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 Something Beautiful To Say

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Something Beautiful To Say - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Something Beautiful To Say   Something Beautiful To Say - Page 3 EmptySun Jan 31, 2016 3:28 am

First topic message reminder :

It was a peaceful day at the pond, he was curled up on a sunning-rock. This was quite relaxed, the sound of the water was soothing, and the rare beating sun warmed his body as the gap in the dark clouds allowed it to touch the earth with its gentle rays. The charmander was drifting in and out of slumber, too lazy to get up and move. It was peaceful, the first bit of peace he'd had since the events of the crevice. He took a deep breath, signing blissfully.

His tail curled around his body, relaxing as he rested his head on his arm. He could feel his arm going numb from lack of circulation, but he did not seem to care. The charmander was in a light snooze when someone had decided to ruin this blissful day of peace midst the chaos of the current world. He was happily enjoying his time with a soft expression, when something had pushed him off the boulder. He cried out in surprise as something rammed itself into his gut and dragged him out of his peaceful slumber. He had ignored the soft footsteps that had been approaching, figuring it to simply be a passing pokemon.

"Get off of me spot!" he heard as he clung to the rock with his claws to avoid falling off. He blinked, his eyes open wish his arms clinging to the rock as his legs hung over the side. His body slowly slid down as his weight carried him over the edge of the rock. His rump dropped to the ground as his arms still lay on the rock and he stared at the creature. It was almost as if he were using the rock as a table now.

"I was here first?" Garnet spoke, standing up with his hands still on the rock as the other pokemon lifted its front legs on the rock as well. The other pokemon was a female creature with a long neck, dark fur covered the neck and surrounded the face to obscure its vision. The blind creature was short, but it seemed to have a nasty look to it as it growled at Garnet.

"Moy spot!" the creature growled, "Fuck off ye!" the deino growled. Garnet frowned with a disapproving expression before he hopped back onto the rock again.

"This is my spot at the moment, come back later," he tried to speak politely. The charmander stood on the rock to be eye-level with the deino despite its lack of eyes.

The blind one merely growled again before rearing its head back and attempting to head-butt the charmander. The lizard only stood his ground and took the direct headbutt to the skull, "I'm gittin' tired of you lil' shets takin' moy spots! This is moy pawnd, Fuck off!" the creature repeated as it attempted to push the charmander off. Garnet only pushed back, holding his ground as the two struggled with their foreheads together to drive off the other. "Evury damn day it's always sumthin' you shets think you own da place! I'll bet your ass just like da las' ones!"

Garnet knew this type. Well, not the type as in Dragon, but more the type of character. They claimed territory and drove out all within it. This pond was public property, and this deino must have driven out any who drew near. He growled back at the deino, dropping his nice act, "I'd like to see you try to kick my ass you blind hillbilly," he snarled, egging on a fight. The deino was only angered by his words, and shouted as she moved back to headbutt the charmander again. Oooh how he was going to enjoy this.

The deino attempted to smash its own head against Garnet with as much force as it could muster, however the charmander did not meet the dragon type's challenge once more and instead dodged to the side and leaped off the rock. The deino's horn collided with the rock and bounced off of it with a cry of pain. The deino turned to the direction the charmander was standing and growled before raising itself onto two legs and kicking them at the air before slamming them down onto the ground. The ground erupted below the deino and shot towards the charmander.

He had flashbacks to the monster deep within the rift for a brief moment, he was not going to repeat that failure. He jumped to the side, dodging it before taking on a purple glow as he activated his Outrage attack. The charmander smirked as his eyes grew wide and a smile took shape on his face. He shot forward on all four legs, propelling himself into the Deino before standing at the last second and rearing back his claws as they extended and glowed with a purple tint. He raked them across the deino's face before sidestepping as the dragon attempted to smash its head into the Charmander once more.

"Where did ya go you lil shet!?" the deino cried out in rage. The deino looked around wildly, shocked by the burning sensation within the Scratch attack induced by the Outrage. His form took on a white tinge rather than just his claws this time as he scratched at the deino's side before latching onto the deino's neck with his teeth. He quickly released the deino as it bucked, kicked, and cried out in pain. The deino was shaking, blood running from the spots Garnet had marked with his claws.

"What's the matter little bully? Can't hold your own against a "lil shet"?" he spoke to the deino. The deino's head shot towards the charmander as he spoke.

"I'll keeel ya!" the deino declared before charging towards the charmander blindly. Garnet huffed and merely sidestepped as the deino charged straight into the water of the pond behind him. The deino cried out in surprise as the water around it began to grow tinted by red. The deino backed out of the water, panicking at the sudden water. The charmander only watched as the dragon type panicked and flailed blindly, allowing fear to consume its actions.

"All bark and no bite..." he huffed as a bit of smoke escaped his nose.
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Something Beautiful To Say - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Something Beautiful To Say   Something Beautiful To Say - Page 3 EmptySun Feb 07, 2016 2:39 am

Garnet's hand reached his face as he sighed, "You don't just LEARN to fight in one afternoon. It's a long process that takes time and dedication to get remotely good at. If it's not working right away, that's because it's not supposed to work right away. This isn't some fantasy where Arceus himself drops down from the heavens and sh*ts out magical powers for you to use. I'm teaching you through experience and punishment. You don't want to get hit? Then don't get hit. You want to hit me? Then hit me. Practice makes perfect, and you're not going to get anywhere at all if you're just going to whine and complain. 'The Basics' are not just going to magically make you able to survive in a dungeon," the charmander spoke with a frown. He looked at the buizel with his arms crossed, a disapproving look upon his face as the buizel simply became annoyed with him.
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Something Beautiful To Say - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Something Beautiful To Say   Something Beautiful To Say - Page 3 EmptySun Feb 07, 2016 3:19 am

Lucerne was about to say something, but stopped herself. She didn't like it, but He was probably right. She just wanted to get this over with and go exploring already. Maybe this is one of the things her savior wanted her to learn, maybe You needed to become strong to be a good explorer.

"I'm sorry. You've taken time for me when there are other things you could be doing. You've been doing your best to help me, I just can't or won't understand how." Lucerne said. "I want to keep going, If that's alright with you."

Lucerne expected she wouldn't get very far, but If she wanted to be an explorer, to find her savior, to make them proud, she would try. She needed to know how to fight. so if someone was offering to teach her, even if she didn't like it she had to try.

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Something Beautiful To Say - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Something Beautiful To Say   Something Beautiful To Say - Page 3 EmptyTue Feb 09, 2016 11:40 am

"I can go all day," the charmander huffed, "The real factor of how long this will go is based on how long YOU will last." It was not like Garnet had anything better to do, sure he had two life-long friends to find and confirm or deny whether or not they were dead, but he had no leads. It would be pointless to continue his search until he had one, so might as well spend the time making himself useful.

"Endurance is a large factor of fighting as well. If you find that you're equally matched with an opponent and neither of you can get off a hit, it will depend on your ability to keep going. One of you will collapse eventually, it's your job to make sure that it's not you."
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Something Beautiful To Say - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Something Beautiful To Say   Something Beautiful To Say - Page 3 EmptyFri Feb 12, 2016 6:08 am

"Alright, here I come!" Lucerne said.

She Ran forward and punched with all, well with most of her might. She knew It wouldn't hit, so she decided to follow it up with another punch to the left, hopefully aimed where the charmander would be. She didn't know if he would dodge to the left, the right, or jump back. He may even be too fast to avoid the second punch.

Lucerne didn't care, she was trying. She trusted garnet. He was willing to help her all day, willing to give up so much of his free time for a stranger. The least that Lucerne could do was to do what he said.
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Something Beautiful To Say - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Something Beautiful To Say   Something Beautiful To Say - Page 3 EmptyFri Feb 12, 2016 7:09 pm

The charmander back-pedaled away from the punches, jumping back and avoiding them with ease yet again as the buizel failed to fight properly. Garnet spoke up, "Flailing at me isn't going to hit me. Plan your moves, be twenty steps ahead of me. Figure out if I fall into some kind of pattern, habit, anything that can be used against me."

The charmander's hands were behind his back again, his tail shining brightly behind him that showed the benefits of having quite the sturdy body. He was still going as if they had hardly done anything at all, and it was all thanks to daily training and upkeep of his personal strength.
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Something Beautiful To Say - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Something Beautiful To Say   Something Beautiful To Say - Page 3 EmptyMon Feb 15, 2016 2:28 am

that was so much work though! why did fighting have to involve so much thinking? Lucerne sighed, she didn't have much of a choice. She wasn't going to find a way of hitting the charmander any time soon, but maybe she could get close.

She decided to test something. If he was able to read her movements and doge backwards she may be able to use that to her advantage. she noticed how he swayed his tail and the flame on it got her attention. She remembered something about the flame on a char's tail being their weak spot. a plan started forming.

Lucerne whipped out the same feint from before, coming from a different angle. how Garnet would react to this would help lucerne form her plan.
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Something Beautiful To Say - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Something Beautiful To Say   Something Beautiful To Say - Page 3 EmptyFri Mar 04, 2016 2:44 am

The charmander dodged backwards again as the buizel moved to attack him. The charmander's tail swayed wildly as if it was taunting the buizel despite Garnet's lack of knowledge of his plan. He did not expect the buizel to go for his tail. The charmander did not attack or do anything to counter the buizel this time, instead merely evading it. If she were to do it again, he would try to get behind her and tug on her tails as a bit of a taunt at how easily he was able to get into her blind spot.
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Something Beautiful To Say - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Something Beautiful To Say   Something Beautiful To Say - Page 3 EmptyWed Mar 09, 2016 1:03 am

Ok hard thinking time. even if Lucerne couldn't catch Garnet, she might be able to get him to move into a more vulnerable position. Garnet was sharp, he'd know something was up if she kept doing the same thing again. So lucerne would have to do this slowly.

Everytime she would move in to attack, she would try to get Garnet to dodge just slightly closer to the water. She still didn't know what she would do with the water, but it would give her more options if there were less directions to dodge too. Until then it was try try again.

She thought about her movements and decided to try something a little impractical. She would lunge forward, aiming a punch downward. when Garnet went to dodge she would put her weigt on her paw, now firmly on the ground. If he went left she would pivot and kick right and vice versa. If he dodged backwards she would somersault and try to kick him. if he dodged she would get back on her feet and get ready for the next attack.
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