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 Nearing [Semi Open]

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Nearing [Semi Open] Empty
PostSubject: Nearing [Semi Open]   Nearing [Semi Open] EmptySun Jan 20, 2013 4:44 am

The day of reckoning nears, Tom thought. Either he went to the Mountain Range or they went to him. Either way, Tom knew that a fight was on the way. He really shouldn't have joined the guild; he'd dragged Borein and Eva into it now. A small sigh escaped his lips.
The monochrome falls were a nice place to be in; he remembered finding it with Keyami, Starfire and some nerd, and remembered how they had planned to travel there together. Oh, it was too bad they couldn't. Actually, why did they not travel there?
Eh, that was irrelevant. A red glow appeared around Tom - rage - yet the Totodile had a sort of tranquil look on him, as though nothing in the world could disturb him. And indeed, nothing could disturb him, even with rage still active. He leaned against one of the stone walls, listening only to the soothing sound of droplets of water becoming one.

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Nearing [Semi Open] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Nearing [Semi Open]   Nearing [Semi Open] EmptyWed Jan 23, 2013 10:38 pm

An Absol wandered through the forest, heading for the waterfall. It was a hot topic at the moment that there was a set of ruins behind the falls, and being as inquisitive as she was, Tsukishiro wanted to investigate them. She had done double work yesterday so that she would be allowed to come and explore rather than doing daily guild duties. She just hoped that it would be worth it.
She stepped through the waterfall, shaking her fur to rid it of as much water as she could. Pausing, she tilted her head as she spotted a red glow up ahead.
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Nearing [Semi Open] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Nearing [Semi Open]   Nearing [Semi Open] EmptyWed Jan 23, 2013 10:59 pm

Tom turned his head at the sight of the absol, walking through the waterfall. The Totodile stood up straight and smiled. "Hey there!" He waved over to it. Even as he yelled cheerfully, the red glow around him never wavered. He jumped into the pool into which the falls fell and began swimming towards her, albeit slowly, so that he didn't scare her.
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Nearing [Semi Open] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Nearing [Semi Open]   Nearing [Semi Open] EmptySat Jan 26, 2013 1:41 am

"Hi!" smiled Tsukishiro, watching as the Totodile swam towards her. She noted the red glow around the water type, the name of the move it belonged to on the tip of her tongue. She frowned. She really needed to get better at memorizing all of these moves and items.
"What brings you to the falls?" she asked him.
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Nearing [Semi Open] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Nearing [Semi Open]   Nearing [Semi Open] EmptySat Jan 26, 2013 4:07 am

Tom smiled at the Absol. "Um... Training. Relaxation. Stuff. I'm planning to test out whether the increase of power when using rage is caused by getting angrier or if the anger's just a side effect. I really hope that it's a side effect, because then I'd be able to use the attack better." The Totodile moved onto dry land with ease. "I'm not testing that theory out now, though; I just want to relax first. What're you doing here, Absol? I'm Tom, by the way."
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Nearing [Semi Open] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Nearing [Semi Open]   Nearing [Semi Open] EmptySun Jan 27, 2013 11:24 pm

"Oh me? I was planning on exploring the ruins that were found further in. I'm Tsukishiro by the way, most just call me Shiro. Pleased to meet you!" smiled the Absol. She blinked, realising that she had seen the Totodile around the Guild a few times. Maybe he was a fellow guild member.
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Nearing [Semi Open] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Nearing [Semi Open]   Nearing [Semi Open] EmptyMon Jan 28, 2013 5:06 am

"Shiro. Huh; a'ight. Want a companion to explore the place with you? I need to stop procrastinating and start training, anyway." He smiled kindly at the absol, though the red 'rage' aura never faded. "I was supposed to explore this place about a month ago with Keyami, Star and some other guy, but something happened, and the exploration ended up cancelled."
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Nearing [Semi Open] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Nearing [Semi Open]   Nearing [Semi Open] EmptyTue Jan 29, 2013 10:55 pm

"Oh... that's unfortunate," she frowned, "But anyway. I'd love the company!" she grinned. Tsukishiro always preferred working with others, it was a shame that she couldn't find anyone to be a permanent member of her exploration team. Everyone was either uninterested or had their own motives that -to Shiro- weren't in the best interests of the team.
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Nearing [Semi Open] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Nearing [Semi Open]   Nearing [Semi Open] EmptyThu Jan 31, 2013 3:48 am

"Alright. So, shall we?" He grinned and began walking to the entrance to the cave within monochrome falls, vaguely noting the crystals that decorated it. "I don't suppose you've got flash or another light-forming move, do you? Because I don't think this aura is luminescent, and this place looks like it's gonna be really dark further in."
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Nearing [Semi Open] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Nearing [Semi Open]   Nearing [Semi Open] EmptyFri Feb 08, 2013 1:00 am

"Unfortunately I don't..." frowned Tsukishiro as she followed Tom towards the cave entrance, "I guess we'll just have to watch our step."
Smiling cheerfully to keep spirits up, the Absol then wandered into the cave, deciding not to waste any time exploring. It was a shame she didn't have any sticks or anywhere to find dead plantlife. If she did, she could have attempted to make a torch of some kind.
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Nearing [Semi Open] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Nearing [Semi Open]   Nearing [Semi Open] EmptyFri Feb 08, 2013 7:00 am

Tom nodded and sighed. "Alright, let's check this place out, shall we?"
The ruins were monochromatic - as the name suggested. The rocks were a monotonous gray, the small puddles on the floor looked dull, what marks there were on the walls were illegible and barely distinguishable from the walls themselves... Even catching occasional glimpses of Pokemon were about as exciting as staring at the ceiling.
"Well, I don't know what you were expecting, but I was sort of expecting more of an adventure. Even the Serene cave was pretty interesting." The totodile sighed and yawned before moving out and stubbing his toe on some monotonous item.
"Ow, dammit! What's this?" He said as he picked up the thing.
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Nearing [Semi Open] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Nearing [Semi Open]   Nearing [Semi Open] EmptyWed Mar 20, 2013 2:19 pm

Tsukishiro shrugged, "Perhaps we just need to go further in..."
The Absol trailed off as the Totodile stubbed his toe on something. Turning around, she peered at the item.
"I can't really see in the darkness," she blinked, "What does it feel like?"
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Nearing [Semi Open] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Nearing [Semi Open]   Nearing [Semi Open] EmptyThu Mar 21, 2013 2:22 am

Tom felt it, noting its gravelly texture. "I think it's gravelrock." He said. He frowned. "Well, this is useless; it's too dark to actually aim it anyway." He said as he threw it behind him, intending to forget all about it.
Fate, of course, loves to mess with us all.
The sound of a Pokemon yelling in pain as the gravelrock made contact stopped Tom in his tracks. "Oh Arceus." He groaned as angered noises came closer to the duo.
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Nearing [Semi Open] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Nearing [Semi Open]   Nearing [Semi Open] EmptySat Jun 15, 2013 9:05 pm

"Oh crap. I figure we should probably run, seeing as there's no way we can fight in the pitch black," suggested Tsukishiro, backing away from the angered noises that were coming towards them. She hadn't the foggiest what it was, only that it was certain to be a feral pokemon that lived in these ruins.

(Oh gawd. Sorry ant I completely forgot about this thread. I figure we should either finish it or find a way to quickly end it. Whichever you wanna do is up to you.)
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Nearing [Semi Open] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Nearing [Semi Open]   Nearing [Semi Open] EmptyTue Jun 18, 2013 3:24 pm

Tom nodded - not that the absol would be able to see his response - and began running away from the noise. "Ah, we really should have brought a fire type with us or something," he mumbled as he stopped himself short of running into a wall, which was hit with a nigh-invisible rock a few seconds later. "Maybe we should fight the thing or something? I mean, it'll be hard to do it in the dark, but if we go away from it, we'll just go further in!"
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Nearing [Semi Open] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Nearing [Semi Open]   Nearing [Semi Open] Empty

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