Sorry, your Character Bio cannot be approved due to the following reasons:
1.) NATURAL FEATSAdd a feat for your chosen ability.
2.) PERSONALITYYou don't actually seem to understand sociopathy. It is an informal term for antisocial personality disorder, most often referencing severe instances of the disorder. It is
NOT a simple personality trait. Not only have you missed a great deal of information that you would need to provide in order to have this character approved, but you also got some of the information you
did provide wrong. For instance, a sociopath most certainly
would manipulate others for something "small" like social status. They care only about themselves and benefiting themselves in any way that's in their immediate reach. At that, sociopathy comes with many severe behavioral issues, especially in someone younger who has yet to learn how to properly hide them. Not only that, but they can struggle in society due to being unable to see further than themselves.
The problems in your representation of sociopathy go on and on, but put simply, you need to actually research this disorder and put far more work in applying it to your character if you want your application to be approved. Otherwise, you'll need to figure out another label, as he is currently a far cry from a proper sociopath.
3.) GUMMIS?You mention twice that the character is "addicted" to gummis. Why did this bit of information in specific need to be stated both as a like and in the "other" section? Unless he has a legitimate, debilitating addiction to these candies, there's nothing to warrant it being reiterated like that.
4.) GENERALThis application seems very bare and, quite frankly, rushed. It looks like a means to an end and doesn't appear to have been very well thought out. You claim the character is a sociopath, yet he's actually just an inaccurate collection of traits stereotyped as typical of a sociopath. The personality, history and everything else are all about as short as can be, giving as little information as possible while explaining only that the character has issues. It seems like your goal was to create a disorder rather than a character. Take some time to flesh the character out and think beyond him just being damaged, or I assure you, you'll get bored of him, as will everyone else.
If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to message any of the Character Moderators. May it be through the Chatbox or through Private Messaging, we will tend to your concerns as soon as we can. Please fix your bio accordingly so that we may be able to approve it. Once you have completed your edits, either bump this thread or message us.