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 Silent Screams and Ice Cream

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Silent Screams and Ice Cream - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Silent Screams and Ice Cream   Silent Screams and Ice Cream - Page 2 EmptySat Feb 16, 2019 12:43 am

First topic message reminder :

It had been an emotional rollercoaster - after Julian arrived in Grassveil with her new friend, so many pokemon suddenly joined the group, all wanting new friendships and a tour of the town. However, this all turned for the worst when an adorable, yet kinda airheaded(from Julie's perspective at least) Jigglypuff, joined. This put Julie's new friend on edge, and for as hard as she tried to help, her own emotional state was thrown out of whack as she spoke out of turn and Yigo seemed to turn on everyone, being especially aggressive towards the Jigglypuff before running...

Since then, things had calmed down. Julian was exceptionally tired, though when was she not? Emotionally tired, at least - she was drained from the crying and the anger and the frustration, she could barely feel relieved or happy now that things calmed. And now as a small new issue arose, she was getting a headache from the awkwardness and anxiousness. In general, she just wanted food.
She only had 100 Poke if she remembered, yet she couldn't find it... Oh no.
Trucy, one of the companions who joined them shortly before her falling out with Yigo, outright admit she was broke. And Alki really didn't seem okay with it, but just didn't want to upset anyone...

Julian was overwhelmingly trying to make up for Alki's attitude, forcing a bright smile on her own chubby face as she nodded, "Yes! This is okay, it's perfect. Thank you- I just wish I could have helped out..." She looked away, trying to keep the smile up, only chuckling to release the awkwardness. It didn't really work.
"You're... really nice to do all this. Thank you."

Last edited by ThePromiseIncarnate on Sat Feb 16, 2019 8:45 am; edited 2 times in total (Reason for editing : fixing text colors)
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Silent Screams and Ice Cream - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Silent Screams and Ice Cream   Silent Screams and Ice Cream - Page 2 EmptySat May 04, 2019 6:03 am

Alki had finally began moving, much to Julie's delight, as the group headed off to the first destination of their tour, the police station.
Julian's awkwardness after her overeating left her distracted from thinking about Yigo as well as how odd Alki was acting. Eventually, however, Julian had begun falling behind as she was a bit slow compared to the others, and upon seeing how far ahead Alki got, Julian began running after her, letting out a slightly desperate request, "U- uh hold up!"

Once Alki reached the police station and Julian had caught up, she looked at it and tilted her head.
Huh, neat.
Where to next though? She honestly wouldn't mind just heading to the guild now after how long today was...

(Wow jeez I'm so sorry that took so long ;-; )
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Silent Screams and Ice Cream - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Silent Screams and Ice Cream   Silent Screams and Ice Cream - Page 2 EmptyWed May 15, 2019 12:29 am

Unlike Julian, Trucy had little trouble keeping up with the fleet-footed Jigglypuff, since she could simply fly above any passerby that came her way. Though, during the trek towards the Police station, she heard Julian’s plea, and decided to slow down. It was only then when she realized how fast the the Jigglypuff was going.
“She sure is in a rush... does she even know that we’re lagging behind?” The tiny robin said to herself.

It was only shortly after her realization that they finally arrived at the police station. The building gave off a bit of an alluring presence. “So this is where criminals are put in there place then, huh?” she thought to herself.  After making a quick mental note of where the police station is, she looked at the others, “All right, where to next?”
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Silent Screams and Ice Cream - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Silent Screams and Ice Cream   Silent Screams and Ice Cream - Page 2 EmptyThu Jun 20, 2019 2:27 am

"Ummm..." Alki stammered, unsure herself of what exactly came next too. The police station was nice and all, but she didn't know what else to say about it. Actually, it wasn't nice! Her eyes widened in response to seemingly nothing. That was where outlaws ended up... Wasn't she one? If she screwed up in her job at some point, then she'd be seeing the inside of this place... That wasn't nice at all! Alki regretted coming to the police station, as it only seemed to agitate her further. The Jigglypuff's ears began to twitch as she tapped her foot, eager to leave.

"U-Uh... I d-don't... d-don't really..." She struggled to come up with some adequate location next, but nothing came to mind. But it was too early to go to the guild! Alki felt like crying all over again. "U-Um..." She felt it coming... "G-Give me a second..." She managed to stammer out, blinking rapidly so as to hold back the tears
before giving a cursory glance to her surroundings. She needed to go somewhere, if only for a bit. Gather her thoughts... Let out her tears alone, and hopefully come back once she felt better. But she couldn't feel better unless she was alone! Alki teleported away from the two, trying to remind herself that she ought to come back to them soon. She wasn't sure if that would happen. She landed on all fours, amidst a crowd of people some meters away. She wasn't even really sure. She rose up quickly, and scuttled away, flushing red with embarrassment and anger. Why the hell were things going so badly? And why couldn't she just be a decent person to these two...

Alki leaned against a wall, trying to ignore the nearby complaints of a Pokemon that she may or may not have knocked over when she teleported and simply focused on her breathing. In... Out... In... Out... She cleaned away her tears, and waited for her emotions to subside.
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Silent Screams and Ice Cream - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Silent Screams and Ice Cream   Silent Screams and Ice Cream - Page 2 EmptyFri Jun 21, 2019 3:04 pm

Julian stood there on all fours as she awaited an answer
She was getting a little worried for the jigglypuff.
She walked over to her, "A- Alki? Are you okay?"
Then like that, the jigglypuff disappeared. Julian was quite taken back, looking around in a small panic, standing up on her hind legs as she she almost seemed to throw her head around. "A- Alki?! Alki!", she cried out, her voice slowly going from distress and panic to sadness and anger.
And once again, she was left. What the hell do the two of them do now?!

The chubby zangoose had furrowed her brow, her breathing was fast, she looked like she was about to explode.
Then she relaxed for a moment, with a big sigh, and just got back on all fours, "...do you know where the guild is, Trucy?" She had quickly let go...
No need to be mad if they were the ones that left you. This is only the second time, and Yigo left because he's probably some criminal not wanting to be near the guild.
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Silent Screams and Ice Cream - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Silent Screams and Ice Cream   Silent Screams and Ice Cream - Page 2 EmptySun Jun 23, 2019 12:31 am

Trucy quickly caught on to the Jigglypuff’s uneasiness. “Alki, W-what’s wrong?!” she said in a vain attempt to console the unstable Jigglypuff. However, her attempts proved to be useless, as the Jigglypuff quickly teleported away. All the fletchling could say in response was a simple “What...?”. She looked around in astonishment. “What did we do wrong?” Trucy said to herself. She looked down at the ground with a sad look, believing that they could’ve helped Alki out...

However, her brooding was cut short, as Julian asked her if she knew where the guild was located. She quickly looked up from the ground, “Oh! Uh... no...” she said, she put her bad mood behind her, she still had Julian with her. “Though I can probably find it in a jiffy, thanks to the power of flight!” She said, as she launched herself up into the air, and looked around. She kept Alki in mind, but she couldn’t find her... eventually, she did find the guild. “It looks like it’s actually pretty close from here!” She shouted from above.
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Silent Screams and Ice Cream - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Silent Screams and Ice Cream   Silent Screams and Ice Cream - Page 2 EmptyWed Jul 24, 2019 1:32 am

At first, Julie seemed a little disappointed when Trucy said no, but when they both seemed to remember she could fly, Trucy took off to the skies to scout the area.
Julian was at least glad for that. If Trucy wasn't a flying pokémon, they'd probably have to ask another mon for help. She wasn't sure she'd be ready for that.
"All right, lead the way!", the chubby zangoose called out, as she got ready to get moving. Even with potential new friends gone, Trucy was still here.
Soon, they were on the move again, deciding to head straight for their destination...  

(Sorry for taking so long - lots of stuff came up and I couldn't even think about RPing. It was also kinda hard to write this post for some reason. Anyways, whenever you're ready, within the next few posts we should make a guild master request right?)

Last edited by ThePromiseIncarnate on Fri Aug 16, 2019 6:22 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Silent Screams and Ice Cream - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Silent Screams and Ice Cream   Silent Screams and Ice Cream - Page 2 EmptyFri Jul 26, 2019 9:13 am

“Aye, aye!” Trucy said In response to Julie’s go ahead. Trucy began to fly northward, away from the Police Station. It seems like going to the final destination, being the guild, was going to come a lot faster than initially expected. It wasn’t the most surprising thing to happen to both of them today, far from it, actually. But it was still shocking regardless.  “So uh... crazy day... right?” She said, desperate to break the ice. “Honestly, I’m just glad it’s almost over...”  she followed, as she made a right turn.  “Not too much longer until we reach the guild.” She said with a tinge of relief. Pretty soon she can put this insane first day to rest...

(No problem! I’ve found myself in similar situations myself, so I can’t judge. It’s up to you when you want make the request for the Guild master, just remember to lock this thread beforehand.)
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Silent Screams and Ice Cream - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Silent Screams and Ice Cream   Silent Screams and Ice Cream - Page 2 EmptyFri Aug 16, 2019 6:50 pm

Julian followed after Trucy as she flew toward the Guild, going as fast as she could to keep up as she wore a relaxed, maybe even a little determined grin, now that the day could finally be over and she had gotten what she wanted.
Passing by many stands and other Pokemon, she remained undistracted in her quest for the Guild.

"Yeah, you can say that again!", Julie called out to the flying Pokemon above as they kept moving.
"How much closer is it?", she asked, her mind running wild with thoughts about the guild, a light amount of anxiety, mostly drowned out by her burst of energy, as she kept moving...

(About to lock this thread, if you're ready. Should you or I make the Guildmaster Hall thread?)
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Silent Screams and Ice Cream - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Silent Screams and Ice Cream   Silent Screams and Ice Cream - Page 2 EmptySun Aug 18, 2019 3:40 am

As Trucy started to make a left turn, she looked down and called from above, “After this last turn, we should be there!” She looked back up to see the Grassveil Guild in all of it’s glory. “Hey look! It’s the Grassveil guild! We’re really here!” She descended from the sky quickly and with energy, even going so far as to add a little spin. She reached the ground and looked at the guild, and then back at Julian. “We’re finally here, it honestly doesn’t feel real...” Trucy said in an excited tone. Her childhood dream of becoming an explorer, like the ones she read about in books, was about to become a reality.

As she waited for Julian to fully catch up with her, Trucy could only think of one thing...

This is where their own story will truly begin.

(Alrighties, if you don’t mind, could you start up the Guildmaster Hall thread? That would be much appreciated.)
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