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 IO Budget Records, Rules and Regulations

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IO Budget Records, Rules and Regulations Empty
PostSubject: IO Budget Records, Rules and Regulations   IO Budget Records, Rules and Regulations EmptyTue Mar 15, 2016 8:45 pm

IO Budget Records, Rules and Regulations

If you're looking to apply for a budget for your IO and you want to know more about it, or you've already applied and you want to know what you need to include in your IO's budget records, then you've certainly come to the right place! This thread will act as the provider of all the information you need!

If you still have questions about IO budgets and budget records after reading the entirety of this thread, feel free to drop me (@Solilo) or another admin a PM. If we think the question is especially relevant to others then we'll add it to this thread's FAQ.


How IO Budgets Work

As you may have guessed by the very fitting title, this section will do it's best to describe how budgets work and what you can use them for. Note that a budget is a completely optional feature of running an IO and is not necessary. If you are interested in acquiring a budget, it is  however recommended that you read through this section before applying.

Every IO can apply for a budget, but in order to have a budget approved it needs to have a suitable use for the money that will be given. For example, some IOs have custom jobs and tasks that the characters who complete them will be rewarded for. This is one such use that would be suitable for the money given to an IO, but other uses are definitely encouraged as long as you can justify them!

The amount of money that an IO will receive as their total monthly budget will be dependent on the number of active characters that are a part of the organisation. For each character, the budget increases by 1000 poké. This includes the founder of the IO. If a character in an IO goes inactive, it will no longer count towards that IO's budget. Characters who are not yet fully part of the organisation, such as a character that is mid-way through completing a task that will gain it entry to that IO, will also not count towards the budget until they are full-fledged members.

The budget that an IO is assigned lasts for one whole month, during which time the founder can spend it on what they see fit. However, on the 1st of every month, an IO's budget will reset back to its full amount, allowing the IO to continue to use its funds to reward its members, but prevent them from stacking large amounts of unused money. You cannot keep any of the spare money from the previous month and bring it into the next month.

As the number of members in an IO will likely keep changing, you must submit another application form in this thread whenever you wish to add to your IO's budget, and the changes will not come into effect until the 1st of the following month. When a member becomes inactive, their inactivity will also not be reflected in the IO's budget until the 1st of the following month.

In order to get a budget for your IO, you must apply for one here

Budget Rules and Regulations

The following is a list of rules and regulations concerning IO budgets. If these are not followed then you run the risk of getting your budget removed and you may not be able to apply for another one.

  • The Budget will consist of 1000 poké per active character in the IO.
  • The money assigned must be used for something constructive. It cannot just be given away as free perks of belonging to an IO.
  • You must not overspend, and/or exceed the amount of money that you have been approved to utilise.
  • The budget will be reset on the 1st of each month.
  • The founder (and second in command) must keep a full and detailed record of where and how the money from the assigned budget is spent.
  • You must not give out poké or items in a biased way. This includes giving higher-than-usual rewards to yourself or other specific members of the IO for no good reason, etc..
  • As you cannot give out poké yourself, it is recommended that you post in the admin request thread when you need to give out monetary rewards.

Budget Records & Upkeep

Once your application for a budget has been approved, you will need to create a thread here,  which will be used to keep track of where you spend the money your IO is assigned. As such, there are specific things that we ask you to keep track of. Your budget records thread can be styled however you like, as long as it contains all of the relevant information.

Please remember than each IO only gets one budget records thread and further threads for the same IO will be deleted.

Your records thread must include;

  • The name of your IO and a link to it's approved budget post.
  • The names of the founder and second-in-command of your IO as well as a note saying whose characters they are.
  • A note of the current total budget. If the budget was previously different, make sure to note when it changed.
  • A complete list of everything the budget was used for, including job/task rewards, purchasing items to use as rewards etc. It is recommended that you separate your records into different lists for different months due to the nature of the budget reset.
  • Note that everything in your budget records thread should be dated, so that we can accurately tell when each use of the money occurred.

Please keep in mind when creating and keeping your budget records, that if they are found to not be up to date or not have all of the relevant information then we may resort to removing the budget from your IO entirely.

If you have any questions, please refer to the FAQ a few posts down. If the question you want to ask is not there, then please PM @Solilo or another administrator.
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Posts : 5153
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IO Budget Records, Rules and Regulations Empty
PostSubject: Re: IO Budget Records, Rules and Regulations   IO Budget Records, Rules and Regulations EmptyTue Mar 15, 2016 9:01 pm

Item Purchase Cost List

One of the uses for your IO's budget is purchasing items that may be given away as rewards for things, rather than just rewarding with money. This is a master list of items and how much they will cost to purchase for use as part of your organisation.

In order to purchase an item using money from your budget, you merely have to make a note of it in your budget records, showing that you have purchased it and for how much. Of course, the money used to purchase the item can then not be given away as a monetary reward, but we all have to make sacrifices sometimes!

This list of items is currently incomplete, and will be added to as time goes on. If you would like to use your budget to purchase an item that is not listed here already, please contact @Solilo or another administrator so that they may decide on a suitable price and add it to this list.

Common Items
Blast Seed - 10IO Budget Records, Rules and Regulations Pok%C3%A9_currency
Pecha Berry - 25IO Budget Records, Rules and Regulations Pok%C3%A9_currency
Oran Berry - 100IO Budget Records, Rules and Regulations Pok%C3%A9_currency

Uncommon Items
Banana - 800IO Budget Records, Rules and Regulations Pok%C3%A9_currency

Rare Items
Rare TM - 1000 IO Budget Records, Rules and Regulations Pok%C3%A9_currency
Joy Seed - 3000IO Budget Records, Rules and Regulations Pok%C3%A9_currency
Mysterious Stone - 10,000IO Budget Records, Rules and Regulations Pok%C3%A9_currency

Last edited by Solilo on Wed Mar 16, 2016 12:00 am; edited 2 times in total
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Posts : 5153
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Join date : 2012-07-23
Location : Jabberwock Island

IO Budget Records, Rules and Regulations Empty
PostSubject: Re: IO Budget Records, Rules and Regulations   IO Budget Records, Rules and Regulations EmptyTue Mar 15, 2016 9:04 pm


This section is dedicated to answering all of the questions that may or may not be answered in the main parts of the thread. If you have a question to ask, please check that it is not already answered within this FAQ. If you find that your question is not here, then feel free to PM @Solilo or another administrator or site staff member and ask them.

General Questions

Do I need an IO to have an IO budget?
Yes. Yes you do. |D

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