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 insane decisions.

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insane decisions. - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: insane decisions.   insane decisions. - Page 2 EmptyMon Apr 17, 2017 7:09 am

((No, the trawl orb does not attract the pokemon. It only brings in items. All pokemon in that trawl orb roll are to be ignored. ))

The tail of the lizard flicked back and forth ever so lightly in a methodic manner. He watched the two with eyes of uncertainty and hunger for combat. He knew better than to attack without reason, but it seemed as if these two were not quite up to anything important. A search for a herdier? That seemed...boring. He wanted a fight. He was certain they would have no trouble with the large tyrantrum around anyways.

Still, he would continue to follow them. It was not like he had anything better to do. Besides, that large lug of a reptile that had joined forces with the normal type was practically a beacon for danger. Territorial ferals would spot her a mile away. If anyone had the courage, they would surely end up in some sort of battle sooner or later.


Victoria snorted as the kecleon spoke of how the ticket could be of use. Personally, she did not care. She grumbled in response to the kecleon in order to acknowledge that she had heard the normal type. She looked away from the chameleon pokemon to the area around them, but failed to look behind them. She did not notice the charmeleon that followed ever so close behind them, instead, she focused on what was ahead or to her side.

That was until she heard the rustle of bushes behind her. She froze, her head turned sharply to glare at the collection of bushes behind them. Still, she failed to see the charmeleon that was now just to their left, but there seemed to be something else prowling about that had dared to challenge the queen of Blacktooth and her....temporary servant.

Victoria Rolls
Kat carried out 10 launched of one Fallen Leaf Copse :
insane decisions. - Page 2 PopjRW4 , insane decisions. - Page 2 JRnG9bI , insane decisions. - Page 2 N0xFnHW , insane decisions. - Page 2 9rVp5vO , insane decisions. - Page 2 JRnG9bI , insane decisions. - Page 2 Ehq01DP , insane decisions. - Page 2 7doHI8l , insane decisions. - Page 2 9rVp5vO , insane decisions. - Page 2 KFxqTKX , insane decisions. - Page 2 6VqZUkn
Garnet Roll
Kat carried out 10 launched of one Fallen Leaf Copse :
insane decisions. - Page 2 KFxqTKX , insane decisions. - Page 2 IKdoM8A , insane decisions. - Page 2 Ehq01DP , insane decisions. - Page 2 KFxqTKX , insane decisions. - Page 2 Seh7LU4 , insane decisions. - Page 2 7doHI8l , insane decisions. - Page 2 Pospec10 , insane decisions. - Page 2 W276IIx , insane decisions. - Page 2 Pecha_11 , insane decisions. - Page 2 7R7f359
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insane decisions. - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: insane decisions.   insane decisions. - Page 2 EmptyThu May 04, 2017 4:43 am

What did this fool take her for? Of course, she did not expect the normal type to do anything drastic! The tyrantrum snorted as if she had been insulted by the little kecleon, "I do not expect anything of you other than to assist me as you said you would and to do your job as an explorer. That being said, what kind of an explorer are you if you would be so willing to allow an innocent to die without doing everything in your power to prevent it, I wonder?" Salt had tainted her tone, but she made no other remark or movement to suggest any sort of doubt she might have had towards the kecleon.

All noise had ceased it had seemed as the air grew still. A brief breeze brushed past the area and the trees rustled ever so slightly with silent whispers. The silence was broken abruptly by a loud roar that shot through the air and pierced right into her ears. She whipped towards the source of the sound to see a large lumbering creature that stood up on two legs with claws extended. Its eyes were wide as it seemed to glare down at the target it had knocked into the opening she and her new companion occupied.


Garnet had not even noticed the bear creep up on him, he had been so focused on the group. The next thing he had known, a paw had slammed into him and shoved him out into the open as if he had been tossed into it. He had landed on his side, but he quickly picked himself right back up with a snarl to his lips as he prepared to confront the assailant.

The ursaring was territorial, angry that anyone had dared to step onto its part of the forest. The normal type spread its claws wide as it lifted them to strike the Charmeleon once more, but it had been interrupted. Garnet had launched himself forward and aimed right for the stomach of the creature that seemed to present itself as a bullseye for him.

The fire type gave a sharp screech as he managed to land a wound onto the creature, but the ursaring had knocked him around again. This time, his cushion was a less than soft stone wall known as a Tyrantrum.

Gravity dragged him back to the ground, he picked himself up halfway but hesitated as he looked up. A large maw stared right down at him, the dark coloring of the creature only serving to do its job of instilling fear into the hearts of others. The tyrantrum he had been stalking now knew he was here. The tyrantrum looked away from him and towards the creature that had attacked him. The ursaring seemed hesitant to attack with the addition of a huge monster and yet another lizard added to the equation, but the territory was territory! It gave a challenging roar towards the two, threatening to tear their heads off if they did not leave immediately.
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insane decisions. - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: insane decisions.   insane decisions. - Page 2 EmptySun Jun 04, 2017 3:08 am

The ursaring stared down at the little kecleon with hatred in its eyes. The territorial bear's fur bristled as its lips curled back into a permanent snarl. The big brown pokemon's claws extended outward and flexed inward as it tried to make itself appear as intimidating as possible. It had learned the hard way that being civil was not the answer these days. If it were to keep its status in the wild up, it needed to be a ruthless monster.

"Leave." the bear at least gave the offer to the pokemon that had intruded upon his turf.

Garnet had kept low to the ground as he looked between the tyrantrum and the ursaring. He could tell from the glare the normal type had casted towards him every now and again that they were not happy. Despite this, Garnet's own lips had raised to reveal pointed teeth as he hissed at the bear, "You know, it's not nice to just go about attacking random folk just because they're on your 'territory'. If you had just asked I would have left without a fight, you dumb motherfu-"

"Silence!" the queen's authoritative tone rang through the air. Victoria turned her head slightly to glare at the charmeleon below her. The kecleon was supposed to be one doing the talking, not the fire type.

"He attacked me for no reason, why the hell should I sit down and shut up?" the charmeleon retaliated with words, not liking the idea of being ordered around by the queen.

"Because if you don't I'll mount your head on a stone spire as an offering of peace to the ursaring." It was an empty threat, but that seemed to get the lizard to shut up even if only for a second. She ignored the outraged look on the lizard's expression and looked to the chameleon. Would they stay and sort this out, or give in to the ursaring's demands?
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insane decisions. - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: insane decisions.   insane decisions. - Page 2 EmptyTue Jun 06, 2017 12:22 pm

He had been hushed yet again by the strange green lizard. Garnet was beginning to find that he did not like either of these two at all. He could totally take that Ursaring! While the urge for justice was strong, he needed to keep himself in a positive light of the two that didn't want his head as a trophy...or rather one. He snapped his jaws shut with an irritated lash of his tail in either direction that expressed that he was not at all pleased.

The chameleon had backed away, but he had remained with a defiant glare that bore into the Ursaring's soul. The fire type was only moved when the foot of a Tyrantrum pushed him along with a reminder that he could easily be squashed.

The reminder was unintentional on Victoria's part, but she would have rolled with it if she were to know. The queen semi-shove semi-kicked the Charmeleon along with the kecleon. It seemed as if there was a new addition to the party. Despite being the queen in the area, she had relented decisions and control to the explorer. She knew better than to order around those that were not her subjects, for they had no reason to abide by her word other than the fear that she might end their lives if they do not.

She was knowledgeable about the outdoors, but explorers were often experts at this sort of thing, were they not? She expected a lot out of the little kecleon, perhaps a bit too much? The kecleon had not done a very good job at mediating the situation in her opinion. They had fled rather than resolved it, something she surely would have been adamant about if any of her subjects had been involved.

The charmeleon followed along reluctantly. His mind grumbled with wicked thoughts of what he would do if he were to ever encounter that Ursaring alone. Oooh no, he would not hold back indeed. The Ursaring was needlessly violent, it deserved to be taught a lesson!

"So who are you two?" the charmeleon suddenly asked as he realized it would probably be important to "gather" the information from them. It'd be odd of him to suddenly know things about these two without their telling and he did NOT want to find out how they reacted to being spied on.

((it's aight bro, just let me know next time i don't post for a while))
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insane decisions. - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: insane decisions.   insane decisions. - Page 2 EmptyWed Jun 07, 2017 1:20 am

His question had gone ignored it seemed as the kecleon had instead gone on with talking to the tyrantrum and ignored his question altogether. What the hell? The charmeleon's light flickered with a more lively burn as the tail danced with his frustration. The lizard was about to speak up in protest of being simply tossed aside from the conversation, but the look the queen had suggested that it would be better to sit down and shut up again.

The queen's eyes narrowed as the darkly colored Tyrantrum cast her powerful glare upon the normal type. She was fine with being questioned, but the Kecleon had the audacity to question her and follow up with this sort of display? What kind of explorer was this?

"You are correct." Her tone was harsh and cold towards the Kecleon, "I act with force because I need to. Hostility cannot be calmed with submission, only temporarily satisfied with your cower. If I were not forceful he would not have moved. I had given him the opportunity to move on his own, but still, he remained. If you had paid more attention you would have seen that."

"It does not take a strategic mind to be a leader. To be a leader is to convince others to follow you without the need for force or a title to hold over them. I once thought you could only do so with power or kindness, one or the other, but it's a mix that's needed. You need to SHOW others that they can follow you.
" Victoria had gone on to a bit of a ramble, luckily she had realized this and amended this by getting back on topic.

"You are most certainly not a leader," she repeated, "And you are most certainly not fit to be an explorer on your own. You are obviously in need of someone to follow until you learn how to lead before you end up getting someone hurt or worse. A poor leader is only certain to get others ki-"

"Okaaaay I think she gets it," the charmeleon finally interjected quickly, having heard enough of the queen's ramblings about leadership. Garnet had to admit though, the queen had a point in one area. If not for the threat of the tyrantrum, he probably would have stayed to have a lovely little staring contest with the ursaring.

"Look I just wanted to know your names..." Garnet tried to repeat once more, though Victoria was more concerned with a response from Yooka than answering the red lizard.
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insane decisions. - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: insane decisions.   insane decisions. - Page 2 EmptySun Jun 11, 2017 8:12 pm

The queen seemed...shocked at the least. Her head rose as her eyebrows furrowed. She was not surprised with the actions of the charmeleon, but rather what the Kecleon had said. No training? No training?

Why, this was so absurd that she simply had to repeat it out loud herself to make sure she had heard that right, "No training?"

She went uncorrected, but that was likely because she continued without even an opportunity given to the others to interject. "What kind of establishment are they running? I at the very least train those who desire to become knights with my kingdom-"

"Wait, kingdom?" Garnet interjected or rather attempted to interject as the queen continued on with her side of the conversation as if he had not even spoken.

"In that case, I'd recommend you find yourself some better affiliations or at the very least someone to assist you so that you do not end up getting yourself killed. Are you being sent on a mission this dangerous in this place with absolutely NO training? Outrageous. At that point, they are simply requesting that you die for them with little to no payment in return."

"The only time I've seen untrained soldiers be sent into battle are expendables. Useless brutes who mean nothing to society. I am NOT a queen that resorts to those means, but my father viewed things differently. I'd highly advise that you either demand some sort of PROPER training, else leave the guild until you've managed to obtain such training. Otherwise, you are certainly being sent to your doom."

the charmeleon interrupted the queen with a look that seemed to be mixed with distress and disbelief. He had grown tired of being butted out of the conversation. He existed you know!

"Mind your manners!" the tyrantrum huffed before she looked away from the charmeleon.

"Look who's talking!" the charmeleon retaliated in an exasperated tone.
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insane decisions. - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: insane decisions.   insane decisions. - Page 2 EmptyFri Jun 23, 2017 6:54 am

The queen narrowed her eyes as the kecleon spoke with a request for training in exchange for...nothing. Absolutely nothing. In fact, it would probably be more of a burden to take up the kecleon than it would to accept her even as temporary help. The queen had further begun to ignore the charmeleon as well as the shadowy wall placed between them. She could have easily crashed into it with no problem, but she was not quite keen on violence today.

"If you were to be denied training..." she spoke up unintentionally seeming as if she were about to accept the kecleon's offer, "I would not take you in. You offer nothing in return except consumption of valuable resources, time, and efforts that could be used on someone who would remain in the kingdom as a permanent placement."

"What you offer, is a situation that does not benefit me nor my kingdom other than to simply 'feel good' about doing a 'good deed'. I cannot afford to give charity, especially since it would simply attract others of the same nature as word gets around. Pokemon would seek out my kingdom as a place to learn combat and then leave. All of our tactics would be known by the public and the element of surprise against any who dare to attack us would vanish as all of our own information would be in the public. We are a place for civilians to live in peace and comfort, not a dojo," she had concluded with a snort.

Garnet had allowed his arms to hang limply at his sides as the two conversed. His own annoyance and boredom growing. What, just because she was a queen, he had to respect her? As if! The charmeleon snorted himself as he allowed his eyes to wander and search the area.

All was quiet and safe it had seemed...though a rustle of the bushes had caught his attention. The conversation between the two had started to become background noise as he focused on the movement within the bushes. His eyes narrowed as his bared his teeth at whoever was hiding in the bushes.

"Who-" he had begun to demand the identity of whatever was out there, but the creature seemed to have been antagonized by his own voice speaking directly to it.

The creature leaped out of the bushes with loud and rapid barks. The herdier had appeared with wide bloodshot eyes that seemed to dart to and fro. The herdier's own lips were pulled back into a snarl as the normal type searched for a target as quickly as it could. Before it could react, its sights had been set on the kecleon.

The herdier gave no time to even give some sort of statement or battle cry as it instead snarled with sheer hatred and charged right for the normal type with its jaws parted for a harsh bite. The charmeleon, luckily, had reacted quickly enough and knocked himself into the herdier to intercept the normal type. Garnet's immediate reaction was to disable the herdier somehow and if not then to kill it, but it seemed that the dog was already onto him.

The canine had gone straight for his throat. The jaws opened up wide and snapped down onto orange scaly flesh. The charmeleon cried out only slightly despite the fresh signals of pain being sent to his mind. The teeth dug deeply into his scales and broke through the skin to draw blood. The charmeleon, luckily, had managed to block the attack to his neck with his arm. He had shoved his arm into the Herdier's mouth rather than allow it to go straight for the kill, but now he needed it to let go.

The charmeleon hissed as he began to kick at the creature and claw at it, however, it was quite adamant in simply not letting go! The strange markings on the charmeleon took on a slight glow as the Cursed Blessing did its job. The lizard ceased his senseless strikes and instead bit down on the front paw of the herdier himself. The herdier released his arm as he drew blood from the normal type with a pained howl. The howl was cut short as the charmeleon threw the herdier into some nearby bushes.

"The F*CK was that?!"
the charmeleon huffed, out of breath as the Herdier jumped back out of the bushes as if the wound on his leg had not bothered him at all.
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insane decisions. - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: insane decisions.   insane decisions. - Page 2 EmptyMon Jul 10, 2017 8:20 am

The tyrantrum was startled by the sudden attack but was unable to do much as the charmeleon began to wrestle with the canine. She had seen the heartbroken look the normal type had given her, but she failed to give any sort of response or attempt to console her. She felt no remorse in her decision, but honestly felt that this should not have come as a shocker to the lizard.

The charmeleon had tossed the herdier into the underbrush just before the lizard recollected herself and revealed that the normal type had been the target they had been in search of. She had not noticed the strange markings on the charmeleon, but huffed as she moved to take a step forward, "I can easily subdue it-"

"More like KILL it!" the charmeleon huffed, "One hit from you and you'd probably snap its neck!" the lizard growled as he cradled the arm. The red glow was active across his body, though the markings on his arm were obscured by the scarlet that had been drawn by the fangs of the canine. "Don't worry about the markings, they're just a bunch of fancy tattoos." It was a lie, but he was going to go with it for now. They had more important matters at hand.

"I most certainly would not!"
the queen objected, "I know my own strength, a simple stone edge-"

"Would impale it." Garnet cut her off again with a sneer.

"Would you let me speak for more than a few-"

"Nah." he snickered despite the pain that had had came with the bite. He dared not to look at his own arm as he cradled the wounded limb. He was used to pain, he had felt much worse than this before. A direct blast from a demi-god was nothing compared to this pesky bite.

"Yo, Greeny, you're probably a braniac right?" he spoke up, "You got any ideas here or am I just gonna have to get bitten to hell and back before you think of something."

"She is not properly trained!" the queen snarled as the rustling of the bushes foretold of the canine's return.

"Well I don't see you f***in doin anything other than suggesting we MURDER it!"
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