I'wwve just been low on supplies. HAHA, I can finally track dowvn and MURDER the one who kept stealing my dinner on tze last trip! FINALLY!!! Tze fucker has it coming to him. He was a pretty big one too... It's going to be hard to choose betwveen keeping his rewvenge kill pelt or selling it... I guess it will just depend on wvhetzer the satisfaction outwveighs the pay day or wvice wversa..."

She babbled on enthusiastically, totally unaware that her definition of training and Zen's were probably two VERY different things and she was getting prematurely excited about exacting her murderous revenge on a scavenger ten times her size for absolutely nothing.
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PostSubject: Re: Super   Super - Page 4 EmptySat Feb 07, 2015 3:56 am

Sera nodded at Zen's words. "That's fine. Just let me know when you get something set up."

Before she could say any more, the other female of their group entered the room. She began rambling about... animal pelts? and hunting wild animals in mountains? Sera just stared at the girl in consternation. Had the girl suffered a blow to the head recently? The girl's thick Russian accent made it even harder to understand the strange words pouring from the girl.

When the girl had finally stopped talking, Sera stared at her for a moment before responding hesitantly. "Err, I may be translating this incorrectly, but are you under the impression that we're going to... hunt wild bears for our training?" she asked in a dumbfounded tone. She glanced at Zen in confusion. "I sincerely hope that's not actually the case... besides being incredibly dangerous, I fail to see how that would help; at least with my powers..."

Sera then fell silent, awaiting a response from someone.
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Lord E V
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PostSubject: Re: Super   Super - Page 4 EmptySat Feb 07, 2015 6:07 pm

Finn fell silent as he was double-teamed by the other two in the room. It was becoming apparent to him that his opinion on the situation wasn't very widely shared. Not to mention the points of the women were difficult to argue against. He wouldn't want to get himself into trouble because he told the others something about him. Though, he still hoped Zen eventually stopped being so secretive and distrusting that she felt she needed a voice modifier and a gun at all times when around them.

At this point, he wasn't going to try and continue arguing his points. It was clear that the majority view was opposed to his and the majority view made sense anyways. Besides, the conversation had already moved on without him. Then the other girl, Yuliya, entered the room and began saying....words? It was....difficult for him to understand what the girl was trying to say, especially since he had no clue what topic she was raving on about. He turned around and leaned his back against the sofa as he attempted to comprehend what Yuliya was talking about.

Then Sera replied in, apparently comprehending what the other girl had said better than he did. Something about animal pelts and hunting bears. He shared the woman's distaste towards the idea of hunting bears. It seemed very dangerous and pointless. What would killing a bear accomplish? Who would that save?

"Uh.... Yeeah, I agree with Sera, I didn't sign up for fighting bears." He chimed in.
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PostSubject: Re: Super   Super - Page 4 EmptyTue Feb 10, 2015 3:48 am


Bears huh? That could actually be an idea she has there. I'll have to remind myself to pitch the basic idea to Shade. It could help to get the rooks out of the city. They might need the experience.

I get up. I have to go make sure everything is set up.

"Alright," I say, "I'm going to go calibrate some things. I'll be back in a bit. Keep yourselves entertained, but don't break anything, okay?"

With that, I head out the left hall.
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PostSubject: Re: Super   Super - Page 4 EmptyTue Feb 10, 2015 3:50 am


We get out of the car. Still fuming internally. Put it aside. Will just get in the way here.

We approach the door. I gesture for him to brace on the other side of the frame. Click the safety off on my revolver. No way to know what's on the other side. There could be more than the ones I met last night.

I look over a Nick. He looks as ready as he's going to be.

Gesture for him to follow my lead.

I count off on my fingers.




I step back and slam my foot into the door. Feel the shock jolt up my leg. The bolt cracks on the lock and the door swings open. Bring my revolver to bear. Left. Right. Behind. Sweep the room.

It's clear.

I wave the kid to come inside. It's a small place. Dusty. Little furniture. Sleeping mats are laid out on the floor. Papers are strewn about. I pick one up. Strange symbols are scrawled on the sheet. Nothing I recognize. I tuck it away in my pocket. Strange.

Turn to Nick. "Look around, see if there's any electronics you can get into. Find something out."

I continue to look over the place.

Last edited by Jax on Sat Feb 14, 2015 10:47 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostSubject: Re: Super   Super - Page 4 EmptyTue Feb 10, 2015 6:13 pm

Sera watched as Zen left the room, and then rolled her eyes. She really, really hoped that they weren't going to fight a bear, though by the sounds of it, the training would involve some mechanical things. She turned away from the other two people in the room, not really interested in any small talk the male would come up with, nor interested in listening to the girl ramble about fighting bears, of all things.
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Moderator and Dark Ducklett Priestess

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PostSubject: Re: Super   Super - Page 4 EmptyThu Feb 12, 2015 2:42 am

Yuliya looked around at the others in the room. "...You don't fight bears for training?" She looked around at the reactions she had garnered. She sighed and pinched the bridge of her nose. She saw the female turn away, and instantly realized what she had become in the group. The unintelligible foreigner. "Newvermind. I should not hawve said anytzing." she grumbled, shaking her head. Yuliya gave a greater, heaving sigh as her brow furrowed and her nose crinkled up. She was used to this by now, but that didn't stop it from getting on her nerves. She hunched over a bit and crossed her arms. "Я даже не хочу, чтобы выйти здесь , так или иначе. (I did not even want to come out here, anyways,)" she grunted in her native tongue before retreating to her bedroom doorway. She hadn't been expecting Americans to understand Russian accents or customs. She wished, however, that they wouldn't treat her so dismissively. The two females had been kind of more tolerant of it, at least. She was also frustrated by how hard it was to get along in this new culture, even after living here a couple of years.

She returned to unpacking the very few things she had on her in calm silence, trying not to let herself think about it anymore. She chose to leave it be; she didn't want the whole thing to get blown any more out of proportion in her head. She just took a few minutes to relax and cool back down, feeling a slight void of loneliness and a sense of being stranded both re-open inside her heart.
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Lord E V
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PostSubject: Re: Super   Super - Page 4 EmptyThu Feb 12, 2015 3:50 am

Finn watched as Zen left the room....without dismissing the comment about bears. Were they going to be fighting bears!? It was insane, absurd. How would that even help? For training, he expected things like exercise, combat training, maybe some firearm training. Not BEAR FIGHTING. He could only hope dearly that this wasn't what the two mysterious masked people had in store for them.

Now he was left in the room with two women who seemed much less interested in holding a normal conversation than Zen was. Suddenly, the woman with the voice changer and gun seemed a lot more appealing. How was he to get along with a little girl who had a terrifyingly dark outlook on....everything, and a masked woman who he could only guess would blow up if angered? The little girl was even talking more about bears, and something else in....some other language.

"Uuh....So...." He began, trying to think of a conversation topic. Then something better came to mind. A way for them to not have to talk OR stand around awkwardly awaiting the return of the mysterious masked woman. "Who wants to try out the TV? Anyone?" He asked, hoping at least one of the girls in the room liked TV. How could anyone NOT like TV?
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PostSubject: Re: Super   Super - Page 4 EmptyThu Feb 12, 2015 3:54 am

Sera looked around as the girl spoke something in Russian before leaving the room. She looked after the girl, her heart sinking. Perhaps her reaction to the girl's words hadn't been the friendliest. She would have to apologize later.

"Uuuh... so... Who wants to try out the TV?" Sera turned her attention onto Finn as he stammered out the words awkwardly.

Sera shrugged. "Sure. Turn on the news, maybe there'll be a burning building where we'll all have to go save the precious citizens," she stated sarcastically, rolling her eyes.
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PostSubject: Re: Super   Super - Page 4 EmptySat Feb 14, 2015 11:06 pm


The first test is ready.

I walk back into the room.

"Come on boys and girls. Time to have some fun."

I walk back down the hall and into the training room. I clap my hands. One by one, rows by rows of fluorescent lights flicker on, revealing a large concrete chamber, about a a hundred yards squared, with very high ceilings.

I gesture for them to stay and walk fifty yards down to the middle of the hall. I clap again. A single Colt .45 is ejected from a slot in the wall, along with five magazines. I go and pick them up. I check the magazines. They're loaded. I slide one back into the receiver and it clicks. The others go in slots on my belt. The safety comes off. I turn and point the gun at the three.

"Test Number One: Disarm me. This gun is loaded with bean bag rounds. They will hurt you. If I'm still holding this gun in five minutes, you all fail the test.

"Time starts now."

I snap.

A timer on the lights up with red LED numbers and begins to count down.

It's time to see what they're made of.
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PostSubject: Re: Super   Super - Page 4 EmptySat Feb 14, 2015 11:50 pm

He entered the building, the building seemed a lot smaller on the inside than it was on the outside. Furniture and sleeping mats were placed around the area, suggesting that someone had been living here. He listened as Shade gave some instructions, the thought of the man getting him into an electronic so he could destroy it with him inside popped into his mind, but if he really wanted to kill him he would have just turn around and crack him in the head with that pistol.

Nick wandered about, scanning for the shape of a monitor or some kind of electronic device. His eyes zeroed in on a rather modest looking computer. It was neither ancient nor brand new, "Found a computer," he spoke, letting Shade know in case the stranger thought something else had happened.

He reached out and touched the keyboard before bursting into binary code and entering the computer. The monitor struggled to flick on, but managed to stay on while the computer's fan whirled loudly as the computer itself booted into action. The normal starting screen for the computer popped up, a nice "Welcome to Windows" appearing on the screen with different color gradients fading into each other until the design was abruptly torn down into a black screen with green digits coating the screen. The code flashed onto the screen faster than a human could type as Nick went to work.

The coding deleted itself and retyped itself, Nick was struggling to get into the system a little bit, but eventually broke through the password protected barrier and the default desktop popped up. It paused for a moment, as he surveyed the contents of the folders shown on the desktop. He began to run a scan for any important information. There was little to no protection, but then again there was little to nothing on the computer.

Folders and windows popped open and closed on the monitor as he shuffled through them, looking for anything of importance. He found the normal default system files, the computer was hardly used. He opened the internet browser to look at their history, but everything had been either cleared or untouched.

He went back to the computer's files itself and found something in the recycle bin that looked as if it was meant to be deleted. He found a folder with emojii symbols rather than actual words. He opened the file and examined the data, finding many many receipts of clothes, food, and other assorted items. The long list of items and their prices flashed by the screen too fast for a human at the monitor to read. The scrolling finally stopped when Nick spotted a rather curious purchase.

Well that didn't look good.

He busted himself out of the computer, reappearing to the side of the desk, "Shade?" he called out, sounding a bit worried.

"There's a receipt on here for Thirty-Five Kilograms of explosives, C4s..."
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PostSubject: Re: Super   Super - Page 4 EmptySun Feb 15, 2015 12:05 am

Sera's eyes snapped towards Zen, relieved when she finally came back, announcing that 'the fun was going to begin'. She followed the other woman into a large room, where Zen clapped her hands and lights flickered on. With another clap, a gun slides out of the wall, and Sera immediately tensed, backing away from the woman warily. She did not trust anyone here nearly enough to stay put whilst a gun is present.

When Zen announced what she called the first "test", Sera's eyes narrowed. So this was going to be their training. This is good. Though even if the bullets were real, they'd not work against her. Sera glanced at the other two, before backing further away from them and focused inward, bringing forth the frustration she'd been feeling since they'd first been brought here, and immediately flames sprouted from her hands.

She carefully aims one at Zen's hands, where the gun is held, and fired a fireball at the woman. She didn't expect the fireball to work, if Shade's and Zen's claims had any truth to them. This was a test to see how the others would react, and to see just how fast this woman was. Though if the fireball did work, then Sera could consider herself done with this place and the two imposters as unworthy of her further attention.
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Lord E V
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PostSubject: Re: Super   Super - Page 4 EmptySun Feb 15, 2015 1:56 am

Finn moved around the couch, about to grab the remote to the TV when....Zen came back, announcing that they were going to have "fun." For some reason, he got the feeling it wasn't going to be overly fun. Not as fun as TV, at least. But, knowing it was his choice to do this, he groaned in disappointment and begrudgingly followed along, looking back at the TV one last time before they moved on.

He watched as the lights flickered on, again with claps. Then the mysterious woman clapped once more and a gun....came out of the wall. It seemed like clapping could do pretty much anything in this place. Zen announced that they were to disarm her and that the gun was loaded with non-lethal bean-bags. Or at least he really hoped they were non-lethal. "I thought you were afraid of us, enough to carry around a REAL gun. Now you trust us to fight you?" He questioned. "You've got something else up your sleeve, don't you?"

As he spoke, he moved off to the side, hoping to get up close to Zen by staying away from Sera, who would likely be a pretty good distraction. This was supported as Sera showed herself to pretty much be a living torch. Surely this would get Zen's full attention. There was probably some trick in play here, some other secrets hidden in the walls like the clap-activated gun holster. He'd have to watch out for them.
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