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 Blaze the Fennekin

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Blaze the Fennekin Empty
PostSubject: Blaze the Fennekin   Blaze the Fennekin EmptySun Mar 01, 2015 10:04 pm

» Name: Blaze
» Gender: Female
» Species: #653, Fennekin, The Fox Pokemon
» Affiliation: Wanderer

» Level: 5
» Energy: 19 (14 BE)
» Ability: Blaze When HP is below 1/3rd its maximum, power of Fire-type moves is increased by 50%. (And thank you, Serebii.)
» Moves:
-Scratch (Start)
-Tail Whip (Start)
-Ember (Level 5)
-Heat Wave (Egg)

» Personality:
Blaze is a very, very friendly Fennekin. She'll be really friendly upon greeting someone new, and when meeting an old friend, tends to tackle hug them. She doesn't care that her outgoing nature can cause trouble, especially if she breaks into immediate contact, because her friendlyness is relied upon to fix any problem. If her friends are feeling down, this fiery fox tries cheering them up with a few jokes, or maybe suggesting something fun that they like to do. Despite her extremely bubbly nature, Blaze is also very outgoing and adventurous, always looking for a chance to explore something or someplace new. Blaze, when excited, tends to bounce up and down and becomes hyperactive. In battle, Blaze usually tries to make friends first, and if it doesn't work, then she battles.

» Likes:
-Company: Blaze gets very lonely at times when nobody's around, so she likes having at least one other 'mon or item with her.
-Sticks: Eating sticks fills all Fennekin with energy, and Blaze also likes them because in her opinion, they're tasty.
-Adventure: Blaze really, really, reaaaaaally loves adventuring, because she gets to explore new places and find new things she's never seen.
-Explorers: Blaze feels inspired by the explorers and wants to become one herself some day, so she too can help out those in need.

» Dislikes:
-Outlaws: She feels they don't deserve to be around, and will do whatever she can to be rid of them in her own path of life.
-Party poopers: If Blaze is in a really good mood, and there's someone with her who's acting grumpy and doesn't laugh at anything funny she says, Blaze will either immediately ditch them, or immediately tell them what a sour puss they're being.
-Becoming too hyper: Blaze gets worried if she's close to becoming too hyper, because she's afraid that if there's anything fragile or something like another 'mon around, she'll hurt/break that something/someone.
-Palpitoads: Because of her past, Blaze is always wary when around these specific Pokemon.

» History:
 Blaze grew up in a village made up entirely of fire types. Most of the fire types were made up of fire type starter lines such as Torchic, Cyndaquil, Fennekin, Charmander, etc. Originally, her parents used to have to convince her to get out of the house when she was very young. Her first few friends were her age, and she stayed very loyal to them. She never let them down if there was trouble from other, more... mean fire types that harrassed them. Blaze didn't quite know that the reason why her friends were bullied was because she made friends with Pokemon in a lower social class, with whom her parents had set her up with because they looked lonely. Eventually Blaze found out, and set the bullies straight, telling them they didn't have to bully someone just because they were of a lower social class than they were. The bullies looked amongst each other and walked off, and Blaze never saw them again, presuming they had learned their lesson and gave up on it for good. With a proud look on her face, she continued to be chipper and curious.
One day, a map was left on the rock where the gang used to hang out. The map led from her town to a bog, one that her parents told the young Fennekin never to enter, but the map was so interesting, as it led to supposed treasure. When she told this to her friends, they looked unsure, and refused shyly to go with her, so Blaze went alone. When she arrived where the treasure was supposed to lay, she found a den, thinking it could be hidden there, but when she entered, a towering Palpitoad attacked her, angered by her bursting in. Blaze realized the immediate danger she was in, and ran from the bog as quick as possible, planning never to go there again. To this day she still doesn't like Palpitoads. This wasn't the end of it, as one morning, a powerful booming sound of footsteps approached the town, and led by none other than the very group that had teased Blaze's friends. Behind them, the Palpitoad. Seeing the truth as to what had happened, the Fennekin approached them and began to convince them, but they didn't listen. When she was first attacked, something inside just... snapped, like a stick. She didn't cease smiling, and walked back up to their confused faces. A river of compliments and kind words flowed at an alarming rate, causing a surprised look among themselves. They began backing away, as every attack only caused nicer things to be directed towards them. As this proceeded, they stopped attacking, and even stopped eye contact, giving up and walking away for good.

After a while, Blaze decided it was time for her to set out on her own and go take settlement elsewhere. First, she went to the map bearer of the town for a map that led to the nearest town; Grassveil. After paying properly for the map from the map bearer, Blaze went back to her house and retrieved her scarf. Then finally, the Fennekin said her final goodbye to her parents and was on her way. It took Blaze 7 or 8 weeks to reach Grassveil, and she now resides in the hotel until she can find a more permanent residence.

» Other:
-Blaze only owns a non-effect hot pink scarf with a white fiery pattern running from the left side.
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Blaze the Fennekin Empty
PostSubject: Re: Blaze the Fennekin   Blaze the Fennekin EmptySun Mar 01, 2015 10:09 pm

Good bio~

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