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 Reality's Beginning

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Reality's Beginning - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Reality's Beginning   Reality's Beginning - Page 2 EmptySat Jul 06, 2013 12:37 am

First topic message reminder :

"Never forget, young one - Reality is for those with no imagination. Never stop dreaming, and never stop thinking - Only then will you find your place in life."

It was a rather peaceful day outside of Grassveil. Both the grass and the leaves shined in the dim, early-morning sunlight; the air was still heavy and thick, due to the previous night's rain. It was the kind of day that one would lounge around on, doing nothing but taking a late nap. Not even the Pidgey stirred immediately, and who could blame them? Any sensible pokemon would take advantage and sleep in on such a day.

Sebastian, however, was not sensible. Not today, at least; he had already spent the night tossing and turning on the pile of hay he called a bed. Not even the wet ground would deter him. Today was the day he would finally begin his adventure. No more weekly shows  (save for when he felt like them); no more drifting through life in a haze. Today, the Cubone would start to make a name for himself. Today, Sebastian Prism, Sorcerer Extraordinaire, was going to start his own exploration team.

At least, that was the idea that kept him up all night. Inbetween visions of becoming a legend and learning the secrets to make magic a reality, the harsh truth crept into Sebastian's mind. Magic wasn't real, it was just a child's fantasy. Not everyone could start an exploration team; other for requiring friends (which the cubone didn't have), it required dedication, something Sebastian was too worthless to have...the usual late-night self-torment routine he seemed to be going through as of late.

To be honest, the only thing that kept him from breaking down into tears during the night were words of wisdom he read in a book. "Reality is for those with no imagination." Truer words have never been spoken to the creature; reality was limited. Only through one's thoughts, one's creativeness, one's imagination could one make a better life for themselves. And that is precisely what Sebastian was out here in Pecha Forest doing at such a god-forsaken hour. Testing the boundaries of his imagination!

"Come on now, friend. Just one step, that's all it takes to get started..!" Sebastian was talking to no-one in particular out there on the edges of the woods. The thoughts of what he was about to do, leave sight of Grassveil for the first time in his life, made him quite anxious. Despite the cold, sweat dripped down every inch of the critter's body; his muscles trembled, and his tail simply couldn't stop from swishing back and fourth. "You'll never leave anything behind to remember if you don't go. Or do you like being a waste of space?"

With a deep breath, the Cubone raised his foot. It shook almost uncontrollably - Yes, Sebastian was quite nervous. He was almost about to back away and head back to town; back to performing fake magic for entertainment and crying himself to sleep. Fortunately, he choose that exact moment to look up at the trees. Through the leaves and the fog, the sunlight shone through. The light refracted off the water in the air, creating the most innocent of wonders - a rainbow. The prismatic haze raised Sebastian's spirits; it was rather beautiful, a sight that couldn't be seen in Grassveil. Who knew what else lay out there?

The ground-type's steady foot touched the ground with a light crackle, the grass bending and breaking under him. One step down, and then another, and another... an infinity more to go.

An infinity Sebastian would savor every moment of.

Last edited by Dicearm on Sat Jul 06, 2013 9:12 pm; edited 3 times in total (Reason for editing : Re-worded something that seemed dumb in hindsigh)
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Reality's Beginning - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Reality's Beginning   Reality's Beginning - Page 2 EmptyThu Jul 18, 2013 12:02 am

Sebastian most certainly didn't the Sandshrew's help with being chastised. Already, in his mind, he was spiraling down the path of self-loathing;  So much for an inspirational trip to the woods. The critter was just about to permanently resign himself to his pretending as a stage magician...and then Douglas started asking questions. With a deep breath, the Cubone pushes his own emotions even further away.

"W-well...ah. I'm mostly a stage magician, you see. Card tricks, illusions, the usual..!" With a bit of a flourish, Sebastian throws one of his arms out and snaps. In the act of snapping, he dipped his paw into his cape  (whcih had billowed out over the creature's arm due to the flourish) and pulled out a fake, purple rose. To the untrained eye, it would simply seem to materialize out of thin air. "I. Don't really know any real magic..."

The Cubone trails off into thought, his gaze once more returning to the ground. Somehow or another, the same rock from earlier had rolled over onto the ground in front of Sebastian, almost as a reminder. Another snap, and the familiar purple glow enveloped it once more, levitating the hardened chunk of earth into the air once more. "...But. If I don't, then..why can I do this? I'm probably making this out to be more confusing than it is, but...I suppose I'm just lookin' for answers that Grassveil can't give me. That's all..!"

Last edited by Dicearm on Thu Jul 18, 2013 12:02 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Formatting fix)
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Reality's Beginning - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Reality's Beginning   Reality's Beginning - Page 2 EmptyThu Jul 18, 2013 10:51 pm

The cubone's parlor trick did not amuse Douglas, nor was he particularly surprised by it. The instant floating rock, however, was a bit more magical.

"How are you doin' that?"

The sandshrew reached out with his paw, tentatively touching the stone, setting it rotating on an invisible axis. He placed both hands around the stone and rotated them, searching for some physical trick. It also had the added illusion of making the rock seem to be be under his power. The feeling brought a smile to his lips. He played with his fingers as he rotated around the sorcery.

"That's really cool Sebastian..." Douglas dropped his hands, peering at the twirling object. "Don't this break the laws of thermodynamics? How are you doin' it? Is the spinnin' frictionless? Where is the energy? Shouldn't it be warmin'? Oh mah so many questions..."

Douglas leant back against a tree, now deep in thought. "Wait." He said somewhat more loudly then intended. "You lifted that and yer helmet. Could you lift sand? Like not in a clump but heaps of individual grains?"

Douglas quickly swung his bag from its place on his shoulders. He shook the leather bag, reaching down and pinching in a bottom corner. He had a small mount of sand from  his previous desert escapades. The adventurer dropped his bag and emptied the sand into his up turned palm. Apprehension was set upon his face as he waited for the cubone to hopefully do something magical.
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Reality's Beginning - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Reality's Beginning   Reality's Beginning - Page 2 EmptyTue Aug 06, 2013 2:29 pm

Sebastian held out his paw a bit, pushing the rock towards the enthralled creature before him. He let Mr. Douglas investigate it as he would, but there would be no tricks. Not this time. This was the Cubone's only true talent, after all; he wouldn't cheat himself by adding trickery to it. Granted, the critter st ill had much to learn, but...at least his friend seemed interested in it. Interested enough to ask every question that ever existed ever until his head spun, at least.

"I don't know, I don't know..! Ah. Again - That's why I'm out here. I don't know anything about how or why I can do this. I just can. I was hoping I could find someone who could explain it, but...well. No such luck yet." The creature sighed and dropped the rock unceremoniously as Douglas leaned back. Both creatures had more important things to worry about than just a silly little rock out here. Who knew when the next creature would come to interrupt them?

Sebastian took his helmet off and held it under an arm, casually trying his best to keep an eye out for..well, anything. They'd already been caught off-guard once; it'd probably be for the best if they were more alert.
"..Eh? Uhm..Individually? I'm not sure about that. I mean, it's not like I've tried before, but...." The critter sighed lightly; he couldn't really turn down the Sandshrew. Not when he sounded so excited. "...I guesss I could try~."

Once more, the sorcerer snapped his finger and shut his eyes. The clump of sand began to glow and lift out of Douglas's paw; but it was just that. A clump. Not individual grains like the treasure hunter was expecting. Sure, Sebastian tried to separate them in the air but...not very successfully. Oh well, at least he could lift it into the air. That was something, at least..!
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Reality's Beginning - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Reality's Beginning   Reality's Beginning - Page 2 EmptyWed Aug 07, 2013 11:43 pm

Douglas attempted to separate the floating satchel of sand with his digging claws, discovering Sebastian's magic had the affect of coating the sphere in a form of something akin to a glassy shell. This seemed to be making it as hard as solid stone so long as the sand remained under the cubone's influence.

The sandshrew failed to hide his disappointment. He had felt so close to finding a clue to his savior and his powers. Douglas felt stupid. He had gotten overexcited and had assumed too much. Yet no matter what, the adventurer always seemed to come off worst. Everything Douglas did in the pursuit of his mysterious mark resulted in failure and nothing more then wasted time, landing him soundly back at his starting point.

"Thank you Sebastian... Ah guess that is not the secret." Douglas sighed, disheartened. "Well, that's still pretty amazin' though..." He shrugged, not sure what else to do. The sandshrew had over invested in the idea and now he was upset at it's falsity and his own folly.

"So ya don't know how you do that huh?" Douglas laughed deep in his throat, crossed his arms and turned to examine the underbrush. "No offense, but isn't comin' out here counterproductive? Why don't you ask someone who might know?"
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Reality's Beginning - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Reality's Beginning   Reality's Beginning - Page 2 EmptySun Aug 11, 2013 12:36 pm

Sebastian couldn't help but drop the sand at his freind's dissapointing look. Of course it wasn't what he was looking for. It never was if it was him. The cubone flicked his tail in annoyance once more and turned his back to the Sandshrew; it was probably for the best if he left. After all, so far all the critter has done was annoy and irritate and dissapoint Mr. Douglas.

"It's not relaly that amazing though..I mean, you have other mons who can eat whole mountains, or melt boulders, or...or throw people across the room. All I'm doing is picking something up - It's not that special. Certainly not special enough to bother asking anyone else about." The Cubone raised one of his paws in acknowledgement and began departing the scene. He was right - It was a stupid idea to have come out here. All Sebastian did was make a mess of things once more.

"Though..Perhaps you're right. This probably isn't the best place to look - Maybe I'll go climb a mountain or something. Get lost in a desert. Something like that." Once more, Sebastian lets out a heavy sigh. Useless. Why was he always so useless? Perhaps it would just be best if he really did get lost in the desert. At least then, he'd be some scavenger's meal or something - It's not like anyone would miss him, anyways.

Who knew rainbows could be such liars?
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Reality's Beginning - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Reality's Beginning   Reality's Beginning - Page 2 EmptySun Aug 11, 2013 1:58 pm

Douglas turned to stop the departing cubone, reaching out. "Oi, wait a sec..." Douglas sighed. "Ya don't understand what it is yer doin' there, do you?"

The sandshrew shook his head as he began to pace, his hands miming in the air as he spoke. "Yeh, you gots yer toughnut rhyhorns that can move a mountain an' yer psychics what can make that sand ball like you just did for me, pyrokenisis aside... But that ain't what you go there."

Douglas turned back to the magician, poking a finger at his chest. "What ya gots right here, my friend, is the power of the soul. Not the mind... Not the guts... The soul. Yer very being... is energized beyond mah comprehension."

The treasure hunter rubbed the underside of his nose, then carefully adjusted his hat. "Ah wish I could tell ya more... That's all I know. Yer heart is the factor here. As fer the desert trek, you wouldn't last the day. Yer as green as a bulbasaur's backside. But Ah know mah way around those places. Ah'd gladly help you in pursuit of yer magic teachin's."

The sandshrew let a smile tug at his lips. "Ah want ta help you. Ah want ta learn too. Ah want ya... Ta try an' teach me. Ah know it's far fetched but Ah know Ah can do it. Mah parents taught me of it... Ah want to accompany you in yer quest."

Douglas extended his digging paw toward Sebastian, slight amounts of hope showing through his eyes. "Sebastian Prism, would you mind us workin' to similar goals? Will you join the guild with me and from a rescue team?"
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