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 The Hardship of a Pacifist.

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Monokuma Pikachu

Monokuma Pikachu

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The Hardship of a Pacifist.  - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: The Hardship of a Pacifist.    The Hardship of a Pacifist.  - Page 2 EmptyTue Sep 06, 2016 6:02 pm

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"Aaron isn't going to save you this time!" Camroth grunt in pain as the Machop kicked the Deino's gut, causing him to collapse from the pain.. "It's time that you learn your place, meat!" The Deino received another kick in his gut, causing more damage due to the Lairon's steel legs. "We won't tolerate any more disrespect from you anymore." A Banette floats to Camroth's ear, whispering his sinister voice to it. "And the best part about all of this? You won't do anything about it. You wouldn't dare try to defend yourself against us. You're too much of a girl to hurt us."

Camroth could only cower in fear, panting heavily as his underbelly starts to flare due to all the kicking he had to endure. In truth, he didn't know what do to in this situation. Usually what will happen is that he'll try to escape, or let his brother handle the bullies. He felt powerless here. Unable to do anything other than just accept the beating. However, he refuse to get down their level. He refuses to attack them. It wouldn't be right, and it proves that he's the bigger Pokemon than those Bullies. Still, He wants help. He wants it to stop. He has to get someone's attention. "H-HEL-GAH!" Camroth cried out as the Machop kicked the Deino again to interrupt his cry for help. "No one is going to help, You pathetic excuse for a Pokemon! Now take a beating like a REAL Pokemon would." Camroth continued to lay there, allowing the Machop and the Lairon to beat the Deino down further. The Banette just watches onward, smiling malevolently.
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The Hardship of a Pacifist.  - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Hardship of a Pacifist.    The Hardship of a Pacifist.  - Page 2 EmptyMon Jul 10, 2017 11:52 pm

The deino had a sort of outburst that had only caused concern to rise within Jaden as the dark type struggled. He stopped himself to assist the deino with a frown as the deino explained himself and spoke of hatred towards the world. Jaden found himself...in disagreement with Camroth. The snivy waited until the deino was finished only to be surprised with a hug along with emotions that expressed sympathy.

Once the deino was done, he cleared his throat, "Well, a few bad apples is no reason to hate the world. Over time I've come to understand that everyone has a reason to think a certain way, whether it was because they were raised with the belief or taught through some horrific event. There ARE good people out there, it's just a matter of finding them. It's also a matter of speaking to those that disagree and opening a dialogue, learn why they think such a way and argue their points should there be any."

"Those bullies along with my own were certainly no way to handle it, but some just aren't open to other opinions and would rather fight to prove their own is right without the slightest fact to back them." he explained, "Pokemon can't control their emotions well, heck, even I can't quite often. We get passionate about our arguments and it's that passion that drives us to do harm to one another."

"Hating one another for opinions on subjects is no way to go about things. It's the actions we should not condone, not their beliefs." The snivy seemed to notice that he had rambled as he shook his head, "But I digress. Are you alright to continue?"
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Monokuma Pikachu

Monokuma Pikachu

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The Hardship of a Pacifist.  - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Hardship of a Pacifist.    The Hardship of a Pacifist.  - Page 2 EmptyTue Jul 11, 2017 3:28 am

Camroth could only stand there, speechless, from what he heard out of the Snivy's mouth. It was.. Enlightening, to say the least. Something Camroth would definitely learn from. "W-wow... That was pretty Open minded opinion there. I'll make sure I'll consider that... but yeah, I'm fine, Lets go." Camroth slowly moved again, making his way to his house, which isn't far at this point. She was an Interesting Pokemon, no doubt about that, and it increases his desire to hang out with this Pokemon more, learn more about her, her history, her philosophy, and especially her motive. Unfortunately, she won't be staying in down, which disappoint him. However, would she be willing to hang out with the Deino in her free time? There was one way to find out.

"...Hey, um...Whenever you come back here, and have the time... Maybe we can hang out? I mean you're really interesting to talk to, and I feel like I could learn about you and myself if we're in a better  circumstance to chat."
Camroth asked, though nervously.
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The Hardship of a Pacifist.  - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Hardship of a Pacifist.    The Hardship of a Pacifist.  - Page 2 EmptyThu Jul 13, 2017 3:57 am

While Jaden was slightly concerned that he had come off as a bit...preachy, the deino seemed to like what he had said. He smiled as they began to move along, feeling quite proud of himself as he seemed to teach someone something. Honestly, he liked the idea of bringing others into the light about something. Whether it was opinions or a simple fact of life like two plus two equals four.

He had considered becoming a teacher before, but he had never really gone through with it in favor of becoming an exploration team with his friends. He was certain that he would find them again though, then they could go through with the exploration team and become a well known team that would save many!

The snivy's expression was cocky almost, fortunately the Deino was incapable of seeing it. The grass type's head was pulled out of the clouds as the Deino spoke up once more with an invite to hang out once again.

"Sure," he commented almost immediately, "I'm going to be wandering around quite a lot I fear, so there's no doubt in my mind that I'll eventually make my way back here. I'll be sure to hit you up if I'm ever in town again!"
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Monokuma Pikachu

Monokuma Pikachu

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The Hardship of a Pacifist.  - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Hardship of a Pacifist.    The Hardship of a Pacifist.  - Page 2 EmptySat Aug 12, 2017 2:12 am

Camroth smiled at the Snivy's response, looking rather relieved. Sure, she won't be here as often as he would like, but at least he made a friend after that ordeal. "I'm looking forward to it then.~" The Deino replied with more enthusiasm in his voice. After what seemed like thirty minutes in Camroth's perceptive, They finally arrived at his home. At that point, Camroth felt more at eased being outside of his house. Luckily for him, Aaron lives in the guild now, so he doesn't have to worry about his brother being vindictive and plotting revenge. The last thing he needed is more pointless fights. Though, until he know how to deal with his bullies without harming them, he is still going to be harassed by them. Even more so now that Jade scared them off. No doubt they didn't take too kindly to the interference. So the question remains, how does he deal with something you're powerless against?

Camroth shuttered at the thought and sighed."Um... Thank you for helping me back home, Miss. I... am Kinda worried though. What if they come back to harass me? I'm such a easy target for them because I refuse to fight back. What do I do?"
The Dragon asked, hoping that his savior would give him the answer that few have tried and failed to do.
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The Hardship of a Pacifist.  - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Hardship of a Pacifist.    The Hardship of a Pacifist.  - Page 2 EmptyWed Sep 20, 2017 11:46 pm

The snivy was delighted once they seemed to have reached the deino's house. He gave a small smug smirk as his hands folded behind his back at his handiwork. The snivy looked over to the Deino as they began to ask a rather important question. Jaden frowned at the question, he never really got rid of his bullies, per say, just got some friends that would fight them off for him. Then, he eventually became strong enough to fight them along with them.

That would not work for this deino it seemed, as they wanted to resolve things peacefully. A hand reached to his chin as his mind began to turn and bumble with activity. He gave a thoughtful hum as tried to think of an idea.

"Well, you could say that you'll just get me to talk to my 'friend' to go after them,"
he suggested, "Reporting to authorities also works since what they're doing is assault. Those brutes seem to value strength more than anything, so you'll have to fight back in some way. Since you'd prefer not to use violence, then you'll have to get some kind of leverage over them that'll dissuade them from targeting you." The snivy gave a snort as he more jokingly suggested, "You could also dig up their mothers or fathers and tell on them. It works sometimes, but IIII'd sooner go to authorities that can handle the situation better, especially if they're not on the best of terms with their parents."
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