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 Nightly Stroll

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Nightly Stroll - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Nightly Stroll   Nightly Stroll - Page 2 EmptyTue Feb 25, 2014 3:03 am

First topic message reminder :

For some reason the young Abra seemed to only be active at night. It wasn't as great as some would think, but he has to recharge his psychic batteries somehow! Hopefully soon this would change when he evolved to his next form and didn't always need to sleep.

'What a day...' he thought to himself while imaging the future. But for now he had to train to become stronger. He wasn't very strong, but his mind did the work for him. It even helps to have at least one physical attack too.

Clyde looked around at the eerie shadows, some scarier than others. That's one thing he didn't like about the night hours. It seemed much more dangerous, even if he didn't need his eyes to see. It just felt odd for their to be a night.
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Nightly Stroll - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Nightly Stroll   Nightly Stroll - Page 2 EmptyWed Apr 23, 2014 10:37 pm

Suddenly realizing that the Abra's only move is Teleport, it was up to Sosio to take care of the Zigzagoon. It reminded her of how she couldn't do anything for her pal back at Black Spiral because the pokemon were Ghost-types. Now the situation was the opposite.

She swooped forward into battle with a tackle, only to be knocked back by a counter-attack. Who cares what. Enfuriated, Sosio wished she didn't feel so alone.
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Nightly Stroll - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Nightly Stroll   Nightly Stroll - Page 2 EmptyFri Apr 25, 2014 11:18 am

When he saw that the pokemon wasn't going to be friendly, perhaps because she attacked it first, Clyde grabbed hold of the branches with his hands and sent vibrations through the branches causing the leaves to fall from it, many of them fell, but all it would do would make the pokemon confused, barely.

The Abra used his abilities to make the leaves swirl in a tornado around the Zigzagoon. Hopefully that would be enough.
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Nightly Stroll - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Nightly Stroll   Nightly Stroll - Page 2 EmptyFri Apr 25, 2014 1:18 pm

Sosio jumped back from the impact only to find that Abra had swirled leaves around the enemy pokemon.
Improvised Leaf Storm. Nice.

She jumped back into battle, slashing through to land a Quick Attack and swoop past the leafy tornado. The Zigzagoon quickly reacted with a Growl, obviously aggravated at the act it couldn't see or do anything but leaf or leave. Sosio would've called it a victory, but it's never over until you finish it.
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Nightly Stroll - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Nightly Stroll   Nightly Stroll - Page 2 EmptyTue Apr 29, 2014 9:08 pm

'Do we really have to fight it, it's distracted by the leaves.' He asked with his mind. He wasn't really in the mood for a fight, and it seemed the bird was. After all, this was just suppose to be a walk for the Abra and not a full out fight.

Clyde was still among the trees watching carefully as the fight progressed between the bird and the wild pokemon. The only reason he wasn't down there was because he didn't really want to fight now and would rather sit and watch. Probably because he hasn't been awake for more than 2 hours.
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Nightly Stroll - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Nightly Stroll   Nightly Stroll - Page 2 EmptyFri May 02, 2014 1:24 am

Sosio landed her final attack, tackle, flying out of the way and landing gently on another branch. She sneezed happily before finding Clyde. 
"Ok, ready to go?"
She hopped and flitted down to the ground and began to advance, turning around to see if the Abra followed. It's kinda hard to keep track of a pokemon that can teleport.

Sosio began to feel quite tired, because it was late and she used a lot of energy flying. Small birds like her stay grounded because their wings are far too small to possibly fly long distances, or for a long time. She is usually able to handle it, having exercised so often, but her muscles were worn out because it was too late for her. So on she trotted half-mindedly in pursuit of completing a dungeon.
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Nightly Stroll - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Nightly Stroll   Nightly Stroll - Page 2 EmptyTue May 06, 2014 2:57 am

'Yep' He said when he teleported next to her. When the leaves had been released the wild pokemon ran off. Clyde grinned a little bit, thinking it was funny the attacker was running from its victims. The Abra looked up to see it was still dark, and soon he may have to go back to his guild, not sure when though.

"How far are you going in this place?" Clyde was curious for a rough estimate on a good time to leave. He didn't just want to abandon her, even though it seemed she could hold her ground for a little bit. It would just make him feel bad.
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Nightly Stroll - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Nightly Stroll   Nightly Stroll - Page 2 EmptyTue May 06, 2014 10:30 pm

Sosio walked onward, listening to his presence respectfully.
"As far as I can or need to. The end, most likely, if there is one. There's always something at the End, if there is one, of course, whether it's a pokemon gang or items. It's awesome."
She strode hastily, exciting herself just thinking about the end. She was too busy rushing quite a bit, she never even really made eye contact.
"I just gotta get to the deeper forest just past here."
She occasionally stopped and listened to the ground, only to pop back up and move in a certain direction. She liked to think she was a Psychic type, even though, clearly, she wasn't. Only recently had she realized she could use her basic bird abilities to do so much more. A ancestry of robin pokemon who can sense vibrations in the earth simply to catch prey, but Sosio never liked to eat bug-types. She discovered she can sense vibrations of other pokemon in dungeons, like any other bird could do. the only problem was that the pokemon didn't burrow underground, so she could never pinpoint the exact location of the pokemon. It just gave her an idea of where to go.
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Nightly Stroll - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Nightly Stroll   Nightly Stroll - Page 2 EmptyThu May 08, 2014 11:12 pm

"Okay." He replied. He had noticed the sky had become slightly brighter, announcing the arrival of the sun that is coming. The stars would disappear, and the moon would fade being somewhat visible. It had been at least two hours he had been out, and he didn't even relise it. Usually he was out for a short time and then he would go out to do his chores and then train. Fun came after work for him.

One thing the psychic had noticed was the bird would always stop for a short amount of time. He didn't feel like asking why, but saw it as an annoyance to stop. However, Clyde just went along with it, hoping it wouldn't last much longer.
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Nightly Stroll - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Nightly Stroll   Nightly Stroll - Page 2 EmptyFri May 09, 2014 8:22 pm

Sosio dashed through various tunnels. Upon entering a room with an intersection, she would stop and listen briefly to the ground, then advance. If she doesn't hear anything or doesn't quite know where to go, she usually turns left.

They came across a clearing. A very large one, at that. She half-expected a monster house upon entering it, but that would mean there would be a lot of items on the ground. There were no none. Nothing at all, actually, but surrounding trees and quite a few pathways, six, maybe even eight, or twelve! No need to count. She walked in the middle of the clearing, where a slight hill lay and a bit of morning sunshine leaked through the trees. She looked up a few times, glancing at a few clearings and listening. She approached one, top left corner from where they entered, and began staring at another, right and perpendicular to where they entered.
"Ok, there's two possible ways... Where I am, and that one over there."
She nodded at the one she was staring at.
"If you don't mind, you could take that one and I could take this one. If there's any trouble, you can teleport back to the clearing and either stay there or find me. If it's the right way, I will alert you with a whistle, so keep your fifth sense alert and sharp."
She smirked a bit as she said "fifth sense."
"Uhhh... If you find the right way... well... I'm sure you'll know how to tell me!"
The Fletchling looked back to Clyde, hoping nothing would happen, or that he was okay with this. She could clearly imagine if he wasn't. She hated abandoning pokemon, especially friends, and so she imagined in her mind when one of them found the way further through the forest, hoping that time would be sooner than it would be.
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Nightly Stroll - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Nightly Stroll   Nightly Stroll - Page 2 EmptySat May 10, 2014 11:44 pm

Clyde looked at the bird when they arrived at the fork in the road. As she talked Clyde began to get annoyed but did a good job at not letting it show. He meant to go back but then got dragged into this. But the pokemon decided it could wait and go along with it. "Fine." He sighed while walking down the road he was designated to go on, not really paying much attention but just looking ahead.

As he went down he noticed it starting to get brighter and the sun started to show. Clyde was happy about the light, he was getting tired with having to use his powers to see what was going on. It sometimes gave him headaches. That's when he knows it's time to hibernate in his little den for a while.
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Nightly Stroll - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Nightly Stroll   Nightly Stroll - Page 2 EmptySun May 11, 2014 4:34 pm

Sosio flitted down the forest path, dearly wishing it was the right way. She feared not being able to find Clyde if it wasn't. Then again, if he went the wrong way and was trapped, she would still have to go and find him. She sighed. She had a tendency to over-think things. The bird sped calmly down the path, her stick-like legs stiffly pattering the ground and propelling her forward. 

She stopped for a bit of a rest and continued on slowly. She obviously didn't like to be alone, the little Fletchling, because she knew she was quite weak. She then randomly thought of TM's, wondering if the Abra had any other moves besides Teleport.
He won't be able to learn any other moves naturally until evolution. He could really use some TM's.
She also realized she had no idea what level the pokemon was, or rather, how old or young he was. The elongated shadows from the morning's dawn snapped Sosio back into the real world as they stretched and creeped along the dirt and gravel, like sneaky flat pokemon shaped like tall thin trees. She allowed herself to fall back into her mind's discussion, this time about shadows, loosely paying attention to the world around her. 

aMEWzing carried out 1 launched of one Shadowhue Forest :
Nightly Stroll - Page 2 Hc4wJXb
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Nightly Stroll - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Nightly Stroll   Nightly Stroll - Page 2 EmptyMon May 12, 2014 1:55 am

Clyde walked on through not noticing anything unusual. The suns light was broken up on the path and got through areas where there are no leaves. He began to get bored with walking as it was to slow for him. As an alternative the pokemon teleported on the branches of trees to get by faster. He could also see Sosio taking a break from his height. But the bird was difficult to see.

The farther the pokemon went down the rows of trees the more he wanted to just turn back. He wasn't tired, but he didn't like getting out of his routine that often. As he kept on walking he thought he heard something going in the direction of Sosio, but he couldn't find what it was. For all he knew it could be a pokemon that was a tree.
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Nightly Stroll - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Nightly Stroll   Nightly Stroll - Page 2 EmptyMon May 12, 2014 10:17 pm

Sosio continued to shuffle along the path only to find it was pretty direct.
This couldn't possibly be the right way... such a long winding one-way path...
Clearly Clyde had been sent the right way, considering the fact that the Fletchling had already reached the end of the way.

As she was about to turn around, she heard some shuffling in the bush that was at the end of the road. She turned around.
"So I guess you went the right way now, huh? Funny, though, how you teleported into a bush instead of..."
A pokemon jumped out that was definately not an Abra. She stared directly at it. Considering its huge round eyes and buggish mouth... yep. It was a bug-type. Her eyes nearly immediately widened so much, she thought they were going to pop right out of her head. Her chest puffed with nervous hyperventilation, and she began to back up slowly with wobbly legs. She was spooked, most definitely. Now it was purely clear, because she pivoted and dashed out of there in a moment's notice, feathers fluffed all over and eyes still wide, heavy breathing, and mouth open in an endless wordless scream.
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Nightly Stroll - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Nightly Stroll   Nightly Stroll - Page 2 EmptyWed May 14, 2014 1:50 am

From where Clyde was at, he could hear the scream that he assumed came from Sosio. He tried to send her messages, but he wouldn't be sure if she would get them. 'What's the problem." The Abra had teleported to her location to see her and a Paras chasing at her, looking like it wanted to scratch the bird.

From the trees, Clyde teleported above the bug in less than a second. As he fell he used his powers to give more force and rammed the back of the insect with a Thunder Punch. When Clyde looked at the pokemon, he couldn't tell if it was out. Clyde then realized how tired he was. Although it didn't show in his face, the pokemon felt like taking a nap.
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Nightly Stroll - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Nightly Stroll   Nightly Stroll - Page 2 EmptyWed May 14, 2014 2:25 am

Sosio trembled in... well... her claws. She watched as Clyde appeared out of nowhere and smacked the Paras to the side with an electrified fist. The Fletchling stopped trembling a moment to peer over the upside down pokemon. Only to see its legs move, she was startled and smacked it with an awkward tackle with her wing. She then held her wing limp, her face expressing 'blegh.' She was definitely glad the freaky disgusting thing was gone.

She walked along solemnly with her limp limb, appearing mortified and traumatized. She approached a small puddle and rushed over to loosely wipe both sides of her wing in the water. She strained her head away and winced her eyes as she shook off the water by flapping the wing up and down stiffly. She shook her head that waved into her body, as if her whole body was shaking off dirt or water, but rather did it to shake the terrifying memory. She expected plenty ghost types, but never a bug type. At least now they know where to go.
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