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 The Super Secret Society of Secretiveness

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The Super Secret Society of Secretiveness Empty
PostSubject: The Super Secret Society of Secretiveness   The Super Secret Society of Secretiveness EmptyFri Oct 25, 2019 11:17 pm

» Organisation Name: The Super Secret Society of Secretiveness
» Aims:

  • Plot against the adults
  • Get back at Old Man Jenkins on 67878 Pecha Lane for not giving back our soccer ball
  • Help each other with homework
  • Go on wicked cool adventures
  • Be friends
  • Do a bunch of cool things and be cool
  • Take over Grassveil
  • DnD nights are on Saturdays
  • Tell Chance how awesome he is
  • Tell Emmelyn she’s a nerd
    Mom wants to talk to you >:(

» Base Location: Small Pond

» Organisation Head: Chance the Zorua
» Link to bio of head: https://pmd-roleplay.forumotion.org/t5616-chance-kibakoru-kiba-surzei-the-zorua?highlight=Chance
» Second-In-Command: ???
» Link to bio of second: ??

» Does your organisation need a separate board?: No.
» Justification: n/a
» Other needs: A stickied thread in small pond would be nice to have for people to use to sign up for threads separate from the IO itself would be nice.

» Board Name: n/a
» Board Description: n/a

» Rules of your organisation:

  • Your character must be a child, teen, canonical parent/guardian, or friend of a canonical parent/guardian. It is perfectly permissible to use an NPC as an excuse to get in.
  • Evolution is independent from age. You can still be a fully evolved child.
  • You may join other IOs along with this one.
  • This is an IC-RP focused IO, there will likely not be any serious rewards or prizes.
  • All children must have parental/guardian permission to join if any exist.
  • Please title all S4 threads as [S4]
  • Characters shouldn't tell outsiders about the club! If they see a prospective member they can't explicitly tell them what it is and what it's about, they need to bring them to Chance for initiation and recruitment.
  • IC Recruitment/Initiation threads are optional but recommended.

» Extensive Description of Organisation: Are you alone? Have you ever wanted friends? Wanna be SUPER COOL? Well, this is the club for you! S4 is super secret society with super secret plans for super cool stuff. It’s super!  If you’re a kid, you’re a little kid. Anybody over the equivalent of 13 is given the title of “Big Kid”, while all adults (18+) are supervisors.

The organization is relaxed and mostly rp-based fun. We will likely not be offering any serious rewards, competitions, or missions for characters to perform. Instead, a list of topics will be presented in the sign-up thread of various activities to participate in and sign up for. Once the thread slots are filled for the activity, the topic may be created with other characters you might not normally roleplay with and help establish relationships between characters. This is more so to assist in coming up with topic ideas, help people who may be struggling to get topics and having fun.

Any “rewards” for any sort of event S4 may host are more than likely to be entirely IC, such as being “king” for a thread or some advantage in games such as immunity during tag or a buff during a board game.

“Supervisors” are in charge of watching the kids. They communicate with other supervisors and watch over the children. Though sometimes they might act as more of an obstacle for fun for the kids to get around than a guardian. It depends on both the thread activity and the character!

A “Big Kid” usually hangs out with other big kids and sometimes supervises for the little kids. A big kid is more flexible in their purpose for threads, as they can easily choose between being childish and joining the fun or being the kill-joy that stops the kids from doing something dangerous and stupid.

Last edited by Lazarus Rex on Mon Oct 28, 2019 6:29 am; edited 1 time in total
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Join date : 2012-07-23
Location : Jabberwock Island

The Super Secret Society of Secretiveness Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Super Secret Society of Secretiveness   The Super Secret Society of Secretiveness EmptyFri Oct 25, 2019 11:45 pm

Approved by @Solilo
I'm not biased I swear xD

You can post your IO signup thread in this board but be sure to read over the rules and guidelines for what the signup thread should include before you post it.

Don't forget to write up a short version of your IO's entry requirements (if any) and a short description/summary of your IO and send them to an administrator so they can be added to the IO list found in the rules board. You may also select a colour to be used to represent your IO in that list if you wish to as well. (You can probs add these yourself if you want Kat ^^')
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