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 Fallout: Global Crisis (idea)

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Fallout: Global Crisis (idea) Empty
PostSubject: Fallout: Global Crisis (idea)   Fallout: Global Crisis (idea) EmptyMon Mar 18, 2013 2:07 pm

After the last atomic war left the world scared and half dead, some believe that it couldn't get worse. They were wrong. It started at the Vegas Strip, the land collapsing and swallowing it all up. Then the ssame happen all over the world as if the land itself was attacking. The cause was unknown. Was it a delayed after effect of the atomic bombs? No one knows. Most huddle in fear that they'll be next. But not you.

A message is being brodcasted to all Pip-Boys, asking for able bodied people to help on a solution to this problem. They sound like they know something... and your reply has been recieved and responded to via a Vertibird coming to pick you up. On your way to a secret mountain base near St Helens, you can only wonder what is in store ahead...

This will be a 3-4 roleplayer rp. I want to see some interest in it before I make a bio template. Remember, spots are first come, first serve. No reservations.
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Fallout: Global Crisis (idea) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Fallout: Global Crisis (idea)   Fallout: Global Crisis (idea) EmptyMon Apr 15, 2013 2:14 pm

So I dunno, if you still remember you put this up or not, but I show interest here and now Cry. I believe the idea has complete and utter merit, and looks to be fun, minus the Mutants, and Battle-cattle. xD Joking aside, I wish to apply for such a Rp.
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Fallout: Global Crisis (idea) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Fallout: Global Crisis (idea)   Fallout: Global Crisis (idea) EmptyMon Apr 15, 2013 3:56 pm

Same here. Also, when is the arcane roleplay going to start?
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Fallout: Global Crisis (idea) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Fallout: Global Crisis (idea)   Fallout: Global Crisis (idea) EmptyTue Apr 16, 2013 5:27 am



Also, wow I thought this idea died. What kind of characters would you two have?
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Fallout: Global Crisis (idea) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Fallout: Global Crisis (idea)   Fallout: Global Crisis (idea) EmptyTue Apr 16, 2013 4:27 pm

A gruff sniper with an smg. He would do long to close range engagements.
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Fallout: Global Crisis (idea) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Fallout: Global Crisis (idea)   Fallout: Global Crisis (idea) EmptyWed Apr 17, 2013 3:01 am

Name: Jinga
Ex-NCR, with a grudge against the Legion, and the NCR both. She excels with Melee, Sneak, Energy Weapons. Mostly of any type she can get her hands on, She usually wears Reinforced Leather, or Black Combat Armor, Hazel Eyes, Auburn Hair, about 21, 5'5". Likes to hang, or used to hang, around Freeside (I'm assuming that got swallowed up too?) when shes not out hunting both NCR or Legion. She can see just fine, but sucks in being aware to other people.

((This a actual Character of mine, with the Added Ex-NCr and hate for them, that happens later in her story.))
Actual Stats:
Level 15.
Strength: 8 (Was 7, but bought that Implant for 4,000 C.)
Perception: 1
Endurance: 7
Charisma: 8
Intelligence: 10
Agility: 7
Luck: 1

Barter: 47
Speech: 100
Science: 100
Energy Weapons: 100
Guns: 17
Melee Weapons: 50
Unarmed: 10
Survival: 10
Explosives: 23
Lockpick: 76
Medicine: 38
Sneak: 42
Karma: Really, Really Good.
(And I'm not putting the rest up...)
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Fallout: Global Crisis (idea) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Fallout: Global Crisis (idea)   Fallout: Global Crisis (idea) EmptyMon Apr 22, 2013 4:22 am


Name: Courier Six(Forgotten, goes by Courier)
Age: In her mid twenties
Gender: Female
Race: Caucasion
Tag Skills: Speech, Science, and Repair
Preferred Guns: Maria(9mm Pistol), Boone's Scoped Hunting Rifle, and an Alien Blaster for emergencies.
Prefered Melee: Liberator(Machete)
Goal: To get revenge on whatever destroyed HER New Vegas
Personality: Courier is simply tired of the world. Tired of everyone who tries to use her. Tired of all the complaints. Tired of the NCR, Ceaser's Legion, Brotherhood, or anyone who thinks they can force control over everyone. That was why she decided to be the one in charge. She values letting those who earn it getting what they deserve and giving out punishment with equal fairness. Though she may play executioner a lot, its never without reason. She always gives every man and woman she is after a chance to explain themselves, shooting after judging their actions. She doesn't hesitate. She doesn't act rashly. She does what is needed. It was those kinds of actions that let her beat Mr. House and win the battle of Hoover Dam.
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Fallout: Global Crisis (idea) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Fallout: Global Crisis (idea)   Fallout: Global Crisis (idea) EmptyWed Apr 24, 2013 10:04 am

((Different from the one I have, I know, but one NCR and Legion, well not for the Legion maybe.... But one hater is enough no? And she is a Fanfic Character I have been thinking about writing up.))

Name: T.S.C (She forgot her name after what happened, so she went off a patch on her clothing. And even after getting her name back, she kept it this way.)
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Race: Caucasian
Tag Skills: Guns, Repair, Unarmed.
Preferred Guns: , 10mm Pistol(Extended Mags, Laser Dot Sight), Sniper Rifle (Carbon-Fiber Casing, Silencer.).
Preferred Melee: Industrial Hand. Or just her fists. Or a Displacer Glove.
Goal: To preserve her friends, the ones she has left that is. And to find Courier 6, who may have the answers to who she was.
Personality: She was the shy, sweet one of the couriers, but always managed to make friends among them, no-one could've really disliked her at all. She got along with everyone very well, helping them with their missions when she could. When it came around time for he to carry the package, the on that everyone else refused to carry into the divide, she accepted, seeing that it needed to be done. After a event in where she was supposed to deliver the package, she changed, becoming mistrusting, cold, and pretty spiteful of things, this was mainly due to a memory loss from what happened.If she gets back her memory, she will just become a mix of the two, slow to trust, but nice, polite, sweet, cold sometimes, and shy.

History(You misunderstand she is a Courier, her number was 21, but she is not Courier Six. This also is a explanation for all the dead marked men in Hopeville Silo. And why it was locked down. Ulysses went into the divide after her. Mainly for his revenge on 6, but also he saved her from the.... Well you'll find out.):
T.S.C had received the package that had coordinates on it, the location was near Primm, locally designated as the Canyon Wreckage. The Package was heavily wrapped, bound with twine, and had a old flag on it, neither the NCR, or the Legions mark on it. It had come to her after 6 was out on a job, and everyone else refused to carry said package. They said it gave off a bad mojo, bad luck, like the chip 6 agreed to carry. But even then, she saw that the job needed to be done, and traveling from the office in Primm, where she picked up the package, and headed west towards the Canyon Wreckage. Her companion was 15, the only other courier that had enough courage to travel with her. When they got there, and wormed their way through the Wreckage, they came upon the Divide. It spanned out before them, and T.S.C had the marker pulled up on a Pip-Boy 4000b Series, that she had salvaged from Vault 34. It was below in the ruins of some town, they both crawled along the side, to a bunker of sorts. 15 Insisted that they return and not come back, but T.S.C wanted to go on. They descended through the Silo, and add the entrance, set off a alarm, triggering the sentry bots, and lock-down. The alarm though bought others to the spot, the marked men had been tracking their progress with malice, and hate. T.S.C and 15 killed quite a few, before 15 being dragged off, and his throat cut. While T.S.C was taken by the marked men into Hopeville. They tortured her mostly for sport, and kept her alive in a auto-doc. The Auto-doc, being American Military went by its programming repairing T.S.C each time and making her a little bit better each time as well, always trying to improve the American Soldier it thought kept coming back with wounds. Finally, T.S.C, after several weeks of Torture, was mostly broken, then Ulysses came. He freed her from the Auto-Doc, and gave her just enough support in brutally destroying the Marked Men involved in her Imprisonment. She stuck around at that time, scavenging, weapons, armor, eventually naming her self T.S.C from a badge on her armor that she had. She couldn't remember why she was even here in this hellish place or why they had tortured her, but she became their predator, sniping them, or just using a Industrial Hand in melee against them. Finally, after 6 came by through the Divide, and Talked Ulysses down from firing on the Mojave, she remembered a little sliver of who she really was. She went back out of the Divide, hardened by her experiences there, and sought out what she had remembered slightly. A traveling person, Courier 6. She made several friends along the way in her travels, almost always being several steps behind the Courier, T.S.C witnessed her good acts, and her evil ones. She made friends and enemies in both the NCR and Legion, heartlessly shooting them down, or helping them sometimes. She was responsible for the high death count on both sides at Nelson, during the One Day War over the Dam. Now with the strip swallowed up by the earth, she knows that 6 will head to where the signal she picked up on her Pip-boy, drawn by their nature to explore, or hunt.

Last edited by TeamAshen on Fri Apr 26, 2013 7:45 am; edited 4 times in total
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Fallout: Global Crisis (idea) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Fallout: Global Crisis (idea)   Fallout: Global Crisis (idea) EmptyWed Apr 24, 2013 4:18 pm

Ashen, it seems like you are trying to be Courier 6 aka the Fallout New Vegas main character. That is my character. Please make a few changes.
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