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 Quest for Buff

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NPC Rper

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Quest for Buff - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Quest for Buff   Quest for Buff - Page 3 EmptyMon Oct 20, 2014 1:16 am

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Better, Faster and Stronger! Mission Info::

The sun was already well up into the sky by the time the dark mountains that had been looming ahead were close enough for the group of traveling Pokémon to say that they were there. Luckily the day had been a pleasant one, not too hot and there hadn't been any rain getting in their way either, so everything had went well on that front. Of course the trip had been long and exhausting, but it could have been so much worse. The dark mountain range might have looked intimidating and gloomy, but despite the dark mist surrounding it, the sun was still bright and warm enough to make it... Kind of pleasant. Any wind that might have been blowing in their face was mostly blocked by the rocks, protecting the Pokémon from the chill – though as the climbed higher, the altitude did cause the air to grow slightly colder...

Varda was rather exhausted after their long journey to the mountains. Early in the morning, he had found a client looking for training partners in the mountains – and of course he had agreed! While the tiny bird hardly was big and strong, that was exactly the reason he had wanted to come along. He wanted to grow stronger and look for his home in a new area, so everything was perfect! He joined the Growlithe and they started their journey together, though on their way, the Swablu had met a familiar face in town...

The little beady eyes glanced to his side at the female Riolu, Noel. He had met her earlier once when she had been looking for Grassveil Town, so it was perhaps to be expected that he would meet her again there one day. The two had changed a few words while the Growlithe was listening, telling Noel about the current mission – which she seemed to like enough to want to join. As the client didn't disapprove, the trio had left the town together early in the morning.

"Aight, starting to look like a good place!" The Growlithe barked as they came to a rocky, wide open area with few larger stones and a rather miserable, twisted tree. The dog-like Pokémon sat down for a moment to rest after the journey and Varda followed her example, sitting on his feathery behind and feeling the cool stone and dirt underneath.
"Ooh... That was a pretty long trip," the little bird chirped as he let out a sigh, starting to relax a bit. The Growlithe just laughed as he looked at the other too.
"We should rest for a bit before we continue, yanno? Take a little break, we'll start training after that."

Current Energy: 9 (25 -16 from entering)
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NPC Rper

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Quest for Buff - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Quest for Buff   Quest for Buff - Page 3 EmptyTue Oct 21, 2014 1:19 am

Varda looked at the Growlithe as she snorted at Noel's comment about a boring fight, apparently not all too hurt by such comments. Luckily, as the bird had not wanted to see a friend of his and a client to fight because of something silly. His attention was quickly turned back to the Riolu as she mentioned how her home island had this kind of Pokémon in it. Immediately, the bird tilted his head as he grew curious, an innocent smile on his face.

"You came from another island?" He was quick to ask, rather interested in the little details Noel gave him. After all, being someone who had been basically raised in one small nest his entire life, there was so much he hadn't seen, so much he had yet to experience. Hearing something new from those who actually had seen something was ending up to be something he quite enjoyed, something he only really had managed to experience after he was separated from his family.

"If ya wanna feel the heat, then we gotta pick up the pace!" The Growlithe yelled from ahead, starting to run faster. The path was growing wider, but more uneven with some gaps and bigger boulders in the way. The Growlithe of course jumped on the rocks, waiting for the other two to join her.

Current Energy: 13 (8 +5 from the trap, will be found in-game soon)
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Quest for Buff - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Quest for Buff   Quest for Buff - Page 3 EmptyTue Oct 21, 2014 1:25 am

Noel let's out a small laugh at the growlith though it was to quiet to be heard she didn't feel like fighting a client just because.of the fights Noel likes to have but she decided that this little detail was most likely a unimportant one and a moronic one also who cared what a fight was like

"Huh" Noel turned to Baroda and smiled "yes I'm from a island far away from this one came here on the back of a lapras" Noel says with a small smile remembering her home she loved being home but this place was great also though it didn't have to true danger of her island it was still a good place

Noel turned to see the growlith going on ahead so she faced varda "I guess we better get going" she says as she starts.after the growlith at a good pace
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NPC Rper

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Quest for Buff - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Quest for Buff   Quest for Buff - Page 3 EmptyTue Oct 21, 2014 1:39 am

Varda just seemed to grow even more curious as the Riolu answered,  talking of a far away island that was her home. No wonder that she missed her mother then, if she lived so far away! Still, the fact that Noel had come to this land in the first place meant that travel was possible, even if it took a while. If she ever really, really wanted to, she could go back home to visit her family! ...But it did make the Swablu think, his expression growing a bit darker for a moment. What if he too came from very far away, even from an entirely different island? What if the storm had taken him so far, somehow? What if his home was nowhere near where he was now...?

The bird quickly shook his head as he started to smile again, pushing the depressing thoughts away as he looked at Noel, full of hope and cheer.
"What is a Lapras?" He asked with a voice full of wonder, spreading his wings as he jumped on the large boulder to follow after his client. The Growlithe noticed that the rest of the team was ready and started to hop from one rock to another, really liking the leaps that made feel like she really was flying... While the Swablu behind her actually was flying, unable to make such large jumps with his short legs.

"Oh, wait!" The blue bird suddenly chirped after a while of flying and landing, his eyes noticing a strange glint peeking behind a rock as the sun hit it. He quickly took off to take a look at it, landing... And hearing an odd snap! Varda froze, quickly looking around to see what he had stepped on and what was going to happen – but he only felt himself grow less exhausted as a strange power filled his body with energy. He remembered back to what Lance had said the first day they had met about traps that might restore ones health, and the Swablu was quite sure he had found one now, at last! He felt quite happy, smiling as he peeked behind the rock to grab a strange disc...

(Got 1 TM Double Team)

Bird carried out 3 launched of one Black Mist Mountain :
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Quest for Buff - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Quest for Buff   Quest for Buff - Page 3 EmptyTue Oct 21, 2014 2:28 am

Noel notices vardas expression slightly darken about the talk of her home island Noel was about to a dress this but varda questioned Noel about what a lapras was Noel thought they were.common well on her home but then she remembers that varda had not left his nest "it is a large water Pokemon it can travel across water pretty fast and they look cool"

Noel then thinks for a bit on how she would get back home she hadn't thought about that but she assumed she would figure out how she was always good at improvising she was thinking as she jumped though she was lost in thought she moved like normal using her sense to not trip

Noel looks at varda as he landed he had found something and his posture perked up "must of found a good trap" Noel says with a smirk as she turns back to keep a eye on the client
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NPC Rper

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Quest for Buff - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Quest for Buff   Quest for Buff - Page 3 EmptyTue Oct 21, 2014 2:44 am

Varda happily stuffed the strange disc he had noticed in his bag, careful to not bend it. He wasn't entirely sure what it was, but he was going to get it checked by some smart Pokémon when he got back to Grassveil Town! It had never failed him this far, there always was someone who could tell him what something was or did if he was unsure. But as he was about to turn around, his eyes managed to notice something else behind the large boulder, something light-colored buried under a few rocks... The Swablu grew curious as he hopped closer, pushing off the rubble to see what was underneath. A beautiful little ribbon was just lying there, a bit dirty due to the dust but otherwise it seemed like it wasn't broken. It looked quite similar to something he had seen a Pokémon in town craft with his own paws, so of course Varda took it and stuffed it in his bag!

Spreading his wings, the bird Pokémon flew back to the Growlithe and Noel, his client politely waiting for him to return. The Swablu landed on a boulder rather easily, smiling as he looked at the two Pokémon.
"I found a disc and a ribbon," he explained happily, quite liking his finds even if he didn't know what they were for certain yet. He couldn't say anything else about them due to his own ignorance, but of course the bird wanted to tell his friends what had made him stop! In his eyes, it certainly was worthwhile.

"Aight, guess that means we can move on?" The Growlithe asked and the bird nodded – though he did give the Riolu a look as well, in case she was going to disagree. However, a strange bark came from ahead as a dark dog ran down it, drool running down its mouth. A new feral Pokémon was blocking their path, snarling as the Growlithe responded with a growl of her own, her fur standing on its end.

Current Energy: 6 (13 -8 from enemy encounters, -1 from item roll, +2 from the new pages that I always forget, derp. Got 1 Joy Ribbon!)
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Quest for Buff - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Quest for Buff   Quest for Buff - Page 3 EmptyTue Oct 21, 2014 2:50 am

Noel smirks as varda came back "good find" Noel says with her normal smirk she had also found a few discs along her travels though she kept them at base camp she wished she brought them so she could see if they were the same but she mentality shrugged as she nodded fine with going on
Noel stopped sooner then the others sensing the Pokemon in front of them she rolled her eyes and turned to the two of them "who wants to take em out" she asks in case they didn't want to gang up on him or just fight one on one she would be ok with just knocking him out
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NPC Rper

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Quest for Buff - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Quest for Buff   Quest for Buff - Page 3 EmptyTue Oct 21, 2014 2:58 am

Varda let out a happy chirp as the Riolu complimented his find, even though she hadn't been shown them all that well due to the bird stashing them away in his bag right away. He would have showed her in more detail of course, but the bark and growl caused him to stop that train of thought as he looked towards the sound. Another strange Pokémon had approached them and the Growlithe jumped off the boulder to be on the same level as the feral one that had approached them. Both of the dog Pokémon growled and fluffed their fur to look big, but Noel's question just made the Growlithe grin.

"Think it's time to show this guy that this is our turf!" She barked, full of vigor and quite certain that the tiny dog would be no match for them,
"Of course we all go in! Teach these guys a lesson that they shouldn't mess with us, aight?" The Growlithe continued as she gave the Poochyena a nasty leer with her eyes. The Swablu wasn't one to typically pick a fight if he could avoid it, but seeing how it was the client demanding this... Maybe he was going to have to do it, then. Varda spread his wings as he gently floated down, ready for the fight.
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Quest for Buff - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Quest for Buff   Quest for Buff - Page 3 EmptyTue Oct 21, 2014 3:02 am

We don't really own territory here was all Noel thought as she was really not wanting to fight 3 on 1 felt it was unfair to the little crazy guy

Noel let out a small sigh she really didn't like hanging up on a opponent it was one of the few things her mother taught her but deciding that this was what the client wanted she got into a fighting stance though she was going to only go a little hard she dashed over as the dog tried to bite her she threw her arms up and backed up the sending a hard kick to his side launched him over to her companions hoping they would do something
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NPC Rper

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Quest for Buff - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Quest for Buff   Quest for Buff - Page 3 EmptyTue Oct 21, 2014 3:23 am

Varda looked at Noel, a bit uncertain. Something seemed a bit off about her, she didn't seem quite as eager as she used to... But still, she got ready and immediately dashed at the little dog, not letting it sink its teeth in her. The bird was about to rush in to help, but the Riolu gave the feral Pokémon a swift kick that sent it flying towards his client. The Growlithe quite liked the offering, rushing at the poor little dog with her sharp teeth bared, ready to attack...

But a shrill shriek from above caused everything else to go quiet, almost as if time itself stopped. Varda had stopped, the feral Pokémon had stopped – even the Growlithe had stopped her attack, her mouth still awkwardly open as it hovered just a few inches above the Poochyena's skin. The eyes of the Pokémon looked up, noticing a dark silhouette of what seemed like a four-winged bird against the sun, approaching them. It was hard to get a good look as the glare of the sun prevented them from looking too long, but whatever it was, it was bigger than the other Pokémon currently fighting.

It took a while for the Pokémon to scramble out of the way, the Growlithe dashed to the side as Varda quickly waddled and tripped, barely missing the feral Pokémon as it landed, lifting its long neck and looking around. It was a strange one, like a mix of a bird and a reptile with colorful plumage and sharp teeth – and claws. It shrieked again, causing the Poochyena to quickly run away with a tail between its legs, leaving just three to deal with the newcomer.

"What do we do...?" The Swablu chirped quietly as he slowly backed away from the monstrous Pokémon, looking at his allies. The Growlithe hadn't seemingly expected this to happen, staring at the Archeops that had suddenly appeared from the sky with wide eyes.
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Quest for Buff - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Quest for Buff   Quest for Buff - Page 3 EmptyTue Oct 21, 2014 5:14 am

Noel watched as the dog flew to her allies with a bored expression she really didn't like fighting three on one but meh the faster the opponent went down the faster they could her thoughts stopped as she looked up sensing a large aura.coming from the.sky

She heard the shriek after sensing the aura she stood quite far away from her allies as she watched the bird descend she held her paw in front of her eyes to look at it closer as she noticed it was a Pokemon she had only seen once with her mother it was a little smaller then the one she had seen but she knew that it was the same Pokemon no doubt about it.

Noel gritted her teeth as she had tried to remember about the fight her.mother had with the large bird if she remembered correctly they could not fly like normal birds for long and was more productive at running rather then flying so being in this area was good for it they must of wandered into it's nest.

It stared right at Noel as she got into a fighting stance this opponent she did not mind going three to one as she hears varda ask what to do Noel closed her eyes when she opened them they showed no fear for the bird "we fight" she yells to try to get the other two out of their shock as she ran at the bird
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NPC Rper

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Quest for Buff - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Quest for Buff   Quest for Buff - Page 3 EmptyTue Oct 21, 2014 1:28 pm

Varda wasn't entirely sure if he could believe his ears! Noel thought... That they should fight the large, scary bird, the one that looked so strong that it had spooked another Pokémon so much they had escaped the area. But no, he wasn't hearing things. As fearless as ever, the Riolu ran at the ancient bird as it quickly got out of her way, clearly a rather speedy and evasive Pokémon to make it an even more dangerous opponent.

Noel's own bravery seemed to be enough for the Growlithe to snap out of the shock of having such a powerful Pokémon attack them and soon she was back in fighting condition. Wiping away any traces of fear she might have had, she bared her teeth as she started to make her way towards the Archeops, growling and attempting to look intimidating. While the other bird certainly was much larger than her, she was hoping that the feral Pokémon would realize it was outnumbered and those staying in the fight weren't afraid of it at all!

The Swablu was concerned, but he knew he couldn't abandon his friends – or his client, that would have just given his team a really bad reputation! He spread his cottony wings as he furrowed his brow a bit, concentrating hard on trying to be as helpful as he could in the fight. Varda flew up into the air and closer to the strong-looking bird, wanting to be there in case one of his allies would be in trouble.

The Archeops didn't seem to be too spooked once three Pokémon rushed at it to attack, seeming to be rather certain of its own strength. It didn't waste much time, as soon as it had dodged Noel's attack, jumping backwards to gain a bit of distance before summoning forth floating rocks and sending them flying towards the group, feeling itself to be filled with power. The Growlithe managed to quickly dodge the attack, but the little blue bird didn't manage to fly out of the way, being hit by a rock straight on as he was sent flying backwards by the mighty blow, landing on the ground with a soft thump.
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Quest for Buff - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Quest for Buff   Quest for Buff - Page 3 EmptyTue Oct 21, 2014 2:32 pm

Noel had figured her first attempt at hitting that ancient Pokemon would most likely fail this would just be a few strikes as she would try to decide on how to proceed with the fight since she had varda and the client helping this would make the fight a little easier then if she had to solo it.

Noel saw the rocks come her way as she leaped over the rocks gaining some air time and landed on the opposite side of the rather large bird as she made another attempt to rush the bird
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NPC Rper

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Quest for Buff - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Quest for Buff   Quest for Buff - Page 3 EmptyTue Oct 21, 2014 3:06 pm

Varda had been knocked to the ground by the rock, lying on his back with his wings spread out. It hurt. Everything hurt. It would have been smarter to just sit it out considering how he had already managed to get injured so badly, feeling sore all over... But the bird wasn't going to give up just yet. He couldn't, not with the fight still going on! He forced his small body to roll over, getting on his feet with the help of his cloud-like wings, now less white due to the dirt and dust that had gotten on them.

The Archeops screeched Noel as it turned to look at her, giving plenty of time for the Growlithe to try to attack it from behind while it was occupied with the Riolu's attack. However, the ancient bird seemed to be one step further, seeming like it was an experienced fighter. Suddenly, the feral one moved aside so fast that it even seemed to create copies of itself, making the Growlithe to try to attack the wrong one, biting air.
"What the–?!" She barked in confusion, just barely managing to come to a full stop before she accidentally ran right into Noel who was also trying to charge at the Archeops.

Using the confusion to its advantage, the large bird took a running start as it jumped into the air, flapping its wings. Its outline was still hazy and the illusions persisted, making it quite difficult to know which one was the real Pokémon! The Archeops made a quick loop in the air as it started to dive bomb towards Noel, most likely seeing her as the biggest threat and wanting to get rid of her as soon as possible...

Sparkling particles of ice soon started to fall from the sky, covering the area in a cool, refreshing haze. The Swablu had flown above the fighting Pokémon, flapping its wings hard to stay up in the air. The sparkling mist was erupting from Varda's wings, gently falling down on all the Pokémon under him. It caused the Archeops' copies to disappear as it flew towards Noel at a frightening speed, giving the Growlithe just enough time to try to help the Riolu by grabbing the feral Pokémon's tail as it passed, trying to slow it down...
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Quest for Buff - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Quest for Buff   Quest for Buff - Page 3 EmptyTue Oct 21, 2014 8:54 pm

Noel swore under her breath as she noticed the bird had moved she had sensed the growliths aura as she hit the ground and jumped over the client as she landed behind her as she looks around the eyes using her aura sense to find the target as her eyes snap open she looked as it had started.to dive bomb at her

She swore once as she lowered her stance charging power into her paw if he wanted to play she would play as she launched right at the bird as it flats right at her she clashes with it halfway and they stand trying to push the other off

Noel grits her teeth as she pushes the large bird off launching it over as she grabbed the client before she got launched into the wall with the bird as Noel looked as the bird got up she swore and got into a fighting stance again
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NPC Rper

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Quest for Buff - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Quest for Buff   Quest for Buff - Page 3 EmptyTue Oct 21, 2014 9:33 pm

Varda watched from above how the Growlithe bit on the colorful bird's tail, digging her teeth into it as hard as she could so she would not lose her grip. Her claws dug into the ground as she tried to stop herself from moving with the large bird, but she just wasn't heavy enough to hold it down. Even the pain of the Growlithe's bite didn't seem to stop the feral Pokémon's attack as it dived towards Noel with blood lust in its eyes. Still, it all was enough to get rid of the strange copies and the evasiveness, even slowing down the Archeops as the Growlithe did her best to force it to stop.

It gave the Riolu a better chance of doing something about the attack. The two Pokémon clashed together, the bird's attack still powerful and vicious as it put as much of its weight behind the blow as it could, but at least Noel managed to strike it in return. The Archeops let out a low growl as its attack was basically stopped by the smaller Riolu and the Growlithe, not able to gracefully glide past Noel after its attack. It was forced to put its feet down, but it wasn't able to stop Noel from punching it and sending it flying over. The Growlithe managed to let go of the tail just in time for Noel to grab her so she wasn't sent flying with the Archeops.

The ancient bird wasn't dealt with so easily. It got back up, angrier than ever as it let out a strange hiss and fluffed its feathers, staring at the two grounded Pokémon as it prepared for another attack. But the Swablu had let himself fall closer while the feral bird Pokémon was busy, letting out a sudden, shrill shriek that caused the Archeops to flinch as it quickly turned to look behind at the little bird making the odd sound.
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