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 Encounter of Intellectuals

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Encounter of Intellectuals Empty
PostSubject: Encounter of Intellectuals   Encounter of Intellectuals EmptyFri Dec 02, 2016 10:51 am

Tired from his journey, Loren exhaled softly and allowed himself to inspect his surroundings with more detail. He was standing at the entrance of a town that looked, to him, like a bustling metropolis in comparison to his quiet village. The layout of Grassveil looked nothing like the type of setting he was accustomed to. In the distance, situated in what he could only assume was the town centre, were a multitude of colourful stalls. He could see Pokemon of all shapes and sizes flocked around the shops, bartering and exchanging deals. There was a buzz of conversation in the air, reverberating in Loren’s ears. He had to admit that Grassveil Town was a bit loud for his liking, yet simultaneously, the noise excited him. It was an indicator of the town’s liveliness, and surely, the more Pokemon of different backgrounds and statuses there were, the more knowledge he could glean from them. Really, this place was a gold mine of opportunities and information just waiting to be learnt.

I need to make a good first impression. It’s my first time in this town, after all, Loren decided. He glanced back at the orb on his tail, ensuring that it had its usual gleam. Finally, he shook himself slightly, the action serving the purpose of rearranging his wool in a slightly more orderly fashion. Satisfied with his neat presentation, Loren walked into Grassveil Town with his head held high.
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Encounter of Intellectuals Empty
PostSubject: Re: Encounter of Intellectuals   Encounter of Intellectuals EmptyFri Dec 02, 2016 9:32 pm


Grassveil Town looked even larger and more impressive from the inside, Loren concluded. His eyes lit up as he thought about all the new books he would be able to obtain in this town. He was exhausted and hungry, but he had no doubt that his first destination would be the library. Loren strode across the pavement confidently, glancing from side to side for his book-filled haven. He gave a subtle self-assured smile; his presentation was sleek and smart as always, and he had finally reached Grassveil, which had once been a place of his dreams. Loren was overjoyed.

I already know that this will be a great day. Nothing can go wr-
Without warning, an unidentified object landed on Loren’s back with a thud.
-ong today.

He froze mid-step, wary and astonished. Was this a typical occurrence in large towns like this? He was already aware that daily life here would be very different to that of his hometown, but… he’d done a lot of research on Grassveil, and had never heard of any incident of the sort. Suddenly, he thought of his wool. It had been flawless, yet now he’d have to spend time untangling this strange object from it. Slightly irritated, eyes stony, he turned around to face the thing that had fallen on him.

To his surprise, it was not an inanimate object. It was a Kecleon. Loren’s mood shifted immediately, and he hurried to apologise. “I’m sorry! I must have gotten in your way. I hope you haven’t been injured?”
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PostSubject: Re: Encounter of Intellectuals   Encounter of Intellectuals EmptySat Dec 03, 2016 1:31 am


Loren, legs buckling and grimacing from the Kecleon’s weight, watched her untangle itself and realised how large she was at last. He was, frankly, slightly taken aback at the fact that he had not been knocked to the ground immediately on impact. He attributed it to the fact that the roof was not too high up. Wincing, Loren turned to face her as she began to talk.

“I’m okay, but try not to do that next time.” he murmured, shaking his body to relieve himself of the tension. “The charge in my wool must be less intense because I’ve been very tired from my journey here,” Loren continued, smiling and tilting his head. “Besides, my wool doesn’t always paralyse Pokemon that are in contact with it. You were lucky, but try to be careful next time. It’s fortunate that I didn’t accidentally give you an electric shock in my surprise.”

He looked at her intensely for a few seconds, trying to analyse her appearance. He was sure that he’d seen an entry about her type of Pokemon in the encyclopedia that he loved to read as a child. “Kecleon, the Colour Swap Pokemon,” he recited. As Loren began to recall the information, his mature, self-assured expression turned into one of childlike eagerness. “Ah, that’s right! You can change the colours on your body to camouflage, can’t you? Would you show me? I wish I could do that too!” His eyes shone in admiration as he addressed the Kecleon enthusiastically. “What were you doing on the roof? Is there something interesting there? Can I see wh-- oh.” Loren halted. “Sorry. Where did my manners go? I’m Loren, and I’m new to this town. What’s your name?”
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PostSubject: Re: Encounter of Intellectuals   Encounter of Intellectuals EmptySat Dec 03, 2016 3:39 am

Loren failed to take notice of Yooka’s disapproving head shake. He was awed to see her turn purple, and continued to listen to her intently. “Training on the roof… that sounds interesting,” he mumbled, almost to himself. “I can see how that would bring benefits. One’s stability and steadiness would improve, as the wind would have a larger effect in a higher, unblocked area. It’s also a nice place to train in a town, given the fact that you would be able to practice your moves in peace without accidentally harming a bystander… that is, unless you fall on them…”

When Yooka took out her map, he huddled around it, ears twitching inquisitively. He had, indeed, heard about Aileron Village, consisting of a small populace located on a cluster of floating islands. Loren had always been under the impression that it had been an urban myth, yet here, right before his eyes, was a Pokemon actively searching for it! Despite his dubious thoughts regarding the existence of this village, Loren was beginning to grow excited. If it really existed, it would undoubtedly be one of the most beautiful sights in the world to see.

“The name does sound familiar, although I’m afraid I’ve never read about it in any of my books,” Loren admitted, blinking curiously. “How do you know that place is real - and even if you do manage to locate it, how do you intend to reach it? You can’t fly, can you?”
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PostSubject: Re: Encounter of Intellectuals   Encounter of Intellectuals EmptySat Dec 03, 2016 6:57 am

Loren let out a laugh, shaking his head. “No, I know. Of course you can’t fly with those ridges, although that would definitely be convenient!”

He listened to the rest of Yooka’s talk, head slightly tilted. The more the Kecleon talked about Aileron Village, the more intrigued he felt. He wasn’t aware that the small village even had a guild - one, he assumed, surely contained an abundance of flying Pokemon. One day, I’ll visit that place. I’ll write a report and publish it so that more aspiring adventurers can locate it and find out more about it, he resolved. I’ll see it with my own eyes, just like my parents had seen so many sceneries with their own eyes. Although, perhaps, I’ll stick to a more logical plan and ask a flying Pokemon to help me out…

“Getting to the village without the help of a flying Pokemon… that’s a very admirable goal. I’m sure you’ll be persistent enough to make it one day!” He said, eagerly. Yooka seemed motivated and determined - or perhaps she was the type who never deviated from independence and refused to accept help? Regardless of the case, Loren thought that it was certainly an ambitious goal to have.

"Oh... but, is there a particular reason you're so insistent on visiting that place?" he asked curiously. "Or you just want to explore? I'd understand if that were the case - experiencing new things is great."
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PostSubject: Re: Encounter of Intellectuals   Encounter of Intellectuals EmptySat Dec 03, 2016 10:04 am


Loren was about to reply to Yooka when his stomach suddenly let out a low growl. How embarrassing.He scuffed the ground with his hooves sheepishly, avoiding eye contact. “Well… you seem knowledgeable about this town. I came If you wouldn’t mind, could you show me around? Would there, perhaps, be an apple stall somewhere? I’m a bit hungry. Oh, and I also came to Grassveil with the intention of learning more, so I was hoping to locate a library, you see...”

Turning around, he jerked his head slightly in the direction of the town centre. "I assume that's the general area we'll need to go. I'd appreciate it if you came along." Loren's eyes lit up suddenly. Being the socially clueless Mareep he was, he had entirely missed Yooka's sudden change in expression and discomfort around the issue she had been talking about. "Oh, and what other plans were you talking about?" he pressed on. "You planned to go to the sky guild... and what else?"
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PostSubject: Re: Encounter of Intellectuals   Encounter of Intellectuals EmptySat Dec 03, 2016 11:56 pm


“Oh! Thank you!” Loren exclaimed, relieved that Yooka was willing to show him around.

He followed Yooka as she began to walk. “I can protect myself,” he muttered defensively, when the Kecleon suddenly turned around to face him. Slightly startled, he stepped back, as Yooka began to bombard him with questions. He blinked in confusion from the sudden change of tone, and watched as she turned back around to keep walking. Loren stood in place, flabbergasted, for a few seconds, then quickly ran to catch up.

“Oh, well…” he faltered, and scrunched up his face in deep thought. “A Zoroark is capable of using an ability that is generally referred to as “Illusion”. This allows the Zoroark to disguise itself as other Pokemon by deceiving the eyes of the viewer. Once you come into physical contact with the Zoroark or attack it with any move, though, the illusion will fade, according to my books. And… I don’t think Sableye have to have any strength prerequisites other than being strong enough to be able to Mega Evolve in the first place. Once a Sableye Mega Evolves, the strength that it gains from the evolution itself will allow it to carry the gem. Ah… and about the Marowak… I’m afraid I’m not sure. I’ve never read anything about Marowaks being resistant to Power-Up Punches. Why do you ask? Is there a Marowak that you know that is?”
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PostSubject: Re: Encounter of Intellectuals   Encounter of Intellectuals EmptySun Dec 04, 2016 5:08 am


Having heard Yooka, Loren suddenly remembered something. “Oddly-patterned Marowak? Oh, that reminds me. My mother once told me a story about a Marowak that used fire! It’s a funny story, isn’t it? She insisted that she really did see it, but according to the books in my hometown, all Marowak are brown, cream, and white. I suppose she must have been mistaken,” he continued, smiling. “But, now, you too?”

Loren’s ears perked in an attempt to hear Yooka over the increasingly loud sound of the Pokemon in the town centre around them, but could only catch a few words at a time. He wasn’t sure what Yooka was talking about, but she sounded troubled and thoughtful.

When Yooka turned around to face him, he attempted to joke to lighten the mood. “You sure Marowak don’t secretly have the ability to change colours, like you? I’ve really never seen an oddly-patterned one before.” He quipped, letting out a small laugh. “Well, to be fair, I’ve never seen any Marowak in real life. Maybe they’ve all been turning invisible around me.”

Loren peered closely at her. “Actually, on that topic… you’ve never shown me that. Complete camouflage, I mean. Show me, show me!”

When Yooka complied, he laughed in awe. “Wow! I really can’t see you at all.” The uncamouflaged stripe floating in the air looked quite amusing, and he resisted the urge to prod it with his nose.

“Ah, there’s the apple stall. I’ll be back in a bit, Yooka. Hopefully I’ll still be able to locate you by the time I get back!” Loren grinned, eager to get rid of the empty feeling in his stomach, and wasted no time in making his way to the stall.
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