Hello and welcome to PMD-RP News of August 2016!- General News & Updates -
The guild system has recently gone through some changes in its rank system. In short, if you are part of a team that has ANY exploration points. You have likely received a boost in your current rank.
Rank requirements have been lowered, and mission page requirements along to match it. Feel free to visit the update post directly by clicking -->
HERE <--
- Guild -
The guild has had many request of which have or is about to expire very soon. It would be a shame that so many requests are going unanswered. On that note, the guild is always recruiting new members!
- Current Site wide Event -
Part of this post has been copied from previous news post
As you may or may not be aware, the current site wide event "The Wake of Destruction" is still ongoing. The main thread is located ->
Arceus and Giratina still both have one out of three recruits, whereas Zygarde has none.
How can you participate in this event? Now that's a good question! Here's how!:
- The battle for Mewtwo, Arceus's second recruit still rages on in Serene Cave and you can participate by rolling a Mewtwo encounter in that particular dungeon!
- Zygarde's first recruit, Shaymin has been located in Misty Mire, but requires rescuing! In order to participate in freeing Shaymin, you must work to defeat any Muk, Gourgeist, Malamar and Reuniclus that you encounter in Misty Mire.
- The clue for Giratina's second recruit can be found in the event thread. If you can work out what it is you need to do, you may just be rewarded...
Note that any who participate in dealing damage to Mewtwo, or defeating even a single opponent to help free Shaymin will be eligible to require the rewards offered for completing each section of the event! Similar is true for any other parts of the event; each user who actively participates and results in progression of the event will receive rewards.
If you happen to roll Mewtwo in Serene Cave, or defeat one of the above mentioned opponents in Misty Mire, please notify myself or another administrator so that we can update the event thread!
As a quick reminder, the escort rule can be utilized in any event related threads as long as said thread is specifically marked as an Event Thread by the user posting it. The escort rule allows a character with higher energy to escort up to two extra characters to a dungeon that they would not normally be able to access due to the constraints of the energy system. It costs 5 extra energy per pokemon being escorted for the higher energy character to enter that dungeon, and any character that is
being escorted will have 0 energy upon entering the dungeon and will have to replenish their energy with berries or other items.
It is wise to confirm with a staff member before using the escort rule, just to be safe. But the rule was always intended to help us be inclusive of newer members of the site who might want to explore the areas linked to site events but who have characters with low energy.
- Independent Organization News -
Just a reminder to all members that we have four Independent Organizations (IOs) on the site currently, and characters can apply for membership in any of these whilst their character is still being looked over for approval by Character Moderators. Some IOs have their own conditions for joining though, so you may have to wait until after your character is approved to finalize your IO signup for various reasons!
The list of current IOs on the site is located ->
here<- and includes Steamrise Inn, The Tribe of Renewed Life, Blacktooth Kingdom and the Windrose Scouts.
This section will be used to report on various news in IOs and generate interest in the IOs on the site, and so if any IO founders have any news they would like me to include in this section, feel free to send an admin a message and we will fit it into the news!
- Other Notices -
Rules and Report Function
As per, here's your monthly reminder to keep yourself up to date with all of the site's rules! The rules board is located ->
here<- and though we will usually notify when large rule changes take place, we do still make smaller edits without a big notice so it's worth re-reading them every now and then.
Finally I'd also like to remind everyone that in order to help staff and moderators do their jobs more easily, we encourage you to report any post in a thread that you see is breaking the site's rules by using the report button located on each post.
This little icon is located by the Quote, Edit and Delete buttons of each post; upon clicking, you can select a reason for the report and write why you are reporting that particular post.
By doing this, we can more quickly and easily deal with posts that are breaking the rules as staff are notified of posts that are reported!
This month's birthdays are as follow
| Kureko | |
ThePoke3nder97 | | Dracorexion |
NursePhantump | SpeedFox | CharmanderAndShupit2002 |
Uletheeevee31 | DeusProtivogas | Sakura |
TraceNoil | Monokumo Pikachu (GAMER) | BlueKat12 (Kat) |
Although it is late in the month and some user's may have had their birthday already. We still wish you all a happy birthday! [?]Last but not least, I'll conclude the news part of this month's news thread by wishing a very happy birthday to the following users, whose birthdays are all this month!
Discussion Topic
This month's news thread topic is going to start off with the police and outlaw system. Although there has been an update on it before, we would like to discuss with the community on your ideas for it. For example, how do you think it should be implemented and governed? (There was an announcement for implementing some of it already, but some felt it wasn't complete yet.)