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 Ectober Challenge!

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Posts : 1730
Poké : 6040
Join date : 2014-05-16
Location : Right behind you with a knife.

Ectober Challenge!  Empty
PostSubject: Ectober Challenge!    Ectober Challenge!  EmptyWed Oct 01, 2014 10:33 pm

Hey everyone! It’s Haley here with a challenge for all you Danny Phantom phans! I’m also going to be doing this challenge, so look out for my own story!

As any Danny Phantom phan knows, it’s Ectober Month, my personal favorite month of the year! I’ve not been able to find a whole months’ worth of themes for Ectober, so I’ve compiled my own list here, which does include the Ectober Week Themes from Tumblr.

These themes can be one-shots or in story format, whatever you want. I’m going to see where it takes me before I decide myself whether I am doing a story or just one-shots. So, without further ado, I give you the Ectober Month Themes!

Day 1 - Autumn Leaves
Day 2 - Tricks
Day 3 - Treats
Day 4 - Haunted House
Day 5 - Ghosts, Ghouls, and Spirits, oh my!
Day 6 - Ghost Cores
Day 7 - Skeletal
Day 8 - Spiders
Day 9 - Ghost Paralysis/Rigor Mortis
Day 10 - Jack O’ Lantern
Day 11 - Undead
Day 12 - Un-living
Day 13 - Lost
Day 14 - Fright Knight
Day 15 - Fog
Day 16 - Forest
Day 17 - Darkness/Night
Day 18 - Ectoplasm
Day 19 - Empty
Day 20 - Seven Heavenly Virtues
Day 21 - Seven Deadly Sins
Day 22 - Rain
Day 23 - Graveyard
Day 24 - Ghost Hunger
Day 25 - Blood Blossoms
Day 26 - Revenge
Day 27 - Dissection
Day 28 - Ghost Stories
Day 29 - Circus Gothica
Day 30 - Dia de Los Muertos
Day 31 - All Hallows Eve
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Posts : 1730
Poké : 6040
Join date : 2014-05-16
Location : Right behind you with a knife.

Ectober Challenge!  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ectober Challenge!    Ectober Challenge!  EmptyFri Oct 03, 2014 3:27 am

Hey guys I'm back with my first day's story: Autumn Leaves! Enjoy!

You walk down the sidewalk, hands in your pockets, eyes downcast and shoulders slumped as you contemplate your life. It wasn’t easy, being one of the only three people of your species. You hear your two best friends arguing; you’re not really sure what it’s about this time. Whatever it is, the argument has gotten heated enough that both of them are essentially ignoring you, completely missing that you are feeling … weird. Yeah, that’s the word. Not the other word, the one Jazz keeps throwing around when she thinks you can’t hear her. You sigh, eyes falling even further, to your feet and the sidewalk below them.

Leaves. Brown and red and orange, fallen leaves litter the sidewalk and have been crunching under your feet the entire way, and you hadn’t even noticed. You begin to avoid stepping on them, almost automatically, and you have no idea why, but you feel as though you sympathize with the poor things. They fall from their parent trees and are stepped all over and lost to the wind and rain and rakes, swept away like garbage down the sewers and into trash bags. It’s not easy, being a fallen leaf; you reflect aimlessly. Well, it’s not easy being a fallen anything, when you really think about it.

You gasp as your ghost sense goes off, a shudder of cold washing over your whole body. “Uh, guys!” You interrupt your still arguing friends. “We’ve got company!” You warn as Skulker appears out of nowhere, aiming his newest weapon at your face; and then you are diving towards your friends, white rings flashing quickly as you transform and grab them, intangibility activating just in time to save all three of you from certain death.

You fly up, releasing Sam and Tucker as you do so, and fire back at Skulker, tossing out some witty comments about his apparent lack of skill in hunting, despite his claims of being ‘the Ghost Zone’s greatest hunter.’ This only enrages the robotic ghost, and he aims at you again. You dodge, and the bullets hit the sidewalk, exploding on contact and sending cinders of fallen leaves everywhere. You are suddenly enraged at this action on Skulker’s part, feeling like he had destroyed them just to mock you and before you know it, he’s in the thermos, a bit worse for wear and your shoulder is throbbing where he got in a shot.

You float down to the sidewalk gently and after checking to make sure no one can see you, you transform. You look at Sam and Tucker and they are looking back at you strangely. “What?” you question, but neither of them answer. You huff, annoyed, and turn away. Sam looks at her watch and gasps, exclaiming about being late for a meeting at the Skulk and Lurk, and she runs off. Tucker hesitates for a moment before mumbling some excuse and taking off as well. And you are left standing there alone, looking at a sidewalk littered with autumn leaves.
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