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 Kira's Golden Appetizer and Twayblade's Gluttonous Friend

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PostSubject: Kira's Golden Appetizer and Twayblade's Gluttonous Friend   Kira's Golden Appetizer and Twayblade's Gluttonous Friend EmptySun Aug 04, 2013 2:33 am

A blue jackal neared the cliff side and looked over it nervously. She swallowed as she saw the dark pit that seemed to lead to nothing. She almost felt something pulling her in as she looked. She backed away from the dangerous cliff side and spoke, "I REALLY hope we go down an easier way when we go down..." she looked around for her friend, Twayblade, "Twayblade?" she spoke nervously. Not seeing her friend around, also not looking directly behind herself.
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PostSubject: Re: Kira's Golden Appetizer and Twayblade's Gluttonous Friend   Kira's Golden Appetizer and Twayblade's Gluttonous Friend EmptySun Aug 04, 2013 7:46 pm

"Sorry," blinked the Treecko, quickly hopping forward to catch up with her friend. She was tying her dark blue cloak back around her neck, though now she was also wearing a pale blue scarf underneath it. It was a Joy Ribbon that she had recently obtained, and had elected to use in order to help herself get stronger.
"I guess we should take a look around for a slightly less treacherous path downwards," she blinked, glancing over the edge. The crevice did seem incredibly deep.
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PostSubject: Re: Kira's Golden Appetizer and Twayblade's Gluttonous Friend   Kira's Golden Appetizer and Twayblade's Gluttonous Friend EmptySun Aug 04, 2013 9:51 pm

"Well first I would like to find the Golden Apple that's supposed to be up here..." Kira spoke, "The apple is the most important thing right now.." She smiled and almost seem to drool at the thought of an apple. One that was even GOLDEN. How was she going to keep herself from eating it? It was an apple, yet it was treasure...what was she to do? She hoped the the treecko would help keep her from eating it. She knew that she would have no problem on keeping herself from eating it once time moved on.
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PostSubject: Re: Kira's Golden Appetizer and Twayblade's Gluttonous Friend   Kira's Golden Appetizer and Twayblade's Gluttonous Friend EmptyTue Aug 06, 2013 8:19 pm

"Up here doesn't seem to be yielding very many results," blinked Twayblade. She was right though. The area around here was quite barren other than a few trees, and none of those seemed to be sporting golden apples.
"I think our best bet for a golden treasure is down there. After all down there is the crevice the dungeon was named for," she smiled, turning back to the cliff edge and glancing around for a way down.

The Treecko's yellow gaze scanned the edge of the cliff, being cautious enough to test the ground before she got too close to the sheer drop. After a quick look around, she spotted a slightly less steep pathway a short distance away. At least starting there would save them outright climbing down the cliff and into the abyss below.
"Over there," she pointed, informing Kira of her discovery.

Last edited by SereneLittleRose on Wed Aug 07, 2013 12:58 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Missed a section of speech when I coloured it earlier |D)
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PostSubject: Re: Kira's Golden Appetizer and Twayblade's Gluttonous Friend   Kira's Golden Appetizer and Twayblade's Gluttonous Friend EmptyTue Aug 06, 2013 11:53 pm

Kira did not see what the small green pokemon was talking about at first, but noticed it after a few seconds of searching, "Good eye.." Kira spoke. She headed over first and looked down at the narrow pathway. She was a bit hesitant though, for what if a diglett decided to pop up behind them and push them over the side? She pushed the thought out of her mind, a diglett would not be strong enough to do that. It wasn't like they were going to be hugging the wall the entire time anyways, right?
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PostSubject: Re: Kira's Golden Appetizer and Twayblade's Gluttonous Friend   Kira's Golden Appetizer and Twayblade's Gluttonous Friend EmptyWed Aug 07, 2013 1:01 am

Twayblade smiled at the compliment and followed the Riolu over to the area she had indicated. It was a narrow pathway and a short way down it ended at a larger platform. Twayblade couldn't see past the large outcrop of rock and so figured they should make their way down towards it first. Perhaps when they were down there she could find a way to get further down without sacrificing the safety of her or her friend.
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PostSubject: Re: Kira's Golden Appetizer and Twayblade's Gluttonous Friend   Kira's Golden Appetizer and Twayblade's Gluttonous Friend EmptySat Aug 10, 2013 6:11 pm

Kira paused before walking down, the thought of falling off the ledge returning to her once more. She shook her head, 'Stop being a baby!' she told herself, 'You may be a baby pokemon but that doesn't mean you ARE a baby!' She then decided to try and spark a conversation to see if it would keep her mind off the fact there was a probably over 100 foot drop not two feet away from them, "So, any ideas on where the apple might be?"

This dice is not existing.
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PostSubject: Re: Kira's Golden Appetizer and Twayblade's Gluttonous Friend   Kira's Golden Appetizer and Twayblade's Gluttonous Friend EmptyThu Aug 15, 2013 3:17 am

Twayblade had remained silent as she concentrated on not falling off, but blinked when Kira asked her a question, continuing to walk as she answered.
"Somewhere in this deep abyss," she chuckled, ending that topic of conversation rather quickly. It didn't matter though since they had soon reached the large outcrop that Twayblade had been heading for.
"Alright... now we need to find another way to get down..." sighed the Treecko creeping ever so cautiously toward the very edge of the rocky outcrop.
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PostSubject: Re: Kira's Golden Appetizer and Twayblade's Gluttonous Friend   Kira's Golden Appetizer and Twayblade's Gluttonous Friend EmptyFri Aug 16, 2013 2:35 am

Kira noticed an iron thorn on the ground, she dismissed it as unimportant and simply decided to just continue down the slope, forgetting to mention to her friend that there was yet another path like slope leading down more. She was still uneasy about the gaping abyss near her, it felt as if it was sucking her in. The abyss seemed to demand a body to fill it, something, anything, into it's hungry jagged rocky teeth.
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PostSubject: Re: Kira's Golden Appetizer and Twayblade's Gluttonous Friend   Kira's Golden Appetizer and Twayblade's Gluttonous Friend EmptySun Oct 13, 2013 10:14 pm

Twayblade frowned as she looked down, seeing just how far they were from the bottom of the deep abyss. Standing back up again, she turned to Kira, only to see that the Riolu was no longer stood near here. With a quick glance around she spotted her friend shuffling down another pathway.
"Hey, wait up!" she called, not wanting to be left behind. The Treecko seemed to be at least a little more confident than Kira as she edged her way down the slope.
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PostSubject: Re: Kira's Golden Appetizer and Twayblade's Gluttonous Friend   Kira's Golden Appetizer and Twayblade's Gluttonous Friend EmptyMon Oct 14, 2013 1:06 am

The riolu stopped to let the Treecko catch up, not noticing that her friend had fallen behind. She envied her friend, who was able to walk confidently along the edge of the ledge. Treeckos were able to climb easily because of something on their paws. The Treecko species were excellent climbing pokemon, and would be able to easily climb here as there was more ledges for the treecko to latch on to. The riolu species on the other hand...let's just say they were meant more for running on flat and wide ground. Kira was unsure of what to say in the silence, what would spark up a conversation?
"So, what's your favorite food?"
Of course it was food...
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PostSubject: Re: Kira's Golden Appetizer and Twayblade's Gluttonous Friend   Kira's Golden Appetizer and Twayblade's Gluttonous Friend EmptyMon Dec 09, 2013 10:32 am

"You know I'm not actually sure I could choose a favourite food," she blinked, pausing for a second in thought before she realised she could probably keep moving otherwise she'd just end up lagging behind again.
"What about you?" She asked, continuing the conversation despite already knowing the answer from her various experiences with her Riolu friend. They were slowly drawing nearer to the bottom of the crevice where they would continue their exploration and search for the golden apple.
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PostSubject: Re: Kira's Golden Appetizer and Twayblade's Gluttonous Friend   Kira's Golden Appetizer and Twayblade's Gluttonous Friend EmptyTue Dec 10, 2013 12:52 am

Kira immediately began to froth at the mouth as she shouted "APPPLEEEEZZZZZ"
The riolu answered quickly, answering without hesitation, "Apples, they're just so juicy and the taste...well to me it's worth nearly dying over."
Kira may have loved apples, but she was no fool to die over one. Unless it was a golden apple that was ALSO considered treasure. THAT was worth dying over in her opinion, though these were not the thoughts that roamed this riolu's mind. What roamed her mind was the ground as she stared at it, searching for a glimmer that could have been an item among the dark and cold ground. The ground proved useless in her search and offered nothing to the riolu, greedily holding its secrets in a different place.
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PostSubject: Re: Kira's Golden Appetizer and Twayblade's Gluttonous Friend   Kira's Golden Appetizer and Twayblade's Gluttonous Friend EmptyMon Jan 06, 2014 12:17 am

The apple, with it's many colours and tastes. Red, soft and shiny. Green, crisp and juicy. Whichever apple you preferred they were rather nice snacks. Twayblade had been entirely correct at what food Kira would choose. She'd always preferred green apples herself, but wondered which the Riolu would like more.
"Green or red?" she asked. In hindsight she wondered if Kira would have a preference at all. Since she liked apples so much, perhaps it didn't matter to her whether they were crisp or soft, just that it was an apple at all.
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PostSubject: Re: Kira's Golden Appetizer and Twayblade's Gluttonous Friend   Kira's Golden Appetizer and Twayblade's Gluttonous Friend EmptyMon Jan 06, 2014 4:07 am

The riolu looked up as if in thought, "Well, either one is fine, but I suppose Red since its a bit easier to find in certain places and I see more of that than the green.." The riolu looked to the green skinned and red bellied grass gecko, "How about you?" The riolu knew little of her friend that had agreed to travel with her, heck how long had they even known each other in total now? She did not know, nor cared at this moment, for her attention was more focused on the apple. Apples were her passion, but so was treasure. She still could not decide if she was going to be able to resist eating the apple once they had found it!
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