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 Amelli's adventure: Let there be a place for me? [Open]

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Amelli's adventure: Let there be a place for me? [Open] Empty
PostSubject: Amelli's adventure: Let there be a place for me? [Open]   Amelli's adventure: Let there be a place for me? [Open] EmptySun Feb 16, 2014 6:54 pm

"Heeheehee" the soft lushious bell like laugh of the purple snake like pokemon that was currently slithering in a nice strolling manner had finally entered Grassveil town. Her scaly body was covered in dirt but that was to be expected from someone whom had no choice but to slide along on there bellies all day to get from one place to another. Though young and small for her species the pokemon that greatly resembled a purple snake was rather long able to easily wrap around many larger opponents when fully elongated. Her slightly larger round purple head glinted in the sun as her yellow slitted eye's allowed her to see everything with perfect clarity. The purple color that covered her entire upper body and her sides slithered down in scaly patterns until reaching the tail that when angered annoyed or just bored she could use as a rattle thus resembling the rattle snake. Unlike her body this rattle was pure yellow though a lighter shade than her eyes. As if to show were her neck was and her body began the Ekan's species each had a single thick ring around them in a light yellow color that matched the color of her underbelly. Great design make the lighter color go on the mud.

If her direction's and sense of smell were correct which they usually were Amelli was just coming out of the north boundary of the town, Her tounge pink in color would softly slither from her mouth and flail around before retracting, this process would continue slowly as if she did not notice it. Her eyes though big suddenly and though believed impossible grew wider, The guild house was beautiful. Slithering up her body zigzaging while her neck and head remained in the forward position would finally stop as she looked at the place in all its glory. Her eyes darting from wall to wall even to the Spinarak web's upon the flying tower which seemed to be out of order. Looking around her tounge still moving as if on its own she did not see any one coming out. Perhaps she had to go in.

Slithering to the door being a creature with no hands you would think this would be hard. But her tail was stronger and had much more power thus looping it around the handle she would give it a tug and the door would open, Her tail would unwind and she would vanish into the door quick as a flash. Now in the foyer she would gasp, Her eyes easily fell over the tree stump chairs to the former member wall were she recognized a single member, There looking at her younger than ever with what looked like her mother and father was Viper the Seviper but it couldnt be right?, Possibly just a relative or someone who looked like em. Viper didn't know her mother and father. That would be impossible. As her body moved closer slithering down the minor amount of stairs four in total. She would slither past the first floor looking at the mess hall smiling hoping one day she would be eating dinner in that room.

Her slithering would soon take her to the second floor, This is were she saw the room noted to be staff members thus the perfect place to ask. Her head would move around watching staring at the place before letting out a soft squeal of excitement. She was here she was at a guild and if all well went she would be joining. How to contain her excitement. Slithering around the tables moving with great accuracy and dexterity her body would soon be at the door, The tail raised before using the rattle to knock three times. Knock Knock Knock. "H...hi issssssssss anyone inssssssiiiiiidee" she would say her voice failing her nerves begining to creep in. All she kept thinking and praying for was a space. Pleaasssee let there be a placcccee for me. Now all she could do was wait.

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Amelli's adventure: Let there be a place for me? [Open] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Amelli's adventure: Let there be a place for me? [Open]   Amelli's adventure: Let there be a place for me? [Open] EmptySun Feb 16, 2014 7:37 pm

Faye the Meganium was busy tending to the many plants in her quarters as she heard a sound.
Someone was knocking at her door.
Almost immediately the guildmaster's mood lightened up considerably and the warm smile, that seemed to be permanently stuck on her face grew even wider.
Happily the Grass type waddled over to the door, her vines coiling around its handle before pulling it open.
As it was removed from her field of vision, an Ekans was revealed to be standing on the other side.
Or was it lying? Sitting? Anyway, that did not matter. Cheerfully Faye addressed the unfamiliar face.
"Hello, dearie! My name is Faye. Is there anything I can help you with?"
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Amelli's adventure: Let there be a place for me? [Open] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Amelli's adventure: Let there be a place for me? [Open]   Amelli's adventure: Let there be a place for me? [Open] EmptySun Feb 16, 2014 8:17 pm

As the door creaked open, Amelli's eyes widened at the colossal grass based pokemon standing in front of her, Coiling her body so that she herself looked taller yet not in an intimidating way instead to look as though she was sitting instead of just well laying upon the floor. The grass pokemon was beautiful. Her long dinosaur based appearance and her healthy green glow. The pink petal's surrounding the pokemons neck looked gorgeous and it was obvious from the dumbstruck look upon Amelli the Ekans face that she was in awe. She had never seen such a giant in her life before though this could be because lets face it she was only properly starting that life.

As her head would begin to shake back and forth to knock her dumbstruck appearance the Ekans would smile wide as she shook from nerves. "H...h...hi...i'm i'm Amelli i wasssssss hoping...or well wondering.....perhapssssssss .....well i wassssss wondering if .......maybe it would be....do you think......oh golly im getting all flusssssssstered" the female ekans said softly as her cheek's darkened with red an unusual color for an ekans as she became embarrassed. Do it Amelli, Do it don't chicken out she told her self as she kept her gaze upon the herb pokemon. Taking a deep breath she would resume. "Iwasssssshopingtojoinyourguild missssssss" she spewed out forgetting to breath and saying it all in a jumble. Once more her cheeks flared scarlet in a way showing her utter embarrassment
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Amelli's adventure: Let there be a place for me? [Open] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Amelli's adventure: Let there be a place for me? [Open]   Amelli's adventure: Let there be a place for me? [Open] EmptySun Feb 16, 2014 8:37 pm

Not wanting to embarrass the creature in front of her any further, the guildmaster suppressed a chuckle as she listened to the Poison type's request. Her eyes began to gleam with joy as she came to hear, that another Pokémon would be joining her guild.
"Of course you can, sweetie! It's always wonderful to hear, that someone has decided to devote their life to exploring new places and helping those in need! And don't worry, the signup process shouldn't take long at all. You should be able to take your first mission tomorrow already if you want to. Please enter."
The Meganium stepped aside to allow the Ekans to slither into the room. It was a relatively small room, that neverthelless appeared to be quite comfortable. In the middle of the room, a desk was standing, various utensils spread out across it. In front of it there were four chairs, while it was backed by a wall of bookshelves. An array of bags of various sizes was hanging from the wall. Except for a multitude of different flowers and plants the room was empty otherwise.
"So, is there anything I can get you? A tea maybe?"
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Amelli's adventure: Let there be a place for me? [Open] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Amelli's adventure: Let there be a place for me? [Open]   Amelli's adventure: Let there be a place for me? [Open] EmptySun Feb 16, 2014 8:57 pm

Sparkles floated in her eye's, Her mouth opening wide in shock and admiration as Meganium spoke, Her coiled body now balancing on the rattle that made up the end of her tail, She would begin to bounce as her nerves turned into excitement. As the Meganium finished speaking the Ekan's was bouncing up and down so rapidly it was as if she were an incredibly weird Yo-Yo. Upon the Meganium finsihing explainign that she could be registered and on her first mission as of tomorrow caused the snake to stop bouncing as she gasped with excitement, "tomorrow...me an exsssssssplorer by tomorrow....." Amelli was so shocked, her voice cracked as her mouth moved no sound escaped. Her ember of adventure now a raging fire within her eyes.

As he Meganium moved the still shocked Ekan's would slither gently and silently into the room though to Amelli this room like many things would be considered huge. Her eyes looked at the bookshelves she loved to read and that bookshelve stocked with books looked so enticing. Tearing her eyes away as she sniffed the air her eyes would locate the flower's wondering if the glorious smell was coming from the plants or Meganium herself. Slithering into the middle of the room she would coil herself up once more elongating herself so that she could see the table. Her head and eye's following Meganium. She had a feeling of rudeness creep over her, She had failed to even ask the female's name. "I....im sssssssso asssssssshamed...i didn't even asssssssk your name...or thank you for allowing me to join this beautiful guild" the snake would say hanging her head.
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Amelli's adventure: Let there be a place for me? [Open] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Amelli's adventure: Let there be a place for me? [Open]   Amelli's adventure: Let there be a place for me? [Open] EmptySun Feb 16, 2014 9:18 pm

"Oh? I was under the impression of already having mentioned my name. I am terribly sorry if that has not yet been the case. I am Faye the Meganium. By the way, you needn't thank me, dearie. Seeing another Pokémon willing to help others and protect them from the Mystery Dungeons is more than enough of a reward for me."
Slowly the Grass type walked behind her desk, retrieving a rather large tome from one of the shelves behind her and setting it down on the table. As the pages were turned, one would be able to find various statistics, the names and members of all teams for example.
"Now, my dear, shall we begin? First you'd have to choose a name for your team. Don't worry if you haven't thought about that already, you can take all the time you need."
As she spoke, the Meganium was already making additions to the tables, Ameli's name probably being the most striking one.
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Amelli's adventure: Let there be a place for me? [Open] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Amelli's adventure: Let there be a place for me? [Open]   Amelli's adventure: Let there be a place for me? [Open] EmptySun Feb 16, 2014 9:32 pm

Oh....this was slightly awkward, As if her words had pushed rewind within Amelli's mind she flashed back to receiving Fay's name, Her cheeks flushing that color once more. "Oohh perhapssssss you did, My excccccitement musssst have gotten the better of me, Im sssssoooo ssssssorry" the snake said softly. She felt even worse now. Dumb dumb Amelli thought about herself. She would watch the big pokemon move and then bring out the tomb witch would intrigue the snake as she listened making sure to catch everything. "I wanna help everyone no matter what, My guardian Viper the Ssssssseviper always sssssspoke highly of the pokemon guildssssss and their work......Itssssss been a dream of mine ssssssssince i can remember She would gasp as her name entered the tomb though her head sprang up. "Ohhhh teaaaam name. i would neeeeed to think about that one a bit moreeee and perhapsssssss find a team mate before deccccciding on a name...if thatssss allowed?" the small snake would say her tongue flickering gently with nerves and excitement as she saw her name.
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Amelli's adventure: Let there be a place for me? [Open] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Amelli's adventure: Let there be a place for me? [Open]   Amelli's adventure: Let there be a place for me? [Open] EmptySun Feb 16, 2014 9:49 pm

"Oh, there is no need to apologize, dearie. Everyone makes mistakes sometimes. The important thing is how we deal with them. Now, we'd require a team name for the records. You could change it once you find a partner though."
It filled the Meganium's heart with joy to hear, how highly others thought of her guild. Even in times of crisis like these, the Pokémon would not let themselves become disheartened. Quite the opposite, they would bond together even more strongly, joining the fight against the forces of corruption.
It was a wonderful thing to see.
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Amelli's adventure: Let there be a place for me? [Open] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Amelli's adventure: Let there be a place for me? [Open]   Amelli's adventure: Let there be a place for me? [Open] EmptySun Feb 16, 2014 10:10 pm

Smiling at the Meganium's words Amelli knew that this was the guild for her, The guildmaster was beautiful and had an air of pride and strength surrounding her which mixed with the obvious kindness was a recipe for a great leader. SMiling as the Ekans nodded she would think back, her mind flashing to that single portrait in the foyer of the guild of the Seviper the Arbok and the Serperior, The two she was sure were her parents and that the seviper was her adopted mother Viper but Viper never mentioned being an explorer or knowing her parents what so ever. It was then the name struck her, If she needed one now she had the perfect name, "Um...Faye...i'd like my team to be known asssss Team Viper" the ekans whispered as if she were scared that she may be laughed at for picking such a name.
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Amelli's adventure: Let there be a place for me? [Open] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Amelli's adventure: Let there be a place for me? [Open]   Amelli's adventure: Let there be a place for me? [Open] EmptySun Feb 16, 2014 10:27 pm

"Okay, dearie. You are now officially a team! Now to get you equipped..."
Using her vines the guildmaster retrieved one of the smaller bags from the wall, setting it down on the desk between the three of them.
"Now, sweetie, this is your Treasure Bag. Inside you will find your Explorer Badge, your Wonder Map and a little surprise. So, would you like to familiarize yourself with it now, or would you prefer for us to get you a room first?"

(The surprise is a ribbon for each team member in the colour of their choice, just like the ribbon at the start of PMD Explorers of Time/Darkness/Sky.)
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Amelli's adventure: Let there be a place for me? [Open] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Amelli's adventure: Let there be a place for me? [Open]   Amelli's adventure: Let there be a place for me? [Open] EmptySun Feb 16, 2014 10:43 pm

OH eagerness and happyness how those two combined could make such a little heart swell, She was over the moon ecstatic and well ever so joyful. As the Guild master solidifed her team and handed out the bag explaining all the information that she currently needed Amelli could hold back no more, Her smile wide and her heart thumping tears soon streaked down her purple round face as she began to sob happily. "I...Iv never .....never...beensniff thissssssss happy sob...sniff before" she choked out. A few hyperventilations and a flurry of wipes from her tail would soon see her right, As she continuously sniffed to get her breathing back on track she would release take a big breath before holding it and releasing. "sssssssoooorry about that, Im sssssssooo happy" she said with a softly giggle, "I think i sssssshooould choossssseee the opttttion of the rooom firsssst to composssssssee mysssself if thatsssss ok" she would say her voice cracking. Amelli doubted she would ever be this happy again.
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Amelli's adventure: Let there be a place for me? [Open] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Amelli's adventure: Let there be a place for me? [Open]   Amelli's adventure: Let there be a place for me? [Open] EmptyMon Feb 17, 2014 7:12 pm

Faye chuckled as she witnessed the simple, pure joy, that was emanating from the little Ekans in front of her. Rarely could one see Pokémon as happy as this one, which made it even greater for such a moment to finally occur. Cheerfully the Meganium placed the book in the shelf again, before getting up from behind her desk and walking over to the door.
"Now then, let's get going, shall we?"
After a quick tour through the guild and its facilities, during which Faye introduced a variety of Pokémon and explained the use of the systems in the guild, the duo had arrived at the quarters again.
The Grass type walked up to one of the doors, opened it and explained:
"This will be your room. There isn't much inside, but you can decorate it any way you like, my dear. Usually rescue teams only use these rooms for sleeping though, so most members don't really change anything. For now I'd suggest for you to rest. An exciting day lies behind you and without doubt the next one will be just as excitng, so you should be prepared. Are there any other questions you're having? If not, then we'd be finished here, sweetie."
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Amelli's adventure: Let there be a place for me? [Open] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Amelli's adventure: Let there be a place for me? [Open]   Amelli's adventure: Let there be a place for me? [Open] EmptyMon Feb 17, 2014 9:40 pm

Snaking her tail upward's and through the hoop of the bag Amelli would link her bag to her tail and lift it thus halting her tail and the bag from being dragged along the floor, Following the large monsterous and loving Meganium out of the office and through the guild each room wowoing her more and more, She was certain that she had made the right choice. Nodding and smiling shyly to the other guild members Amelli was indeed in shock and awe of them all. She couldn't believe that she had been apart of it. It was an incredibly feeling. Even when she got to the bare member room her eye's opened up as if she had fallen in love for the first time. "Itsssssss perfect" she whispered as she zoomed along the floor with amazing speed checking everythign before turning to Meganium. "i think i'll exssssplore the ressssscue bag firrsssst, Thank you for your help and letting me join, I am eternally grateful" the little ekans would say bowing gently toward's the Meganium
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Amelli's adventure: Let there be a place for me? [Open] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Amelli's adventure: Let there be a place for me? [Open]   Amelli's adventure: Let there be a place for me? [Open] EmptyThu Feb 20, 2014 8:06 pm

Returning the bow, the Meganium chuckled softly.
There was something wonderful about the joy, the innocence and the unspoiled wonder and happiness with which the new recruits went on to surprise Faye for each and every new day.
Seeing the gleam in the Ekans' eyes made the guildmaster remember her days of old, exploring the world and helping those in need. They had been wonderful times indeed, but that didn't mean, that the current times would be any less wonderful of course.
"Thank you very much for joining the guild.", she replied.
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Amelli's adventure: Let there be a place for me? [Open] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Amelli's adventure: Let there be a place for me? [Open]   Amelli's adventure: Let there be a place for me? [Open] EmptyMon Feb 24, 2014 2:15 pm

Blushing as the Ekan's elongated Amelli would stare at the meganium "Thanks" she whispered, The snake like pokemon would slowly close the door that would hide her from the Meganium's view. now alone within her room, The pokemon would seemingly glide to her bed and coil herself up with the bag ready to explore the information and all the contents. Sliding the badge out of the bag Ekan's would stare at it. Her happyness about to burst once more. Checking her wonder map the young snake would spiral and stretch in excitement being so happy. The ribbon would soon be tied around her rattle tight enough so that the purple ribbon would not fall off while the badge remained attached to the ribbon. Soon her snores would fil lth eroom excitement eventually taking its toll.
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Amelli's adventure: Let there be a place for me? [Open] Empty
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