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 It's always rainy in Pecha forest. (Open)

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It's always rainy in Pecha forest. (Open) Empty
PostSubject: It's always rainy in Pecha forest. (Open)   It's always rainy in Pecha forest. (Open) EmptySat Jul 18, 2020 9:55 pm

Ambiance: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jBcZDjP1o6w
19 - 5 = 14 energy

In contrast to the stark sunny weather of Grassveil, overnight Pecha forest seemed to have been doused in rain, and in the early morning light the sun shone off the dew of leaves like a blinding white mirror. Orcrist slashed his way through the plants in his path, clearing the way of debrie as he went. He stopped every so often to pick wet leaves off himself or throw off vines that just wouldn't cut, but he kept going. After what had happend with the close call of his pursuers in Grassveil he did not want to stay for long, he was not sure where he was going to go but he had to leave and he was sure of that.

After quite a bit of wandering he stopped a moment for some rest and looked around himself for some sense of direction, the air was still and you could hear bird pokemon chirping distantly in the trees. Orcrist muttered to himself about how he shouldve gotten a map and began going over his list of idems, bird feathers, a glove, and some lint...ok so maybe it wasn't the best but he counted himself as a weapon and so he technically had a way to defend himself from feral pokemon. If the situation ever came to that, hopefully not.
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It's always rainy in Pecha forest. (Open) Empty
PostSubject: Re: It's always rainy in Pecha forest. (Open)   It's always rainy in Pecha forest. (Open) EmptyTue Jul 21, 2020 9:55 am

19 - 5 = 14 Energy

Duro, venturing into the Pecha Forest in search of resources and maybe a good training, no longer saw his new partner anywhere, it was as if he had made himself invisible, at the beginning he thought that maybe the Honedge could have gone faster compared to him, and that this has distanced them from each other, so, logically, Duro started a frantic race forward, he didn't even know where he was going (Being in a forest all alone...he must be quite scared....i'm coming at you.... mate!)

he thought, continuing to gear forward, ignoring any obstacles he had before him, among here bushes, ancient fallen trunks, hanging lianas, and also ..... well, trees, exactly! Duro was even able to uproot entire trees! All this causing a huge uproar, which caused the Taillows to escape from said trees, Thinking back, let's say it was Duro the frightened one, getting lost in that forest was not completely for him...And by the way he ran, he had every intention of getting out of there, but with his friend!

Last edited by Kimera24 on Sun Aug 23, 2020 2:49 pm; edited 2 times in total
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It's always rainy in Pecha forest. (Open) Empty
PostSubject: Re: It's always rainy in Pecha forest. (Open)   It's always rainy in Pecha forest. (Open) EmptyTue Jul 21, 2020 11:01 pm


Valen the Pikipek was on another expedition into Pecha Forest. The first time he had been here, he had just been trying to practice exploring an easy dungeon, and some... odd things had happened. But this time, he was here because there were quite a few things he could do. Fortunately, he had remembered to bring notes on what those were so he didn't forget, as well as some ink and quite a few sheets of paper to write on. One of the notes contained a list of Pokemon and items that a previous investigation by one Robin Pyralis, another member of the Windrose Scouts, had previously found. Valen hadn't taken the entire location report - he had just copied the things he felt were most important when reading it onto his own paper earlier. While he was in the forest himself, he was planning to note how what he observed compared to what Robin had observed, and likely write another location report for Pecha Forest if he found new information.

As for the other tasks... there were the two guild jobs he had taken - one to rescue a fellow Aileron Guild member, a Claydol, and one to stop a Trubbish from causing more damage. There was the Windrose Scouts rumour that he had decided to investigate: "A strange moving 'cloud' keeps blocking out the sun for long periods at a time in Pecha Forest." And then, there were those other rumours, the ones that he hadn't heard from the Scouts, but from discussions in Grassveil. When Valen had first heard about couples apparently going to some unknown destination just outside of Grassveil, he thought it was interesting, but it would be rude to pry into their private business. But when he heard that children were disappearing and no one had been able to find them... he felt he had to do something. Hopefully those two aren't related, he thought.

Right inside the forest, Valen checked the things he had to make sure he had everything that he needed. Once he was satisfied, he flew a bit deeper inside. Soon, he saw... something. Is that a Pokemon? Valen wondered. It seemed to be, but he never seen or heard about such a Pokemon before, which annoyed him, as he thought he had been making good progress on learning the many different species. Valen took out a blank sheet of paper and started using the ink to write short notes. Pokemon? Not seen earlier, metallic part, sharp-edged, blue, softer-looking part attached...

And then, Valen heard a loud noise. It wasn't coming from the Pokemon he could see, but from somewhere else in the forest. What? he worried, Am I going to get attacked already? The Pokemon he had found now didn't seem to be doing any threatening actions so far, at least, but that noise... Valen prepared for an enemy to appear at any moment.
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It's always rainy in Pecha forest. (Open) Empty
PostSubject: Re: It's always rainy in Pecha forest. (Open)   It's always rainy in Pecha forest. (Open) EmptySun Aug 23, 2020 3:17 pm

Duro, unable to find his friend Honedge, decided to proceed at a slow pace, after all, he uprooted about a dozen trees, it is normal to get tired after doing such a thing!
Now, having slowed his pace, Duro began to look around more carefully, a forest... a cold, dark and terrifying forest, sometimes it even seemed that the temperature dropped a few degrees, but, it's not the forest itself to be frightening to Duro, but its size, the trees made him feel like a gnat in front of a multitude of woody giants.
The Aron thought about speeding up for a while, but realized that this could attract aggressive Pokemon, so he suppressed his fear, as he went deeper into the forest.
(I don't like this place ... I have to find Orcrist, I got a bad feeling about this place...) he thought to himself, as he ventured into that dark place, the rain made it all the more disturbing for the poor Aron, but after some ups and downs, he saw a figure, not sure what kind of Pokemon it was, but, based on his appearance, so small and innocent, he understands that there was nothing to fear in being seen, so he improvised, getting noticed by the creature ''Umh ... Hello? Are you lost too?'' He asked shyly.
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It's always rainy in Pecha forest. (Open) Empty
PostSubject: Re: It's always rainy in Pecha forest. (Open)   It's always rainy in Pecha forest. (Open) EmptyMon Aug 24, 2020 5:14 am

Valen ended up flying a bit towards the sounds he had heard after a few moments, but no attacker came and the noise decreased. Then what was that? he wondered. But soon, he heard a voice asking whether he was lost. He turned towards it and saw... an Aron. Well, he remembered that species, thankfully.

"Lost? No, I'm not lost," Valen replied, "I'm here doing a couple of missions. If you're lost, you can come with me." He brought some of his papers out. Then, he remembered something - one of his missions was to investigate a moving cloud that could block out the sun... and it was still raining. Hopefully it stops raining soon, he thought.

(OOC: I am planning for the rain to stop after some time, but I'm currently not sure exactly when. Also, Energy: 19 - 5 [entry cost] = 14)
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It's always rainy in Pecha forest. (Open) Empty
PostSubject: Re: It's always rainy in Pecha forest. (Open)   It's always rainy in Pecha forest. (Open) EmptyTue Aug 25, 2020 12:41 am

Duro immediately felt relieved thanks to the words of the little Pokemon, he found a guide to bring him out of that living hell, unfortunately at the same moment he remembered how there was someone with him, and obviously he would not have abandoned him in that cursed forest ''Umh...That would be great but...I have to find a friend, you know...we lost touch.'' In that moment he thought that maybe the Pikipek would be able to help him find his lost companion, So he decided to give him a description of his friend: ''My companion is very similar to an animated sword, did you cross him somewhere?''

(OOC: No problem for me, you can do it when you want)
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It's always rainy in Pecha forest. (Open) Empty
PostSubject: Re: It's always rainy in Pecha forest. (Open)   It's always rainy in Pecha forest. (Open) EmptyTue Aug 25, 2020 6:29 am

Sword? Valen thought, as he wasn't exactly sure what a "sword" was. However, he wondered whether the unusual Pokemon he had seen earlier could be the one this Aron was looking for. He looked around again... and there was no one else there now.

"I... did see another Pokemon earlier nearby," Valen said, "They also looked metallic, and sharp..." Wait, aren't "swords" connected with sharpness? he thought as he started to remember something about certain moves and Legendary Pokemon, "Could that be the Pokemon you're looking for? I don't know where they are now, but I can help you find them. Maybe they fled due to the loud noise earlier," he continued talking on hastily.

Well, this might be yet another mission... mission... there was that rumor about children disappearing here, Valen remembered. Was that Pokemon I saw earlier a child? But whether they are or not... what if the same thing happened to them as to those children? Hopefully I can find them...

Pickup roll:
Shield carried out 1 launched of one Pecha Forest :
It's always rainy in Pecha forest. (Open) W6tXtbK
Regular rolls:
Shield carried out 10 launched of one Pecha Forest :
It's always rainy in Pecha forest. (Open) QrsU9WQ , It's always rainy in Pecha forest. (Open) SATpK8v , It's always rainy in Pecha forest. (Open) 5FHh31b , It's always rainy in Pecha forest. (Open) PopjRW4 , It's always rainy in Pecha forest. (Open) O9xqXFR , It's always rainy in Pecha forest. (Open) A0rHF7i , It's always rainy in Pecha forest. (Open) EE1XNfK , It's always rainy in Pecha forest. (Open) LOY1SG7 , It's always rainy in Pecha forest. (Open) W6tXtbK , It's always rainy in Pecha forest. (Open) HUdHrl3
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It's always rainy in Pecha forest. (Open) Empty
PostSubject: Re: It's always rainy in Pecha forest. (Open)   It's always rainy in Pecha forest. (Open) EmptyTue Aug 25, 2020 5:54 pm


You've uncovered The Luvdisc Lochan. Hopeless romantics gather far and wide to see this saccharine anomaly. A lake in the shape of a luvdisc has formed here, complete with pink sweet-tasting waters and isles for eyes and cheeks. Soft lush grass and small colorful pebbles surrounds the lake, offering a wonderfully colorful backdrop to the luvdisc itself. It's rumored that coming here and seeing an oddly colored luvdisc has special meaning in relationships. A golden luvdisc means eternal love and happiness, white warns of troubled times ahead, while black indicates that someone may not be entirely loyal.

You and all other thread participants may enter this dungeon, free of energy charge for one thread only as a continuation of this one. Any others will need to meet the normal requirements to enter. Please finish your encounters here first if there are any before doing so.

Last edited by Kat on Tue Dec 08, 2020 10:33 pm; edited 1 time in total
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It's always rainy in Pecha forest. (Open) Empty
PostSubject: Re: It's always rainy in Pecha forest. (Open)   It's always rainy in Pecha forest. (Open) EmptyThu Oct 29, 2020 8:19 pm

After listening patiently to the Pikipek, Duro reassures himself, his friend was close! of course, there was still the problem of not knowing where the Honedge is, but at least he knows that the latter is not located at the end of the world fortunately.

''O-Oh that's nice to hear! I-I can't say how much i owe you for this! but umh...i have to ask, why are you here in the first place? Isn't it dangerous to go alone in such a forest?'' he asked calmly, in the meantime, while he was saying these words, he thinked about what the little Pokemon meant by '' loud noise '', but, thinking a little about it a bit, he realized... he realized that it was him, Duro, who caused all that fuss in the forest, so he decided to reveal the culprit of that noise.
''Oh...and about the noise, maybe i was the source of all that uproar...''
he said with embarrassment and repentance...

Kimera24 carried out 10 launched of one Pecha Forest :
It's always rainy in Pecha forest. (Open) DJuONJb , It's always rainy in Pecha forest. (Open) RvuSukW , It's always rainy in Pecha forest. (Open) EE1XNfK , It's always rainy in Pecha forest. (Open) RgVVaN1 , It's always rainy in Pecha forest. (Open) WYrEDCu , It's always rainy in Pecha forest. (Open) G9ZwlFK , It's always rainy in Pecha forest. (Open) ZLY3OQ3 , It's always rainy in Pecha forest. (Open) A0rHF7i , It's always rainy in Pecha forest. (Open) HUdHrl3 , It's always rainy in Pecha forest. (Open) 2FrD83b
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It's always rainy in Pecha forest. (Open) Empty
PostSubject: Re: It's always rainy in Pecha forest. (Open)   It's always rainy in Pecha forest. (Open) EmptySat Oct 31, 2020 2:15 am

"Dangerous... I suppose it is," Valen had to admit, "But I think I can do it, although I guess I'm lucky I met you - and the noise was just you after all." He looked at his various papers again. "I'm in the Aileron Guild, but I don't have a team partner currently, so I'm doing these missions alone - I need to find a Claydol who's stuck here and stop a Trubbish from polluting the place," Valen continued, "And, wait, that job says 'Don't use any special type attacks or Poison type attacks', so just saying, please don't use any moves that you think could cause things to get more dirty?"

"Also, there's some non-guild rumors," Valen said, by now absorbed in his explanation, "Apparently, children are going missing, and there's an odd moving cloud covering the sun. I think that's pretty important to investigate." Hmm... One of them is from the Windrose Scouts, and the other isn't... And there's the rumor about couples... Should I mention that as well? Valen thought to himself. There was also the fact that while he didn't have a guild partner, he did have someone he knew in the Windrose Scouts - Saturn the Cubone. He had been thinking about asking for Saturn's help, but the rumor about missing children had made him worried enough to go immediately, and he also feared that Saturn's type disadvantage and inability to fly would make him a hindrance.

With all of this happening, Valen had made a big mistake - not paying enough attention to his surroundings. A hungry Weepinbell had decided to see what was going on after the loud noise had stopped. The Weepinbell had been hiding behind a tree, watching the Pikipek and Aron and waiting for the right moment. Now, it had a chance. It suddenly sprayed a Stun Spore right at the unsuspecting Valen, paralyzing him.

[Energy: 0]
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It's always rainy in Pecha forest. (Open) Empty
PostSubject: Re: It's always rainy in Pecha forest. (Open)   It's always rainy in Pecha forest. (Open) EmptySat Oct 31, 2020 2:44 pm

(Aileron Guild...) he thought to himself, yes, he has heard of it, it is said to be one of the most sophisticated guilds. in fact it is not as full of members as the Grassveil's one...
Speaking of missions Duro got excited, in fact he hasn't completed yet, nor has it accepted a task, since his team has not been accepted by the Grassveil guild, after the request not to use special moves by the Pikipek, Duro said ''Don't worry, most of my strength is thanks to my physique, I don't often use special moves anyway.''
(Children are disappearing) he thought, (this one is completely new to me, I haven't heard anyone in town talk about it, better find out what's behind all this...)

Busy talking, Duro did not notice the looming threat, the Weepinbell was so fast that Duro did not have time to understand what was happening, in a few seconds, the Pikipek was now on the ground, paralyzed by Stun Spore, instinctively, the small Aron proceeded to use Tackle against the grass-type Pokemon's flank, pushing it away from the small paralyzed bird, the Weepinbell held its sore flank with one of its two leaves, Busy talking, Duro did not notice the looming threat, the Weepinbell was so fast that Duro did not have time to understand what was happening, in a few seconds, the Pikipek was now on the ground, paralyzed by the Stun Spores, instinctively, the small Aron proceeded to use Tackle against the grass-type Pokemon's flank, pushing it away from the small paralyzed bird, the Weepinbell held its aching flank with one of its two leaves, while Duro positioned himself in front of the Pikipek, protecting him.
''You're meddling between me and my meal ... what a courage ... unfortunately it won't save you'' said the Weepinbell threateningly, immediately after, the Pokemon uses Acid against the Aron, hitting the little Pokemon right in the face, unfortunately for him, Duro does not move even an inch, and does not suffer any harm.
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It's always rainy in Pecha forest. (Open) Empty
PostSubject: Re: It's always rainy in Pecha forest. (Open)   It's always rainy in Pecha forest. (Open) EmptyWed Jan 06, 2021 2:23 am

Valen noticed that his attacker was a Weepinbell. Not again... he thought, remembering that another Weepinbell had attacked the last time he had been in this forest, but at least now the Aron seemed to be holding the Grass-type off. The Pikipek tried to get up, to launch an attack - but the paralysis held him back for the moment. And then, to his great surprise, the Weepinbell spoke.

You're meddling between me and my meal... Wait, what? The plant really did seem to want to eat Valen, but could still talk? Were all dungeon Pokémon like that, even the hungry and aggressive ones? Was it happening now because the Weepinbell didn't consider the metallic Duro food?

But anyway, it didn't really matter right now. Regardless of speech ability, this Pokémon was obviously a hostile attacker, and Valen and Duro needed to fight. Finally, the Pikipek managed to get through the paralysis just enough to launch a single Peck at the Weepinbell. Surprised, the plant stared at the bird for a moment, before swiftly reaching out a vine to wrap Valen with.
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It's always rainy in Pecha forest. (Open) Empty
PostSubject: Re: It's always rainy in Pecha forest. (Open)   It's always rainy in Pecha forest. (Open) EmptyThu Jan 28, 2021 1:38 pm

Duro, after understanding the situation, notices that the Pikipek is in danger of life, that cursed Weepinbell has wrapped him in his vines, it would be risky to attack the grass type with a physical attack, that fool could use Valen as a shield ... if Duro uses a move such as Tackle or similar, he could end up hitting the little bird, though ... he still has an ace up it's sleeve (What to do ... wait! I can still try with ...)

After thinking that, Duro starts to observe the ground, actually, there's a puddle of mud right in front of the Aron, so, taking a run, Duro throws himself into the pool to splash the mud around, with the objective of hitting the Weepinbell.

Duro proceeds to launch some of the mud in the face of the Weepinbell, blinding and panicking the grass type,

''Gah! I...I can't see! Ghh....little brats, Making you my dinner will be much more satisfying now!''

Last edited by Kimera24 on Thu Jan 28, 2021 7:52 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Sir Thomas No More

Sir Thomas No More

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It's always rainy in Pecha forest. (Open) Empty
PostSubject: Re: It's always rainy in Pecha forest. (Open)   It's always rainy in Pecha forest. (Open) EmptyThu Jan 28, 2021 7:15 pm

The wind blew through the rose coloured leaves of Pecha forest, only troubling the most feeble insects... and carrying a Hoppip. She had no clue of where she was, or just how far from her departure and destination she now was. Why would she care? It wasn’t as if she had any say in the matter. She ended up bumping against a log, which put an end to her carefree drifting. Finally, a little agency!

Nobi shook away the fallen leaves and dew that had cushioned her fall, and looked around her. It was a splendid forest. Surely the pokemon around these parts were used to it, only considered it as ye olde boring forest... but Nobi was excited for any and all discovery she would make, and this was her first time out of the daycare, her first exploration as an « adult ».

Though the wind was now calm enough to let her walk, she did try to follow its gusts, wondering where it would lead her. The answer? Towards a group of battling pokemon. An aron and a pikipek were throwing their worst against a weepinbell. She would have come to help if the plant hadn’t mentioned how it wanted to make the others its meals... how disgusting ! What kind of savage lands had the hoppip wandered into? She decided to watch the scene from a safe distance, unsure of what she should do.

Sir Thomas No More carried out 10 launched of one Pecha Forest :
It's always rainy in Pecha forest. (Open) MSuPZei , It's always rainy in Pecha forest. (Open) BSq2tyF , It's always rainy in Pecha forest. (Open) HUdHrl3 , It's always rainy in Pecha forest. (Open) D79y4LB , It's always rainy in Pecha forest. (Open) MMgUbQF , It's always rainy in Pecha forest. (Open) O9xqXFR , It's always rainy in Pecha forest. (Open) NDeVifu , It's always rainy in Pecha forest. (Open) Ehq01DP , It's always rainy in Pecha forest. (Open) OnZbjOw , It's always rainy in Pecha forest. (Open) QtxON6P

Energy 16-5 [entry]= 11

Edit: I know it sucks to do this in my very first post but I had to edit to make the dice code work ><‘
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It's always rainy in Pecha forest. (Open) Empty
PostSubject: Re: It's always rainy in Pecha forest. (Open)   It's always rainy in Pecha forest. (Open) EmptySat Jan 30, 2021 8:23 am

The mud Duro had thrown distracted the Weepinbell, and it used a leaf to wipe itself. Its grip on Valen loosened enough that the Pikipek managed to get free. But then, the bird noticed another Pokemon watching from a distance - a Hoppip. More attackers? Valen worried. He had to deal with this Weepinbell quickly.

Valen quickly started hitting the weakened plant with his beak as fast as he could. "Nngh!" It spat an Acid at him, which thankfully missed his face, but managed to hit his body, throwing him back and onto the forest floor. However, Valen could see that the Weepinbell's strength seemed to be fading from all of the attacks, with his most recent attack having caused a few dents. Hopefully, if Duro managed to land another hit, they might be able to defeat the carnivorous plant!

(OOC: Mechanically, Valen learned Rock Smash from some level ups earlier, but IC, this is where he learns it, basically as an alteration of his Peck by repeatedly striking quickly. He's forgotten Peck now.)
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