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 Warning: Everything is Toxic

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Dratini Captain

Posts : 28
Poké : 440
Join date : 2017-08-15

Warning: Everything is Toxic Empty
PostSubject: Re: Warning: Everything is Toxic   Warning: Everything is Toxic EmptySun Dec 17, 2017 12:21 am

“Hmm hm, hmm hm hm hmmm~”

Cinmere was in a good mood, humming mirthfully under his breath. The forest was bright and colorful, with vivid green trees and golden brown dirt, and little flashes of color catching his eye. A tiny pink flower, the flashes of blue sky between the treetops, the pure white of a fallen feather. It was quite beautiful, he thought. The sun shone freely and illuminated everything in the forest, bringing the landscape to life and comfortably warming Cinmere’s fur. Solgaleo was in a good mood today, he could tell.

”So by soldiers and lions my heart stays defiant, ‘til the night I’ll be safely back home~” He finished by singing the last line of that old war hymn out loud, smiling to himself. Most of his pack’s war hymns were grim, and that was only fitting, but that one had always stuck out to him. He liked how oddly soft and hopeful it was. He knew it by heart even now, lyrics, melody and all. Something about it strangely fit a pleasant, sunny day like this.

Apparently this forest was an ideal training ground for beginners like him, so he had decided to do some training while he was in Grassveil. Couldn’t hurt, right? That city wasn’t exactly his kind of place, something about the atmosphere just didn’t quite fit him, but it was still a nice town. It was safe, between the guild and police station, and they had reasonable prices for a bed. He couldn’t ask for much more than that.

Well. Hopefully they were reasonable prices, he didn’t have any frame of reference.

He’d had a rather uneventful trip through the forest thus far. It was pleasant, and he didn’t mind too badly, but he had come here to train. He normally wasn’t a huge fan of battling, and this was one of the only times where it would be nice if he could find something to fight. What kind of Pokemon apparently lived here? Pidgey, Caterpie, Patrat… yeah, he felt confident he could handle himself here. If any ferals actually showed up. He was starting to think they wouldn’t… which would be a little disappointing, but not the end of the world. He didn’t regret coming here even if he got nothing out of it. This forest was pretty.

So he continued on, singing under his breath, ears perked for any hint of noise. Occasionally, he stopped to check the air for scents, only to continue onward a second or two later when he thought the path was clear. He hadn't been here long, so he just had to be patient for a while longer. Surely he'd find something soon.

Cinmere’s Energy: 11
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Dratini Captain

Posts : 28
Poké : 440
Join date : 2017-08-15

Warning: Everything is Toxic Empty
PostSubject: Re: Warning: Everything is Toxic   Warning: Everything is Toxic EmptyWed Dec 27, 2017 11:16 pm

"Ah-?" Cinmere jolted out of his trance with a start, hearing the sound of an impact somewhere nearby. He blinked a few times, weighing whether or not to approach it. He was curious, sure, but anything that could hit something that hard didn't sound like something he wanted to mess with. This dungeon was supposedly beginner-friendly, but maybe he'd been deceived? It wasn't impossible this place was more dangerous than it looked. His previous cheerful mood dampened into something slightly more serious, narrowing his eyes. He'd stick to the undergrowth and check. Yeah, that was a good plan. He could leave without fighting if it looked like something he couldn't handle.

The canine doubled back towards the source of the noise, eyeing a slight indentation in one of the trees. Wait, had someone punched a tree? Ouch, that had to hurt. The tree didn't seem much worse for wear, he supposed that was good, but he was more concerned for whoever had the bright idea to hit it in the first place. Unless they were a strong Pokemon, he couldn't imagine that wouldn't hurt. Maybe this mysterious tree-punching stranger was just a feral Pokemon marking their territory? That seemed likely, come to think of it. He might have brushed it off there, but now his curiosity was peaked, and there was a strange set of footprints in the dirt...

Doing his best to keep his head low and step lightly, he weaved through the undergrowth, following the mysterious trail. He'd never seen footprints from a Pokemon that looked anything like that before, so he was curious! And, you know, a tiny bit concerned. Over what, he couldn't quite place, but there was something a little bit off in the air. Perhaps it was a Rockruff's sixth sense for when someone was upset, although he was having some trouble picturing what someone would be upset over in a nice, peaceful forest like this. Maybe over the fact they just punched a tree and now their hand hurt, he thought to himself in vague amusement.

Of course, he stopped in his tracks, more or less entirely forgetting to stay hidden once he found... whatever was going on here. There was a weird bipedal lizard-like Pokemon writhing on the ground and holding it's arm, yelling about... losing to a tree's root? He blinked a few times, trying to puzzle out what the heck was going on here. He carefully stepped around the tantrum-throwing stranger, managing to spit out some weak sentiment of concern. "Are, um. Are you okay." He tried his best, but he couldn't even summon up the energy to make his tone concerned instead of downright incredulous. This wasn't really happening, right? This Pokemon had spoken, so it wasn't a feral, but. Wow. Someone wasn't having a good day.

He snapped out of his stupor a moment later. Right, what was he doing, get your act together Cinmere it needs help. He forced a smile, his head tilted slightly. Uh, maybe she didn't hear that first part. Maybe if he ignored it she'd do the same, he had been a little bit rude. "Hey there. My name's Cinmere, is your arm alright?" That was as good a way to start as any. He didn't have any medical supplies with him to help with, but he could offer to help this lizard back to town? The gash didn't look so bad from this angle, although his standards for what counted as a 'bad wound' were definitely higher than your average civilian. It didn't look severe to him, but it wouldn't be good if it got infected. "I could help you back to town if you'd like to get treatment for that cut." 'Cut' was a less gory word than 'gash', he thought. He put on his best open smile and hoped this strange tree punching lizard wouldn't react too badly.
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Dratini Captain

Posts : 28
Poké : 440
Join date : 2017-08-15

Warning: Everything is Toxic Empty
PostSubject: Re: Warning: Everything is Toxic   Warning: Everything is Toxic EmptyWed Jan 10, 2018 12:30 am

Cinmere didn't know much, and he knew he didn't know much. This whole land was unfamiliar to him, and so far he had been relying on the charity of strangers. It hadn't gone that poorly for him so far. More people were good than not, after all, and he could normally find his way. Normally. He wasn't so conceited that he'd call himself a mindreader, but as long as he listened to that feeling deep in his stomach that told him when something was off, it wasn't so hard to stay out of trouble. The point was that he trusted his intuition, he'd cite it for how he had gotten this far without any major hiccups, and now it was whispering to him that this is wrong and weird. Maybe it was the way she just froze as if she were a statue and stared as he spoke, or how she jumped between topics with chaotic disregard. It could have been the smirk on her face or the way Cinmere was quite abruptly added to her party with no fanfare and no say one way or another, but something about this whole scenario felt noticeably off.

Was he a guild member? Not yet, no, but the way she asked if he was so expectantly made him flounder to admit so. "Uh-" The words shriveled and died in his throat. She didn't care and that was just as well, because Cinmere hadn't the faintest idea of what he was about to say. He couldn't pin down why his gut was murmuring no bad wrong, but the Rockruff was visibly uncomfortable as he stared at her bag as if it held some sort of explosive. Ugh. Don't be such a baby, Cinmere. She offered to give you something, and that was kind of her. She was a little off, but there wasn't any need to be hostile, just- just a reason to use due caution. He'd accept the gifts gracefully and not eat them unless he had to. Sure, they almost definitely weren't poisonous, but it was worth the peace of mind.

He opened the bag with a polite nod, drawing out an apple and a familiar blue berry. He didn't mean to snoop, but there were a couple other things that couldn't help but draw his eye - other scattered exploration supplies, some he could recognize and some he couldn't, as well as a strange badge that looked nothing like anything he'd ever seen. It looked oddly official, whatever it was. Was she part of some sort of organization...? Perhaps the guild? From first impressions, she didn't seem like the type... he blinked a few times, gathering the apple and Oran berry while sending the stranger something of a quizzical look. Who on earth was she?

"Thanks for the supplies." Cinmere said, and he meant it, it was a nice gesture. Even if his smile was smaller than it usually was. "My name's Cinmere. Mind if I ask what brings you here?" They were traveling together now, he supposed? He didn't quite understand why he'd just been recruited out of the blue, and it would be a lie to say he was perfectly comfortable with this situation, but he supposed it was nice that he wasn't on his own...? He couldn't get a read on this lizard for the life of him, but he could go along with this for now. At least until he could find out what she was up to, and perhaps even who she worked for. He was curious now.
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