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 Social Quandaries~

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Posts : 105
Poké : 250
Join date : 2018-09-03
Location : What IS location? What is the solid ground of which we stand without the soul that lives within it? How can you really call a location your home when you are missing the one thing that makes a location that which it is?

Social Quandaries~ - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Social Quandaries~   Social Quandaries~ - Page 2 EmptyThu Dec 27, 2018 6:15 am

First topic message reminder :

There was still snow.

It still snowed outside.

A week had passed since Radar first came to Grassveil Town, since he first met Yigo, first explored the town with him...a week since all that drama with a certain Jigglypuff and Zangoose broke out. That was a stressful moment in time, one Radar was happy to put behind him after a week of amazement and bliss with his new best friend, his first ever friend. He was currently living with Yigo the Sandshrew in the Ground Type's burrow since the young Murkrow didn’t have anywhere to go or stay, and a week of living and sleeping—Yigo slept, Radar had Insomnia for an ability so couldn’t—with the Sandshrew was the greatest week of his life.

So where was Yigo, now?

The answer was simple;

There was still snow.

The Ground Type didn’t seem to like the cold, Radar could still perfectly picture Yigo falling on his haunches and the loud, startling shriek that came with it the second his butt touched the snow. It was still early and Radar had sneaked out while Yigo was sound asleep, perched atop a thick and strong branch protruding from a large tree in the park Yigo had shown him a week ago when the bird first came, roosting as he looked down at the other Pokémon. The Dark-Flying Type started to feel increasingly bored as he watched kids frolic around and play in the field of flowers near the tree that was now covered in a thick blanket of snow. The Dark Type was running low on Poké, and Yigo didn’t have any, so that was a concern he couldn’t get out of his mind, stressing him out a bit. Radar missed Yigo, wished he could be here to play...but, unfortunately, Yigo didn’t enjoy the snow, so...the child had to entertain himself for a little while, just to kill some time because he was bored and stressed. Not a good combination...
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Posts : 105
Poké : 250
Join date : 2018-09-03
Location : What IS location? What is the solid ground of which we stand without the soul that lives within it? How can you really call a location your home when you are missing the one thing that makes a location that which it is?

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PostSubject: Re: Social Quandaries~   Social Quandaries~ - Page 2 EmptyWed Mar 06, 2019 3:31 am

“Have you ever been to Rainfront Town?” Rainfront Town...the bird started to lose focus, mind drifting off, thinking about the name Rainfront. His head was hurting, it was difficult to even think the name without feeling a sharp pain in his head in the form of a headache...it was probably just stress. Radar glanced down at the Jigglypuff...Alki...? That was her name...he watched Alki down below, confident it was her, she couldn’t be so bad, it’s been a week...maybe she forgot about me...?

Radar heard a scream, watching something fall down beneath him. Not just one scream, but two.

It happened so fast, Radar helplessly looking in the direction of the screams—right below him—and saw that the Fairy Type beneath him was one of the Pokémon screaming...where was the other one? Radar almost called out to Alki to move—as little help that would have done...he felt really bad...he didn’t exactly know what she did and Yigo made her sound really great...Radar couldn’t talk to her, though, it’d be dangerous to. Besides, he stopped himself from calling out and bit his tongue once he saw Alki disappear. Radar, feeling a bit worried, looked around for the Puff, not quite seeing her until she finally trudged out of the snow. Laying in the snow...must be pretty fun, huh...? Radar was bored out of his skull, something that wasn’t an entirely new experience for him, but now he had options for things to do...and couldn’t do any of them...figures. The Fennekin asked the object that fell if it was okay—Radar being in no position to judge—as Alki hid behind her, looking really scared. Is she scared really easily...?

Her gaze kept wandering up, and up, and up, until she finally made direct eye contact with Radar, sending chills down his spine that were from fear—not the cold. Okay, just hella relax...it’d be totally bizarro for her to remember you, you’re just another Murk— “H-Hello to you, too...” That voice silenced his thoughts, Radar not knowing what to do...she knew, didn’t she? Knew who he was...? Radar could only function enough to slowly raise his wing as if to say hello, the wing shaking and shuddering like crazy as the Dark-Flying Type stared wide eyed at the Jigglypuff...suddenly, burying himself in that snow like Alki had done seemed a lot more appealing all of a sudden. He couldn’t fly down to that group, he just couldn't! What would he do? What would he say? It was either that, or shove—and consequently bury—his head into a mound of snow and not look until they were gone and he could fly back to Yigo and calm down by looking at the Sandshrew. That always calms him down.

Radar had his plan set in motion; shove himself into the nearest pile of snow and wait Alki and this Fennekin out, than go back to Yigo's burrow and it’d be like he never left. There, there was a snow mound right near him, away from the group and near the Piplup. Surely, he wouldn’t mind...just resist the urge to take or stare at shiny, Radar... The Murkrow was ready to take flight...at least, mentally...sort of...he flew into the air, his talon not letting go of the branch, clinging for dear life. Then, after Radar had his flight already messed up, the same talon that held him in place suddenly slipped due to the snow, resulting in Radar falling to the ground. Radar—barely having enough time to recover—landed directly in the snow like he planned...just a heap of snow next to Alki and the Fennekin...the bird shoved his way into the pile of snow as best as he could, hoping to hide, desperately wanting to believe they couldn’t see him.

And so, Radar did everything he could to cover himself in as much snow as possible, not caring how silly or stupid he looked and refused to glance in the direction of or acknowledge the two Pokémon near him, wishing them away as best he could.
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PostSubject: Re: Social Quandaries~   Social Quandaries~ - Page 2 EmptyThu Mar 07, 2019 6:19 pm

Leander wasn't sure what he felt when his fall suddenly was halted. He stopped screaming, at the very least. Was he relieved? He had not hit anyone. Yet. Scared, maybe? He had no idea what had stopped it. What if it was permanent? Thankfully, that last worry was resolved mere seconds after it surfaced, as he was released from the unseen grip and was left to finish what little was left of his fall.

After landing softly in the snow, still a little puzzled, he was faced with the fennekin from before, asking him if he was okay. Nothing hurt, and complaining about the cold while standing in snow seemed unnecessary, so his conclusion was: "Yeah, I'm fine." He hopped up on the tips of his feet to try and get as far away from the snow as possible. If he still had a shot at not getting sick after this, it was worth the effort. "So sorry about that. It's not uncommon for my kind to fall, but I really should have paid attention to what was beneath me. Glad nobody was hurt." While they were talking, Leander could hear a comment from afar, complimenting a "catch". It took him a few seconds, but at last he managed to connect the dots and realize that the fennekin was the one who had helped him, probably with some kind of psychic force. Fennekin evolve into psychic-types, he believed, so them being able to utilize some sort of psi powers didn't seem too far-fetched. "Oh, and thank you so much for helping. It really was a nice catch. Although I don't really have any other catches to compare it to, ka ka..."

Just as he finished speaking, he noticed the jigglypuff who had been with the fennekin earlier return from... somewhere. Frankly, he had been unable to see her leave in the first place. Were jigglypuff just very fast runners or something? He had trouble imagining that. That mattered little, though. She seemed wary as she hid behind her friend, probably because of him. That second scream from earlier had probably come from her, too. Leander sunk down on the soles of his feet again. This was bad. He had finally met one of those adorable jigglypuff, and had already managed to frighten her. He carefully greeted her back as she said hi, but wanted to break out in apologies again when he saw her shrink back.

Those apologies never got out, as he noticed  the balloon pokémon look somewhere else, and ended up following her gaze instead. It traveled up to the murkrow kid he had been talking to before he fell. He could see him standing eerily still, waving one trembling wing back at the jigglypuff as she greeted him as well. Hopefully he was fine. It was never fun to see children sad and struggling like that.

Just as he was wishing for the kid's well-being, that very kid proceeded to make an attempt at flying away, obviously screwing something up and thus falling, and by chance landing in the snow drift closest to the three. "Hey, are you okay? You didn't hu- uh, hurt yourself?", the seedot began asking as he looked past the other two, only for his speech to pause for a moment, then continue, now slowed down by confusion as the crow began trying to shroud himself in the snow. After that he merely watched the murkrow, then looked at the other two, hoping that they possibly knew what was up.
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PostSubject: Re: Social Quandaries~   Social Quandaries~ - Page 2 EmptyWed Apr 10, 2019 11:35 pm

Mille was glad to see that the Seedot was completely fine, despite their fall. She smiled lightly at the brief complement from a Piplup stood a few feet away, but her attention was quickly snapped up again by the Seedot before her.

"It's no problem," she smiled warmly to the Seedot's expression of gratitude, "I'm just glad no one was hurt." As she was speaking with the Seedot, Alki seemed to return, hiding behind her. The Fennekin glanced back to the young Jigglypuff, concerned for her wariness. Was it the Seedot that had scared her?

Alki greeted the Seedot, pausing before she looked up into the trees above them and greeted someone else. Mille glanced up, spotting the Murkrow within the tree once again. Did they know each other?

Before she had a chance to ask, the Murkrow seemed to flail on its perch, before slipping off and landing in the snow next to them. Mille blinked, watching as the bird appeared to be trying to bury itself further rather than attempt to free itself. Small amounts of snow were flicked towards her and Mille couldn't help but think that it was too early for this many odd pokemon to be congregating in the park. At the very least, she was definitely awake now.
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Location : In front of a computer.

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PostSubject: Re: Social Quandaries~   Social Quandaries~ - Page 2 EmptyTue Apr 23, 2019 3:57 am

Following the Seedot's fall, the pokémon involved discussed what had happened and expressed positive sentiments towards one another, about as to be expected. The Seedot was fine, and thankful for the "catch" from the Fennekin. All was right in the world, or at least, the park. Barring one thing, of course. Clovis had no more food to eat, and thus nothing to do, except continue to witness the events transpiring around him.

He shifted his gaze upwards, to the top of the tree, and decided to focus on the Murkrow and whatever his antics would wind up being. The Murkrow remained on his perch for a bit, but after a stuttery “H-Hello” from the Jigglypuff, began to seem worried, responding with a shaky half-wave with his wing and by staring down at her, wide-eyed, for a moment. The Murkrow was clearly uncomfortable because of something, though Clovis hadn't the slightest idea what the reason might be. It wasn't because he was staring, no, it might be related to something someone had said.

With one pokémon having fallen out of the tree already, it was a bit ironic that the Murkrow, a 'mon capable of flight, would fall soon after. The Murkrow attempted to take flight by flapping his wings, but his feet had gotten caught, and so he went tumbling down into the snow below. For that moment, Clovis was almost glad that Piplup couldn't fly.

Quickly enough after the Murkrow had fallen, the Seedot began to ask if the Murkrow was alright, all the while the Murkrow seemed to be buried in snow, and almost... digging in it? Softly, Clovis spoke the words "My goodness." A noncommittal reaction to his surroundings, as he continued to stand where he was and look at the strange Murkrow in the snow.
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