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PostSubject: RESCUES 4 DAYS   RESCUES 4 DAYS EmptyMon Aug 29, 2016 4:26 am

Joey 9


Mission Details:

It has been a few days since Joey had mentioned that he had wanted to go on a mission. Only recently friend had brought a mission to mind. It was a rescue mission within a location called Obsidian Crevice. Joey accepted the idea of taking this mission without any second thoughts. He wasn't at all worried about the location as he was far too focused on the mission itself.

Before the mission had been officially taken, Aaron had suggested that his partner and alona had come  along with them on this particular mission. Joey had no objections at all to the idea. He just wanted to start the mission as soon as possible.


Joey had started his journey wearing his guild's bow. The bow was of a golden yellow color that closely matches his own tone while having a blue bolt dyed into it due to his love for lightning. The ribbon was fairly special to him since he had joined the guild. Only one other treasure he valued even more than the bow, which he kept hidden wherever he stayed at night when not on a mission.

The group had begun their long journey towards the dungeon known as obsidian crevice. The travel being long and arduous, it would take a lot of energy out of the group just to get there. Joey, already becoming a bit tired of the walking himself. However, he remained DETERMINED to get to their destination.
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Monokuma Pikachu

Monokuma Pikachu

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PostSubject: Re: RESCUES 4 DAYS   RESCUES 4 DAYS EmptyMon Aug 29, 2016 4:52 am

(Aaron energy: 34-30 =4)
(Alona: 33- 30 = 3))

"What a day this is going to be." Alona told herself as she walked along Joey on their journey to the Obsidian Crevice. When the Joey came up to Alona and told her about their plan of going to this place with Aaron and his partner, She couldn't wait. A 4 Pokemon band into a dangerous Dungeon like this? They shouldn't have much problems at all. However, the Journey up to the Obsidian crevice has been a tiring one. She was liable to lay down and rest right now, but she was on a mission. And she isn't going to rest just yet.

Aaron had told Silverdawn about the mission and doing it with other team members, which she didn't had any complaints. To where they were going, they're going to need all the Fire power they would get. Getting to this place was exhausting, however, and this might effect them if they run into trouble. "Guys, do you wanna rest and recap on what we're doing?" Aaron asked. "I have some Oran berries to give you if you're tired."
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PostSubject: Re: RESCUES 4 DAYS   RESCUES 4 DAYS EmptyMon Aug 29, 2016 5:08 am

Energy: 32 - 30 (dungeon) + 10 (oran berry) = 12
√ Stamina Band -Reduces Energy Cost of all rolls by 2.
Oran Berry (eaten)
Reviver Seed
Poison Dust (Raises Attack and Special Attack by 5) -Reduces Energy Cost of Pokemon by 1.

Silverdawn slithered over the ridge at last, feeling tired out by the long journey to the Obsidian Crevice. When Aaron had first suggested doing a joint exploration mission with Joey and Alona, she had at first been excited. It was good to see Aaron in a better mood; lately he hadn't really been himself.

Then she had learned the place, and she had gotten less excited. Obsidian Crevice was really far from the guild, and thus that meant a lot of travel time to even get to the dungeon in the first place, even before starting the actual mission. But she had made a promise; so here she was, exhausted before the mission even began. She heard Aaron offer oran berries to the group at large.

That reminded her! She twisted her neck and dug through her bag to retrieve an oran berry of her own, and swallowed it whole. "Got my own, thanks, though," she responded.
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Backend / Coding Support

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PostSubject: Re: RESCUES 4 DAYS   RESCUES 4 DAYS EmptyMon Aug 29, 2016 7:12 am

Joey 9


1 Reviver Seed
2 Oran Berries
1 Sitrus Berry
Guild Bow


Joey chuckled as alona spoke her mind. "Don't worry alona hehe... We're almost there right?" Joey responded with a bright smile. The electric type was highly optimistic about the mission, despite how long it was taking to get to their destination. However, fatigue was slowly creeping over him from all the travel without him realizing it.

As aaron began to ask the group about taking some time to rest, Joey looked over towards aaron, ready to deny the need. Only when he took another step, he finally began to realize how tired he had grown from the trip. Joey practically tripped over himself due to fatigue with that final step."Ya... I guess I need some rest" Joey sighed as he dropped into a sitting position.

When aaron had mentioned having berries for anyone that needed them. Joey thought to himself 'I should have some in my bag'

Looking into his bag, Joey saw the small set of supplies he had brought. There wasn't much in there, just a few berries and a seed, a reviver seed to be specifi. All three berries gave some form of energy, two of which were oran berries while the other was a sitrus berry.

The seed was only there as Joey had made a promise to someone in the past to keep that specific seed with him incase something were to happen. Having been explained what it did, Joey still was rather distrusting of it... but kept it regardless.

Joey hated seeds, and there was a good reason for it, at least to him. He just didn't trust them, having almost "died" to one in his past. He has hated seeds ever since.


"I have some, you don't have to give me yours." Joey responded to Aaron's offer. However, he didn't take any of the berries out. He felt that just some rest should help him for the time being.
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Monokuma Pikachu

Monokuma Pikachu

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PostSubject: Re: RESCUES 4 DAYS   RESCUES 4 DAYS EmptyTue Aug 30, 2016 1:32 am

(Aaron: 4 + 10 = 14)
(Alona: 3 + 10 = 13)

Aaron nodded, placing his bag on the floor and digging out two Oran berries. "Here, Alona." Aaron tossed one of the berries at Alona, which she grabs with her Ribbons. "Thanks, Aaron." They both proceeded to bite into the berry. "Ahh, that was refreshing!" Aaron Chuckled as the berry does it's trick.

Once the both of them finished eating, Alona spoke up. "Alright, we're rescuing that Joltik, right? We should watch our step. Especially Both of you guys." She look at both Aaron and her partner. "I don't need to remind anyone that Aaron and Poison breath here are blind."

Alona was right for the most part. He heard that there was a huge bottomless pit they could fall in if they weren't too careful. Add to the fact that they were blind, and that just smells trouble. Aaron doesn't know if Silverdawn will struggle, but he himself know he would too. He'd just wish Alona didn't call her Poison breath.
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PostSubject: Re: RESCUES 4 DAYS   RESCUES 4 DAYS EmptySun Sep 11, 2016 4:37 am

Energy: 12
√ Stamina Band -Reduces Energy Cost of all rolls by 2.
Reviver Seed
Poison Dust (Raises Attack and Special Attack by 5) -Reduces Energy Cost of Pokemon by 1.

Silverdawn gave a scoff, tossing her head as Alona dissed her. "If you don't need to remind anyone, then why even bring it up?" She replied, flicking her tail at the end of Alona's snout. "Besides, I'll bet I know what is going on around me much better than you do, even without my eyes!" She bragged cockily.

She slithered to the edge of the crevice and poked her head over the edge. She let her tongue flicker out, tasting the air. The area tasted of dust and metal, and old rock. She rose her head again. "I can't taste anything other than thick metal and rock," she complained. "Good luck figuring out what's the rock of the dungeon and what's a rock or steel pokemon."
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Backend / Coding Support

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PostSubject: Re: RESCUES 4 DAYS   RESCUES 4 DAYS EmptyTue Sep 13, 2016 3:40 am

Joey 9


1 Reviver Seed
2 Oran Berries
1 Sitrus Berry
Guild Bow


Joey didn’t mind the reminder about the mission. He just kept silent to himself as he looked around the area as the others rested briefly. As Joey had been looking around, he eventually got curious about how far down the cliff went, looking over the edge of the cliff briefly only to quickly take a step back. The shear drop was quite nerve wracking as the only thing you saw was the darkness of which no light reached.

“erk, that is… a drop hehe.” He stated as he moved away from the edge. His voice seemed a little uneasy at the thought. Joey never caught wind of the conversation going on between the group as he discovered the rather unpleasant height at which they stood at.

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Monokuma Pikachu

Monokuma Pikachu

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PostSubject: Re: RESCUES 4 DAYS   RESCUES 4 DAYS EmptyWed Sep 21, 2016 1:07 am

Alona Growled at Silverdawn for a moment before smirking. "Well, at the very least I could see, Poison breath! That's a plus for me, and a Minus for you." She sticks her tongue out at her, making a raspberry to indicate she's teasing her. Aaron on the other hand, sighed. He knew they weren't going to get along, they never did. "Hey, Uh, Alona." Aaron butted in. "We haven't made out for a while... Kinda wondering when we're going to do it?" Alona chuckled, looking at Silverdawn with a smug smile. "Oh yeah, I also have a Pokemon who loves me. You don't. So yeah, Another point for me!"

Alona than begain to kiss the Deino, salivating Aaron's saliva. Aaron moaned into the kiss, holding no objection, in fact, he welcomed it. Especially if this could get the two to not fight.
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