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 The Remnant RP

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The Remnant RP Empty
PostSubject: The Remnant RP   The Remnant RP EmptyMon Apr 22, 2013 3:31 pm


~ Two years after the events of Black 2 and White 2~

The Remnant: the remains of the teams from previous areas, vacated for the better future that Unova promises. however, that migration has had grave consequenses.....
Multiple artificial islands and several underground cities have been made. In fact, several people live in Castelia Sewers and Chargestone Cave.

The Gym Leaders of the vacated regions have been laid off. Bored, they challenged the White Treehollow and Black Tower. However, the Remnant bombed the places the minute they went in.

But then again, good things have happened. Ghetsis commited suicude in the asylum the Shadow Triad dropped him in. He slit his wrists with a ballpoint pen. The Shadow Triad are the leaders of the Remnant.

This is where you come in. you ae one of the seven chosen by Keldeo to defeat the Remnant, avenge the fallen Gym Leaders, and save all the people and Pokemon of the world.


Go see the signups. Geez. You'll get better qualiy anyways...

It seems that you have been transported to place beyond time and space. This is an odd place, ful of rainbows and unicorns, and oddly colored deer. However, the one being before you seems to have all this in its control. In fact, it is the being that brought you here. Anyone familiar with th emyths of Unova would know that this being, is, in fact, Keldeo, the protector of Unova.


Posting order begins now.


Last edited by bangbronze on Tue Jun 04, 2013 12:13 am; edited 2 times in total
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The Remnant RP Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Remnant RP   The Remnant RP EmptyTue Apr 23, 2013 3:13 am

Eleina sighed, she was now in the Unova Reagan. Her Infernape, Starkk and Rampardos, Guetta were keeping an eye out for any signs of trouble. It has been about a week since the bombings of the White Tree hollow, and Black Tower. Guetta lowered his head and let out a low growl. It has been quiet some time since the Rock type had evolved, her whole team were now fully evolved. "Guetta, stay calm. We don't want to attract any attention to ourselves." Eleina said. Patting the Pokemon's head he glanced at her and let out a soft growl, letting her know that he was ok. "I forget why are we here again?" Eleina asked with a curious look. Both Guetta and Starkk stared at her with shock and dumbfounded looks. 'You're kidding, right?' Starkk asked her.

OOC: Hope it's ok to allow the trainers to understand their own Pokemon. I like the idea, and Keldeo can use Telepathy?
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The Remnant RP Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Remnant RP   The Remnant RP EmptyWed Apr 24, 2013 12:21 am

Jude looked around at the rainbows and deer, confused as to why he was here. Currently, Stryke and Spirit were out of their Pokeballs, equally confused as Jude. "What is this place? Stryke, did you put drugs into my food!?" Stryke shook his head, not wanting to be blamed for the place they were in. Jude then turned and noticed Keldeo standing in the center of the place. "Is that, a legendary Pokemon? I feel like I've see it before somewhere..."
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The Remnant RP Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Remnant RP   The Remnant RP EmptyWed Apr 24, 2013 11:02 pm

Rui did have plans to go back to Orre, paid for the ticket and everything too, but just her luck, when they stopped in Unova to get fuel, just as the evacuations were occurring, emptying Castlia, and depriving her of a way to get home oh so suddenly. Since then she had been wandering, along with her Pokemon, looking into why they (The Remnant) were doing these things.

Rui laid back on X's back, as the Metagross clomped down the path, silent as he ever was, her steel types didn't talk much, like her, which suited them just fine. They continued clomping down the Road, a Aggron walking next to them, her arms crossed, her head lowered. Thinking. Both stopped though, causing Rui to yawn and sit up, looking at why they stopped. Coming from the other direction, was a girl, with a Infernape, and a Rampardos. 'Incoming' X rumbled and Meido just Humphed and looked up. "I see them X, do you think they are Remnant?" She mubled to the Metagross as the three drew near.
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The Remnant RP Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Remnant RP   The Remnant RP EmptyThu Apr 25, 2013 1:07 am

White light engulfed Kanitie, one of The Remnant, as he was being transported to Unova. In the passed week he was out of Hoenn, exploring Kanto. "So Blaze, this last week, you know, exploring the whole Kanto region, I'm not sure I like it here. You know remember happened last night? Some girl told me I had a white hand on my shoulder and-" Kanitie stopped speaking, as he noticed not only had a few white flecks of light floated past him, bur more importantly, he was somewhere else now. Unova. What was he doing in Unova? "Uhh, well I guess that solves the whole Kanto thing... But oh my Arceus, Blaze, what just happened?"

Kanitie's Absol, Blaze, responded, if not without the slightest signs of verbal irony."It seems as though we've been transported to Unova. I was going to tell you about the whole storm of white light that was raging below your feet, but you seemed to be having so much fun blabbering on."

"Oh HA HA very funny," answered a somewhat agitated trainer, as he had just been transported without any explanation, "Now what's the big idea? I see trees... and a legendary deer... and grass... A LEGENDARY DEER? Okay, now I'm really curious, what's going on here..."
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The Remnant RP Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Remnant RP   The Remnant RP EmptyThu Apr 25, 2013 2:24 pm

As Tristan came to his senses again, he was not where he suddenly fell unconscious anymore. Rubbing his head, he stood up and brushed the dirt off of his clothes.
While it calmed him down a bit to see his Pokémon levitating behind him, he still was obviously confused.
"Where am I?", he muttered as he looked around a bit.
"Why does this place look like a "My little Ponyta"-episode?"
Sadly, none of his Pokémon seemed to have the slightest idea of what had happened either, all of them looking around in varying degrees of confusion.
"Well then...I guess we have no choice but to look around a bit..."
After only a short time of wandering around, Tristan spotted a strange, deer-like creature.
"What in the ghost world is that?"
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The Remnant RP Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Remnant RP   The Remnant RP EmptySun Apr 28, 2013 2:19 pm

sol came to his senses as he saw this strange place. his pokemon were floating right behind him, so that made him feel better. Sol attempted to move, but failed miserably. he started to panic then."HEY! whats going on here? why are there unicorns???they almost remind me of..."he turned and saw a pokemon who he instantly recognized."..KELDEO! why are we here?" sol asked of the pokemon. he also heard his pokemon ask the same question.
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The Remnant RP Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Remnant RP   The Remnant RP EmptyThu May 02, 2013 1:39 am

Ki whirled around, wondering WHAT THE HECK WAS HAPPENNING, when she stopped short. Keldeo, the Pokemon that guarded Unova, that she had heard of all her life, was standing right in fornt of her. "...Hello. Everyone here, please come to me." Suddenly six other people popped into existence right in front of her. "WHere are we?" she asked it.
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The Remnant RP Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Remnant RP   The Remnant RP EmptyFri May 03, 2013 5:08 pm

Eleina looked around when she heard other people around her. "u-um, hello." she said to the new people. "...Hello. Everyone here, please come to me." a voice said on the far side of the group. "Is that, Keldeo?" Eleina asked herself. Suddenly Guitta roared and charged towards the legendary Pokemon with his head low. "Guitta, no!" Eleina shouted. Guitta skidded to a halt and looked at his trainer. The rock type growled softly as if to say sorry.
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The Remnant RP Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Remnant RP   The Remnant RP EmptySat May 04, 2013 2:11 am

"...Hello. Everyone here, please come to me." "Huh, it talks. Well, that's to be expected from a Legendary. Ugh, I wish I remembered its name. I know I saw it in a book on Unova somewhere, so what was it?" Jude thought for a few minutes, taking in his surroundings more and observing the others that had appeared. "Aha! Got it! You're name is Keldeo, isn't it!?" Jude shouted while pointing at Keldeo, being somewhat over dramatic. Spirit facepalmed when he did this and Stryke did something similar with his scythes.
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The Remnant RP Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Remnant RP   The Remnant RP EmptyMon May 06, 2013 9:02 am

"What the....." Rui blinked as a flash enveloped her and her Pokemon. She looked around, bewildered by what just occurred. She shook her head and Meido let out a dangerous rumble, while X just looked about and hummed slightly. "Meido.... Easy.... Let us see what is going on first..." Rui murmured to her Aggron, having slid off of X's back and put a hand on Meido's shoulder to placate the Aggron down. Several other people were here it seemed, all talking to themselves or at a Unicorn looking Pokemon that she had never seen or heard before. "Keldo hunh....? Never heard of it..." She muttered walking up behind Eleina just as the rock Poke' charged at it and stopped suddenly due to the Trainer yelling "Guitta! No!" Rui pulled out a Poke'ball returning X to it, and sighing and leaning against Meido for comfort. "Whatever this Keldo brought us here for...... I hope its good..."
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The Remnant RP Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Remnant RP   The Remnant RP EmptyMon May 06, 2013 3:19 pm

"...Hello. Everyone here, please come to me." Kanitie Heard the whole group mumbling to themselves, their Pokemon, and Keldeo. Well thought Kain (As he normally goes by) That Gardevoir-looking trainer asked about where we are. If I had to guess I would say we are in Unova. Irrelevant. Some girl with long black hair and a camera, keeping her Pokemon in check, watch out for 'Guitta.' Pale dude with a... scarf? Asking about Keldeo? Someone could have lived to take more schooling. The one with long, straight brown hair taking her Pokemon back to safety. Not unintelligent.

As he continued assessing the situation and judging the others he took a knee and spoke to Blaze, his Absol. "I don't like the looks of this. Legendary Pokemon seldom summon people, much less trainers." His gaze returned to the legendary, "You, you are a legendary Pokemon, of this I am sure. More importantly, you are Keldeo, one of the swords, a protector of Unova. Why summon us? You need help protecting, it would only make sense. Now my question is... If I am correct and you need help protecting Unova, what is so strong you would need trainers to help? And... why us?"
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The Remnant RP Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Remnant RP   The Remnant RP EmptyMon May 06, 2013 3:47 pm

"...Hello. Everyone here, please come to me."

Being enveloped in a bright flash of light, Tristan felt very dizzy all of a sudden.
Then, his vision started to fade as he collapsed...again.
When he came to, some other people and what he assumed to be their Pokémon were all sitting or standing around an unicorn-like being.

"I don't like toe look of this...", he whispered to his Pokémon.
"Hypnos, prepare yourself to use Hypnosis if neccessary..."
"Now then...", he continued speaking loudly again,
"Does anyone of you here know what's going on?"

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The Remnant RP Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Remnant RP   The Remnant RP EmptyMon May 06, 2013 4:04 pm

sol looked around and seemed to be the youngest of all those gathered. that didnt stop him ever before. "Keldeo, what do you need us here for anyways? your one of the sacred swords, and best friend of virizion. dont explain yourself, explain why we are here." sol said plainly to the pokemon in front of him.
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The Remnant RP Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Remnant RP   The Remnant RP EmptyTue May 07, 2013 12:41 am

Ki heard Kain, and whirled to face him. "Do you not know what Unova is like?! This, no, THIS is NOT Unova! I have journeyed far and wide in this region and have NEVER seen this!" She indicated the strange deer. They were colored green, gray, and blue. "These are Cobalion, Terrakion, and Virizion. They are the legendary Pokemon who rescued the Pokemon when a war between humans started a fire where they lived. They led them to safety, and found a small Pokemon with no parents. It would die without them, so they raised it. That Pokemon" she continued, turning to face the small unicorn facing them, '...Was Keldeo. However, the legendary trio were captured four years ago, and their Trainer has been mising ever since Team Plasma first fell. This, this chaos of beauty, must be Keldeo's mind." "....Well done. That, I must say, was even better than my explanation." Everybody turned to look at the unicorn, the Protector of Unova. " The Unova region is, for the third time in six years, in danger Now that all legendary Pokemon are here, having been brought by their peoples, who flocked to this land. They are now under my protection, all of them. But the evils who call themselves the Remnant now threaten our existence-humans and Pokemon alike. I have brought you, the Seven, together to stop them. Now, when I send you back to your lives, you will find that no time at all has passed. However, a Legendary Pokemon from your home region will be lurking, wating for you. Find them. They will help you on your journey, aid you in your quest. All of you, I will now tell you of your partner for the journey ahead....You," it said, indicating Aphranna, "Your partner is....Me. As a true Unovian, you shall lead the group through the perils of the Remnant. Elena, you shall find that Dialga has appeared near your home. As for you, Sol, Palkia will be hidden somewhere near you. Rui, you shall find the Continent Pokemon Groudon, and Kainitie shall find the opposing force Kyogre. Tristan shall have the honour of being aided by my Lady, Mew, and Jude Simmons shall be gifted with the power to summon Ho-oh and Lugia. I do hope that these are acceptable."
With that, Keldeo turned and dissapeared. The world grew into a psychadelic swirl of rainbow light, sending everyone back to their normal lives, but not before Ki had the chance to examine the little Keldeo figurine that had mysteriously appeared in her hand.

OOC: I do hope that you all read through this. It took me AN HOUR AND A HALF to write.
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