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 The Exclusive Item System

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Moderator and Dark Ducklett Priestess

Posts : 1903
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Join date : 2012-07-29
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The Exclusive Item System Empty
PostSubject: The Exclusive Item System   The Exclusive Item System EmptyFri Apr 10, 2015 3:05 am

Version 1.3

EXECUTIVE NOTE: Item effects are being revised and improved! Check the TYPE EXCLUSIVE ITEMS for their revised effects! The SPECIES EXCLUSIVE ITEMS listed here are out of date and are being revised; the effects that they appear with in the Swap Shop (from page 10) will be your official effects!! The New Effect section has also been revamped!

Hello Everyone! Fox here, finally bringing you a long-overdue update to the exclusive items! Please be aware, this thread affects ONLY existing items from the previous games. Exclusive Items for 5th Gen pokemon and beyond are being created behind the scenes and must be rolled in an appraisal to be discovered, so you won't be finding any information on them here. ^^

In order to make the Exclusive Items and their effects more relevant and useful to the site, the effects have been revised so that they now offer you benefits like immunity to different types and even Energy Reductions from your rolls in dungeons! I'll provide a list of all the previous items and their new effects, so it'll be easier to keep track of which item does what. This system is still in it's early phases an is still being evaluated, so there is a possibility that rules/effects may change if something needs to be changed. Try to stay updated! ^^ You'll be able to tell if the thread has been updated by looking at the version number under the title; if the number is different from the last time you saw it, you should check for new updates. Recent updates will be bolded and in italics.

Without any further ado, let's talk about what you need to keep in mind while using your useful little goodies.


-You may not have more than one Exclusive Item active in a thread at a time. You may choose to use whatever item you desire at the start of your post, but you will be locked into that item's effect for the rest of the thread.
NOTE: There is ONE and ONLY ONE exception to this rule, and that is items with the "Automatic +5 Energy bonus on second post when starting threads " effect. Once the Energy Bonus has been activated and recieved on your second post, you may opt to swap this item out with ONE of your other Exclusive Items in your third post. After you swap to the new item, the new item sticks with you for the rest of the thread, which means no re-swaps if you change your mind. This allowance will only exist so long as it is used responsibly and fairly.

-Exclusive Items can only be activated by one character when being used in a thread; and while it's perfectly fine to have multiple characters hold items in threads, characters holding items cannot share the effects of the items among themselves (even if they are compatible with the other character's item). For example, if you have two grass types enter a dungeon, one holding a Species Based item and one holding a Grass Type Exclusive Item, the second character's Grass item's effect cannot be split between them just because they are both Grass type; each character is limited to the item they activated. The same applies if one character holds an item that both characters are compatible with, but the other holds no Exclusive Item. If you choose to use an Type Based Exclusive Items and you bring two characters of that type to a thread, the item cannot be activated for both of them at once. Species Items also share this restriction; when two Pichu characters enter a thread together they cannot share the effect of one Pichu Line Item. (Sova, I'm looking at you. And your hoard of freaking Eevees.)

-You may stack the effects of any one Exclusive Item with the effects of any one normal hold item during threads (ex. Black Sludge, Leftovers, Big Roots, Power/Special Bands, Joy Ribbons, Everstones ect. can be used at the same time as an Exclusive Item).

-When starting a thread that you plan on using an Exclusive Item in, please post an OOC message in your first post, preferably below your character's Energy count, stating what item you have chosen to activate. You do not have to specify when an item is activated in your character records, as activation is an Exclusive Item - specific action and is not the same as equipping a normal hold item.

-You are not required to have your character physically wear their Exclusive Items during threads, as activated Exclusive Items work just by being placed in a bag or carried on a character's person. What you do with the item is up to your RPing preferences.

-As a general courtesy rule, please discuss use of Exclusive Items in threads with other users who might have their characters affected by the item, and also before bringing them to Player versus Player threads.

The New Effects

Effect Patterns
[*] - In - character effect. Generally effects rolls to a small degree.
[**] - In-character and out-of-character effect. May affect rolls or energy and is coupled with a small status effect or stat increase.
[***] - Immunities and best effects.

Type Items are now special as they are assigned the most precious effects that the staff feels should be available to everyone in some way. They may not necessarily follow the above pattern. The Silk Items have not received a new effect as of this moment.

[Existing effect - New/Revised Effect]

~Exclusive Items that raise purely the defenses - Subtract 1 Energy from all pokemon rolls.

~Exclusive Items that raise an attack (attack or sp attack) + the defenses (defense or special defense) - Subtract 1 Energy from every other pokemon rolled as well as raises specified attack power.

~Exclusive Items that heal HP when hit/Critical hit from specific type - Immunity to that type of attack

~Exclusive Items that cause HP to heal when Apples/Berries are consumed - Same effect as Cheek Pouch, adds +5 Energy to all berries/apples consumed

~Exclusive Items that Raise base HP stat - Automatic +5 Energy bonus on second post when starting threads (this is to avoid people misunderstanding the effect and using it to try and enter dungeons over their energy level. It can only activate once per thread created.)

~Exclusive Items that increase the frequency of boxes ((aka treasure chests))/money- Higher chance of rolling rare(does not include event-only items, applies to on-site items that the pokemon does not have access to. Also only applies to low-level pokemon/pokemon with at least 1 dungeon above their energy level; excludes The Sacred Lands completely.) items/Exclusive Items, but also adds dud rolls (Plain Seeds, Empty Boxes, Grimy Food, ect.) as possible outcomes.

~Exclusive Items that increase HP while walking - +1 Energy per page

~Exclusive Items that affect experience - Pokemon with rolls that cause them to drop to 0 Energy will endure will retain 1 Energy, provided they had 5 Energy or more before they rolled.

~Exclusive Items with obscure effects (increased PP drainage from pressure, increased Secret Bazaar, increased Keckleon Shops, enemies thrown items failing to hit, PP occasionally not dropping, thrown items bounce back) - All pokemon that appear within a thread with the holder have their ability suppressed and rendered useless (This includes the holder, allies of the holder, foes, and all wild pokemon encountered. Must have permission of other thread members to activate.)

~Exclusive Items that increase HP yeild from moves like Absorb - Same effect as Big Root.


Last edited by FoxFireAlchemist on Wed Sep 05, 2018 7:13 pm; edited 7 times in total
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Moderator and Dark Ducklett Priestess

Posts : 1903
Poké : 5045
Join date : 2012-07-29
Location : Location, Location.

The Exclusive Item System Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Exclusive Item System   The Exclusive Item System EmptyFri Apr 10, 2015 5:34 am

Type-Based Exclusive Items

[*Rarity*] *Name of Item* - *Effect*

[•] White Silk - Boosts Attack and reduces the Energy cost of Pokemon rolled by 1.
[•] Normal Dust - Lowers the needed pages to level up by 1 (to a minimum of 4). Does not stack with Joy Ribbon or Cursed Blessing.
[••] White Gem - Once per thread, you may roll 3 dice and keep any items that you find, disregarding pokemon. Functions as a Trawl Orb, Can be used in Purified Forest and Snowcloak Ruins for Cursed Items. Event effect TBD
[•••] Joy Globe - Normal types do not receive damage from fighting moves

[•] Red Silk - Boosts Special Attack and reduces the Energy cost of Pokemon rolled by 1.
[•] Fire Dust - Lowers the needed pages to level up by 1 (to a minimum of 4). Does not stack with Joy Ribbon or Cursed Blessing.
[••] Fiery Gem - Once per thread, you may roll 3 dice and keep any items that you find, disregarding pokemon. Functions as a Trawl Orb, Can be used in Purified Forest and Snowcloak Ruins for Cursed Items. Event effect TBD
[•••] Fiery Globe - Fire types do not receive damage from water moves

[•] Blue Silk - Boosts Special Attack and reduces the Energy cost of Pokemon rolled by 1.
[•] Water Dust - Lowers the needed pages to level up by 1 (to a minimum of 4). Does not stack with Joy Ribbon or Cursed Blessing.
[••] Aqua Gem - Once per thread, you may roll 3 dice and keep any items that you find, disregarding pokemon. Functions as a Trawl Orb, Can be used in Purified Forest and Snowcloak Ruins for Cursed Items. Event effect TBD
[•••] Aqua Globe - water types do not receive damage from electric moves

[•] Youngleaf Silk - Boosts Special Attack and reduces the Energy cost Pokemon rolled by 1.
[•] Grass Dust - Lowers the needed pages to level up by 1 (to a minimum of 4). Does not stack with Joy Ribbon or Cursed Blessing.
[••] Grass Gem - Once per thread, you may roll 3 dice and keep any items that you find, disregarding pokemon. Functions as a Trawl Orb, Can be used in Purified Forest and Snowcloak Ruins for Cursed Items. Event effect TBD
[•••] Soothe Globe - Grass types do not receive damage from fire moves

[•] Yellow Silk - Boosts Special Attack and reduces the Energy cost of Pokemon rolled by 1.
[•] Thunder Dust - Lowers the needed pages to level up by 1 (to a minimum of 4). Does not stack with Joy Ribbon or Cursed Blessing.
[••] Thunder Gem - Once per thread, you may roll 3 dice and keep any items that you find, disregarding pokemon. Functions as a Trawl Orb, Can be used in Purified Forest and Snowcloak Ruins for Cursed Items. Event effect TBD
[•••] Volt Globe - Electric types do not receive damage from ground moves

[•] Clear Silk - Boosts Special Attack and reduces the Energy cost of Pokemon rolled by 1.
[•] Icy Dust - Lowers the needed pages to level up by 1 (to a minimum of 4). Does not stack with Joy Ribbon or Cursed Blessing.
[••] Icy Gem - Once per thread, you may roll 3 dice and keep any items that you find, disregarding pokemon. Functions as a Trawl Orb, Can be used in Purified Forest and Snowcloak Ruins for Cursed Items. Event effect TBD
[•••] Icy Globe - Ice types do not receive damage from fire moves

[•]Orange Silk - Boosts Attack and reduces the Energy cost of Pokemon rolled by 1.
[•]Courage Dust - Lowers the needed pages to level up by 1 (to a minimum of 4). Does not stack with Joy Ribbon or Cursed Blessing.
[••] Fight Gem - Once per thread, you may roll 3 dice and keep any items that you find, disregarding pokemon. Functions as a Trawl Orb, Can be used in Purified Forest and Snowcloak Ruins for Cursed Items. Event effect TBD
[•••] Power Globe - Fighting types do not receive damage from psychic moves

[•] Pink Silk - Boosts Attack and reduces the Energy cost of Pokemon rolled by 1.
[•] Poison Dust - Lowers the needed pages to level up by 1 (to a minimum of 4). Does not stack with Joy Ribbon or Cursed Blessing.
[••] Poison Gem - Once per thread, you may roll 3 dice and keep any items that you find, disregarding pokemon. Functions as a Trawl Orb, Can be used in Purified Forest and Snowcloak Ruins for Cursed Items. Event effect TBD
[•••] Poison Globe - Poison types do not receive damage from ground moves

[•] Brown Silk - Boosts Attack and reduces the Energy cost of Pokemon rolled by 1.
[•] Ground Dust - Lowers the needed pages to level up by 1 (to a minimum of 4). Does not stack with Joy Ribbon or Cursed Blessing.
[••] Earth Gem - Once per thread, you may roll 3 dice and keep any items that you find, disregarding pokemon. Functions as a Trawl Orb, Can be used in Purified Forest and Snowcloak Ruins for Cursed Items. Event effect TBD
[•••] Terra Globe - Ground types do not receive damage from grass moves

[•] Sky Silk - Boosts Attack and reduces the Energy cost of Pokemon rolled by 1.
[•] Sky Dust -  Lowers the needed pages to level up by 1 (to a minimum of 4). Does not stack with Joy Ribbon or Cursed Blessing.
[••] Sky Gem - Once per thread, you may roll 3 dice and keep any items that you find, disregarding pokemon. Functions as a Trawl Orb, Can be used in Purified Forest and Snowcloak Ruins for Cursed Items. Event effect TBD
[•••] Sky Globe - flying types do not receive damage from electric moves

[•] Gold Silk - Boosts Special Attack and reduces the Energy cost of Pokemon rolled by 1.
[•] Psyche Dust - Lowers the needed pages to level up by 1 (to a minimum of 4). Does not stack with Joy Ribbon or Cursed Blessing.
[••] Psyche Gem - Once per thread, you may roll 3 dice and keep any items that you find, disregarding pokemon. Functions as a Trawl Orb, Can be used in Purified Forest and Snowcloak Ruins for Cursed Items. Event effect TBD
[•••] Psyche Globe - Psychic types do not receive damage from dark moves

[•] Green Silk - Boosts Attack and reduces the Energy cost of Pokemon rolled by 1.
[•] Wonder Dust - Lowers the needed pages to level up by 1 (to a minimum of 4). Does not stack with Joy Ribbon or Cursed Blessing.
[••] Guard Gem - Once per thread, you may roll 3 dice and keep any items that you find, disregarding pokemon. Functions as a Trawl Orb, Can be used in Purified Forest and Snowcloak Ruins for Cursed Items. Event effect TBD
[•••]Defend Globe - Bug types do not receive damage from flying moves

[•]Grey Silk - Boosts Attack and reduces the Energy cost of Pokemon rolled by 1.
[•]Rock Dust - Lowers the needed pages to level up by 1 (to a minimum of 4). Does not stack with Joy Ribbon or Cursed Blessing.
[••] Stone Gem - Once per thread, you may roll 3 dice and keep any items that you find, disregarding pokemon. Functions as a Trawl Orb, Can be used in Purified Forest and Snowcloak Ruins for Cursed Items. Event effect TBD
[•••] Rock Globe - Rock types do not receive damage from steel moves

[•]Purple Silk - Boosts Attack and reduces the Energy cost of Pokemon rolled by 1.
[•]Shady Dust -  Lowers the needed pages to level up by 1 (to a minimum of 4). Does not stack with Joy Ribbon or Cursed Blessing.
[••] Shadow Gem - Once per thread, you may roll 3 dice and keep any items that you find, disregarding pokemon. Functions as a Trawl Orb, Can be used in Purified Forest and Snowcloak Ruins for Cursed Items. Event effect TBD
[•••] Nether Globe - Ghost types do not receive damage from ghost moves

[•] Royal Silk - Reduces the Energy cost of Pokemon rolled by 1.
[•] Dragon Dust - Lowers the needed pages to level up by 1 (to a minimum of 4). Does not stack with Joy Ribbon or Cursed Blessing.
[••] Dragon Gem - Once per thread, you may roll 3 dice and keep any items that you find, disregarding pokemon. Functions as a Trawl Orb, Can be used in Purified Forest and Snowcloak Ruins for Cursed Items. Event effect TBD
[•••] Dragon Globe - Dragon types do not receive damage from dragon moves

[•] Black Silk - Reduces the Energy cost of Pokemon rolled by 1.
[•] Dark Dust - Lowers the needed pages to level up by 1 (to a minimum of 4). Does not stack with Joy Ribbon or Cursed Blessing.
[••] Dark Gem - Once per thread, you may roll 3 dice and keep any items that you find, disregarding pokemon. Functions as a Trawl Orb, Can be used in Purified Forest and Snowcloak Ruins for Cursed Items. Event effect TBD
[•••] Dusk Globe - Dark types do not receive damage from fighting moves

[•] Iron Silk - Boosts Attack and reduces the Energy cost of Pokemon rolled by 1.
[•] Steel Dust - Lowers the needed pages to level up by 1 (to a minimum of 4). Does not stack with Joy Ribbon or Cursed Blessing.
[••] Metal Gem - Once per thread, you may roll 3 dice and keep any items that you find, disregarding pokemon. Functions as a Trawl Orb, Can be used in Purified Forest and Snowcloak Ruins for Cursed Items. Event effect TBD
[•••] Steel Globe - Steel types do not receive damage from ground moves

[•]Fairy Silk - Boosts Attack and reduces the Energy cost of Pokemon rolled by 1.
[•]Fairy Dust - Lowers the needed pages to level up by 1 (to a minimum of 4). Does not stack with Joy Ribbon or Cursed Blessing.
[••]Fairy Gem - Once per thread, you may roll 3 dice and keep any items that you find, disregarding pokemon. Functions as a Trawl Orb, Can be used in Purified Forest and Snowcloak Ruins for Cursed Items. Event effect TBD
[•••]Fairy Globe - Protects against damage from Poison-type moves.

Last edited by FoxFireAlchemist on Wed Sep 05, 2018 7:12 pm; edited 3 times in total
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Moderator and Dark Ducklett Priestess

Posts : 1903
Poké : 5045
Join date : 2012-07-29
Location : Location, Location.

The Exclusive Item System Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Exclusive Item System   The Exclusive Item System EmptyFri Apr 10, 2015 10:31 am

Kanto Species-Based Exclusive Items

[*Rarity*] *Name of Item* - *Effect*

Bulbasaur, Ivysaur, Venusaur
Bulba-Claw - Boosts Critical Hit ratio and reduces the Energy cost of every other Pokemon rolled by 1. *
Bulba-Fang - Boosts Special Attack and reduces the Energy cost of every other Pokemon rolled by 1. *
Grass-Guard - Reduces the Energy cost of Pokemon rolled by 1. **
Leafy Tie -  Automatic +5 Energy bonus on second post when starting threads (this is to avoid people misunderstanding the effect and using it to try and enter dungeons over their energy level. It can only activate once per thread created.) ***
Ivy-Claw - Accuracy boost and reduces the Energy cost of every other Pokemon rolled by 1 *
Ivy-Fang - Boosts Attack and reduces the Energy cost of every other Pokemon rolled by 1 *
Ivy-Crest -  May inflict attacker with sleep. **
Plant Torc - Same effect as Big Root. ***
Venus-Claw - May inflict attacker with paralysis. *
Venus-Fang - May inflict attacker with poison. *
Venus-Seal - When rolling in dungeons, the holder will endure with 1 Energy   if the rolls completely deplete their Energy, provided they had more   than 5 Energy while they rolled.  **
Solar Sash - Grants immunity to Fire moves ***

Charmander, Charmeleon, Charizard
Char-Claw - Boosts Special Attack and reduces the Energy cost of every other Pokemon rolled by 1 *
Char-Fang - Boosts Attack and reduces the Energy cost of every other Pokemon rolled by 1. * *
Fiery Heart - Reduces the Energy cost of Pokemon rolled by 1 **
Heat Armlet -  Automatic +5 Energy bonus on second post when starting threads (this is to avoid people misunderstanding the effect and using it to try and enter dungeons over their energy level. It can only activate once per thread created.) ***
Charme-Claw - Critical Hit Ratio increased and reduces the Energy cost of every other Pokemon rolled by 1 *
Charme-Fang - Accuracy boost and reduces the Energy cost of every other Pokemon rolled by 1 *
Charme-Crest - Evasive  boost and reduces the Energy cost of every other Pokemon rolled by 1 5 **
Kindle Scarf - +1 Energy per page ***
Chariz-Claw - May inflict attacker with Fear status *
Chariz-Fang - May inflict attacker with Flinch status*
Chariz-Seal - May inflict attacker with Burn status **
Flame Bangle - Grants immunity to Water moves ***

Squirtle, Wartortle, Blastoise
Squirt-Foam - Boosts Defense and reduces the Energy cost of every other Pokemon rolled by 1 *
Squirt-Card - Boosts Special Defense and reduces the Energy cost of every other Pokemon rolled by 1 *
Water-Guard -  Subtract 1 Energy from all pokemon rolls. **
Aqua Tie - Automatic +5 Energy bonus on second post when starting threads (this is to avoid people misunderstanding the effect and using it to try and enter dungeons over their energy level. It can only activate once per thread created.) ***
Wartor-Claw - Boosts Attack and reduces the Energy cost of every other Pokemon rolled by 1 *
Wartor-Fang - Boosts Special Attack and reduces the Energy cost of every other Pokemon rolled by 1 *
Wartor-Crest - Pokemon with rolls that cause them to drop to 0 Energy will endure will retain 1 Energy, provided they had 5 Energy or more before they rolled. **
BubbleBangle  - All pokemon that appear within a thread with the holder have their ability suppressed and rendered useless (This includes the holder, allies of the holder, foes, and all wild pokemon encountered. Must have permission of other thread members to activate.) ***
Blast-Seal - May inflict self with Protect status when physically attacked. *
Blast-Card  - Special Defense by 3 *
Blast-Claw  - Subtract 1 Energy from every other pokemon rolled as well as raises Attack **
Hydro Band - Grants immunity to Electric moves ***

Caterpie, Metapod, Butterfree
Caterpie Belt - Same effect as Cheek Pouch, adds +5 Energy to all berries/apples consumed ***
Defense Bow - Automatic +5 Energy bonus on second post when starting threads (this is to avoid people misunderstanding the effect and using it to try and enter dungeons over their energy level. It can only activate once per thread created.) ***
Glitter Bow - Grants immunity to Rock attacks ***

Weedle, Kakuna, Beedrill
Weedle Bow - ame effect as Cheek Pouch, adds +5 Energy to all berries/apples consumed ***
Kakuna Scarf - Higher chance of rolling rare(does not include event-only items, applies to on-site items that the pokemon does not have access to. Also only applies to low-level pokemon/pokemon with at least 1 dungeon above their energy level; excludes The Sacred Lands completely.) items/Exclusive Items, but also adds dud rolls (Plain Seeds, Empty Boxes, Grimy Food, ect.) as possible outcomes. ***
Strike Scarf - Grants immunity to Rock attacks ***

Pidgey, Pidgeotto, Pidgeot
Pidgey Bow - +1 Energy per page ***
Pidge-Scarf - Evasiveness +2 if weather is Clear ***
Pidgeot Torc - Grants immunity to Rock attacks ***

Rattata, Raticate
Rattata Scarf -  All pokemon that appear within a thread with the holder have their ability suppressed and rendered useless (This includes the holder, allies of the holder, foes, and all wild pokemon encountered. Must have permission of other thread members to activate.) ***
Immense Bow - Grants immunity to by Fighting attacks ***

Spearow, Fearow
Quick Bow - Evasiveness +2 if weather is Clear ***
Flutter Scarf - Grants immunity to Rock attacks ***

Ekans, Arbok
Peck Bow - Attacker may go into Leg Hold state ***
Victory Ruff - Grants immunity to Psychic attacks ***

Pichu, Pikachu, Raichu
Pichu Hair Boosts - Boosts Defense and reduces the Energy cost of every other Pokemon rolled by 1 *
Pichu Card Boosts - Boosts Special Defense and reduces the Energy cost of every other Pokemon rolled by 1 *
Express Tag - Subtract 1 Energy from all pokemon rolls. **
Shocker Cape - Pokemon with rolls that cause them to drop to 0 Energy will endure will retain 1 Energy, provided they had 5 Energy or more before they rolled. ***
Thunder Shard -  All pokemon that appear within a thread with the holder have their ability suppressed and rendered useless (This includes the holder, allies of the holder, foes, and all wild pokemon encountered. Must have permission of other thread members to activate.) (Pichu Only) ***
Pikachu Hair - Boosts evasiveness and reduces the Energy cost of every other Pokemon rolled by 1. *
Pikachu Card - Boosts accuracy and reduces the Energy cost of every other Pokemon rolled by 1. *
Volt Charm - Boosts power of electric type attacks and reduces the Energy cost of every other Pokemon rolled by 1. **
Voltage Torc - May inflict attacker with paralysis ***
Raichu Hair - May inflict attacker with infatuation status *
Raichu Card - Boosts Special Attack and reduces the Energy cost of every other Pokemon rolled by 1 *
Raichu Crest - Subtract 1 Energy from all pokemon rolls. **
Zapper Scarf - Grants immunity to Ground moves ***

Sandshrew, Sandslash
Sands-Scarf - Will not receive critical hits ***
Sandveil Torc - Grants immunity to Grass attacks ***

Nidoran ♀, Nidorina, Nidoqueen
Sharp Scarf - Automatic +5 Energy bonus on second post when starting threads (this is to avoid people misunderstanding the effect and using it to try and enter dungeons over their energy level. It can only activate once per thread created.) ***
Revenge Scarf - Pokemon with rolls that cause them to drop to 0 Energy will endure will retain 1 Energy, provided they had 5 Energy or more before they rolled.
Impact Torc - Grants immunity to Psychic attacks ***

Nidoran ♂, Nidorino, Nidoking
Reduce Scarf - Automatic +5 Energy bonus on second post when starting threads (this is to avoid people misunderstanding the effect and using it to try and enter dungeons over their energy level. It can only activate once per thread created.) ***
Sting Scarf - Pokemon with rolls that cause them to drop to 0 Energy will endure will retain 1 Energy, provided they had 5 Energy or more before they rolled.
King Sash - Grants immunity to Psychic attacks ***

Cleffa, Clefairy, Clefable
Cleffa Dew - Boosts Special Attack and reduces the Energy cost of every other Pokemon rolled by 1. *
Cleffa Card - Subtract 1 Energy from all pokemon rolls. *
Starry Ore - Boosts Special Attack and Special Defense reduces the Energy cost of every other Pokemon rolled by 1. **
Comet Ring - May put foe into Confuse status by attack ***
Fallen Star - Higher chance of rolling rare(does not include event-only items, applies to on-site items that the pokemon does not have access to. Also only applies to low-level pokemon/pokemon with at least 1 dungeon above their energy level; excludes The Sacred Lands completely.) items/Exclusive Items, but also adds dud rolls (Plain Seeds, Empty Boxes, Grimy Food, ect.) as possible outcomes. (Cleffa Only) ***
Clef-Claw - Boosts Attack and reduces the Energy cost of every other Pokemon rolled by 1. *
Clef-Fang - Boosts Special Attack and reduces the Energy cost of every other Pokemon rolled by 1. *
Moon Jewel - Boosts Attack and Special Attack reduces the Energy cost of every other Pokemon rolled by 1. **
Moon Scarf - All pokemon that appear within a thread with the holder have their ability suppressed and rendered useless (This includes the holder, allies of the holder, foes, and all wild pokemon encountered. Must have permission of other thread members to activate.) ***
Clefa-Claw - Boosts Attack and reduces the Energy cost of every other Pokemon rolled by 1. *
Clefa-Card - May inflict attacker with infatuated status *
Moon Rock - Boosts Attack and reduces the Energy cost of every other Pokemon rolled by 1. *
Fairy Bow - Grants immunity to Fighting moves ***

Vulpix, Ninetales
Vulpix Tail - Boosts Special Attack and reduces the Energy cost of every other Pokemon rolled by 1. *
Vulpix Card - Boosts Critical Hit ratio and reduces the Energy cost of every other Pokemon rolled by 1.  *
Vulpix Tag -  +1 Energy per page**
Glow Bow -  All pokemon that appear within a thread with the holder have their ability suppressed and rendered useless (This includes the holder, allies of the holder, foes, and all wild pokemon encountered. Must have permission of other thread members to activate.) ***
Nineta-Hair - May inflict attacker with Burn *
Ninetales Tail - May inflict attacker with Curse status *
Nineta-Seal - Subtract 1 Energy from all pokemon rolls.**
Flicker Collar - Grants immunity to by Water attacks ***

Igglybuff, Jigglypuff, Wigglytuff
Iggly-Dew Boosts - Boosts Special Attack and reduces the Energy cost of every other Pokemon rolled by 1. *
Iggly-Card Boosts - Boosts Critical Hit ratio and reduces the Energy cost of every other Pokemon rolled by 1. *
Bouncy Charm - Reduces the Energy cost of Pokemon rolled by 1 **
Pretty Bow - Automatic +5 Energy bonus on second post when starting threads (this is to avoid people misunderstanding the effect and using it to try and enter dungeons over their energy level. It can only activate once per thread created.) ***
Fluff Dust - Higher chance of rolling rare(does not include event-only items, applies to on-site items that the pokemon does not have access to. Also only applies to low-level pokemon/pokemon with at least 1 dungeon above their energy level; excludes The Sacred Lands completely.) items/Exclusive Items, but also adds dud rolls (Plain Seeds, Empty Boxes, Grimy Food, ect.) as possible outcomes. ***
Jiggly-Song - Boosts Special Attack and reduces the Energy cost of every other Pokemon rolled by 1. * *
Jiggly-Card - Boosts Accuracy and reduces the Energy cost of every other Pokemon rolled by 1. *
Slumber Rock - Subtract 1 Energy from every other pokemon rolled as well as raises special Attack. **
Snooze Ring - May put foe into Sleep status by attack ***
Wiggly-Hair - Boosts Special Attack and reduces the Energy cost of every other Pokemon rolled by 1. *
Wiggly-Card - Boosts Evasion and reduces the Energy cost of every other Pokemon rolled by 1. * *
Buddy Rock - Subtract 1 Energy from all pokemon rolls.**
Friend Torc - Grants immunity to Fighting moves ***

Zubat, Golbat, Crobat
Glance Bow - Evasiveness +2 if weather is Cloudy ***
Absorb Scarf - Same effect as Big Root. ***
Slash Bow - Grants immunity to Rock attacks ***

Oddish, Gloom, Vileplume, Bellossom
Walking Bow - Attacker may go into Confused state ***
Guard Hat - Same effect as Big Root. ***
Aroma Sash - Grants immunity to Fire attacks ***
Shining Tiara - All status ailments recover if weather is Sunny ***

Paras, Parasect
Cure Scarf - Will not be paralyzed ***
Refresh Tophat - Grants immunity to by Fire attacks ***

Venonat, Venomoth
Through Goggle - All pokemon that appear within a thread with the holder have their ability suppressed and rendered useless (This includes the holder, allies of the holder, foes, and all wild pokemon encountered. Must have permission of other thread members to activate.) ***
Venomoth Bow - Grants immunity to Rock attacks ***

Diglett, Dugtrio
Diglett Tophat - All pokemon that appear within a thread with the holder have their ability suppressed and rendered useless (This includes the holder, allies of the holder, foes, and all wild pokemon encountered. Must have permission of other thread members to activate.) ***
Dugtrio Bow - Grants immunity to Grass attacks ***

Meowth, Persian
Meowth Claw - Boosts Attack and reduces the Energy cost of every other Pokemon rolled by 1. *
Meowth Fang - Boosts Evasion and reduces the Energy cost of every other Pokemon rolled by 1. *
Coin Charm - Reduces the Energy cost of Pokemon rolled by 1. **
Profit Ruff Automatic +5 Energy bonus on second post when starting threads (this is to avoid people misunderstanding the effect and using it to try and enter dungeons over their energy level. It can only activate once per thread created.) ***
Persian Claw - Boosts Special Attack and reduces the Energy cost of every other Pokemon rolled by 1. 5 *
Persian Fang - Boosts Accuracy and reduces the Energy cost of every other Pokemon rolled by 1. *
Insight Rock - Reduces the Energy cost of Pokemon rolled by 1. **
Noble Scarf - Grants immunity to Fighting moves ***

Psyduck, Golduck
Psyduck Tophat - Evasiveness +2 if weather is Clear ***
Web Scarf - Grants immunity to Electric attacks ***

Mankey, Primeape
Mankey Torc - Attacker may go into Cringing state ***
Rebel Belt - Grants immunity to Grass attacks ***

Growlithe, Arcanine
Growli-Scarf - Pokemon with rolls that cause them to drop to 0 Energy will endure will retain 1 Energy, provided they had 5 Energy or more before they rolled. ***
Legend Bow - Grants immunity to Water attacks ***

Poliwag, Poliwhirl, Poliwrath, Politoed
Wet Bow - Evasiveness +2 if weather is Rainy ***
Poliwh-Bow - Attacker may go into Confused state ***
Tough Belt - Grants immunity to Flying attacks ***
Rain Crown - Grants immunity to Electric attacks ***

Abra, Kadabra, Alakazam
Foretell Torc - When physically attacked, attacker may have one of it's moves sealed.  ***
Psychic Torc - May seal one of the attacker's moves **
Sparkle Ruff - Grants immunity to Dark attacks ***

Machop, Machoke, Machamp
Naughty Band - Will not receive critical hits ***
Strong Belt -  All pokemon that appear within a thread with the holder have their ability suppressed and rendered useless (This includes the holder, allies of the holder, foes, and all wild pokemon encountered. Must have permission of other thread members to activate.) ***
Machamp Belt - Grants immunity to Psychic attacks ***

Bellsprout, Weepinbell, Victreebel
Bellspro-Bow - All pokemon that appear within a thread with the holder have their ability suppressed and rendered useless (This includes the holder, allies of the holder, foes, and all wild pokemon encountered. Must have permission of other thread members to activate.)
Digest Scarf - Same effect as Cheek Pouch, adds +5 Energy to all berries/apples consumed ***
Victree-Torc - Grants immunity to Fire attacks ***

Tentacool, Tentacruel
Wrap Bow - Attacker may go into Leg Hold state ***
Tentac-Cloak - Grants immunity to Psychic attacks ***

Geodude, Graveler, Golem
Geodude Torc - HP recovers quicker on walking ***
Rockveil Torc - Halves damage of Explosion and Self-destruct ***
Rugged Sash - Grants immunity to Grass attacks ***

Ponyta, Rapidash
Hot Bow - All pokemon that appear within a thread with the holder have their ability suppressed and rendered useless (This includes the holder, allies of the holder, foes, and all wild pokemon encountered. Must have permission of other thread members to activate.)
Sunlight Bow - Grants immunity to Water attacks ***

Slowpoke, Slowbro, Slowking
Slowpoke Hat - Pokemon with rolls that cause them to drop to 0 Energy will endure will retain 1 Energy, provided they had 5 Energy or more before they rolled. ***
Slowbro Scarf - Grants immunity to Dark attacks ***
King Hat - All pokemon that appear within a thread with the holder have their ability suppressed and rendered useless (This includes the holder, allies of the holder, foes, and all wild pokemon encountered. Must have permission of other thread members to activate.) ***

Magnemite, Magneton, Magnezone
Magnem-Torc - Will not be paralyzed ***
Magnet-Bow - Evasiveness +2 if weather is Cloudy ***
Base Sash - Grants immunity to Ground attacks ***

Critical Bow - Hits Ghosts with Normal and Fighting moves stronger ***

Doduo, Dodrio
Pal Bow - All pokemon that appear within a thread with the holder have their ability suppressed and rendered useless (This includes the holder, allies of the holder, foes, and all wild pokemon encountered. Must have permission of other thread members to activate.) ***
Will Bow - Grants immunity to Rock attacks ***

Seel, Dewgong
Gentle Bow -All pokemon that appear within a thread with the holder have their ability suppressed and rendered useless (This includes the holder, allies of the holder, foes, and all wild pokemon encountered. Must have permission of other thread members to activate.) *** Trade any 5 Species Items
Northern Torc - Grants immunity to Rock attacks ***

Grimer, Muk
Sticky Scarf - Attacker may go into Blinker state ***
Sticky Bow - Grants immunity to Psychic attacks ***

Shellder, Cloyster
Shellder Torc - Evasiveness +2 if weather is Rainy ***
Shell Armor - Grants immunity to Rock attacks ***

Gastly, Haunter, Gengar
Gastly Veil - Evasiveness +2 if weather is Foggy ***
Slip Scarf - All pokemon that appear within a thread with the holder have their ability suppressed and rendered useless (This includes the holder, allies of the holder, foes, and all wild pokemon encountered. Must have permission of other thread members to activate.) ***
Black Sunglasses - Grants immunity to Ghost attacks ***

Onix, Steelix
Coil Brooch - Halves damage of Explosion and Self-destruct ***
Quartz Torc - Grants immunity to Ground attacks ***

Drowzee, Hypno
Drowzee Tie - Attacker may go into Sleep state ***
Dream Coin - Grants immunity to Dark attacks ***

Krabby, Kingler
Krabby Bow - HP recovers quicker on walking ***
Superb Sash - Grants immunity to Electric attacks ***

Voltorb, Electrode
Ball Scarf - Halves damage of Explosion and Self-destruct ***
Electro-Bow - Grants immunity to Ground attacks ***

Exeggcute, Exeggutor
Reject Scarf - Moves cannot be Sealed ***
Exegg-Sash - Grants immunity to Bug attacks ***

Cubone, Marowak
Cubone   Scarf - All pokemon that appear within a thread with the holder have   their ability suppressed and rendered useless (This includes the  holder,  allies of the holder, foes, and all wild pokemon encountered.  Must have  permission of other thread members to activate.) ***
Marowak Torc - Grants immunity to Grass attacks ***

Tyrogue, Hitmonlee, Hitmonchan, Hitmontop
Tyro-Sweat - Boosts Attack and reduces the Energy cost of every other Pokemon rolled by 1. *
Tyro-Card - Boosts Evasion and reduces the Energy cost of every other Pokemon rolled by 1. *
Muscle Charm - Reduces the Energy cost of Pokemon rolled by 1. **
Pep Sash - When rolling in dungeons, the holder will endure with 1 Energy   if the rolls completely deplete their Energy, provided they had more   than 5 Energy while they rolled. ***
Heroic Medal - Hits ghost types with Normal and Fighting moves easier (Tyrogue Only) ***
Counter Ruff - Counters some damage of special attacks (Hitmonlee Only) ***
Victory Belt - Disables one attack of attacking foe (Hitmonchan Only) ***
Powerful Bangle - Neglects Reflect and Light Screen of foes (Hitmontop Only) ***

Lickitung, Lickilicky
Lick Scarf Encounters Kecleon Stores easier ***
Flabby Belt - Grants Immunity to Fighting attacks ***

Koffing, Weezing
Koffing Bow - Attacker may go into Blinker state ***
Weezing Scarf - Grants immunity Psychic attacks ***

Rhyhorn, Rhydon, Rhyperior
Tough Shield - Halves damage of Explosion and Self-destruct ***
Charge Drill - Ignores Reflect and Light Screen ***
Rhype-Torc - Grants immunity to Grass attacks ***

Happiny, Chansey, Blissey
Happiny Dew - Boosts Special Attack and reduces the Energy cost of every other Pokemon rolled by 1. *
Happiny - Boosts Critical Hit ratio and reduces the Energy cost of every other Pokemon rolled by 1.*
Play Tag - Reduces the Energy cost of Pokemon rolled by 1. **
Nature   Cape - When rolling in dungeons, the holder will endure with 1 Energy   if the rolls completely deplete their Energy, provided they had more   than 5 Energy while they rolled. ***
White Jewel - Increases chance of getting Exclusive and rare items from chests, but also creates dud roles.***
Chansey Song - Boosts Special Attack and reduces the Energy cost of every other Pokemon rolled by 1 *
Chansey Card - Boosts Evasion and reduces the Energy cost of every other Pokemon rolled by 1*
Lucky Charm - Reduces the Energy cost of Pokemon rolled by 1. **
Lucky Scarf - All pokemon that appear within a thread with the holder have   their ability suppressed and rendered useless (This includes the  holder,  allies of the holder, foes, and all wild pokemon encountered.  Must have  permission of other thread members to activate.)
Blissey Song - Boosts Special Attack and reduces the Energy cost of every other Pokemon rolled by 1 *
Blissey Card - Boosts Accuracy and reduces the Energy cost of every other Pokemon rolled by 1 *
Amity Rock - Reduces the Energy cost of Pokemon rolled by 1. **
Faith Ring - Grants immunity to Fighting moves ***

Tangela, Tangrowth
Tangle Bow - Attacker may go into Leg Hold state ***
Cling Bow - Grants immunity to Fire attacks ***

Kangas-Apron   - All pokemon that appear within a thread with the holder have their   ability suppressed and rendered useless (This includes the holder,   allies of the holder, foes, and all wild pokemon encountered. Must have   permission of other thread members to activate.) ***

Horsea, Seadra, Kingdra
Horsea Bow - Attacker may go into Blinker state ***
Whirl Scarf - Speed +1 if weather is Rainy ***
Tornado Bow - Grants immunity to Dragon attacks ***

Goldeen, Seaking
Goldeen Bow - Speed +1 if weather is Rainy ***
Seaking Bow - Grants immunity to Electric attacks ***

Staryu, Starmie
Revive Torc - +1 more energy gain per page ***
Starmie Belt - Grants immunity to Dark attacks ***

Mime Jr., Mr. Mime
Junior Beam - Boosts Special Attack and reduces the Energy cost of every other Pokemon rolled by 1. *
Junior Card - Boosts Critical Hit ratio and reduces the Energy cost of every other Pokemon rolled by 1. *
Mimic Pebble - Reduces the Energy cost of Pokemon rolled by 1. **
Copy   Mask - When rolling in dungeons, the holder will endure with 1 Energy   if the rolls completely deplete their Energy, provided they had more   than 5 Energy while they rolled. ***
Purple Jewel - Hits Dark types with Psychic moves easier ***
Mime Key - Boosts Special Attack and reduces the Energy cost of every other Pokemon rolled by 1. *
Mime Card - Boosts Critical Hit ratio and reduces the Energy cost of every other Pokemon rolled by 1. *
Bulwark Rock - Reduces the Energy cost of Pokemon rolled by 1. **
Barrier Bow - Grants immunity Dark moves ***

Scyther, Scizor
Scyther Fang - Boosts Attack and reduces the Energy cost of every other Pokemon rolled by 1. *
Scyther Card - Boosts Critical Hit ratio and reduces the Energy cost of every other Pokemon rolled by 1. *
Ambush Rock - Reduces the Energy cost of Pokemon rolled by 1.**
Strike   Ruff - All Pokemon that appear within a thread with the holder have   their ability suppressed and rendered useless (This includes the  holder,  allies of the holder, foes, and all wild Pokemon encountered.  Must have  permission of other thread members to activate.) ***
Scizor Wing - Boosts Attack and reduces the Energy cost of every other Pokemon rolled by 1. *
Scizor Card - Boosts Critical Hit ratio and reduces the Energy cost of every other Pokemon rolled by 1. *
Steel Charm - Reduces the Energy cost of Pokemon rolled by 1 **
Red Armlet - Grants immunity to Fire moves ***

Smoochum, Jynx
Smooch-Song - Boosts Special Attack and reduces the Energy cost of every other Pokemon rolled by 1. *
Smooch-Card- Boosts Critical Hit ratio and reduces the Energy cost of every other Pokemon rolled by 1. *
Kiss Charm - Boosts Special Attack by 5 & Special Defense by 3 **
Heart Tiara - May put foe into Attract status by Attack ***
Chic Shard - Hits dark types with psychic moves easier***
Jynx Song - Boosts Special Attack and reduces the Energy cost of every other Pokemon rolled by 1. *
Jynx Card - Boosts Speed and reduces the Energy cost of every other Pokemon rolled by 1. *
Frozen Ore - Reduces the Energy cost of Pokemon rolled by 1. **
Ruin Scarf - Grants immunity to Dark moves ***

Elekid, Electabuzz, Electivire
Elekid Claw - Boosts Attack and reduces the Energy cost of every other Pokemon rolled by 1.*
Elekid Card - Boosts Evasion and reduces the Energy cost of every other Pokemon rolled by 1.*
Jolt Charm - Reduces the Energy cost of Pokemon rolled by 1. **
Current   Ring - All Pokemon that appear within a thread with the holder have   their ability suppressed and rendered useless (This includes the  holder,  allies of the holder, foes, and all wild Pokemon encountered.  Must have  permission of other thread members to activate.) ***
Yellow Jewel - Grants a +5 Energy boost on second post after starting a new thread. (Only activates once per thread.) ***
Electa-Claw - Boosts Attack and reduces the Energy cost of every other Pokemon rolled by 1. *
Electa-Fang - Boosts Attack and reduces the Energy cost of every other Pokemon rolled by 1. *
Charge Seal - Reduces the Energy cost of Pokemon rolled by 1. **
Volt Bangle - Prevents Paralysis status ***
Electi-Claw - Boosts Attack and reduces the Energy cost of every other Pokemon rolled by 1. *
Electivire Card - Boosts Critical Hit Ratio and reduces the Energy cost of every other Pokemon rolled by 1. *
Voltaic Rock - Reduces the Energy cost of Pokemon rolled by 1. **
Voltaic Band - Grants immunity to Ground moves ***

Magby, Magmar, Magmortar
Magby Claw - Boosts Attack and reduces the Energy cost of every other Pokemon rolled by 1. *
Magby Card - Boosts Critical Hit ratio and reduces the Energy cost of every other Pokemon rolled by 1. *
Ember Jewel - Reduces the Energy cost of Pokemon rolled by 1. **
Fire   Torc - All Pokemon that appear within a thread with the holder have   their ability suppressed and rendered useless (This includes the  holder,  allies of the holder, foes, and all wild Pokemon encountered.  Must have  permission of other thread members to activate.) ***
Red Jewel - Grants a +5 Energy boost on second post after starting a new thread. (Only activates once per thread.) ***
Magmar Claw - Boosts Attack and reduces the Energy cost of every other Pokemon rolled by 1. *
Magmar Card - Boosts Evasion and reduces the Energy cost of every other Pokemon rolled by 1. *
Erupt Ore - Reduces the Energy cost of Pokemon rolled by 1. **
Magma Scarf - Raises movement speed in Sunny weather ***
Magmor-Claw - Boosts Attack and reduces the Energy cost of every other Pokemon rolled by 1. *
Magmor-Card - Boosts Accuracy and reduces the Energy cost of every other Pokemon rolled by 1. *
Vulcan Rock - Reduces the Energy cost of Pokemon rolled by 1. **
Burning Torc - Grants immunity to Water moves ***

Pinsir Sash - Ignores Reflect and Light Screen ***

Dash Bow - Counters same damage to attacker's physical move ***

Magikarp, Gyarados
Magik-Bow   - All pokemon that appear within a thread with the holder have their   ability suppressed and rendered useless (This includes the holder,   allies of the holder, foes, and all wild pokemon encountered. Must have   permission of other thread members to activate.) ***
Storm Sash - Grants immunity to Electric attacks ***

Lapras Song - Boosts Special Attack and reduces the Energy cost of every other Pokemon rolled by 1 *
Lapras Card - Boosts Critical Hit ratio and reduces the Energy cost of every other Pokemon rolled by 1 *
Wavy Charm - Receives no damage from explosions **
Mystic Scarf - Immunity to Fighting-type attacks. ***

Ditto   Torc - All pokemon that appear within a thread with the holder have   their ability suppressed and rendered useless (This includes the  holder,  allies of the holder, foes, and all wild pokemon encountered.  Must have  permission of other thread members to activate.) ***

Eevee, Vaporeon, Jolteon, Flareon, Espeon, Umbreon, Leafeon, Glaceon, Sylveon
Eevee Tail - Boosts Attack and reduces the Energy cost of every other Pokemon rolled by 1. *
Eevee Card - Boosts Special Attack and reduces the Energy cost of every other Pokemon rolled by 1. *
Evolve Charm - Reduces the Energy cost of Pokemon rolled by 1. **
Prism Ruff - Can hit ghost types with normal type moves (Eevee Only) ***
Aqua Collar - Immunity to Grass-type attacks (Vaporeon Only) ***
Volt Collar - Can hit Ground types with Electric-type moves (Jolteon Only) ***
Fire Collar - Immunity to Rock-type attacks (Flareon only) ***
Light Collar - Immunity to Ghost type attacks (Espeon Only) ***
Dusk Collar - Immunity to Fairy type attacks (Umbreon Only) ***
Virid Collar - Immunity to Ice-type attacks (Leafeon Only) ***
Icy Collar - Immunity to Rock-Type attacks (Glaceon Only) ***
Lovely Collar - Immunity to Steel Type attacks (Sylveon Only) ***

Porygon, Porygon2, Porygon-Z
IT Brooch - Changes to type that is resistant to received attack (once per thread) ***
Virtual Bow - All pokemon that appear within a thread with the holder have   their ability suppressed and rendered useless (This includes the  holder,  allies of the holder, foes, and all wild pokemon encountered.  Must have  permission of other thread members to activate.) ***
Fit Scarf - Can hit Ghost-types with Normal-type move ***

Omanyte, Omastar
Spike Brooch - Ignores Reflect and Light Screen ***
Ancient Scarf - Grants immunity to Grass attacks ***

Kabuto, Kabutops
Kabuto Hat - Attacker may go into Confused state ***
Kabut-Torc - Grants immunity to Grass attacks ***

Rare Brooch - All pokemon that appear within a thread with the holder have   their ability suppressed and rendered useless (This includes the  holder,  allies of the holder, foes, and all wild pokemon encountered.  Must have  permission of other thread members to activate.) ***

Munchlax, Snorlax
Munch-Claw - Boosts Attack and reduces the Energy cost of every other Pokemon rolled by 1. *
Munch-Drool - Boosts Special Attack and reduces the Energy cost of every other Pokemon rolled by 1. *
Tummy Charm - Reduces the Energy cost of Pokemon rolled by 1. **
Glutton Cape - Grants a +5 Energy boost on second post after starting a new thread. (Only activates once per thread.) ***
Snorlax Gasp - Boosts Special Attack and reduces the Energy cost of every other Pokemon rolled by 1. *
Snorlax Fang - Boosts Attack and reduces the Energy cost of every other Pokemon rolled by 1. *
Valor Charm - Reduces the Energy cost of Pokemon rolled by 1. **
Glee Scarf - Grants immunity to Fighting moves ***

Dratini, Dragonair, Dragonite
Dragon Sash - Evasiveness +2 if weather is Clear ***
Sky Mantle - Grants a +5 Energy boost on second post after starting a new thread. (Only activates once per thread.) ***
Mirage Cloak - Grants immunity to Ice attacks ***

Last edited by FoxFireAlchemist on Mon Aug 27, 2018 10:48 pm; edited 2 times in total
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The Exclusive Item System Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Exclusive Item System   The Exclusive Item System EmptySat Apr 11, 2015 3:43 am

Johto Species-Based Exclusive Items

[*Rarity*] *Name of Item* - *Effect*

Chikorita, Bayleef, Meganium
Chiko-Claw - May inflict attackers with Leg Hold status *
Chiko-Card - Boosts Critical Hit ratio and reduces the Energy cost of every other Pokemon rolled by 1. *
Dawn Jewel - Subtract 1 Energy from every other pokemon rolled as well as raises Defense. **
Fresh Bow - Automatic +5 Energy bonus on second post when starting threads (this is to avoid people misunderstanding the effect and using it to try and enter dungeons over their energy level. It can only activate once per thread created.) ***
Bayleef Claw - When knocked out, may cure a party member's status *
Bayleef Card - Boosts Accuracy and reduces the Energy cost of every other Pokemon rolled by 1. *
Bayleef Seal - Subtract 1 Energy from every other pokemon rolled as well as raises Attack. **
Spice Bow - Same effect as Big Root. ***
Megani-Claw - May inflict attackers with paralysis status *
Megani-Card - Boosts Evasiveness and reduces the Energy cost of every other Pokemon rolled by 1. *
Shiny Charm - Subtract 1 Energy from every other pokemon rolled as well as raises Special Attack. **
Bright Veil - Immunity to fire moves ***

Cyndaquil, Quilava, Typhlosion
Cynda-Claw - Boosts Critical Hit ratio and reduces the Energy cost of every other Pokemon rolled by 1. *
Cynda-Hair - May inflict foe with Burn status. **
Blazing Rock - Subtract 1 Energy from every other pokemon rolled as well as raises Special Attack. **
Storm Sash - Automatic +5 Energy bonus on second post when starting threads (this is to avoid people misunderstanding the effect and using it to try and enter dungeons over their energy level. It can only activate once per thread created.) ***
Quila-Hair - Subtract 1 Energy from all pokemon rolls. *
Quila-Card - Boosts Accuracy and reduces the Energy cost of every other Pokemon rolled by 1. *
Quila-Crest - Subtract 1 Energy from all pokemon rolls. **
Volcano Torc - Pokemon with rolls that cause them to drop to 0 Energy will endure will retain 1 Energy, provided they had 5 Energy or more before they rolled ***
Typhlo-Fang - Boosts Evasiveness and reduces the Energy cost of every other Pokemon rolled by 1. *
Typhlo-Gasp - May inflict foe with Petrified status *
Typhlo-Seal - May inflict foe with Paused status **
Blast Bangle - Immunity to Water attacks ***

Totodile, Croconaw, Feraligatr
Totodi-Dew - Boosts Critical Hit ratio and reduces the Energy cost of every other Pokemon rolled by 1. *
Totodi-Fang - May inflict enrage status when attacked *
Water Heart - Subtract 1 Energy from every other pokemon rolled as well as raises specified attack power. **
Wash Bow - Automatic +5 Energy bonus on second post when starting threads (this is to avoid people misunderstanding the effect and using it to try and enter dungeons over their energy level. It can only activate once per thread created.) ***
Croco-Fang - Boosts Accuracy and reduces the Energy cost of every other Pokemon rolled by 1. *
Croco-Card - Subtract 1 Energy from all pokemon rolls.*
Swirl Rock - Subtract 1 Energy from every other pokemon rolled as well as raises Attack. **
Anger Scarf - All pokemon that appear within a thread with the holder have their ability suppressed and rendered useless (This includes the holder, allies of the holder, foes, and all wild pokemon encountered. Must have permission of other thread members to activate.) ***
Feral-Claw - Boosts Evasiveness and reduces the Energy cost of every other Pokemon rolled by 1. *
Feral-Fang - Pokemon with rolls that cause them to drop to 0 Energy will endure will retain 1 Energy, provided they had 5 Energy or more before they rolled. ***
Feral-Crest - May inflict foe with Cringe status **
Hydro Jaw - Immunity to electric moves ***

Sentret, Furret
Sentret Ruff - +1 Energy per page ***
Body Collar - Immunity to Fighting attacks. ***

Hoothoot, Noctowl
Read Scope - Hits Ghosts with Normal and Fighting moves stronger and regains two energy from ghost type encounters pokemon ***
Noctowl Torc - Immunity to Rock attacks. ***

Ledyba, Ledian
Morning Bow - +1 Energy per page ***
Ledian Bow - Immunity to Rock attacks. ***

Spinarak, Ariados
Spina-Scarf - Same effect as Cheek Pouch, adds +5 Energy to all berries/apples consumed ***
Ariad-Bow - Immunity to Rock attacks ***

Chinchou, Lanturn
Flash Torc - Attacker may go into Paralysis state ***
Lanturn Bow -Immunity to Ground attacks ***

Togepi, Togetic, Togekiss
Togepi Dew - May inflict sleep status when attacked. *
Togepi Card - Boosts Evasiveness and reduces the Energy cost of every other Pokemon rolled by 1. * *
Pure Heart - Subtract 1 Energy from every other pokemon rolled as well as raises Special Attack. **
Angel Scarf - Automatic +5 Energy bonus on second post when starting threads (this is to avoid people misunderstanding the effect and using it to try and enter dungeons over their energy level. It can only activate once per thread created.) ***
Egg Shard - All pokemon that appear within a thread with the holder have their ability suppressed and rendered useless (This includes the holder, allies of the holder, foes, and all wild pokemon encountered. Must have permission of other thread members to activate.) (Togepi Only) ***
Togetic Wing - May inflict charm status when attacked. *
Togetic Card - Subtract 1 Energy from all pokemon rolls. *
Happy Rock - Subtract 1 Energy from every other pokemon rolled as well as raises Special Attack. **
Luck Brooch - All pokemon that appear within a thread with the holder have their ability suppressed and rendered useless (This includes the holder, allies of the holder, foes, and all wild pokemon encountered. Must have permission of other thread members to activate.) ***
Togek-Wing - Boosts Critical hit ratio and reduces the Energy cost of every other Pokemon rolled by 1.*
Togek-Card - Boosts Accuracy and reduces the Energy cost of every other Pokemon rolled by 1. * *
Ovation Rock - Subtract 1 Energy from every other pokemon rolled as well as raises Attack. **
Glitter Robe - Immunity to Electric attacks. ***

Natu, Xatu
Lively Scarf - All pokemon that appear within a thread with the holder have their ability suppressed and rendered useless (This includes the holder, allies of the holder, foes, and all wild pokemon encountered. Must have permission of other thread members to activate.) *** T
Xatu Bow - Immunity to Rock type attacks ***

Mareep, Flaaffy, Ampharos
Wool Bow - Will not sleep ***
Wool Scarf - All pokemon that appear within a thread with the holder have their ability suppressed and rendered useless (This includes the holder, allies of the holder, foes, and all wild pokemon encountered. Must have permission of other thread members to activate.) ***
Sacred Scarf - Immunity to Ground attacks ***

Azurill, Marill, Azumarill
Azuri-Dew - Boosts Evasiveness and reduces the Energy cost of every other Pokemon rolled by 1. *
Azuri-Card - may inflict Safeguard status upon recieving a status affliction. * *
Fount Charm - Subtract 1 Energy from every other pokemon rolled as well as raises special attack. **
Water Float - All pokemon that appear within a thread with the holder have their ability suppressed and rendered useless (This includes the holder, allies of the holder, foes, and all wild pokemon encountered. Must have permission of other thread members to activate.) ***
Blue Jewel - Automatic +5 Energy bonus on second post when starting threads (this is to avoid people misunderstanding the effect and using it to try and enter dungeons over their energy level. It can only activate once per thread created.) (Azurill Only) ***
Marill Dew - may inflict Reflect status upon being attacked Physically. * *
Marill Card - may inflict Light Screen status upon being attacked Specially. *
Surfer Rock - +1 Energy per page **
Brine Scarf - May put foe into infatuated status by Attack by 5 ***
Azuma-Dew - Boosts Critical hit ratio and reduces the Energy cost of every other Pokemon rolled by 1.*
Azuma-Card - may inflict Protect status upon being attacked physically. *
Stream Charm - Subtract 1 Energy from all pokemon rolls. **
Dotted Scarf - Immunity to electric moves ***

Bonsly, Sudowoodo
Bonsly Dew - Boosts Special Attack and reduces the Energy cost of every other Pokemon rolled by 1. *
Bonsly Card - Subtract 1 Energy from all pokemon rolls. *
Arid Tag - Boosts Boosts Special Attack and Special Defense reduces the Energy cost of every other Pokemon rolled by 1. **
Teary Cape - Prevents critical hits ***
Guard Sand - Automatic +5 Energy bonus on second post when starting threads (this is to avoid people misunderstanding the effect and using it to try and enter dungeons over their energy level. It can only activate once per thread created.) (Bonsly only) ***
Sudo-Sweat - Boosts Attack and reduces the Energy cost of every other Pokemon rolled by 1. *
Sudo-Card - Subtract 1 Energy from all pokemon rolls. *
Drain Rock - Boosts Special Attack and Special Defense reduces the Energy cost of every other Pokemon rolled by 1. **
Fake Torc - Immunity from Steel attacks ***

Hoppip, Skiploom, Jumpluff
Breeze Bow - Evasiveness +2 if weather is Sunny ***
Skiploom Scarf - Evasiveness +2 if weather is Sunny ***
Cotton Torc HP - Immunity to Ice type attacks ***

Aipom, Ambipom
Return Ruff - +1 Energy per page ***
Ambipom Bow - immunity to Fighting type attacks ***

Sunkern, Sunflora
Hasty Bow - Evasiveness +2 if weather is Sunny ***
Solar Scarf - Immunity to Fire Types. ***

Yanma, Yanmega
Hasty Bow - Evasiveness +2 if weather is Sunny ***
Solar Scarf - Immunity to Fire Types. ***

Wooper, Quagsire
Wooper Bow - Evasiveness +2 if weather is Sunny ***
Quagsire Torc - Immunity to Grass attacks. ***

Murkrow, Honchkrow
Murkrow Tophat - May seal one of the attacker's moves ***
Honch-Cloak - Immunity to Electric attacks. ***

Misdreavus, Mismagius
Misdre-Cape - Attacker may go into Perish Song state ***
Spell Tophat - Immunity to Ghost attacks. ***

Code Sash - Attacker may go into Confused state ***

Wynaut, Wobbuffet
Wynaut Tail - Boosts Critical Hit ratio and reduces the Energy cost of every other Pokemon rolled by 1. *
Wynaut Card - May inflict Protect status when attacked with a physical move.
Grin Charm - Subtract 1 Energy from every other pokemon rolled as well as raises Special Attack. **
Cheery Scarf - Automatic +5 Energy bonus on second post when starting threads (this is to avoid people misunderstanding the effect and using it to try and enter dungeons over their energy level. It can only activate once per thread created.) ***
Laugh Dust - Higher chance of rolling rare(does not include event-only items, applies to on-site items that the pokemon does not have access to. Also only applies to low-level pokemon/pokemon with at least 1 dungeon above their energy level; excludes The Sacred Lands completely.) items/Exclusive Items, but also adds dud rolls (Plain Seeds, Empty Boxes, Grimy Food, ect.) as possible outcomes. (Wynaut only) ***
Wobbu-Sweat - May inflict Light Screen status when attacked with a physical move.*
Wobbu-Card - May inflict Reflect status when attacked with a physical move.*
Endure Rock - Subtract 1 Energy from every other pokemon rolled as well as raises Attack. **
Endure Scarf - Gain Immunity to Dark attacks. ***

Reverse Bow - Attacker may go into Confused state ***

Pineco, Forretress
Strong Bow - Automatic +5 Energy bonus on second post when starting threads (this is to avoid people misunderstanding the effect and using it to try and enter dungeons over their energy level. It can only activate once per thread created.) ***
Hard Poncho - Gain Immunity to Flying attacks. ***

Runaway Scarf - Pokemon with rolls that cause them to drop to 0 Energy will endure will retain 1 Energy, provided they had 5 Energy or more before they rolled. ***

Gligar, Gliscor
Flee Ruff - Pokemon with rolls that cause them to drop to 0 Energy will endure will retain 1 Energy, provided they had 5 Energy or more before they rolled. ***
Gliscor Cloak - Immunity to Ice type attacks ***

Snubbull, Granbull
Snubbull Cape - All pokemon that appear within a thread with the holder have their ability suppressed and rendered useless (This includes the holder, allies of the holder, foes, and all wild pokemon encountered. Must have permission of other thread members to activate.) ***
Stern Sash - Immunity to Fighting attacks ***

Qwilfi-Bow - All pokemon that appear within a thread with the holder have their ability suppressed and rendered useless (This includes the holder, allies of the holder, foes, and all wild pokemon encountered. Must have permission of other thread members to activate.) ***

Shuckle Bow - Same effect as Cheek Pouch, adds +5 Energy to all berries/apples consumed ***

Horn Torc -All pokemon that appear within a thread with the holder have their ability suppressed and rendered useless (This includes the holder, allies of the holder, foes, and all wild pokemon encountered. Must have permission of other thread members to activate.) ***

Sneasel, Weavile
Sneasel Claw - Boosts Attack and reduces the Energy cost of every other Pokemon rolled by 1. *
Sneasel Card - Boosts Critical Hit ratio and reduces the Energy cost of every other Pokemon rolled by 1. *
Dusk Jewel - Reduces the Energy cost of Pokemon rolled by 1. **
Cruel Ring - May inflict foe with Cowering Status ***
Weavile Claw - Boosts Attack and reduces the Energy cost of every other Pokemon rolled by 1. *
Weavile Fang - Boosts Evasion and reduces the Energy cost of every other Pokemon rolled by 1. *
Vile Tag - Reduces the Energy cost of Pokemon rolled by 1.**
Ruin Armlet - Grants immunity to Fighting moves ***

Teddiursa, Ursaring
Teddi-Claw - Boosts Critical Hit ratio and reduces the Energy cost of every other Pokemon rolled by 1. *
Teddi-Card - Boosts Evasiveness and reduces the Energy cost of every other Pokemon rolled by 1.*
Honey Rock - Subtract 1 Energy from every other pokemon rolled as well as raises Attack. **
Heal Scarf - +1 Energy per page***
Ursa-Claw - Boosts Accuracy and reduces the Energy cost of every other Pokemon rolled by 1.*
Ursa-Fang - May inflict petrified status on attackers *
Calming Rock - Automatic +5 Energy bonus on second post when starting threads (this is to avoid people misunderstanding the effect and using it to try and enter dungeons over their energy level. It can only activate once per thread created.)
Hiber Scarf - Immunity to Fighting moves ***

Slugma, Magcargo
Lava Bow - Pokemon with rolls that cause them to drop to 0 Energy will endure will retain 1 Energy, provided they had 5 Energy or more before they rolled. ***
Blaze Scarf - Immunity to Water attacks ***

Swinub, Piloswine, Mamoswine
Freeze Bow - Pokemon with rolls that cause them to drop to 0 Energy will endure will retain 1 Energy, provided they had 5 Energy or more before they rolled. ***
Freeze Torc - Attacker may go into Frozen state ***
Glacier Cloak - Immunity to Steel attacks ***

Spike Brooch - Will not receive damage from weather ***

Remoraid, Octillery
Reach Bow - Obscure shit ***
Psy Bow - Gives immunity to electric type attacks. ***

Mystic Brooch - Higher chance of rolling rare(does not include event-only items, applies to on-site items that the pokemon does not have access to. Also only applies to low-level pokemon/pokemon with at least 1 dungeon above their energy level; excludes The Sacred Lands completely.) items/Exclusive Items, but also adds dud rolls (Plain Seeds, Empty Boxes, Grimy Food, ect.) as possible outcomes.l ***

Mantyke, Mantine
Mantyke Beam - Boosts Special Attack and reduces the Energy cost of every other Pokemon rolled by 1 *
Mantyke Card - Boosts Critical Hit ratio and reduces the Energy cost of every other Pokemon rolled by 1 *
Waft Rock - Reduces the Energy cost of Pokemon rolled by 1. **
Ocean Bow - Automatic +5 Energy bonus on second post when starting threads (this is to avoid people misunderstanding the effect and using it to try and enter dungeons over their energy level. It can only activate once per thread created.) ***
Heal Dew - +1 Energy per Page ***
Mantine Foam - Boosts Special Attack and reduces the Energy cost of every other Pokemon rolled by 1 *
Mantine Card - Boosts Evasion and reduces the Energy cost of every other Pokemon rolled by 1 3 *
Sunset Rock - Reduces the Energy cost of Pokemon rolled by 1. **
Horizon Bow - Grants immunity to Electric moves ***

Skarm-Cloak - Automatic +5 Energy bonus on second post when starting threads (this is to avoid people misunderstanding the effect and using it to try and enter dungeons over their energy level. It can only activate once per thread created.) ***

Houndour, Houndoom
Dark Choker- May inflict attacking enemy with cringe status***
Pit Fang - Immunity to Fighting type ***

Phanpy, Donphan
Phanpy Claw - Boosts Critical Hit ratio and reduces the Energy cost of every other Pokemon rolled by 1. *
Phanpy Card - Boosts Evasiveness and reduces the Energy cost of every other Pokemon rolled by 1. *
Phanpy Tag - Subtract 1 Energy from every other pokemon rolled as well as raises Attack. **
Playful Ruff - All pokemon that appear within a thread with the holder have their ability suppressed and rendered useless (This includes the holder, allies of the holder, foes, and all wild pokemon encountered. Must have permission of other thread members to activate.)***
Donphan Claw - Subtract 1 Energy from every other pokemon rolled as well as raises Special Attack*
Donphan Card - May inflict self with Protect status when attacked physically *
Donphan Crest - Same effect as Cheek Pouch, adds +5 Energy to all berries/apples consumed
Armor Scarf - Immunity to Grass type attacks ***

Illusion Bow - Attacker may go into Confused state ***

Palette Scarf - All pokemon that appear within a thread with the holder have their ability suppressed and rendered useless (This includes the holder, allies of the holder, foes, and all wild pokemon encountered. Must have permission of other thread members to activate.) ***

Milky Scarf - +1 Energy per page ***

Larvitar, Pupitar, Tyranitar
Larvit-Bow - Attacker may go into Cringing state ***
Pupitar Scarf - Pokemon with rolls that cause them to drop to 0 Energy will endure will retain 1 Energy, provided they had 5 Energy or more before they rolled. ***
Ruin Claw - Immunity to Fighting attacks ***

Last edited by FoxFireAlchemist on Sat Apr 11, 2015 5:05 am; edited 1 time in total
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Moderator and Dark Ducklett Priestess

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The Exclusive Item System Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Exclusive Item System   The Exclusive Item System EmptySat Apr 11, 2015 5:01 am

Hoenn Species-Based Exclusive Items

[*Rarity*] *Name of Item* - *Effect*

Treecko, Grovyle, Sceptile
Treeck-Thorn - Boosts Attack and reduces the Energy cost of every other Pokemon rolled by 1 *
Treeck-Card - May inflict Sure-Shot status when Physically attacked *
Forest Ore - Boosts Attack and Special Defense reduces the Energy cost of every other Pokemon rolled by 1.**
Guard Ring - Automatic +5 Energy bonus on second post when starting threads (this is to avoid people misunderstanding the effect and using it to try and enter dungeons over their energy level. It can only activate once per thread created.)***
Grovy-Shoot - Boosts Accuracy and reduces the Energy cost of every other Pokemon rolled by 1. *
Grovy-Card - May inflict Cowering status on attackers *
Jungle Tag - Subtract 1 Energy from all pokemon rolls.**
Grass Blade - Same effect as Big Root. *** - [NOTE: Was originally a duplicate of Guard Ring, changed to promote diversity.]
Scept-Claw -  Boosts Critical Hit ratio and reduces the Energy cost of every other Pokemon rolled by 1* *
Scept-Card - Boosts Evasiveness and reduces the Energy cost of every other Pokemon rolled by 1.*
Scept-Seal - Subtract 1 Energy from all pokemon rolls **
Drain Bangle - Immunity to Fire attacks.***

Torchic, Combusken, Blaziken
Torchic Hair - Boosts Evasiveness and reduces the Energy cost of every other Pokemon rolled by 1. *
Torchic Card - May inflict Paused status on attackers *
Hot Pebble - Pokemon with rolls that cause them to drop to 0 Energy will endure will retain 1 Energy, provided they had 5 Energy or more before they rolled. ***
Fire Cape - Automatic +5 Energy bonus on second post when starting threads (this is to avoid people misunderstanding the effect and using it to try and enter dungeons over their energy level. It can only activate once per thread created.)***
Combus-Sweat -  Boosts Critical Hit ratio and reduces the Energy cost of every other Pokemon rolled by 1*
Combus-Claw -  Boosts Accuracy and reduces the Energy cost of every other Pokemon rolled by 1*
Charge Tag -  Subtract 1 Energy from every other pokemon rolled as well as raises Special Attack**
Gutsy Band - May put holder in Endure status when attacked***
Blazi-Claw - May inflict Burn status on attackers *
Blazi-Card - May inflict Cringing status on attackers *
Blazi-Seal  - Subtract 1 Energy from every other pokemon rolled as well as raises Attack.**
Blaze Torc - Immunity to water moves ***

Mudkip, Marshtomp, Swampert
Mudkip Mud - Boosts Evasiveness and reduces the Energy cost of every other Pokemon rolled by 1. *
Mudkip Card - Subtract 1 Energy from every other pokemon rolled*

Mud Jewel -  Subtract 1 Energy from every other pokemon rolled as well as raises defense.**
Speed Scarf - +1 Energy per page***
Marsh-Mud - Boosts Critical Hit ratio and reduces the Energy cost of every other Pokemon rolled by 1*
Marsh-Card - May inflict attacker with Cowering status*
Marsh-Crest - Subtract 1 Energy from every other pokemon rolled as well as raises attack. *
Marsh Torc - May afflict attacking foes with Whiffer status***
Swamp-Mud - Boosts Accuracy and reduces the Energy cost of every other Pokemon rolled by 1
Swamp-Card - Subtract 1 Energy from all pokemon rolls.*
Swamp-Seal - Subtract 1 Energy from every other pokemon rolled as well as raises special attack. *
Swamp Bangle - Immunity to grass moves***

Poochyena, Mightyena
Pooch-Pendant - Immunity to Bug Type ***        
Dark Jaw - Adds +3 Energy to all berries/apples consumed ***        
Zigzagoon, Linoone
Glad Scarf - Speed +1 if weather is Cloudy. ***
Linoo-Ruff - Immunity to Fighting attacks.  ***

Wurmple, Silcoon, Beautifly, Cascoon, Dustox
Wurmple Bow - Pokemon with rolls that cause them to drop to 0 Energy will endure will retain 1 Energy, provided they had 5 Energy or more before they rolled. ***
Tick Scarf - Will not receive critical hits.***
Bright Silk - Immunity to Rock attacks. ***  
Guard Bow - Will not receive damage from weather.***
Dustox Bow - Immunity to Psychic attacks. ***

Lotad, Lombre, Ludicolo
Pad Hat - Automatic +5 Energy bonus on second post when starting threads (this is to avoid people misunderstanding the effect and using it to try and enter dungeons over their energy level. It can only activate once per thread created.)     ***
Cheerful Scarf - Evasiveness +2 if weather is Rainy.***
Ludic-Tophat - Immunity to Bug attacks.***

Seedot, Nuzleaf, Shiftry
Seedot Tophat  Automatic +5 Energy bonus on second post when starting threads (this is to avoid people misunderstanding the effect and using it to try and enter dungeons over their energy level. It can only activate once per thread created.)***
Nuzleaf Bow - Immunity to Bug attacks. ***
Shiftry Belt - Evasiveness +2 if weather is Sunny.***

Taillow, Swellow
Taillow Bow - Pokemon with rolls that cause them to drop to 0 Energy will endure will retain 1 Energy, provided they had 5 Energy or more before they rolled.***
Sky Scarf - Immunity to Rock attacks.***

Wingull, Pelipper
Wingull Bow - All pokemon that appear within a thread with the holder have their ability suppressed and rendered useless (This includes the holder, allies of the holder, foes, and all wild pokemon encountered. Must have permission of other thread members to activate.)
Stock Scarf - Immunity to Electric attacks.***

Ralts, Kirlia, Gardevoir, Gallade
Sense Tophat - All pokemon that appear within a thread with the holder have their ability suppressed and rendered useless (This includes the holder, allies of the holder, foes, and all wild pokemon encountered. Must have permission of other thread members to activate.) ***
Magical Bow - Hits Dark types with Psychic moves and restores 2 energy when encountering dark type pokemon ***
Care Scarf - Immunity to Dark attacks ***
Gallant Torc - Immunity to Ghost attacks ***

Surskit, Masquerain
Bless Scarf - Speed +1 if weather is Rainy.***
Blow Bow - Immunity to Rock attacks.    ***

Shroomish, Breloom
Unparalyze Bow - Will not be paralyzed. ***
Disable Bow - Immunity to Flying attacks.      ***

Slakoth, Vigoroth, Slaking
Slakoth Scarf - Attacker may go into Sleep state.***
Will Sash -  Attacker may go into Sleep state.***
Lazy Ruff - Immunity to Fighting attacks.***

Nincada, Ninjask, Shedinja
Bottom Scarf - +1 Energy per page.***
Ninja Ruff - Immunity to Rock attacks.***
Wonder Mantle - Immunity to Ghost attacks.***

Whismur, Loudred, Shedinja
GoodEar Torc - All pokemon that appear within a thread with the holder have their ability suppressed and rendered useless (This includes the holder, allies of the holder, foes, and all wild pokemon encountered. Must have permission of other thread members to activate.)***
Nice Bangle - Will not sleep.***
Great Torc - Immunity to Fighting attacks.***

Makuhita, Hariyama
Makuhita Belt - Counters same damage to attacker's physical move.***
Thrust Strap - Immunity to Psychic attacks.***

Nosepass, Probopass
Nose Torc - Prevents Confusion.***
Probo Hat - Immunity to Fighting attacks.***

Skitty, Delcatty
Skitty Fang - May inflict foe with Charm status.*
Skitty Card - Boosts Critical Hit ratio and reduces the Energy cost of every other Pokemon rolled by 1. *
Smile Pebble - Subtract 1 Energy from every other pokemon rolled as well as raises Special Attack.**
Heal Pendant - +1 Energy per page.***
Delcat-Fang - Boosts Evasiveness and reduces the Energy cost of every other Pokemon rolled by 1.*
Delcat-Hair - Boosts Accuracy and reduces the Energy cost of every other Pokemon rolled by 1  *
Prism Pebble - Subtract 1 Energy from every other pokemon rolled as well as raises Special Attack. **
Guard Collar - Immunity to Fighting attacks.***

Sableye Lens - Attacker may go into Blinker state.***

Cheat Cap - May seal one of the attacker's moves.***

Aron, Lairon, Aggron
Iron Torc - Will not receive critical hits.***
Metal Bangle - Halves damage of Explosion and Self-destruct.***
Iron Helmet - Immunity to Fighting attacks.***

Meditite, Medicham
Vision Bow - Evasiveness +2 if weather is Clear.***
Meditate Sash - Immunity to Ghost attacks.***

Electrike, Manectric
Discharge Torc - Counters 1/4 damage to attacker's physical move.***
Protect Cap - Immunity to Ground attacks.***

Plusle Tail - Boosts Special Attack and reduces the Energy cost of every other Pokemon rolled by 1. *
Plusle Card - Boosts Critical Hit ratio and reduces the Energy cost of every other Pokemon rolled by 1. *
Cheer Rock - Pokemon with rolls that cause them to drop to 0 Energy will endure will retain 1 Energy, provided they had 5 Energy or more before they rolled.**
Plusle Bow - +1 Energy per page ***

Minun Tail - Subtract 1 Energy from every other pokemon rolled as well as raises Attack.*
Minun Card - Subtract 1 Energy from every other pokemon rolled as well as raises Special Attack. *
Volt Heart - Pokemon with rolls that cause them to drop to 0 Energy will endure will retain 1 Energy, provided they had 5 Energy or more before they rolled.**
Spark Tie -  All pokemon that appear within a thread with the holder have their ability suppressed and rendered useless (This includes the holder, allies of the holder, foes, and all wild pokemon encountered. Must have permission of other thread members to activate.)***

Neon Scarf - Higher chance of rolling rare(does not include event-only items, applies to on-site items that the pokemon does not have access to. Also only applies to low-level pokemon/pokemon with at least 1 dungeon above their energy level; excludes The Sacred Lands completely.) items/Exclusive Items, but also adds dud rolls (Plain Seeds, Empty Boxes, Grimy Food, ect.) as possible outcomes.***

Evening Bow - Higher chance of rolling rare(does not include event-only items, applies to on-site items that the pokemon does not have access to. Also only applies to low-level pokemon/pokemon with at least 1 dungeon above their energy level; excludes The Sacred Lands completely.) items/Exclusive Items, but also adds dud rolls (Plain Seeds, Empty Boxes, Grimy Food, ect.) as possible outcomes.***

Budew, Roselia, Roserade
Budew Scarf - Pokemon with rolls that cause them to drop to 0 Energy will endure will retain 1 Energy, provided they had 5 Energy or more before they rolled.***
Thorn Torc - All pokemon that appear within a thread with the holder have their ability suppressed and rendered useless (This includes the holder, allies of the holder, foes, and all wild pokemon encountered. Must have permission of other thread members to activate.)***
Bouquet Cloak - Immunity Fire attacks***

Gulpin, Swalot
Gulpin Bow - Same effect as Cheek Pouch, adds +5 Energy to all berries/apples consumed***
Swalot Belt - Immunity to Psychic attacks***

Carvanha, Sharpedo
Carvan-Sash - Subtract 1 Energy from all pokemon rolls.***
Fierce Bow - Immunity to Bug attacks***

Wailmer, Wailord
Spout Scarf - All pokemon that appear within a thread with the holder have their ability suppressed and rendered useless (This includes the holder, allies of the holder, foes, and all wild pokemon encountered. Must have permission of other thread members to activate.)***
Giant Bow - Immunity to Electric attacks***

Numel, Camerupt
Numel Bow-Automatic +5 Energy bonus on second post when starting threads (this is to avoid people misunderstanding the effect and using it to try and enter dungeons over their energy level. It can only activate once per thread created.)***
Erupt Scarf - Immunity to Water attacks***

Sooty Sash - Attacker may go into Burnt state***

Spoink, Grumpig
Jump Bow - Higher chance of rolling rare(does not include event-only items, applies to on-site items that the pokemon does not have access to. Also only applies to low-level pokemon/pokemon with at least 1 dungeon above their energy level; excludes The Sacred Lands completely.) items/Exclusive Items, but also adds dud rolls (Plain Seeds, Empty Boxes, Grimy Food, ect.) as possible outcomes.***
Control Scarf - Immunity to Dark attacks***

Teeter Bow - Higher chance of rolling rare(does not include event-only items, applies to on-site items that the pokemon does not have access to. Also only applies to low-level pokemon/pokemon with at least 1 dungeon above their energy level; excludes The Sacred Lands completely.) items/Exclusive Items, but also adds dud rolls (Plain Seeds, Empty Boxes, Grimy Food, ect.) as possible outcomes. ***

Trapinch, Vibrava, Flygon
Desert Bow - All pokemon that appear within a thread with the holder have their ability suppressed and rendered useless (This includes the holder, allies of the holder, foes, and all wild pokemon encountered. Must have permission of other thread members to activate.)***
Vibrate Scarf - Will not sleep ***
Red Sunglasses - Immunity to Ice attacks***

Cacnea, Cacturne
Desert Sash -  Automatic +5 Energy bonus on second post when starting threads (this is to avoid people misunderstanding the effect and using it to try and enter dungeons over their energy level. It can only activate once per thread created.) ***
Cactur-Tophat - Immunity to Bug attacks***

Swablu, Altaria
Cotton Bow - Stats cannot be Lowered***
Cotton Ruff - Immunity to Ice attacks***

Strong Sash -  Automatic +5 Energy bonus on second post when starting threads (this is to avoid people misunderstanding the effect and using it to try and enter dungeons over their energy level. It can only activate once per thread created.)***

Seviper Bow - Attacker may go into Cringing state ***

Lunatone Torc - All pokemon that appear within a thread with the holder have their ability suppressed and rendered useless (This includes the holder, allies of the holder, foes, and all wild pokemon encountered. Must have permission of other thread members to activate.)***

Solrock Bow - All pokemon that appear within a thread with the holder have their ability suppressed and rendered useless (This includes the holder, allies of the holder, foes, and all wild pokemon encountered. Must have permission of other thread members to activate.)***

Barboach, Whiscash
Moist Scarf - Evasiveness +2 if weather is Rainy***
Whiscash Bow - Immunity to Grass attacks***

Corphish, Crawdaunt
Force Scarf - Attacker may go into Cringing state***
Flinch Sash - Immunity to Bug attacks***

Baltoy, Claydol
Baltoy Brooch - May seal one of the attacker's moves ***
Claydol Torc - Immunity to Dark attacks***

Lileep, Cradily
Restrain Scarf - Attacker may go into Leg Hold state***
Cradily Bow - Immunity to Steel attacks***

Anorith, Armaldo
Guard Claw - Automatic +5 Energy bonus on second post when starting threads (this is to avoid people misunderstanding the effect and using it to try and enter dungeons over their energy level. It can only activate once per thread created.) ***
Firm Cloak - Immunity to Water attacks***

Feebas, Milotic
Great Scarf - Pokemon with rolls that cause them to drop to 0 Energy will endure will retain 1 Energy, provided they had 5 Energy or more before they rolled.***
Elegant Scarf - Immunity to Electric attacks***

Cast-Dew - Boosts Critical Hit ratio and reduces the Energy cost of every other Pokemon rolled by 1. *
Cast-Card - Boosts Evasiveness and reduces the Energy cost of every other Pokemon rolled by 1. *
Cloud Rock - All pokemon that appear within a thread with the holder have their ability suppressed and rendered useless (This includes the holder, allies of the holder, foes, and all wild pokemon encountered. Must have permission of other thread members to activate.)**
Weather Cape - Prevents status effects in Clear weather***

Kecleon Torc - Higher chance of rolling rare(does not include event-only items, applies to on-site items that the pokemon does not have access to. Also only applies to low-level pokemon/pokemon with at least 1 dungeon above their energy level; excludes The Sacred Lands completely.) items/Exclusive Items, but also adds dud rolls (Plain Seeds, Empty Boxes, Grimy Food, ect.) as possible outcomes.***

Shuppet, Banette
Shuppet Cape - Higher chance of rolling rare(does not include event-only items, applies to on-site items that the pokemon does not have access to. Also only applies to low-level pokemon/pokemon with at least 1 dungeon above their energy level; excludes The Sacred Lands completely.) items/Exclusive Items, but also adds dud rolls (Plain Seeds, Empty Boxes, Grimy Food, ect.) as possible outcomes. ***
Unlucky Torc - Immunity to Ghost attacks***

Duskull, Dusclops, Dusknoir
Duskull Ruff-Will not sleep ***
Dazzle Bow - Attacker may go into Sleep state***
Unlucky Sash - Immunity to Ghost attacks ***

Tropius Bow - Attacker may go into Poison, Paralyze or Sleep state***

Chingling, Chimecho
Chingli-Torc - All pokemon that appear within a thread with the holder have their ability suppressed and rendered useless (This includes the holder, allies of the holder, foes, and all wild pokemon encountered. Must have permission of other thread members to activate.)***
Chimecho Scarf - Immunity to Dark attacks***

Perish Torc - Attacker may go into Perish Song state ***

Snorunt, Glalie, Froslass
Cold Hat - Attacker may go into Frozen state ***
Hail Scarf - Immunity to Fire attacks***
Froslass Bow - Immunity to Dark attacks ***

Spheal, Sealeo, Walrein
Sleet Bow - Attacker may go into Frozen state***
Watch Scarf - +1 Energy per page ***
Walrein Torc - Immunity to Electric attacks ***

Clamperl, Huntail, Gorebyss
Clamp-Brooch -  All pokemon that appear within a thread with the holder have their ability suppressed and rendered useless (This includes the holder, allies of the holder, foes, and all wild pokemon encountered. Must have permission of other thread members to activate.) ***
Deep Torc - Immunity to Electric attacks ***
Gorby-Scarf - Immunity to Grass attacks ***

Relican-Torc - Moves cannot be sealed ***

Luvdisc Torc - May seal an opponent's moves if hit with a Special Attack ***

Bagon, Shelgon, Salamence
Rock Helmet - Will not receive critical hits***
Endure Bow - All pokemon that appear within a thread with the holder have their ability suppressed and rendered useless (This includes the holder, allies of the holder, foes, and all wild pokemon encountered. Must have permission of other thread members to activate.) ***
Salam-Cloak - Immunity to Ice attacks***

Beldum, Metang, Metagross
Beldum Torc - All pokemon that appear within a thread with the holder have their ability suppressed and rendered useless (This includes the holder, allies of the holder, foes, and all wild pokemon encountered. Must have permission of other thread members to activate.)***
Metang Scarf - Hits Darks with Psychic moves stronger and restores 2 energy on Dark Type Encounters***
Metag-Torc - Immunity to Ground attacks ***

Last edited by FoxFireAlchemist on Fri May 11, 2018 9:00 pm; edited 8 times in total
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The Exclusive Item System Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Exclusive Item System   The Exclusive Item System EmptySat Apr 11, 2015 5:14 am

Sinnoh Species-Based Exclusive Items

[*Rarity*] *Name of Item* - *Effect*

Turtwig, Grotle, Torterra
Lucky Leaf - Critical Hit ratio and reduces the Energy cost of every other Pokemon rolled by 1 *
Turtwig Card - Boosts Defense and reduces the Energy cost of every other Pokemon rolled by 1 *
Sprout Rock - Subtract 1 Energy from all pokemon rolls. **
Leafy Hat - Automatic +5 Energy bonus on second post when starting threads (this is to avoid people misunderstanding the effect and using it to try and enter dungeons over their energy level. It can only activate once per thread created.)***
Grotle Claw - Boosts Attack and reduces the Energy cost of every other Pokemon rolled by 1 *
Grotle Twig - Boosts Special Defense and reduces the Energy cost of every other Pokemon rolled by 1.**
Grotle Crest - Subtract 1 Energy from every other pokemon rolled as well as raises Attack.**
Woody Scarf - Same effect as Big Root.***
Tort-Horn - Boosts Attack and reduces the Energy cost of every other Pokemon rolled by 1.*
Tort-Claw - Critical Hit ratio and reduces the Energy cost of every other Pokemon rolled by 1.*
Tort-Seal - Same effect as Cheek Pouch, adds +5 Energy to all berries/apples consumed **
Forest Torc - Immunity to Fire attacks. ***

Chimchar, Monferno, Infernape
Chim-Fang -  Boosts Speed and reduces the Energy cost of every other Pokemon rolled by 1. *
Chim-Hair - Boosts Accuracy and reduces the Energy cost of every other Pokemon rolled by 1 *
Nimble Charm -  Subtract 1 Energy from all pokemon rolls. **
Ember Cap - May put foe into Burn status. ***
Monfer-Fang - Critical Hit ratio and reduces the Energy cost of every other Pokemon rolled by 1.*
Monfer-Hair - Boosts Special Defense and subtracts 1 Energy from every other pokemon rolled.*
Monfer-Crest -  Subtract 1 Energy from all pokemon rolls. **
Burst Sash - Raises movement speed in Sunny weather ***
Infern-Fang - Boosts Special Attack and reduces the Energy cost of every other Pokemon rolled by 1.*
Infern-Hair -Boosts Evasiveness and reduces the Energy cost of every other Pokemon rolled by 1. *
Infern-Seal -  Subtract 1 Energy from all pokemon rolls. **
Blazing Ruff - Immunity to Water attacks. ***

Piplup, Prinplup, Empoleon
Piplup Foam - Boosts Defense and reduces Energy cost of every other pokemon rolled by 1*
Piplup Card - Boosts Evasiveness and reduces the Energy cost of every other Pokemon rolled by 1. *
Sea Ore Boosts - Subtract 1 Energy from all Pokemon Rolls.**
Water Cape - Automatic +5 Energy bonus on second post when starting threads (this is to avoid people misunderstanding the effect and using it to try and enter dungeons over their energy level. It can only activate once per thread created.) ***
Prin-Foam - Boosts Attack and reduces the Energy cost of every other Pokemon rolled by 1. *
Prin-Card - Critical Hit ratio and reduces the Energy cost of every other Pokemon rolled by 1.*
Prin-Crest - Subtract 1 Energy from all pokemon rolls. **
Aqua Blade - Reflects 1/4 of damage from Special moves***
Empol-Horn - Boosts Accuracy and reduces the Energy cost of every other Pokemon rolled by 1. *
Empol-Claw - Boosts Speed and reduces the Energy cost of every other Pokemon rolled by 1. *
Empol-Seal - Subtract 1 Energy from all pokemon rolls. **
Marine Crown - Immunity to Ground attacks. ***

Starly, Staravia, Staraptor
Starly Bow - Attacker may go into Confused state ***
Regret Torc - Will not receive critical hits ***
Guts Sash - Immunity to Rock attacks. ***

Bidoof, Bibarel
Bidoof Tooth - Boosts Evasiveness and reduces the Energy cost of every other Pokemon rolled by 1. *
Bidoof Card - Subtract 1 Energy from all pokemon rolls.*
Fall Charm - Boosts Attack and Special Defense reduces the Energy cost of every other Pokemon rolled by 1. *
Biba-Tooth - Boosts Accuracy and reduces the Energy cost of every other Pokemon rolled by 1.*
Biba-Card - Boosts Critical Hit ratio and reduces the Energy cost of every other Pokemon rolled by 1*
River Charm - Boosts Attack and Special Defense reduces the Energy cost of every other Pokemon rolled by 1. **
Dam Scarf - Immunity to Electric attacks.***

Kricketot, Kricketune
Calm Bow - Automatic +5 Energy bonus on second post when starting threads (this is to avoid people misunderstanding the effect and using it to try and enter dungeons over their energy level. It can only activate once per thread created.) ***
Kricket-Torc - Immunity to Flying attacks.***

Shinx, Luxio, Luxray
Shinx Claw -  Boosts Critical Hit ratio and reduces the Energy cost of every other Pokemon rolled by 1*
Shinx Fang - Boosts Accuracy and reduces the Energy cost of every other Pokemon rolled by 1.*
Flash Tag - +1 Energy with each page **
Energy Scarf - All pokemon that appear within a thread with the holder have their ability suppressed and rendered useless (This includes the holder, allies of the holder, foes, and all wild pokemon encountered. Must have permission of other thread members to activate.)***
Luxio Claw - Boosts Evasiveness and reduces the Energy cost of every other Pokemon rolled by 1. *
Luxio Fang - Pokemon with rolls that cause them to drop to 0 Energy will endure will retain 1 Energy, provided they had 5 Energy or more before they rolled. *
Spark Tag - May put foe in Cringing status when attacked **
Spark Scarf - May put foe into Paralysis status by Attack ***
Luxray Claw - Boosts Attack and reduces the Energy cost of every other Pokemon rolled by 1.*
Luxray Fang - Boosts Special Attack and reduces the Energy cost of every other Pokemon rolled by 1.*  *
Glare Tag - May cause Enduring status when attacked with a physical attack **
Glare Sash - Immunity ground moves ***

Cranidos, Rampardos
Hard Helmet - Ignores Reflect and Light Screen ***
Skull Helmet - Immunity to Steel attacks. ***

Shieldon, Bastiodon
Bounce Bow - All pokemon that appear within a thread with the holder have their ability suppressed and rendered useless (This includes the holder, allies of the holder, foes, and all wild pokemon encountered. Must have permission of other thread members to activate.) ***
Dash Brooch - Immunity to Fighting attacks ***

Burmy, Wormadam, Mothim
Straw Cloak - Automatic +5 Energy bonus on second post when starting threads (this is to avoid people misunderstanding the effect and using it to try and enter dungeons over their energy level. It can only activate once per thread created.) ***
Wormad-Bow - Attacker may go into Poison, Paralyze or Sleep state.***
Mothim Bow - Immunity to Rock attacks.***

Combee, Vespiquen
Honey Bow - Increases chances of getting Exclusive and rare items in the Swap Shop, but also adds duds to the rolls.***
Vespiq-Bow - Immunity to Rock attacks ***

Pachi-Tooth - Boosts Attack and reduces the Energy cost of every other Pokemon rolled by 1. *
Pachi-Card - Boosts Evasiveness and reduces the Energy cost of every other Pokemon rolled by 1. *
Rouse Charm - Prevents confusion **
Miracle Bow - Immunity to ground moves ***

Buizel, Floatzel
Buizel Fang - Boosts Special Attack and reduces the Energy cost of every other Pokemon rolled by 1. *
Buizel Card - May increase speed upon being attacked. *
Swim Rock - Boosts Attack and reduces the Energy cost of every other Pokemon rolled by 1. *
Screw Torc - Pokemon with rolls that cause them to drop to 0 Energy will endure will retain 1 Energy, provided they had 5 Energy or more before they rolled. ***
Float-Fang - Automatic +5 Energy bonus on second post when starting threads (this is to avoid people misunderstanding the effect and using it to try and enter dungeons over their energy level. It can only activate once per thread created.) *
Float-Card - Boosts Critical Hit ratio and reduces the Energy cost of every other Pokemon rolled by 1. *
Rescue Rock - Boosts Accuracy ratio and reduces the Energy cost of every other Pokemon rolled by 1. **
Float Aid - Immunity to electric moves ***

Cherubi, Cherrim
Cherubi Seed - Boosts Evasiveness and reduces the Energy cost of every other Pokemon rolled by 1 *
Cherubi Card - Boosts Special Attack and reduces the Energy cost of every other Pokemon rolled by 1 *
Cute Ore - Subtract 1 Energy from all pokemon rolls **
Charm Bow - All pokemon that appear within a thread with the holder have their ability suppressed and rendered useless (This includes the holder, allies of the holder, foes, and all wild pokemon encountered. Must have permission of other thread members to activate.) ***
Cherrim Dew - Boosts Accuracy and reduces the Energy cost of every other Pokemon rolled by 1. *
Cherrim Card - Boosts Critical Hit ratio and reduces the Energy cost of every other Pokemon rolled by 1. *
Sweet Aroma - Subtract 1 Energy from all pokemon rolls **
Petal Dress - Immunity to fire moves ***

Shellos, Gastrodon
Awake Bow - +1 Energy per page ***
Gastrod-Torc - Immunity to Grass attacks ***

Drifloon, Drifblim
Drifloo-Gasp - Boosts Evasiveness and reduces the Energy cost of every other Pokemon rolled by 1.*
Drifloo-Card - Boosts Special Attack and reduces the Energy cost of every other Pokemon rolled by 1. *
Wind Heart - Subtract 1 Energy from all pokemon rolls **
Draft Ring - All pokemon that appear within a thread with the holder have their ability suppressed and rendered useless (This includes the holder, allies of the holder, foes, and all wild pokemon encountered. Must have permission of other thread members to activate.) ***
Drifbli-Gasp - Boosts Special Attack and reduces the Energy cost of every other Pokemon rolled by 1. *
Drifbli-Card - Boosts Critical Hit ratio and reduces the Energy cost of every other Pokemon rolled by 1. *
Easy Charm - Subtract 1 Energy from all pokemon rolls **
Breeze Scarf - Immunity to ghost moves ***

Buneary, Lopunny
Freeze Ruff - Attacker may go into Frozen state ***
Charm Coat - Immunity to Fighting attacks ***

Glameow, Purugly
Glameow Bow - Attacker may go into Infatuated state ***
Fear Belt - Immunity Fighting attacks ***

Stunky, Skuntank
Stench Scarf - Attacker may go into Cringing state ***
Stink Sash - Immunity to Ground attacks ***

Bronzor, Bronzong
Mirror Brooch - Attacker may go into Blinker state ***
Mirror Torc - Immunity to Ghost attacks ***

Chatot Scarf - All pokemon that appear within a thread with the holder have their ability suppressed and rendered useless (This includes the holder, allies of the holder, foes, and all wild pokemon encountered. Must have permission of other thread members to activate.) ***

Shadow Veil - Moves cannot be sealed ***

Gible, Gabite, Garchomp
Gible Fang -  Boosts Attack and reduces the Energy cost of every other Pokemon rolled by 1. *
Gible Card - Boosts Accuracy and reduces the Energy cost of every other Pokemon rolled by 1. *
Dragon Jewel -  Subtract 1 Energy from all pokemon rolls. **
Dragon Tie - Automatic +5 Energy bonus on second post when starting threads (this is to avoid people misunderstanding the effect and using it to try and enter dungeons over their energy level. It can only activate once per thread created.)***
Gabite Claw -  Boosts Defense and reduces the Energy cost of every other Pokemon rolled by 1. *
Gabite Fang -  Boosts Special Defense and reduces the Energy cost of every other Pokemon rolled by 1. *
Star Rock -  Subtract 1 Energy from all pokemon rolls. **
Meteor Torc - Neglects Reflect of Light Screen of foes ***
Gar-Claw -  Boosts Accuracy and reduces the Energy cost of every other Pokemon rolled by 1. *
Gar-Fang -  Boosts Critical Hit ratio and reduces the Energy cost of every other Pokemon rolled by 1. *
Speed Tag -  Subtract 1 Energy from all pokemon rolls.**
Mach Scarf - Immunity to Dragon moves ***

Riolu, Lucario
Riolu Tail - Boosts Critical Hit ratio and reduces the Energy cost of every other Pokemon rolled by 1. *
Riolu Card - Boosts Evasiveness and reduces the Energy cost of every other Pokemon rolled by 1. *
Valiant Rock - Subtract 1 Energy from every other pokemon rolled as well as raises attack.**
Emit Ring - Hits ghost type with normal and fighting moves easier and restores 2 energy when encountering a ghost type ***
Brave Dust - Higher chance of rolling rare(does not include event-only items, applies to on-site items that the pokemon does not have access to. Also only applies to low-level pokemon/pokemon with at least 1 dungeon above their energy level; excludes The Sacred Lands completely.) items/Exclusive Items in the swap shop, but also adds dud rolls (Plain Seeds, Empty Boxes, Grimy Food, ect.) as possible outcomes. ***
Lucario Fang - May inflict attackers with Flinching status
Lucario Card  -Boosts Accuracy and reduces the Energy cost of every other Pokemon rolled by 1. *
Pledge Rock - Subtract 1 Energy from every other pokemon rolled as well as raises special attack. **
Ravage Ring - Immunity to psychic moves ***

Hippopotas, Hippowdon
Thick Scarf - All pokemon that appear within a thread with the holder have their ability suppressed and rendered useless (This includes the holder, allies of the holder, foes, and all wild pokemon encountered. Must have permission of other thread members to activate.) ***
Sand Veil - Immunity to Grass attacks ***

Skorupi, Drapion
Skorupi Bow - Attacker may go into Leg Hold state ***
Dust Scarf - Immunity to Ground attacks ***

Croagunk, Toxicroak
Croagunk Torc - Higher chance of rolling rare(does not include event-only items, applies to on-site items that the pokemon does not have access to. Also only applies to low-level pokemon/pokemon with at least 1 dungeon above their energy level; excludes The Sacred Lands completely.) items/Exclusive Items, but also adds dud rolls (Plain Seeds, Empty Boxes, Grimy Food, ect.) as possible outcomes. ***
Toxicro-Belt - Immunity to Psychic attacks ***

Carnivi-Bow - Same effect as Cheek Pouch, adds +5 Energy to all berries/apples consumed ***

Finneon, Lumineon
Swim Bow - Speed +1 if weather is Rainy ***
Lumin-Torc - Immunity to Electric attacks ***

Snover, Abomasnow
Snow Torc - Attack speed +1 if weather is Hail ***
Frozen Cloak - Immunity to Fire attacks ***
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