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 The last fight

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Posts : 3049
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Join date : 2014-08-21
Location : I really do not know.

The last fight Empty
PostSubject: The last fight   The last fight EmptyFri Aug 22, 2014 8:13 am

While i am waiting for the 5k Poke to make my character i decided to write this It is the end of explorers of sky with me and my normal partner I'm a riolu named noel she is a eevee named maria now i know riolus can't be female in this game just bear with it.

*Noel stares at Maria as she runs ahead going forward to the disk device that led them to dialgia smiles* well we did just save the timeline and beat a really strong opponent so i guess it's ok for her to be a little excited *she says calmly to herself* But i know that i may not make it there to see everyone *her eyes start to water as she remembers what dusknoir said* No i will make it!. i will see everyone again. *Maria looks back at Noel walking and slows her pace a little* Noel i can't believe it we- we did it we saved the future! *she yells with a huge smile on her face* Ya maria we did it we saved the future. *Noel stops and starts shaking feeling something go up her spine and down her legs* N-no not now *she says to herself as she stops*. *Maria stops a little ahead* Whats wrong Noel tired?. Well i guess i couldn't make it. *she says as tears start to form* No i can't cry i have to be strong for maria. No maria i'm not tired but i do have somethings to tell you. *Maria Cocks her head to the side* what things Noel?. *Noel looks down to her paws and looks up* When you get back to the guild tell loudred I'm happy he woke us up on time. What? *maria asks scared*. And tell bidoof i'm happy he helped us all the way. Noel what are you saying?. Tell sunflora croagunk and everyone else i was happy to be a part of the guild. *Marias eyes start to tear up* Noel you are scaring me stop this!. *Noel shakes her head* No this needs to be said. Tell Chatot that i forgive him for not believing us about skunktank taking the apples and tell the guildmaster that It's been a great time. *Noel slowly starts to Glow* Looks like times almost up. *Maria runs to her friend* N-Noel what's going on tell me!?. *Noel takes her wonder bag and puts it around Maria Then takes the scarf she wears and ties it around Maria's neck* there i won't need them any more and maria thank you for being the greatest Friend i've ever known you are more like a sister to me then anything and i'm sorry i can't hold on please forgive me for not telling you i didn't think you would fight at full power if i told you. *Maria's tears stream down her face as she figures it out* Now that the timelines fixed you, you can't stay because your from that time *she says tears coming down and shaking* Ya sorry Maria *she says pulling the eevee into a hug* I'm sorry that i didn't tell you sooner. B-But that's not fair you risked your life to save everyone and everything you were willing to give your life up and now you can't even stay that's just Not Ahh *she yells crying and falls down slightly* Sorry Maria your the leader now make sure that you never give up Don't cry We will meet again remember i'm from the future *she says smiling as she vanishes in a small pale light* N-No *falls down* NO!!!! *as she falls to the floor crying over her best friend ... her sister*

There hope anyone who reads this likes it
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