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 Trees Fall, Everyone Suffers Grievous Injuries [Open]

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Record Checker

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Trees Fall, Everyone Suffers Grievous Injuries [Open] - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Trees Fall, Everyone Suffers Grievous Injuries [Open]   Trees Fall, Everyone Suffers Grievous Injuries [Open] - Page 2 EmptyThu Dec 20, 2018 11:12 am

First topic message reminder :

Rex is not like the average Pokémon. Rex is not a friend. Rex is almost always openly hostile. He seeks to demonstrate his superiority, typically through combat. If one were to speak to him, they’d be equally likely to receive a response in the form as an attack as they would one in the form of words. Rex fully understands the concept of mercy, but it’s highly unlikely he would show it in any form. He is cruel, and derives great pleasure in other’s displeasure, suffering, and misfortune.

Combat and destruction was Rex’s panacea. Something blocking his path? Destroy it. Someone causing him trouble? Break them. Hungry? Bored? Trample through a forest, unrooting trees, crush any other Pokémon that gets in the way, perhaps make a meal of the fallen. Fallen fruit, or fallen foes? Rex wasn’t picky. Pecha Forest was home to relatively weak and docile Pokémon. It was also a popular place for adventuring types to explore and berry pickers to… Pick berries. Rex saw little difference in the types of Pokémon he may encounter in the territory. To the onix, they were all little more than pieces in his game.

The massive stone serpent buried his head deep into the soil, twisting and squirming as he buried himself ever deeper into the earth. Then, at the moment that the tip of his tail disappeared below the ground’s surface, the onix suddenly shifted directions, curving back upwards and quickly drilling his way upward, on direct course to impact the base of a sturdy tree. Upon reaching the deepest roots, he changed path once again, shifting from a direct route to one in the shape of a spiral, shifting and loosening the dirt in which the roots kept hold. Following this, the rock snake darted downward at an angle, made a rather tight U-turn, and then rocketed upward at an even sharper angle.

Rex roared as he breached the soft and loosened soil. The onix’s large horn crashed into the trunk of the tree, and with his great weight in combination with the displaced roots, the tree fell easily to the floor with a resounding CRACK! Rex stood and looked upon the fallen tree, then glanced upward to see the many others that had already met similar fates. After a long moment, Rex turned his attention to the next tree, and pondered how he might break this one.
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Trees Fall, Everyone Suffers Grievous Injuries [Open] - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Trees Fall, Everyone Suffers Grievous Injuries [Open]   Trees Fall, Everyone Suffers Grievous Injuries [Open] - Page 2 EmptyMon Dec 31, 2018 10:32 am

It was fortunate for Desiree that the Onix's body had spasmed at that moment, as she had been unlikely to get out of the way of the move. Her ribs were stinging after his Bind attack on her and the sheep had not landed perfectly when he had let her go either. Thankfully, it had only been a few feet and her woolly coat had helped cushion the drop. Despite that though, she was even more confident in winning the fight, now that her own ability was in effect. Honestly, she had not known whether it would work on a ground type or not as it was something that she had never asked her uncle about before. Live and learn, she thought to herself.

She briefly looked down and noticed the terrain return to normal and already she could feel the tingling sensation of the Seedot's support move fading away, which was unfortunate. Her head swiftly shot back up though as she heard the Onix swing his rocky tail once more but for once, it was not coming in her direction and was instead heading towards the Seedot. There was little she could do to stop that and just had to hope that the acorn could get out of the way in time or that her static would choose that moment to paralyse the arrogant pile of rock. As for herself, she was forced to take a moment of rest, to get her wind back, as it were.

Her attention was then grabbed by a flailing set of vines coming from a Pokemon from behind the Onix and her gaze followed them to see the span of webs that had been woven between a pair of trees. Seeing the trap brought a smile to her face although how the group was going to get the Onix to wander in to them would not be the easiest feat.

Shaking her head, the Mareep then started moving back in to the fray again, feeling that the best thing for her to do was to keep attacking and trying to keep the Onix's attention on her. Her steps were not quite as assured as before and she occasionally winced but that did not stop her. Turning her tail a dull grey colour, she charged at the Onix's and swung her tail around, attempting to his him with an Iron Tail, while he was focused on the Seedot.
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Trees Fall, Everyone Suffers Grievous Injuries [Open] - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Trees Fall, Everyone Suffers Grievous Injuries [Open]   Trees Fall, Everyone Suffers Grievous Injuries [Open] - Page 2 EmptyWed Jan 02, 2019 11:00 am

(Sorry for the wait. There was a power outage before I finished writing :P
Energy: 0 + 1 (new page) = 1)

The acorn had reached the seed he has set his eyes on, and gleefully attached his stem to it. Now the hard part would come: getting close enough to throw, then actually throwing the thing hard enough to both reach the snake and activate the the explosives. He was not granted the chance to even try, though, as when he turned around to face the serpent again, an attack like the one used against the mareep earlier was heading straight for him.

Fear instantly shot through his tiny body, but he managed to do two things before the tail reached him: drop the seed to avoid having it be hit and detonate in his face, then throw himself to the side, much like he had considered doing earlier should the onix try that move against him. Now he would find out whether that had been a throrough plan or not. The answer would be: not quite, but it could have been worse. Leander ended up avoiding the thickest and heaviest part of tail, but still faced its tip, which flicked him away from his new weapon and into the thicket he had previously spoken to the inhabitants of. Though it yet again felt like his body could break apart, he remained alive. Face-down with trail like one that would follow a meteor in the dirt behind him, and with a flickering consciousness, but nonetheless alive.

Gathering some willpower, he managed to look up from the dirt. The copse was already dim, but his swaying consciousness and double vision made it seem even darker. At first, Leander had not even been sure that he had survived. The throbbing pain from where the tail had hit him had kept reminding him that he had, though. Getting up on his feet felt impossible, but knowing that he had already toughed out being crushed by a tree made him refuse to give up. If that had worked, shouldn't this work, too? It had just been one move, and he had healed up since the tree, after all.

"That douche... If I get out of.... If I..." he muttered whilst trailing off again, feeling resentment aimed at Rex for causing him this much pain. The tree falling over him earlier had felt more like bad luck than a personal attack, but this was different. It had been directly aimed at him, intending to hurt him, and him only. And it had hit just when he had been about to get a proper chance at helping the mareep, too! The blast seed had been in his grip, ready for use. But now he had lost it, and could barely move. As odd as it likely would sound to others, Leander wished for revenge on Rex for making him fail at beating him. Yes, that faceplant had not helped him think with any more clarity.

The nut's attempts at getting up were fruitless for a while. That was, until his derailing muttering made something else able to pinpoint where he was. Out from the dark bushes crawled a Parasect, one of the pokémon that had attended the acorn pokémon's little speech. It had been searching for him after he had been hurled away, but hadn't been able to locate him before he gave noise. With a long-drawn sigh, it closed in, pincers ready to grab and lift. And as the little pokémon was too exhausted to resist, even though this feral's sudden appearance had startled him, it was able to lift him off towards the light of the clearing.

Sunlight once again hit Leander's face, and as his double vision slowly gathered itself again, he could see some other ferals. The parasect had directed his field of view towards a tangela and a spinarak. It seemed that the spider had crafted some sort of trap, while the tangela was waving for attention. Presumably, they wanted to catch the onix. "So you guys were going to do something," he whispered, feeling bad about yelling at those ferals from earlier. Perhaps they couldn't do anything because they risked that their attempt would draw the onix's attention to them, then possibly over to their brethren? To create an illusion of indifference or cowardice and make the onix less suspecting of those who were actually doing something, they would have had to stay cowering in the bushes. "I'm sorry I doubted you..."

The parasect didn't react particularly much to the apology, and instead changed the angle it held the nut at, making Leander face the grass on the ground. "What are you doing now? I can't see your friends," he said, but the parasect remained quiet. It then began stepping on the grass where it stood, shaking the acorn while still having him look at the ground. Did it want him to bring the terrain back? It did make sense, seeing how injured he was from the Heavy Slam. There was no way he would be able to do much more without mending his wounds first. After he did as he guessed the crab was demanding, it calmed down and let him go. Feeling weird about the ordeal, Leander bid it an awkward goodbye and dragged his slowly recovering body closer to the battlefield again. Ferals weren’t all that bad, apparently. Not when it came to making others defend their place, anyway.

He stopped a fair bit away from Rex and hid behind a big root, not wanting to face the same fate he had just been subjected to again so soon after the first hit. The ferals had made some sort of trap, but he was at a loss as to how they would make the titan move into it. While waiting for his body to heal enough to allow him painless movement, he would watch from his hideout while thinking about possible solutions to the bait problem and looking out for his lost blast seed. Revenge would be served, but it would be prepared patiently.

(Energy: 1 + 1 (GT) = 2)
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Record Checker

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Trees Fall, Everyone Suffers Grievous Injuries [Open] - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Trees Fall, Everyone Suffers Grievous Injuries [Open]   Trees Fall, Everyone Suffers Grievous Injuries [Open] - Page 2 EmptyFri Jan 04, 2019 8:12 pm

[Energy: 3 + 1 (Page) + 1 (Grassy Terrain) = 5]
[Defense: -1, Speed: +1]

Immediately after landing his attack and launching the seedot away, Rex turned his attention to the mareep once more. With limited time to react and slowed reflexes due to the paralysis, however, the onix couldn’t avoid the incoming attack from the wool Pokémon. Rex roared angrily and recoiled as the Iron Tail of the mareep impacted his stone skin. The attack caused another layer to break away, further lowering his defense but granting him heightened speed. The stone serpent slithered backward away from the mareep as he began to reassess his situation.

[Weak Armor: -1 Def, +1 Spd]
[Defense: -2, Speed +2]

The onix saw the Grassy Terrain once again return—he had failed to render the seedot out of commission, it would seem. Despite the fact that the Grassy Terrain didn’t discriminate, Rex knew the benefits it offered him would not lead to any significant advantage now that the mareep had revealed she possessed such an effective move. The situation was turning quite poor for Rex, and he knew this. And it was about to get even worse for the rock snake. In his short retreat, he failed to notice the webbing across the treetops behind him, as well as the writhing vines from the tangela behind him.

Without warning, the tangel’s Vine Whip slashed at the back of the onix’s head, The behemoth turned around with blinding speed, growing evermore enraged and ready to crush whatever had decided to attack him from behind. Unfortunately for Rex, his blinding speed only helped to blind himself, and he swung his head directly into the webbing. In an enraged panic, he began to swing his tail and head wildly, attempting to hit any Pokémon that came near and prevent anyone from taking further advantage of the situation. He managed to catch the spinarak in the treetops with his horn, hurling the string spit Pokémon from the branches hard into the ground. He proceeded to slam his head heavily into the earth below him, trying his best to crush the tangela below and missing by less than a foot. All the while, behind him, his heavy tail swung wildly, attempting to catch the mareep, or the seedot, if he came close enough.

((Sorry for the delay, had some stuff yesterday and also I'm lazy.))
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Trees Fall, Everyone Suffers Grievous Injuries [Open] - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Trees Fall, Everyone Suffers Grievous Injuries [Open]   Trees Fall, Everyone Suffers Grievous Injuries [Open] - Page 2 EmptySat Jan 05, 2019 10:12 am

Desiree could feel the pleasant tingling of the Grassy Terrain again which helped soothe her aching body as well as her depleting energy. Her Iron Tail had managed to achieve more than she had thought but in a way, being able to knock the Onix in to the web was just as risky as if the plan had failed. He was flailing like mad and his early precision had now been replaced by blind panic, along with mindless rage. She watched as one of her new found allies was knocked out of the tree but the unfortunate truth was that the Mareep was just too far off to do anything about it. Her role in this battle seemed pretty obvious to her and all she could do was just believe that her companions were able to hold their own. All she could do was keep attacking the serpent, a task that she was still relishing, even if she was starting to struggle a little.

The problem with attacking him though was the speed in which he was flailing his tail around, which was quite a formidable defence, even if it was just moving at random. The woolly wanderer was by no means the fastest Pokemon and the odds were pretty slim of her being able to evade his appendage, now that his speed was so much higher than hers. Her instincts seemed to give her the answer though and so she waited until his massive tail came towards her, before turning her tail in to iron once again and swinging hers to meet his. If she could not dodge his attack, then he would at least have to pay for striking her. Besides that, all she could do was brace, knowing that it was going to hurt like hell whether she was successful or not.

(Energy= 12+1+1(NP,GT)=14)

SarishaH carried out 5 launched of one Pecha Forest :
Trees Fall, Everyone Suffers Grievous Injuries [Open] - Page 2 RvuSukW , Trees Fall, Everyone Suffers Grievous Injuries [Open] - Page 2 O9xqXFR , Trees Fall, Everyone Suffers Grievous Injuries [Open] - Page 2 R27CTYD , Trees Fall, Everyone Suffers Grievous Injuries [Open] - Page 2 2bkVcKu , Trees Fall, Everyone Suffers Grievous Injuries [Open] - Page 2 HUdHrl3
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Trees Fall, Everyone Suffers Grievous Injuries [Open] - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Trees Fall, Everyone Suffers Grievous Injuries [Open]   Trees Fall, Everyone Suffers Grievous Injuries [Open] - Page 2 EmptyMon Jan 07, 2019 1:48 pm

(Energy: 2 + 1 = 3)

Before Leander could come up with a sound plan, the mareep landed another move on the onix. This one was different from the one she had used earlier, though, since it actually had made the onix react and appear pained by it. He was even backing away from the sheep, like this was completely unplanned for and required extra thought. The acorn wanted to shout his encouragement again, but had to hold himself back to stay hidden so he would not divert the serpent's attention. Since the snake was backing away from the mareep, he would be heading straight into the ferals' trap if Leander did not distract him, so stealth was important right now. Instead of making a show by yelling, he kept surveying the area for his lost weapon until he spotted it.

The blast seed was still fine, untouched by the onix's tail. Leander could assume as much from seeing it lay whole on the ground where he had left it. However, it was located pretty far away from his hiding spot, meaning he would have to strain himself badly by moving a lot to get it back. That onix did this to me, though! I can hurt him back if I just hang in a little longer! His mental state did not agree with his physical one; there was no way in hell he could let Rex walk away unscathed if he could do anything about it. The fact that they were fighting him for the sake of Pecha Forest's inhabitants was sort... overshadowed from time to time. By seething vengeance. Luckily, that "become good"-plan of his and his vulnerability to vindictiveness were not clashing too much today. Instead, they were sort of taking turns driving him. Nobody on the battlefield could read minds and figure out part of his motivation was so petty, though, so it did not matter much to him. As long as it worked and did not hinder him, it was fine.

Vindictiveness was not a painkiller, however, so Leander had to stop and rest soon after departing from behind the root. He barely had the time to scurry into some of the terrain's higher grass to hide again before the pain fully set in. Everything had started to ache, which took him by surprise. His body had seemed so much better after he had been standing still for a little. Like it could move again just fine, and was just waiting for his next command. Now it protested, revealing how sore and beaten it was from earlier in the battle. So even though the acorn wanted to spring right back into action, he was left watching for the moment being.

As a spectator, he saw the onix freak out, cobwebs across his large face. That face would soon travel downwards alongside his head, resulting in a slamming attack against the ground below, missing its mark only slightly. That was not what had caught his attention, though. Nearby landed the spinarak from before, who seemed to have been forcibly thrown down from the tree where it had spun the trap. Leander snapped out of his vengeance-sown tunnel vision for a moment; that heroic feral had helped defend the forest! He had to make sure it was all right!

Assessing the damage to his body, he assumed he would be able to move further after the next healing pulse from his terrain hit. Though it stressed him to just be watching when he had things he could do, he knew from his recent attempt that his body would not oblige unless he let it heal. So in the meanwhile, he would anxiously switch his gaze between the spider and the sheep, who was now charging at the onix's barrier of tail lashings, her own tail held up to meet his.
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Record Checker

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Trees Fall, Everyone Suffers Grievous Injuries [Open] - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Trees Fall, Everyone Suffers Grievous Injuries [Open]   Trees Fall, Everyone Suffers Grievous Injuries [Open] - Page 2 EmptyWed Jan 09, 2019 10:07 pm

[Energy: 5 + 1 (Grassy Terrain) = 6]
[Defense: -2, Speed: +2]

The onix felt the impact of his tail against the mareep. It was distinct in that the majority of what his tail had hit was cushioned, as if batting at a pillow. But there was something else, other than the soft wool of the mareep, and it stung painfully. Another Iron Tail. Rex realised that the mareep had thrown itself in the way of his attack to land her own—mutually assured destruction. Except it wasn’t, really. His tail may send the wool Pokémon flying, but she’d recover. Rex, however, knew that he was losing the fight. If it had been just the mareep, or the mareep and the seedot together even, he would have crushed them easily, even with the surprise Steel-type attack.

[Weak Armor: -1 Def, +1 Spd]
[Defense: -3, Speed +3 not that it matters]

But with the addition of several locals suddenly deciding to assist, the onix was quickly overwhelmed. Rex lashed out again, roaring in pain and anger, trying to locate any other Pokémon that was within his reach and put them out of commission. He desperately needed to recover—the seedot’s Grassy Terrain would not be enough on its own to counter the incoming ailments by his numerous opponents. He raked his face against the rough bark of a tree, attempting to remove the spinarak’s webs that were obstructing his vision. At the same time, the tangela once again lashed at him with its vines, whipping at his head and body. Having cleared enough of the webs to see at least partially, the onix turned to face the tanglela, biting at the vines and, once he had hold, jerking the Pokémon toward him.

The tangela did not resist, instead allowing itself to be brought closer to the behemoth. Rex opened his massive jaws, as if he were going to devour the vine Pokémon. But the tangela had other plans. Another set of vines emerged from the Pokémon and latched onto the onix’s horn, pulling the tangela atop its head, and upon which the vine Pokémon released it’s Sleep Spores before running down the rock snake’s back and leaping for safety.

After only a few moments, Rex’s rage diminished along slide his consciousness. The ground shook as the onix collapsed.
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Trees Fall, Everyone Suffers Grievous Injuries [Open] - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Trees Fall, Everyone Suffers Grievous Injuries [Open]   Trees Fall, Everyone Suffers Grievous Injuries [Open] - Page 2 EmptyThu Jan 10, 2019 11:59 am

The clashing of tails sent Desiree flying backwards and landing hard on the ground, knocking the stuffing out of her as it were and leaving her dazed. Her attack had seemed to be effective once again which pleased her and the fight seemed to be going in one direction at this point. The Onix was clearly on the ropes now and with the help of both the Seedot, as well as the few natives who had joined in, the end result seemed obvious now. Unable to get back up straight away, she simply watched as the Tangela boldly joined in and managed to put the massive serpent to sleep. It was an impressive feat and Desiree had to admire the guts that the vine Pokemon had in order to pull it off.

Feeling the pleasant sensation of the Grassy Terrain again, Desiree clambered up to her feet once the Onix was asleep and walked over towards the other Pokemon who had helped with the battle. She was proud of the efforts of both herself and the others but there was a voice in her head which was screaming to finish the rocky serpent off. They might have put him to sleep but there was no guarantee that he would not simply start raging again when he awoke and given his aggressive nature, it seemed the likeliest course of action that he would take. Perhaps it would be the best if she kept striking him with Iron Tail, now that he was down. A rather violent thought perhaps but one that she could not get out of her head. The predatory instincts of her father beginning to fester.

"You guys alright?"
she asked simply, as though what had just happened was a daily occurrence, a smile crossing her features although her body was certainly throbbing a bit.

(Energy: 14-13+1(GT)=2)

( If either of you would like to use the Pokemon I roll then go ahead. :) )
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Trees Fall, Everyone Suffers Grievous Injuries [Open] - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Trees Fall, Everyone Suffers Grievous Injuries [Open]   Trees Fall, Everyone Suffers Grievous Injuries [Open] - Page 2 EmptyFri Jan 11, 2019 9:28 pm

(Energy: 3 + 1 = 4. Unsure of where I'd put those two pokémon in this post without making it stupidly long. Sending 'em on for now lmao. If you have any ideas, fire loose, Badger)

The warm, tingling pulse of the terrain once again traveled through Leander's body, and he could feel some of his strength returning. Alright, it was time to get a move on! Running still stung, but it was much more bearable compared to how it had felt earlier. He barely paid the pain any mind as he began heading towards the spinarak.

There was a problem, though. The onix was still dishing out his onslaught. And with the length of the fiend's body, moving anywhere remotely near him was a risk. After all, even if they were getting somewhere with the mareep's attack, he was still not down, and was well capable of dealing damage. The terrain couldn't help him if he got himself defeated, Leander reckoned.
Managing to just barely quell the impulses telling him to rush straight in for the save, he would instead look for safer openings. One such opening appeared when the tangela attacked the serpent with its vines, distracting him. Assuming he would remain distracted for long enough to allow him to pass by, the acorn hurried past the brawlers and over to the spider near them. He was about to try pulling the bug away from the match, when a brief tremor shook the earth below them.

Their enemy had fallen. Though not in the defeated kind of sense. He lay still on the forest floor, breathing peacefully. Somehow, he seemed to have fallen asleep. What? How? Leander wondered at first, before giving it another round of thought. The onix had just fought a grass-type. Status ailment-inducing moves were not exactly uncommon for them to have. But if he was just asleep now, that meant he could still wake up at any moment. Their time to exploit this advantage could possibly get short - what should they do? Personally, Leander wanted to pull a big, embarrassing prank on the snake. The cruel sort. Or a painful one, maybe? Something bad enough to work as karmic retribution of some sort for what the crook had done. That was likely not their best bet, though. This guy was huge, destructive and came with a horrible temper to make it all worse. If they just pulled something funny on him and left, he would likely just return to wreaking havoc to vent the extra anger. Or something. Peering so far into the future right after coming out of a stressful battle was hard for the seedot. Either way, that plan would probably not last in the long run. Should they just try to defeat him and be done with it, then, as boring as a painless knock-out was?

His pondering was interrupted by the mareep speaking. She was heading towards them, her expression quite different from how it had been while battling. A smile was on her face. This was much more mareep-y than what she had displayed earlier, but it was not going to make him forget how impressively she had acted.

"I am, at least" he replied to her question. Whether he believed himself or not, he did not know. His body had no visible cracks or wounds, but it did sting and pulsate on the inside. Probably not a good sign. "Are you? And uh, do we have some kind of plan now?" Her tone sounded fine, at least. Concerningly fine. How often did she experience stuff like this? While asking his question, he quickly looked over to the spinarak, checking how it was doing. He had not spotted the tangela since it had put the onix to sleep, but supposed it was capable of coming out to announce its own wellness. If it still felt like it had business here, that was. Though these pokémon impressed him, he kept in mind that they were ferals. And ferals weren't always predictable. And especially not reliable.
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Record Checker

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Trees Fall, Everyone Suffers Grievous Injuries [Open] - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Trees Fall, Everyone Suffers Grievous Injuries [Open]   Trees Fall, Everyone Suffers Grievous Injuries [Open] - Page 2 EmptyMon Jan 14, 2019 2:48 am

[Energy: 6 + 1 (Grassy Terrain) = 7]

Rex lay motionless on the dirt floor of Pecha forest. Never had he ever thought that his excursion to this typically quiet and relatively peaceful forest would have resulted in anything more than the havoc he had intended to wreak. He most definitely had not expected to meet such retaliation, neither from the local inhabitants or any other visitors. The mareep was of particular interest to him; so brave for such a tiny, harmless looking creature. Clever, too, he gathered, from that trick she came up with to land that final blow. Were he awake, he’d be sure not to kill her first, but instead save her for last. To torture her, to taunt her, to break her; to see what makes her tick.

But he wasn’t awake, and he had lost miserably. He was asleep, unconscious, unable to do a thing to the mareep or any of the other Pokémon. He was not in control; they were.

The tangela leaped from atop the fallen onix’s head and onto the soft grass. Passing the mareep, they gave a simple affirmative nod in response to her question as to whether or not they were okay. The Vine Pokémon proceeded to the spinarak, who was getting back to their feet thanks to the restorative effects of the ongoing Grassy Terrain. After a few moments of quiet conversation, the spinarak skittered their way to the onix and proceeded to wrap the behemoth in webs, securing it to the forest floor and nearby trees. The process would take several minutes, but whatever the others decided to do with the beast, he wouldn’t be escaping in the meantime.

((Sorry for the whole, what? Two days? I've been distracted. Pls no kill snek.))
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Trees Fall, Everyone Suffers Grievous Injuries [Open] - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Trees Fall, Everyone Suffers Grievous Injuries [Open]   Trees Fall, Everyone Suffers Grievous Injuries [Open] - Page 2 EmptyMon Jan 14, 2019 1:31 pm

"I'll live," she answered cheerfully, another tingling sensation running through her body from the Seedot's terrain. She did not give an instant response to the question asked to her though, as she was still on the fence herself about just what to do now. Her gaze briefly fell upon the native Pokemon as they went about their work binding the Onix. They could not keep the massive beast asleep forever nor keep it bound and there was little chance of managing to attract anyone from the authorities in order to take the serpent in, if he was even an outlaw. Perhaps he was simply acting naturally and that mindless destruction was his purpose, which was even more concerning in a way. Desiree could only see two options and one of those was that burning desire to just finish him off now and end things for good.

The other, however, was not quite so drastic and even though she did not like the idea herself, it was one that could work out. Turning back to the Seedot, "Maybe now that he's been beaten, he will consider just backing off when he wakes up?" she suggested, "The natives aren't going to be frightened of him after losing to us and we've shown them a few ways of dealing with him if he comes back. I'm not keen on letting him wander off and maybe cause trouble elsewhere but it will at least end the troubles here. If that doesn't work then..." The Mareep trailed off at that point but as her gaze returned to the sleeping Onix, it was difficult for her not to be tempted, a feeling that brought back a memory, one that was always close to the surface.

(Energy: 2+1=3)
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Trees Fall, Everyone Suffers Grievous Injuries [Open] - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Trees Fall, Everyone Suffers Grievous Injuries [Open]   Trees Fall, Everyone Suffers Grievous Injuries [Open] - Page 2 EmptyMon Jan 14, 2019 7:37 pm

(Energy: 4 + 1 = 5. They're just a little violent. Hopefully (and most likely) not killer material |D)

The acorn tipped his body forward briefly, his way of emulating a nod, in response to the sheep's first answer. At the very least they didn't have any immediate medical emergencies to tend to. As the mareep turned to look at the other pokémon, he followed suit. Upon seeing the spinarak help out again, he felt glad; it being able to do that had to mean that it was doing better.

As his wooly ally began speaking to him, he turned back to her again. What she said did make sense, although he was reluctant to agree. Were they going to let him off the hook so easily? After all he had wrecked and all the pain he had caused? Sure, him backing off would solve today's issue, but Leander was still mad at the serpent for his actions. Would he calm down and behave from just being chased off? Would Leander calm down? They had the perfect opportunity for revenge, but here they were, contemplating letting go of both that and the snake.

"I guess that works...", he began, his pupils narrowing with hesitation. "But we're staying here until he wakes up, right? 'Cause if he breaks loose, gets angry and the plan doesn't work, they'll need all the help they can get. Even if they're not afraid of him and have plans. Y'know, since..." He stopped talking for a moment, doing a weird little wiggle-move as if he was trying to convey some sort of message. Realizing how vague it must have looked with his limited features, he resignedly returned to speaking. "Since it might come to downright knocking him out to stop him if he's not giving up. He's dangerous, probably even when you've got a plan. And they might not have the necessary strength to beat him." He hoped that he was not coming off as brutal, as he was unaware of the similar thoughts in his ally's mind. Part of him wanted the snake fighting back to be the case, simply so that they would have an excuse to hurt him. Even if Leander couldn't do much else than just watch, should it happen.

But I'll behave. I'll give him a chance, as much as it sucks. But if he doesn't quit it, he will have shown that he doesn't deserve a chance. And I will be right, and he will pay for what he did. Internally agreeing with himself and awaiting the mareep's opinion on them staying, he shot the spinarak another glance. A zigzagoon was now accompanying it, running around the onix and checking out the catch before crying out to a pineco. The pineco then hopped forth, before rolling around the bound snake, dodging the threads as it scattered Spikes on the ground. The natives were prepared, at least.
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Trees Fall, Everyone Suffers Grievous Injuries [Open] - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Trees Fall, Everyone Suffers Grievous Injuries [Open]   Trees Fall, Everyone Suffers Grievous Injuries [Open] - Page 2 EmptySat Jan 19, 2019 10:09 pm

[Energy: 7 + 1 (Grassy Terrain) = 8]

After many long and tense minutes, the spinarak had completed the task of binding the onix in webs. Upon completing their work, the spinarak was quick to retreat back into the woods, clearly not wanting to engage the onix again if he were to awake and continue his rampage. The tangela left the clearing as well, disappearing into the forest.

The onix remain still and silent. The sleeping giant unaware that it had been encased in webs. Unaware of the Pokémon debating how to deal with the threat of the stone serpent. Rex did not dream, nor did he stir at all in his sleep. He remained entirely motionless.

((Hi it’s been a weird week. Enjoy this bare minimum post. I hate making short posts. I promise the next one will actually be something.))
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Trees Fall, Everyone Suffers Grievous Injuries [Open] - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Trees Fall, Everyone Suffers Grievous Injuries [Open]   Trees Fall, Everyone Suffers Grievous Injuries [Open] - Page 2 EmptySun Jan 20, 2019 3:09 pm

"Of course we're staying," Desiree replied casually, "There's no way that we can just walk off and leave things like this, especially if he wakes up and becomes enraged again. He'll either listen to us and withdraw or we'll knock him out here. I don't see any other options besides those two and this needs to end soon, one way or the other, before any more damage is done. From what I can tell, his defences have lowered each time I've hit him and by now, there must be more than a few cracks starting to show. He's bound, helpless and with no way out, as well as being weak to many of the natives attacks. What other choice does he have than to just back away and go back to wherever he came from?"

The desire to simply attack the Onix's sleeping form was still there but there was something else that was starting to battle against it. It was as if her Mareep side was coming up against her father's side, a species of Pokemon far more prone to violence and rage, which left her in a rather odd state of mind. They were cancelling each other out at the moment and she was left in a rather middle of the road kind of mood. However, should the serpent refuse the offer that he was being given, then there was only one side which would win out. She would give him a chance but it would only be given once and only once, otherwise, the sensation of smashing her tail against his rocky form would be felt as many times as necessary in order to end the situation.

(Energy: 3+1=4)
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Trees Fall, Everyone Suffers Grievous Injuries [Open] - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Trees Fall, Everyone Suffers Grievous Injuries [Open]   Trees Fall, Everyone Suffers Grievous Injuries [Open] - Page 2 EmptyMon Jan 21, 2019 6:55 pm

(Energy: 5 + 1 = 6)

As he briefly glanced away from the conversation once again, the seedot could see the locals finally fleeing the scene. He had looked over just in time to see the pineco hop away, presumably following the rest of the crew back into the woods. Nobody else was to be seen, at least. They had done more than Leander could have hoped for already, though, so he was grateful even if they weren't staying with them until the end. Thanking them in his mind, he looked back to his comrade.

Another thing he was grateful for was the mareep's response. For a moment he had been worried she was going to let some ferals try and enact their revenge- no, protect the forest, all on their own. Now he knew they were on the same page; this snake was either going home or going down. And when- no, if, it turned out to be the latter, he would be all theirs to beat. Well, actually the mareep's. But he would still be getting front seat tickets to the fight. "Great. And yeah, I think we've got this one," he replied to the sheep, doing a confident body-tip. All there was to do was wait.

"But just to be on the safe side..." Skipping over to the copse where he had lost his Blast Seed, the nut retrieved his weapon and came hopping back to his ally's side. "Was meaning to help you with the fight earlier with this, but I kept getting knocked around. Sorry about that. Suppose it could still be helpful now, should things go south." Without the onix raging or the natives chattering, the forest went eerily quiet when neither he nor the mareep were talking. Probably due to everyone either fleeing or hiding while secretly still watching. It truly felt like a final showdown of sorts. With his pupils pinned on the sleeping beast, he kept on talking, keeping the minor nerves that had somehow broken through his vengeance-powered shield in check.

"I'm not particularly worried about you losing, though. You fought like an explorer or something back there. Kinda speak like one, too. Wouldn't surprise me if you were one, even. So I think we're gonna win this. And show this guy you can't just do this kinda stuff without consequences." Every sentence was separated by tense, little moments of silence exposing the amount focus that he was putting into monitoring the onix and preparing himself. Yet he meant all that he said. It wasn't just plain, meaningless talk done to stay calm, although it also helped with that. He had met someone he believed to be a hero, and expected victory.
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Trees Fall, Everyone Suffers Grievous Injuries [Open] - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Trees Fall, Everyone Suffers Grievous Injuries [Open]   Trees Fall, Everyone Suffers Grievous Injuries [Open] - Page 2 EmptyMon Jan 21, 2019 8:40 pm

”Tell me your names.”

Rex had awoken. It had not been a deep sleep. The entire time, in his mind, he had not been dreaming but instead simply thinking. Reliving the event just before he had fallen asleep, trying to understand why he had lost the fight. He was overwhelmed and, perhaps, overconfident in his own capacity to take and deal damage. He wouldn’t allow something like this to happen again. He would not allow himself to be captured like this again. He would not let this mareep defeat him like this again.

”I am Rex. I break things; I hurt others. Destruction is in my nature; devastation is my calling. My clan did not approve. Your kind do not approve, either. But I do not seek approval, nor do I request permission or expect tolerance. Quite the opposite, in fact. I thrive on the fear and hatred of others.” The onix turned his head—the only part of him relatively free of webbing—to face the two Pokémon next to him. ”You claim bravery, then prove it. Tell me your names, and mark yourselves as targets of the cataclysm that I will bring. Where your names are spoken, so should I hear them, so shall my will be done. And my will is death and destruction.”

Rex’s words had a distinct tone and seeped a bold confidence that strongly implied some kind of god complex. At the very least, his ambitions were clear and could be interpreted as threats. The events of the day had already shown that the onix was, in fact, willing to destroy and willing to hurt others. His monologue, although almost comically over the top, might be best taken seriously.

”Tell me your names.”
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